"============================================================================= " FILE: action.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! unite#sources#action#define() abort return s:source endfunction let s:source = { \ 'name' : 'action', \ 'description' : 'candidates from unite action', \ 'action_table' : {}, \ 'hooks' : {}, \ 'default_action' : 'do', \ 'syntax' : 'uniteSource__Action', \ 'is_listed' : 0, \} function! s:source.hooks.on_syntax(args, context) abort "{{{ syntax match uniteSource__ActionDescriptionLine / -- .*$/ \ contained containedin=uniteSource__Action syntax match uniteSource__ActionDescription /.*$/ \ contained containedin=uniteSource__ActionDescriptionLine syntax match uniteSource__ActionMarker / -- / \ contained containedin=uniteSource__ActionDescriptionLine syntax match uniteSource__ActionKind /(.\{-}) / \ contained containedin=uniteSource__ActionDescriptionLine highlight default link uniteSource__ActionMarker Special highlight default link uniteSource__ActionDescription Comment highlight default link uniteSource__ActionKind Type endfunction"}}} " @vimlint(EVL102, 1, l:sources) function! s:source.gather_candidates(args, context) abort "{{{ if empty(a:args) return [] endif let candidates = copy(a:args[0]) " Print candidates. call unite#print_source_message(map(copy(candidates), \ "'candidates: '.get(v:val, 'unite__abbr', \ get(v:val, 'abbr', v:val.word)) \ .'('.v:val.source.')'"), self.name) " Print default action. let default_actions = [] for candidate in candidates let default_action = unite#action#get_default_action( \ candidate.source, candidate.kind) if default_action != '' call add(default_actions, default_action) endif endfor let default_actions = unite#util#uniq(default_actions) if len(default_actions) == 1 call unite#print_source_message( \ 'default_action: ' . default_actions[0], self.name) endif " Process alias and uniq. let uniq_actions = {} for action in values(s:get_actions(candidates, \ a:context.source__sources)) if !has_key(action, action.name) let uniq_actions[action.name] = action endif endfor let actions = filter(values(uniq_actions), 'v:val.is_listed') let max_name = max(map(copy(actions), 'len(v:val.name)')) let max_kind = max(map(copy(actions), 'len(v:val.from)')) + 2 let sources = map(copy(candidates), 'v:val.source') return sort(map(actions, "{ \ 'word' : v:val.name, \ 'abbr' : printf('%-".max_name."s %s -- %-".max_kind."s %s', \ v:val.name, (v:val.is_quit ? '!' : ' '), \ '('.v:val.from.')', v:val.description), \ 'source__candidates' : candidates, \ 'action__action' : v:val, \ 'source__context' : a:context, \ 'source__source_names' : sources, \ }"), 's:compare_word') endfunction"}}} " @vimlint(EVL102, 0, l:sources) function! s:compare_word(i1, i2) abort return (a:i1.word ># a:i2.word) ? 1 : -1 endfunction " Actions "{{{ let s:source.action_table.do = { \ 'description' : 'do action', \ } function! s:source.action_table.do.func(candidate) abort "{{{ let context = a:candidate.source__context if !empty(context.unite__old_buffer_info) " Restore buffer_name and profile_name. let buffer_name = \ get(get(context.unite__old_buffer_info, 0, {}), 'buffer_name', '') if buffer_name != '' let context.buffer_name = buffer_name endif let profile_name = \ get(get(context.unite__old_buffer_info, 0, {}), 'profile_name', '') if profile_name != '' let context.profile_name = profile_name endif endif if a:candidate.action__action.is_quit && \ !a:candidate.action__action.is_start call unite#all_quit_session(0) endif call unite#action#do(a:candidate.word, \ a:candidate.source__candidates, context, context.source__sources) " Check quit flag. if !a:candidate.action__action.is_quit \ && context.temporary let input = unite#get_current_unite().input call unite#start#resume_from_temporary(context) if input != '' " Apply previous input changes call unite#mappings#narrowing(input, 0) endif " Check invalidate cache flag. if a:candidate.action__action.is_invalidate_cache for source_name in a:candidate.source__source_names call unite#helper#invalidate_cache(source_name) endfor call unite#force_redraw() endif endif endfunction"}}} "}}} function! s:get_actions(candidates, sources) abort "{{{ let actions = unite#action#_get_candidate_action_table( \ a:candidates[0], a:sources) for candidate in a:candidates[1:] let action_table = unite#action#_get_candidate_action_table( \ candidate, a:sources) " Filtering unique items and check selectable flag. call filter(actions, 'has_key(action_table, v:key) \ && action_table[v:key].is_selectable') endfor return actions endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo