" Vim plugin file " Language: Scala " Maintainer: Derek Wyatt " URL: https://github.com/derekwyatt/vim-scala " License: Apache 2 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if exists('g:loaded_scala') || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_scala = 1 " " Sort imports " " author: Leonard Ehrenfried <leonard.ehrenfried@gmail.com> " function! SortScalaImports() let save_cursor = getpos(".") if exists('g:scala_sort_across_groups') && g:scala_sort_across_groups call s:sortAcrossGroups() else call s:sortInsideGroups() end "move cursor to where it was before the function call call setpos('.', save_cursor) endfunction " Iterates over _all_ imports and puts them into 3 groups " " 1. Java/Scala imports like java.util.UUID " 2. Third party libraries " 3. First party libraries (ie. your own stuff) " function! s:sortAcrossGroups() let curr = 1 let first_line = -1 let last_line = -1 let trailing_newlines = 0 let java_scala_imports = [] let first_party_imports = [] let third_party_imports = [] " loop over lines in buffer while curr <= line('$') let line = getline(curr) if line =~ "^import" if first_line == -1 let first_line = curr endif if line =~ '^import \(java\(x\)\?\|scala\)\.' call add(java_scala_imports, line) elseif exists('g:scala_first_party_namespaces') let regex = '^import '.g:scala_first_party_namespaces if line =~ regex call add(first_party_imports, line) else call add(third_party_imports, line) endif else call add(third_party_imports, line) endif let trailing_newlines = 0 elseif empty(line) let trailing_newlines = trailing_newlines + 1 elseif first_line != -1 let last_line = curr - trailing_newlines - 1 " break out when you have found the first non-import, non-empty line break endif let curr = curr + 1 endwhile call cursor(first_line, 0) let to_delete = last_line - first_line if to_delete > 0 execute 'd'to_delete endif call s:sortAndPrint(first_party_imports) call s:sortAndPrint(third_party_imports) call s:sortAndPrint(java_scala_imports) if first_line != -1 " remove extra blank line at top execute 'delete' endif call cursor(last_line + 2, 0) if empty(getline(line("."))) execute 'delete' endif endfunction function! s:sortInsideGroups() call cursor(1, 1) let start = 1 let end = 1 " repeat until we find no more matches while(start > 0 && end > 0) let pos = line(".") " find first line with import let start = search('^import', 'cW') " find next line which starts with an import, ends with a newline " and the next line is not an import " the 'c' flag accepts matches at the current position allowing single line groups let end = search('^\import.*\n\(import\)\@!', 'cW') execute start','end'sort i' call cursor(end + 1, 0) " stop if end is the last line in the file if line("$") == end break endif endwhile endfunction function! s:sortAndPrint(imports) if len(a:imports) > 0 call sort(a:imports, "s:sortIgnoreCase") call append(line("."), "") call append(line("."), a:imports) endif endfunction " this useless function exists purely so the sort() ignores case " this is needed so scalaz/Scalaz appears next to each other function! s:sortIgnoreCase(i1, i2) return a:i1 == a:i2 ? 0 : a:i1 > a:i2 ? 1 : -1 endfunction command! SortScalaImports call SortScalaImports() " vim:set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et: