"============================================================================= " FILE: process.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Variables "{{{ call unite#util#set_default( \ 'g:unite_source_process_enable_confirm', 1) "}}} function! unite#sources#process#define() abort "{{{ return executable('ps') || (unite#util#is_windows() && executable('tasklist')) ? \ s:source : {} endfunction"}}} let s:source = { \ 'name' : 'process', \ 'description' : 'candidates from processes', \ 'default_action' : 'sigterm', \ 'action_table' : {}, \ 'alias_table' : { 'delete' : 'sigkill' }, \ } function! s:source.gather_candidates(args, context) abort "{{{ " Get process list. let _ = [] " In Windows, use tasklist. let command = unite#util#is_windows() ? 'tasklist' : 'ps auxww' let result = split(unite#util#system(command), '\n') if empty(result) return [] endif if unite#util#is_windows() let [message_linenr, start_result, min_len] = [0, 2, 5] else let [message_linenr, start_result, min_len] = [0, 1, 2] endif call unite#print_source_message( \ result[message_linenr], s:source.name) call add(_, { 'word' : result[message_linenr], 'is_dummy' : 1}) for line in result[start_result :] let process = split(line) if len(process) < min_len " Invalid output. continue endif call add(_, { \ 'word' : (unite#util#is_windows() ? \ process[0] : join(process[10:])), \ 'abbr' : line, \ 'action__pid' : process[1], \}) endfor return _ endfunction"}}} " Actions "{{{ let s:source.action_table.sigkill = { \ 'description' : 'send the KILL signal to processes', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:source.action_table.sigkill.func(candidates) abort "{{{ call s:kill('KILL', a:candidates) endfunction"}}} let s:source.action_table.sigterm = { \ 'description' : 'send the TERM signal to processes', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:source.action_table.sigterm.func(candidates) abort "{{{ call s:kill('TERM', a:candidates) endfunction"}}} let s:source.action_table.sigint = { \ 'description' : 'send the INT signal to processes', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ 'is_selectable' : 1, \ } function! s:source.action_table.sigint.func(candidates) abort "{{{ call s:kill('INT', a:candidates) endfunction"}}} let s:source.action_table.unite__new_candidate = { \ 'description' : 'create new process', \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 1, \ 'is_quit' : 0, \ } function! s:source.action_table.unite__new_candidate.func(candidate) abort "{{{ let cmdline = unite#util#input( \ 'Please input command args : ', '', 'shellcmd') if unite#util#is_windows() silent execute ':!start' cmdline else call system(cmdline . ' &') endif endfunction"}}} function! s:kill(signal, candidates) abort "{{{ if g:unite_source_process_enable_confirm if !unite#util#input_yesno( \ 'Really send the ' . a:signal .' signal to the processes?') echo 'Canceled.' return endif endif for candidate in a:candidates call unite#util#system(unite#util#is_windows() ? \ printf('taskkill /PID %d', candidate.action__pid) : \ printf('kill -%s %d', a:signal, candidate.action__pid) \ ) if unite#util#get_last_status() call unite#print_error(unite#util#get_last_errmsg()) endif endfor endfunction"}}} "}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker