" Vim syntax plugin for filetype name. " Maintainer: Barry Arthur " Israel Chauca F. " Version: 0.1 " Description: Long description. " Last Change: 2013-02-01 " License: Vim License (see :help license) " Location: syntax/vrs.vim " Website: https://github.com/Raimondi/vrs " " See vrs.txt for help. This can be accessed by doing: " " :helptags ~/.vim/doc " :help vrs " Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded if exists('b:current_syntax') finish endif " Allow use of line continuation. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim syn match vrsNameErr /^\S\+\s\+/ contained syn match vrsName /^\w\+\s\+/ contained syn match vrsFlavorErr /\%(^\S\+\s\+\)\@<=\S\+\s\+/ contained syn match vrsFlavor /\%(^\S\+\s\+\)\@<=\w\+\s\+/ contained syn match vrsCompItem /\w\+\|\d\+\|,\@<=\%(\\}\|[^}]\)\+/ contained syn match vrsCompose /\\%{\S\+,\d\+,\%(\\}\|[^}]\)*}/ contained contains=vrsCompItem syn match vrsRegExp /\%(^\S\+\s\+\S\+\s\+\)\@<=.*/ contains=vrsCompose contained syn match vrsCommand /^\S\+\s\+\S\+\s\+\S.*/ contains=vrsName,vrsFlavor,vrsNameErr,vrsFlavorErr,vrsRegExp,vrsComment syn match vrsContinued /^\s\+\S.*/ contains=vrsComment syn match vrsComment /\%(\%(\\\\\)*\\\)\@