*vim-go.txt* Go development plugin *vim-go* ============================================================================== # # # ## ## #### ## ## ###### ####### # # ## ## ## ### ### ## ## ## ## # # ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ## # # ## ## ## ## ### ## ####### ## #### ## ## # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # ### #### ## ## ###### ####### # # # ============================================================================== CONTENTS *go-contents* 1. Intro........................................|go-intro| 2. Install......................................|go-install| 3. Commands.....................................|go-commands| 4. Mappings.....................................|go-mappings| 5. Text Objects.................................|go-text-objects| 6. Functions....................................|go-functions| 7. Settings.....................................|go-settings| 8. Syntax highlighting..........................|go-syntax| 9. Debugger.....................................|go-debug| 10. FAQ/Troubleshooting..........................|go-troubleshooting| 11. Development..................................|go-development| 12. Donation.....................................|go-donation| 13. Credits......................................|go-credits| ============================================================================== INTRO *go-intro* Go (golang) support for Vim. vim-go comes with sensible predefined settings (e.g. automatic `gofmt` on save), has code completion, snippet support, improved syntax highlighting, go toolchain commands, etc. It is highly customizable, and individual features can be toggled easily. vim-go leverages a number of tools developed by the Go community to provide a seamless Vim experience. * Compile your package with |:GoBuild|, install it with |:GoInstall| or test it with |:GoTest|. Run a single test with |:GoTestFunc|). * Quickly execute your current file(s) with |:GoRun|. * Improved syntax highlighting and folding. * Debug programs with integrated `delve` support with |:GoDebugStart|. * Code completion support via `gocode` and `gopls`. * `gofmt` or `goimports` on save keeps the cursor position and undo history. * Go to symbol/declaration with |:GoDef|. * Look up documentation with |:GoDoc| or |:GoDocBrowser|. * Easily import packages via |:GoImport|, remove them via |:GoDrop|. * Precise type-safe renaming of identifiers with |:GoRename|. * See which code is covered by tests with |:GoCoverage|. * Add or remove tags on struct fields with |:GoAddTags| and |:GoRemoveTags|. * Call `golangci-lint` with |:GoMetaLinter| to invoke all possible linters (`golint`, `vet`, `errcheck`, `deadcode`, etc.) and put the result in the quickfix or location list. * Lint your code with |:GoLint|, run your code through |:GoVet| to catch static errors, or make sure errors are checked with |:GoErrCheck|. * Advanced source analysis tools utilizing `guru`, such as |:GoImplements|, |:GoCallees|, and |:GoReferrers|. * Automatic `GOPATH` detection which works with `gb` and `godep`. Change or display `GOPATH` with |:GoPath|. * Integrated and improved snippets, supporting `ultisnips`, `neosnippet`, and `vim-minisnip`. * Share your current code to play.golang.org with |:GoPlay|. * On-the-fly information about the word under the cursor. Plug it into your custom Vim function. * Text objects such as "a function" (|go-af|) or "inner function" (|go-if|). * Most commands are run asynchronous in Neovim and Vim 8. Fully async building and testing. * Integrated with the Neovim terminal, launch |:GoRun| and other Go commands in a terminal buffer. * Switch between `file.go` and `file_test.go` code with |:GoAlternate|. * Supports integration with the Tagbar and ctrlp.vim plugins. * ...and more... ============================================================================== INSTALL *go-install* vim-go requires at least Vim 8.0.1453 or Neovim 0.4.0. On macOS, if you are still using your system version of vim, you can use homebrew to keep your version of Vim up-to-date with the following terminal command: > brew install vim The latest stable release, https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/releases/latest, is the recommended version to use. If you choose to use the master branch instead, please do so with caution; it is a _development_ branch. vim-go follows the standard runtime path structure and should work with any of the major plugin managers. For Pathogen or Vim |packages|, just clone the repo. For other plugin managers you may also need to add the lines to your vimrc to execute the plugin manager's install command. * Vim 8 |packages| > git clone https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git \ ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-go < * https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen > git clone https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-go < * https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug > Plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'do': ':GoUpdateBinaries' } < * https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim > NeoBundle 'fatih/vim-go' < * https://github.com/gmarik/vundle > Plugin 'fatih/vim-go' < * Manual (not recommended) > Copy all of the files into your `~/.vim` directory < You will also need to install all the necessary binaries. vim-go makes it easy to install all of them by providing a command, |:GoInstallBinaries|, to `go install` all the required binaries. The binaries will be installed to $GOBIN or $GOPATH/bin (default: $HOME/go/bin). It requires `git`. Depending on your installation method, you may have to generate the plugin's |:helptags| manually (e.g. `:helptags ALL`). Code completion is enabled by default via 'omnifunc', which you can trigger with |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O| (`<C-x><C-o>`). Supported Go plugins~ *vim-go-plugins* The following plugins are supported for use with vim-go: * Real-time completion (Vim): https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim * Real-time completion (Neovim and Vim 8): https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim Add the following line to your vimrc. This instructs deoplete to use omni completion for Go files. call deoplete#custom#option('omni_patterns', { 'go': '[^. *\t]\.\w*' }) * Display source code navigation in a sidebar: https://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar * Snippets: https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim or https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips or https://github.com/joereynolds/vim-minisnip * Interactive |:GoDecls| and |:GoDeclsDir|: https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim or https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim or https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim or https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim ============================================================================== COMMANDS *go-commands* *:GoReportGitHubIssue* :GoReportGitHubIssue GoReportGitHubIssue opens the default browser and starts a new bug report with useful system information. *:GoPath* :GoPath [path] GoPath sets and overrides GOPATH with the given {path}. If no {path} is given it shows the current GOPATH. If `""` is given as path, it clears current `GOPATH` which was set with |:GoPath| and restores `GOPATH` back to the initial value which was sourced when Vim was started. *:GoImport* :GoImport[!] [path] Import ensures that the provided package {path} is imported in the current Go buffer, using proper style and ordering. If {path} is already being imported, an error will be displayed and the buffer will be untouched. If [!] is given it will download the package with `go get` *:GoImportAs* :GoImportAs [localname] [path] Same as Import, but uses a custom local name for the package. *:GoDrop* :GoDrop [path] Remove the import line for the provided package {path}, if present in the current Go buffer. If {path} is not being imported, an error will be displayed and the buffer will be untouched. *:GoLint* :GoLint! [packages] Run the linter for the directory under your current file, or for the given packages. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoDoc* :GoDoc [word] Open the relevant GoDoc in split window for either the word[s] passed to the command or by default, the word under the cursor. *:GoDocBrowser* :GoDocBrowser [word] Open the relevant GoDoc in browser for either the word[s] passed to the command or by default, the word under the cursor. By default it opens the documentation in 'https://pkg.go.dev'. To change it see |'g:go_doc_url'|. *:GoFmt* :GoFmt Filter the current Go buffer through gofmt. It tries to preserve cursor position and avoids replacing the buffer with stderr output. *:GoImports* :GoImports Adjust imports using the setting of `g:go_imports_mode`. Like |:GoFmt|, It tries to preserve cursor position and avoids replacing the buffer with stderr output. *:GoPlay* :[range]GoPlay Share snippet to play.golang.org. If no [range] is given it shares the whole file, otherwise the selected lines are shared. Snippet URL is copied to system clipboard if Vim is compiled with 'clipboard' or 'xterm-clipboard' otherwise it's get yanked into the `""` register. *:GoVet* :GoVet[!] [options] Run `go vet` for the directory under your current file. Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string. Vet uses heuristics that do not guarantee all reports are genuine problems, but it can find errors not caught by the compilers. You may optionally pass any valid go vet flags/options. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoDef* :GoDef gd CTRL-] g<C-LeftMouse> <C-LeftMouse> Go to declaration/definition for the identifier under the cursor. By default the CTRL-] shortcut, the mapping `gd` and <C-LeftMouse>, g<LeftMouse> are enabled to invoke :GoDef for the identifier under the cursor. See |'g:go_def_mapping_enabled'| to disable them. No explicit arguments are supported. vim-go also keeps a per-window location stack, roughly analogous to how Vim's internal |tags| functionality works. This is pushed to every time a jump is made using the GoDef functionality. In essence, this is a LIFO list of file locations you have visited with |:GoDef| that is retained to help you navigate software. The per-window location stack is shared with |:GoDefType|. *:GoDefType* :GoDefType Go to type definition for the identifier under the cursor. The per-window location stack is shared with |:GoDef|. *:GoDefStack* :GoDefStack [number] This command Jumps to a given location in the jumpstack, retaining all other entries. Jumps to non-existent entries will print an informative message, but are otherwise a noop. If no argument is given, it will print out an interactive list of all items in the stack. Its output looks like this: 1 /path/first/file.go|1187 col 16|AddThing func(t *Thing) > 2 /path/thing/thing.go|624 col 19|String() string 3 /path/thing/thing.go|744 col 6|func Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string This list shows the identifiers that you jumped to and the file and cursor position before that jump. The older jumps are at the top, the newer at the bottom. The '>' points to the active entry. This entry and any newer entries below it will be replaced if |:GoDef| is done from this location. The CTRL-t and |:GoDefPop| command will jump to the position above the active entry. Jumps to non-existent entries will print an informative message, but are otherwise a noop. *:GoDefStackClear* :GoDefStackClear Clears the current stack list and resets it. *:GoDefPop* :GoDefPop [count] CTRL-t Navigate to the [count] earlier entry in the jump stack, retaining the newer entries. If no argument is given, it will jump to the next most recent entry (`:GoDefPop 1`). If [count] is greater than the number of prior entries, an error will be printed and no jump will be performed. If you have used :GoDefPop to jump to an earlier location, and you issue another :GoDef command, the current entry will be replaced, and all newer entries will be removed, effectively resuming the stack at that location. By default [count]CTRL-t is enabled to invoke :GoDefPop. Similarly, hitting CTRL-t without a prior count is equivalent to `:GoDefPop 1`. See |'g:go_def_mapping_enabled'| to disable this. *:GoRun* :GoRun[!] [expand] Build and run your current main package. By default all main files for the current file is used. If an argument is passed, [expand] is used as file selector. For example use `:GoRun %` to select the current file only. You may optionally pass any valid go run flags/options. For a full list please see `go help run`. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. If using neovim then `:GoRun` will run in a new terminal according to |'g:go_term_mode'|. The working directory will be the directory containing the current buffer. *:GoBuild* :GoBuild[!] [expand] Build your package with `go build`. Errors are populated in the quickfix window. It automatically builds only the files that depends on the current file. `:GoBuild` doesn't produce a result file. Use |:make| to create a result file. You may optionally pass any valid go build flags/options. For a full list please see `go help build`. Options are expanded with [expand]. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. If using neovim then this command is fully async, it does not block the UI. *:GoGenerate* :GoGenerate[!] [expand] Creates or updates your auto-generated source files by running `go generate`. You may optionally pass any valid go generate flags/options. For a full list please see `go help generate`. Options are expanded with [expand]. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoInfo* :GoInfo Show type information about the identifier under the cursor. For example putting it above a function call is going to show the full function signature. By default it uses `gopls` to get the type informations. To change the underlying tool from `gopls` to another tool, see |'g:go_info_mode'|. *:GoInstall* :GoInstall[!] [options] Install your package with `go install`. You may optionally pass any valid go install flags/options. For a full list please see `go help install`. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoTest* :GoTest[!] [expand] Run the tests on your _test.go files via in your current directory. Errors are populated in the quickfix window. If an argument is passed, [expand] is used as file selector (useful for cases like `:GoTest ./...`). You may optionally pass any valid go test flags/options. For a full list please see `go help test`. GoTest times out automatically after 10 seconds. To customize the timeout use |'g:go_test_timeout'|. This feature is disabled if any arguments are passed to the `:GoTest` command. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. If using neovim `:GoTest` will run in a new terminal or run asynchronously in the background according to |'g:go_term_enabled'|. You can set the mode of the new terminal with |'g:go_term_mode'|. *:GoTestFunc* :GoTestFunc[!] [expand] Runs :GoTest, but only on the single test function immediate to your cursor using 'go test's '-run' flag. Lookup is done starting at the cursor (including that line) moving up till a matching `func Test` pattern is found or top of file is reached. Search will not wrap around when at the top of the file. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoTestCompile* :GoTestCompile[!] [expand] Compile your _test.go files via in your current directory. Errors are populated in the quickfix window. If an argument is passed, [expand] is used as file selector (useful for cases like `:GoTest ./...`). Useful to not run the tests and capture/fix errors before running the tests or to create test binary. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoCoverage* :GoCoverage[!] [options] Create a coverage profile and annotates the current file's source code. If called again it rerurns the tests. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoCoverageToggle* :GoCoverageToggle[!] [options] Create a coverage profile and annotates the current file's source code. If called again clears the annotation (works as a toggle). If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoCoverageClear* :GoCoverageClear [options] Clears the coverage annotation. *:GoCoverageBrowser* :GoCoverageBrowser[!] [options] Create a coverage profile and open a browser to display the annotated source code of the current package. You may optionally pass any valid go test flags/options, such as `-covermode set,count,atomic`. For a full list please see `go help test`. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoErrCheck* :GoErrCheck! [options] Check for unchecked errors in you current package. Errors are populated in the quickfix window. You may optionally pass any valid errcheck flags/options. See `errcheck -h` for a full list. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoFiles* :GoFiles [source_files] Show source files for the current package. The [source_files] specifies which file types to list. See the "// Source files" section of `go list -h` for possible values; multiple values are accepted. Command-line completion also works for this command. The default is to use `GoFiles` if no arguments are given. *:GoDeps* :GoDeps Show dependencies for the current package. *:GoInstallBinaries* :GoInstallBinaries [binaries] Download and install all necessary Go tool binaries such as `godef`, `goimports`, `gopls`, etc. under |'g:go_bin_path'|. If [binaries] is supplied, then only the specified binaries will be installed. The default is to install everything. A specific version of a binary can be specified by appending Go's version syntax to the binary name. e.g. `:GoInstallBinaries gopls@v0.9.1`. Set |'g:go_get_update'| to disable updating dependencies. *:GoUpdateBinaries* :GoUpdateBinaries [binaries] Download and update previously installed Go tool binaries such as `godef`, `goimports`, `gopls`, etc. under |'g:go_bin_path'|. If [binaries] is supplied, then only the specified binaries will be updated. The default is to update everything. A specific version of a binary can be specified by appending Go's version syntax to the binary name. e.g. `:GoUpdateBinaries gopls@v0.9.1`. Set |'g:go_get_update'| to disable updating dependencies. *:GoImplements* :GoImplements Show "implements" relation for a selected package. A list of interfaces for the type that implements an interface under the cursor (or selected package) is shown in a location list. *:GoRename* :GoRename[!] [to] Rename the identifier under the cursor to the desired new name. If no argument is given a prompt will ask for the desired identifier. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoGuruScope* :GoGuruScope [pattern] ... Changes the custom |'g:go_guru_scope'| setting and overrides it with the given package patterns. The custom scope is cleared (unset) if `""` is given as the only path. If no arguments is given it prints the current custom scope. Example patterns are: > golang.org/x/tools/cmd/guru # a single package golang.org/x/tools/... # all packages beneath dir ... # the entire workspace. < Example usage, the following sets the scope to a `github.com/fatih/color` and to all packages under `golang.org/x/tools/`: > :GoGuruScope github.com/fatih/color golang.org/x/tools/... < The following sets it to the entire workspace: > :GoGuruScope ... < Under the hood, the patterns are all joined to a comma-separated list and passed to `guru`'s `-scope` flag. Also see |go-guru-scope|. *:GoCallees* :GoCallees Show "callees" relation for a selected package. A list of possible call targets for the type under the cursor (or selected package) is shown in a location list. *:GoCallers* :GoCallers Show "callers" relation for a selected function. A list of possible callers for the selected function under the cursor is shown in a location list. *:GoDescribe* :GoDescribe Shows various properties of the selected syntax: its syntactic kind, its type (for an expression), its value (for a constant expression), its size, alignment, method set and interfaces (for a type), its declaration (for an identifier), etc. Almost any piece of syntax may be described, and the guru will try to print all the useful information it can. *:GoCallstack* :GoCallstack Shows "callstack" relation for the selected function. An arbitrary path from the root of the callgraph to the selected function is shown in a location list. This may be useful to understand how the function is reached in a given program. *:GoFreevars* :GoFreevars Enumerates the free variables of the selection. "Free variables" is a technical term meaning the set of variables that are referenced but not defined within the selection, or loosely speaking, its inputs. This information is useful when considering whether to refactor the selection into a function of its own, as the free variables would be the necessary parameters of that function. It's also useful when you want to understand what the inputs are to a complex block of code even if you don’t plan to change it. *:GoChannelPeers* :GoChannelPeers Shows the set of possible sends/receives on the channel operand of the selected send or receive operation; the selection must be a `<-` token. For example, visually select a channel operand in the form of: > done <- true < And call |:GoChannelPeers| on it. It will show where it was allocated, and the sending and receiving endings. *:GoReferrers* :GoReferrers The referrers query shows the set of identifiers that refer to the same object as does the selected identifier. *:GoSameIds* :GoSameIds Highlights all identifiers that are equivalent to the identifier under the cursor. *:GoSameIdsClear* :GoSameIdsClear Clears all SameIds highlights from a |:GoSameIds| call. *:GoSameIdsToggle* :GoSameIdsToggle Toggle between |:GoSameIds| and |:GoSameIdsClear|. *:GoSameIdsAutoToggle* :GoSameIdsAutoToggle Enables or disables automatic highlighting of |:GoSameIds| while moving the cursor. This basically toggles the option |'g:go_auto_sameids'| on/off. If enabled it starts highlighting whenever your cursor is staying at the same position for a configurable period of time (see |'g:go_updatetime'|). If disabled it clears and stops automatic highlighting. *:GoMetaLinter* :GoMetaLinter! [path] Calls the underlying `golangci-lint` tool and displays all warnings and errors in the |quickfix| window. By default the following linters are enabled: `vet`, `golint`, and `errcheck`. This can be changed with the |'g:go_metalinter_enabled'| variable. To override the command completely use the variable |'g:go_metalinter_command'|. To override the maximum linters execution time use |'g:go_metalinter_deadline'| variable. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoDiagnostics* :GoDiagnostics! [packages] Displays the diagnostics from `gopls` for the given packages in a |quickfix| window. The diagnostics for the current package are displayed when no package is given. The diagnostics for all packages will be displayed when `all` is as an argument. Disabled when |'g:go_diagnostics_enabled'| is not set. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to. *:GoBuildTags* :GoBuildTags [tags] Changes the build tags for various commands. If you have any file that uses a custom build tag, such as `// +build integration` , this command can be used to pass it to all tools that accepts tags, such as gopls, guru, gorename, etc. The build tags is cleared (unset) if `""` is given. If no arguments are given it prints the current build tags. *:AsmFmt* :AsmFmt Filter the current Go asm buffer through asmfmt. It tries to preserve cursor position and avoids replacing the buffer with stderr output. *:GoAlternate* :GoAlternate[!] Alternates between the implementation and test code. For example if in main.go, switch to main_test.go. Uses the |'g:go_alternate_mode'| setting as the command to open the file. If [!] is given then it switches to the new file even if it does not exist. If you would like to override the traditional commands for alternating, add the following to your .vimrc: > augroup go autocmd! autocmd Filetype go \ command! -bang A call go#alternate#Switch(<bang>0, 'edit') \| command! -bang AV call go#alternate#Switch(<bang>0, 'vsplit') \| command! -bang AS call go#alternate#Switch(<bang>0, 'split') augroup END < *:GoPointsTo* :GoPointsTo Show all variables to which the pointer under the cursor may point to. *:GoWhicherrs* :GoWhicherrs Show the list of possible constants, global variables, and concrete types for the error type under the cursor in a location list. *:GoDecls* :GoDecls [file] Show all function and type declarations for the current file. If [file] is non empty it parses the given file. Requires `ctrlp.vim` or `fzf`; it will autodetect the plugin if installed, but you can use |'g:go_decls_mode'| to force using one or the other. By default `type` and `func` declarations are shown. This can be changed via |'g:go_decls_includes'|. Also see |unite-decls|, |denite-decls|. *:GoDeclsDir* :GoDeclsDir [dir] Show all function and type declarations for the current directory. If [dir] is given it parses the given directory. *unite-decls* *denite-decls* :Unite decls[:path] :Denite decls[:path] Only enabled if `unite.vim` or `denite.nvim` is installed. Show declarations for all functions and types on the current file or directory or for [path] if given. Note: `denite.nvim` requires NeoVim or Vim 8 with |:python3| enabled. > " show declarations on the parent directory of the current file :Unite decls :Denite decls " show declarations in the file. :Unite decls:foo/bar.go :Denite decls:foo/bar.go " show declarations in the directory "foo". :Unite decls:foo :Denite decls:foo < *:GoImpl* :GoImpl [receiver] [interface] Generates method stubs for implementing an interface. If no arguments is passed it takes the identifier under the cursor to be the receiver and asks for the interface type to be generated. If used with arguments, the receiver and the interface needs to be specified. Example usages: > :GoImpl f *Foo io.Writer :GoImpl t Type io.ReadWriteCloser < *:GoAddTags* :[range]GoAddTags [key],[option] [key1],[option] ... Adds field tags for the fields of a struct. If called inside a struct it automatically add field tags with the `json` key and the value automatically generated based on the field name. An error message is given if it's called outside a struct definition or if the file is not correctly formatted. If [range] is given, only the selected fields will be changed. The default `json` can be changed by providing one or more [key] arguments. An example of adding `xml` and `db` would be: > :GoAddTags xml db < If [option] is passed it'll either add a new tag with an option or will modify existing tags. An example of adding `omitempty` to all `json` fields would be: > :GoAddTags json,omitempty < You can define a constant value instead of the default field based value. For example the following command will add ``valid:"1"`` to all fields. > :GoAddTags valid:1 < *:GoRemoveTags* :[range]GoRemoveTags [key],[option] [key1],[option1] ... Remove field tags for the fields of a struct. If called inside a struct it automatically remove all field tags. An error message is given if it's called outside a struct definition or if the file is not correctly formatted If [range] is given, only the selected fields will be changed. If [key] is given, it will only remove those keys. Example: > :GoRemoveTags json < If [option] is passed with a [key], it will only remove the options. Example, this will only remove `omitempty` options from fields containing `json`: > :GoRemoveTags json,omitempty < *:GoAutoTypeInfoToggle* :GoAutoTypeInfoToggle Toggles |'g:go_auto_type_info'|. *:GoFmtAutoSaveToggle* :GoFmtAutoSaveToggle Toggles |'g:go_fmt_autosave'|. *:GoModFmtAutoSaveToggle* :GoModFmtAutoSaveToggle Toggles |'g:go_mod_fmt_autosave'|. *:GoAsmFmtAutoSaveToggle* :GoAsmFmtAutoSaveToggle Toggles |'g:go_asmfmt_autosave'|. *:GoMetaLinterAutoSaveToggle* :GoMetaLinterAutoSaveToggle Toggles |'g:go_metalinter_autosave'|. By default, `golangci-lint` messages will be shown in the |location-list| window. The list to use can be set using |'g:go_list_type_commands'|. *:GoTemplateAutoCreateToggle* :GoTemplateAutoCreateToggle Toggles |'g:go_template_autocreate'|. *:GoKeyify* :GoKeyify Uses `keyify` to turn unkeyed struct literals into keyed ones. For example: > Person{"John", "Smith"} < Becomes: > Person{ Name: "John", Surname: "Smith", } < *:GoFillStruct* :GoFillStruct Use `fillstruct` to fill a struct literal with default values. Existing values (if any) are preserved. The cursor must be on the struct you wish to fill. For example: > addr := net.Address{Name: "Ford Prefect"} < Becomes: > addr := net.Address{ Name: "Ford Prefect", Email: "", } < *:GoIfErr* :GoIfErr Generate if err != nil { return ... } automatically which infer the type of return values and the numbers. For example: > func doSomething() (string, error) { f, err := os.Open("file") } < Becomes: > func doSomething() (string, error) { f, err := os.Open("file") if err != nil { return "", err } } < *:GoModFmt* :GoModFmt Filter the current go.mod buffer through "go mod edit -fmt" command. It tries to preserve cursor position and avoids replacing the buffer with stderr output. *:GoModReload* :GoModReload [go.mod] Force `gopls` to reload the go.mod file. When not explicitly provided, the go.mod file ambient to the current buffer will be used. *:GoAddWorkspace* :GoAddWorkspace [dir] ... Add directories to the `gopls` workspace. *:GoLSPDebugBrowser* :GoLSPDebugBrowser Open a browser to see gopls debugging information. ============================================================================== MAPPINGS *go-mappings* vim-go has several <Plug> keys which can be used to create custom mappings For example, to create a mapping that calls `go run` for the current package, create a mapping for the `(go-run)`: > au FileType go nmap <leader>r <Plug>(go-run) As always one is free to create more advanced mappings or functions based with |go-commands|. For more information please check out the mappings command documentation in the |go-commands| section. Available <Plug> keys are: *(go-run)* Calls `go run` for the current main package. *(go-run-tab)* Calls `go run` for the current file in a new terminal tab This option is neovim only. *(go-run-split)* Calls `go run` for the current file in a new terminal horizontal split This option is neovim only. *(go-run-vertical)* Calls `go run` for the current file in a new terminal vertical split This option is neovim only. *(go-build)* Calls `go build` for the current package. *(go-generate)* Calls `go generate` for the current package. *(go-info)* Shows type information for the word under the cursor. *(go-install)* Calls `go install` for the current package. *(go-test)* Calls `go test` for the current package. *(go-test-func)* Calls `go test -run '...'` for the test function immediate to cursor *(go-test-compile)* Calls `go test -c` for the current package. *(go-coverage)* Calls `go test -coverprofile-temp.out` for the current package and shows the coverage annotation. *(go-coverage-clear)* Clears the coverage annotation. *(go-coverage-toggle)* Calls `go test -coverprofile-temp.out` for the current package and shows the coverage annotation. If run again it acts as a toggle and clears the annotation. *(go-fmt)* Format the current buffer. *(go-imports)* Adjust imports for the current buffer. *(go-lint)* Lints for the current package. *(go-vet)* Calls `go vet` for the current package. *(go-files)* Show source files that depends for the current package. *(go-deps)* Show dependencies for the current package. *(go-doc)* Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a split window leftabove (default mode). *(go-doc-split)* Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a split window. *(go-doc-vertical)* Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a vertical split window. *(go-doc-tab)* Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under the cursor in a tab window. *(go-doc-browser)* Show the relevant GoDoc for the word under in browser *(go-def)* Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in the current window. *(go-def-split)* Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in a split window. Jumps to an existing buffer if |'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'| is enabled. *(go-def-vertical)* Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in a vertical split window. Jumps to an existing buffer if |'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'| is enabled. *(go-def-tab)* Goto declaration/definition. Results are shown in a tab window. Jumps to an existing buffer if |'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'| is enabled. *(go-def-type)* Goto type declaration/definition. Results are shown in the current window. Jumps to an existing buffer if |'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'| is enabled. *(go-def-type-vertical)* Goto type declaration/definition. Results are shown in a vertical split window. Jumps to an existing buffer if |'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'| is enabled. *(go-def-type-split)* Goto type declaration/definition. Results are shown in a split window. Jumps to an existing buffer if |'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'| is enabled. *(go-def-type-tab)* Goto type declaration/definition. Results are shown in a tab window. Jumps to an existing buffer if |'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'| is enabled. *(go-def-stack)* Shows the godef tag stack *(go-def-stack-clear)* Resets and clears the tag stack *(go-def-pop)* Jump to previous entry in the tag stack *(go-implements)* Show the interfaces that the type under the cursor implements. *(go-rename)* Rename the identifier under the cursor to the desired new name *(go-callees)* Show the call targets for the type under the cursor *(go-callers)* Show possible callers of selected function *(go-describe)* Describe selected syntax: definition, methods, etc *(go-callstack)* Show path from callgraph root to selected function *(go-freevars)* Show free variables of selection *(go-channelpeers)* Show send/receive corresponding to selected channel op *(go-referrers)* Show all refs to entity denoted by selected identifier *(go-pointsto)* Show all variables to which the pointer under the cursor may point to. *(go-metalinter)* Calls `go-metalinter` for the current directory *(go-alternate-edit)* Alternates between the implementation and test code in the current window *(go-alternate-split)* Alternates between the implementation and test code in a new horizontal split *(go-alternate-vertical)* Alternates between the implementation and test code in a new vertical split *(go-import)* Calls `:GoImport` for the current package *(go-iferr)* Generate if err != nil { return ... } automatically which infer the type of return values and the numbers. *(go-mod-fmt)* Calls |:GoModFmt| for the current buffer *(go-diagnostics)* Calls `:GoDiagnostics` ============================================================================== TEXT OBJECTS *go-text-objects* vim-go comes with several custom |text-objects| that can be used to operate upon regions of text. vim-go currently defines the following text objects: *go-v_af* *go-af* af "a function", select contents from a function definition to the closing bracket. If |'g:go_textobj_include_function_doc'| is enabled it also includes the comment doc for a function declaration. This text-object also supports literal functions. If |'g:go_textobj_include_variable'| is enabled it also includes the variable of an function assignment *go-v_if* *go-if* if "inside a function", select contents of a function, excluding the function definition and the closing bracket. This text-object also supports literal functions *go-v_ac* *go-ac* ac "a comment", select contents of the current comment block. *go-v_ic* *go-ic* ic "inner comment", select contents of the current comment block, excluding the start and end comment markers. vim-go also defines the following text motion objects: *go-v_]]* *go-]]* ]] [count] forward to next function declaration. If |'g:go_textobj_include_function_doc'| is enabled and if your on a comment, it skips the function which the comment belongs and forwards to the next function declaration. *go-v_[[* *go-[[* [[ [count] backward to previous function declaration. ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *go-functions* *go#statusline#Show()* Shows the status of a job running asynchronously. Can be used to plug into the statusline. It works to show the status per package instead of per file. Assume you have three files open, all belonging to the same package, if the package build (`:GoBuild`) is successful, all statuslines will show `success`, if it fails all windows' statuslines will show `failed`. To avoid always showing old status information, the status information is cleaned for each package after `60` seconds. This can be changed with the |'g:go_statusline_duration'| setting. *go#complete#GetInfo()* Returns the description of the identifer under the cursor. Can be used to plug into the statusline. *go#complete#Complete()* Uses `gopls` for autocompletion. By default, it is hooked up to 'omnifunc'. *go#tool#DescribeBalloon()* Suitable to be used as an expression to show the evaluation balloon. By default only relevant diagnostics and the type information is shown. |'g:go_doc_balloon'| can be used to also included partial documentation. See `help balloonexpr`. ============================================================================== SETTINGS *go-settings* *'g:go_version_warning'* Enable warning when using an unsupported version of Vim. By default it is enabled. > let g:go_version_warning = 1 < *'g:go_code_completion_enabled'* Enable code completion with 'omnifunc'. By default it is enabled. > let g:go_code_completion_enabled = 1 < *'g:go_code_completion_icase'* Override the icase field in 'omnifunc' results. By default it is set to 0. See 'complete-items' for details. > let g:go_code_completion_icase = 0 < *'g:go_test_show_name'* Show the name of each failed test before the errors and logs output by the test. By default it is disabled. > let g:go_test_show_name = 0 < *'g:go_test_timeout'* Use this option to change the test timeout of |:GoTest|. By default it is set to 10 seconds . > let g:go_test_timeout= '10s' < *'g:go_play_browser_command'* Browser to use for |:GoPlay|, |:GoDocBrowser|, and |:GoLSPDebugBrowser|. The url must be added with `%URL%`, and it's advisable to include `&` to make sure the shell returns. For example: > let g:go_play_browser_command = 'firefox-developer %URL% &' < By default it tries to find it automatically for the current OS. > let g:go_play_browser_command = '' < *'g:go_play_open_browser'* Use this option to open browser after posting the snippet to play.golang.org with |:GoPlay|. By default it's enabled. > let g:go_play_open_browser = 1 < *'g:go_auto_type_info'* Use this option to show the type info (|:GoInfo|) for the word under the cursor automatically. Whenever the cursor changes the type info will be updated. By default it's disabled. The delay can be configured with the |'g:go_updatetime'| setting. > let g:go_auto_type_info = 0 < *'g:go_info_mode'* Use this option to define the command to be used for |:GoInfo|. By default `gopls` is used, because it is the fastest and is known to be highly accurate. One might also use `guru` for its accuracy. Valid options are `gopls` and `guru`. > let g:go_info_mode = 'gopls' < *'g:go_auto_sameids'* Use this option to highlight all uses of the identifier under the cursor (|:GoSameIds|) automatically. By default it's disabled. The delay can be configured with the |'g:go_updatetime'| setting. > let g:go_auto_sameids = 0 < *'g:go_updatetime'* Use this option to configure the delay until it starts some jobs (see |'g:go_auto_type_info'|, |'g:go_auto_sameids'|). If set to 0, it uses the value from 'updatetime'. By default it's set to 800ms. > let g:go_updatetime = 800 < *'g:go_jump_to_error'* Use this option to enable/disable passing the bang attribute to the mappings (e.g. |(go-build)|, |(go-run)|, etc.) and the metalinter on save. When enabled it will jump to the first error automatically (means it will NOT pass the bang attribute to the appropriate command, i.e: (go-run) -> :GoRun ). Note, that calling this doesn't have any affect on calling the commands manually. This setting is only useful for changing the behaviour of our custom static mappings. By default it's enabled. > let g:go_jump_to_error = 1 < *'g:go_fmt_autosave'* Use this option to auto |:GoFmt| on save. When both 'g:go_imports_autosave' and 'g:go_fmt_autosave' are enabled and both 'g:go_fmt_command' and 'g:go_imports_mode' are set to `goimports`, `goimports` will be run only once. By default it's enabled > let g:go_fmt_autosave = 1 < *'g:go_fmt_command'* Use this option to define which tool is used to format code. Valid options are `gofmt`, `goimports`, and `gopls`. By default `gopls` is used. > let g:go_fmt_command = 'gopls' < *'g:go_fmt_options'* Use this option to add additional options to the |'g:go_fmt_command'|. It's value type can be either a string or a dictionary. This is due backwards compatibility. The string version will be removed in the future so please use the dictionary version. Default is empty. > let g:go_fmt_options = '' or let g:go_fmt_options = {} < The dictionary version allows you to define options for multiple binaries: > let g:go_fmt_options = { \ 'gofmt': '-s', \ 'goimports': '-local mycompany.com', \ } < *'b:go_fmt_options'* This option is identical to |'g:go_fmt_options'|, but a buffer-level setting. If present, it's used instead of the global setting. By default it is not set. As an example, the following autocmd will configure goimports to put imports of packages from the current module in their own group: > autocmd FileType go let b:go_fmt_options = { \ 'goimports': '-local ' . \ trim(system('{cd '. shellescape(expand('%:h')) .' && go list -m;}')), \ } < *'g:go_fmt_fail_silently'* Use this option to disable showing a location list when |'g:go_fmt_command'| fails. By default the location list is shown. > let g:go_fmt_fail_silently = 0 < *'g:go_fmt_experimental'* Use this option to enable fmt's experimental mode. This experimental mode is superior to the current mode as it fully saves the undo history, so undo/redo doesn't break. However, it's slow (creates/deletes a file for every save) and it's causing problems on some Vim versions. This has no effect if `g:go_fmt_command` is set to `gopls`. By default it's disabled. > let g:go_fmt_experimental = 0 < *'g:go_imports_autosave'* Use this option to auto |:GoImports| on save. When both 'g:go_imports_autosave' and 'g:go_fmt_autosave' are enabled and both 'g:go_fmt_command' and 'g:go_imports_mode' are set to `goimports`, `goimports` will be run only once. By default it's enabled. > let g:go_imports_autosave = 1 < *'g:go_imports_mode'* Use this option to define which tool is used to adjust imports. Valid options are `goimports` and `gopls`. The buffer will not be formatted when this is set to `gopls`. By default `gopls` is used. > let g:go_imports_mode = 'gopls' < *'g:go_mod_fmt_autosave'* Use this option to auto |:GoModFmt| on save. By default it's enabled > let g:go_mod_fmt_autosave = 1 < *'g:go_doc_keywordprg_enabled'* Use this option to run `godoc` on words under the cursor with |K|; this will normally run the `man` program, but for Go using `godoc` is more idiomatic. It will not override the 'keywordprg' setting, but will run |:GoDoc|. Default is enabled. > let g:go_doc_keywordprg_enabled = 1 < *'g:go_doc_height'* Maximum height for the GoDoc window created with |:GoDoc|. Default is 20. > let g:go_doc_max_height = 20 < *'g:go_doc_balloon'* Show GoDoc in balloon. See |go#tool#DescribeBalloon()|. Default is disabled. > let g:go_doc_balloon = 0 < *'g:go_doc_url'* godoc server URL used when |:GoDocBrowser| is used. Change if you want to use a private internal service. Default is 'https://pkg.go.dev'. > let g:go_doc_url = 'https://pkg.go.dev' < *'g:go_doc_popup_window'* Use this option to use the popup-window for |K| and |:GoDoc|, rather than the |preview-window|. Default is disabled. > let g:go_doc_popup_window = 0 < *'g:go_def_mode'* Use this option to define the command to be used for |:GoDef|. By default `gopls` is used, because it is the fastest. One might also use `guru` for its accuracy or `godef` for its performance. Valid options are `godef`, `gopls`, and `guru`. > let g:go_def_mode = 'gopls' < *'g:go_fillstruct_mode'* Use this option to define the command to be used for |:GoFillStruct|. By default `fillstruct` is used. Valid values are `fillstruct` and `gopls`. By default it is `fillstruct`. > let g:go_fillstruct_mode = 'fillstruct' < *'g:go_referrers_mode'* Use this option to define the command to be used for |:GoReferrers|. By default `gopls` is used, because it is the fastest and works with Go modules. Valid options are `gopls` and `guru`. By default it's `gopls`. > let g:go_referrers_mode = 'gopls' < *'g:go_implements_mode'* Use this option to define the command to be used for |:GoImplements|. The Implements feature in gopls is still new and being worked upon. Valid options are `gopls` and `guru`. By default it's `gopls`. > let g:go_implements_mode = 'gopls' < *'g:go_def_mapping_enabled'* Use this option to enable/disable the default mapping of CTRL-], <C-LeftMouse>, g<C-LeftMouse> and (`gd`) for GoDef and CTRL-t for :GoDefPop. Disabling it allows you to map something else to these keys or mappings. Default is enabled. > let g:go_def_mapping_enabled = 1 < *'g:go_def_reuse_buffer'* Use this option to jump to an existing buffer for `:GoDef`, `:GoDefType`, and their mapping variants that cause splits. By default it's disabled. > let g:go_def_reuse_buffer = 0 < *'g:go_bin_path'* Use this option to change default path for vim-go tools when using |:GoInstallBinaries| and |:GoUpdateBinaries|. If not set `go env GOBIN` or `$GOPATH/bin` is used. > let g:go_bin_path = "" < *'g:go_search_bin_path_first'* This option lets |'g:go_bin_path'| (or its default value) take precedence over $PATH when invoking a tool command such as |:GoFmt| or |:GoImports|. Enabling this option ensures that the binaries installed via |:GoInstallBinaries| and |:GoUpdateBinaries| are the same ones that are invoked via the tool commands. By default it is enabled. > let g:go_search_bin_path_first = 1 < *'g:go_snippet_engine'* Define the snippet engine to use. The default is to auto-detect one. Valid values are: automatic Automatically detect a snippet engine. ultisnips https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips neosnippet https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim minisnip https://github.com/joereynolds/vim-minisnip Note: the original at KeyboardFire/vim-minisnip won't work. > let g:go_snippet_engine = "automatic" < *'g:go_get_update'* Use this option to disable updating dependencies with |:GoInstallBinaries|. By default this is enabled. > let g:go_get_update = 1 < *'g:go_guru_scope'* Use this option to define the scope of the analysis to be passed for guru related commands, such as |:GoImplements|, |:GoChannelPeers|, etc. You can change it on-the-fly with |:GoGuruScope|. The input should be a a list of package pattern. An example input might be: `["github.com/fatih/color","github.com/fatih/structs"]` Also see |go-guru-scope|. By default it's not set, so the relevant commands' defaults are being used. > let g:go_guru_scope = [] < *'g:go_build_tags'* Space-separated list of build tags passed to the `-tags` flag of tools that support it. There is also the |:GoBuildTags| convenience command to change or remove build tags. > let g:go_build_tags = '' < *'g:go_textobj_enabled'* Adds custom text objects. By default it's enabled. > let g:go_textobj_enabled = 1 < *'g:go_textobj_include_function_doc'* Consider the comment above a function to be part of the function when using the `af` text object and `[[` motion. By default it's enabled. > let g:go_textobj_include_function_doc = 1 < *'g:go_textobj_include_variable'* Consider the variable of an function assignment to be part of the anonymous function when using the `af` text object. By default it's enabled. > let g:go_textobj_include_variable = 1 < *'g:go_metalinter_autosave'* Use this option to auto |:GoMetaLinter| on save. Only linter messages for the active buffer will be shown. By default, `golangci-lint` messages will be shown in the |location-list| window. The list to use can be set using |'g:go_list_type_commands'|. By default it's disabled > let g:go_metalinter_autosave = 0 < *'g:go_metalinter_autosave_enabled'* Specifies the enabled linters for auto |:GoMetaLinter| on save. When the metalinter is `golangci-lint`, if any are enabled, `--disable-all` will be sent to the metalinter. When `g:go_metalinter_command` is set to `staticcheck`, the default value is an empty list; `staticcheck`'s `-checks` flag will not be used. > let g:go_metalinter_autosave_enabled = ['all'] < When `g:go_metalinter_command is set to `golangci-lint'`, the default value is > let g:go_metalinter_autosave_enabled = ['vet', 'revive'] < *'g:go_metalinter_enabled'* Specifies the linters to enable for the |:GoMetaLinter| command. For `golangci-lint`, if any are enabled, `--disable-all` will be passed to the metalinter. When `g:go_metalinter_command` is set to `staticcheck`, the default value is an empty list; `staticcheck`'s `-checks` flag will not be used. > let g:go_metalinter_enabled = ['all'] < When `g:go_metalinter_command` is set to `golangci-lint'`, the default value is > let g:go_metalinter_enabled = ['vet', 'revive', 'errcheck'] < *'g:go_metalinter_command'* Overrides the command to be executed when |:GoMetaLinter| is called. By default it's `staticcheck`. Valid options are `golangci-lint`, `gopls`, and `staticcheck`.. When the value is `gopls`, users may want to consider setting `g:go_gopls_staticcheck`. It can also be used as an advanced setting for users who want to have more control over the metalinter. > let g:go_metalinter_command = "golangci-lint" < *'g:go_metalinter_deadline'* Overrides the maximum time the linters have to complete. By default it's 5 seconds. Only applies when the metalinter is `golangci-lint`. > let g:go_metalinter_deadline = "5s" < *'g:go_list_height'* Specifies the window height for the quickfix and location list windows. The default value (empty) automatically sets the height to the number of items (maximum up to 10 items to prevent large heights). Setting the value explicitly overrides this behavior. For standard Vim behavior, set it to 10. > let g:go_list_height = 0 < *'g:go_list_type'* Specifies the type of list to use for command outputs (such as errors from builds, results from static analysis commands, etc...). The list type for specific commands can be overridden with |'g:go_list_type_commands'|. The default value (empty) will use the appropriate kind of list for the command that was called. Supported values are "", "quickfix", and "locationlist". > let g:go_list_type = "" < *'g:go_list_type_commands'* Specifies the type of list to use for command outputs (such as errors from builds, results from static analysis commands, etc...). When an expected key is not present in the dictionary, |'g:go_list_type'| will be used instead. Supported keys are "GoBuild", "GoErrCheck", "GoFmt", "GoModFmt", "GoInstall", "GoLint", "GoMetaLinter", "GoMetaLinterAutoSave", "GoModifyTags" (used for both :GoAddTags and :GoRemoveTags), "GoRename", "GoRun", and "GoTest". Supported values for each command are "quickfix" and "locationlist". > let g:go_list_type_commands = {} < As an example, the following settings will change all list types to `locationlist` except for `:GoBuild` where `quickfix` is used: > let g:go_list_type = "locationlist" let g:go_list_type_commands = {"GoBuild": "quickfix"} < *'g:go_list_autoclose'* Specifies whether the quickfix/location list should be closed automatically in the absence of errors. The default value is 1. If you prefer to keep a long running error window open, you can disable this by setting the value to 0. > let g:go_list_autoclose = 1 < *'g:go_asmfmt_autosave'* Use this option to auto |:AsmFmt| on save. By default it's disabled. > let g:go_asmfmt_autosave = 0 < *'g:go_term_mode'* The default command used to open a new terminal for go commands such as |:GoRun|. The default is `:vsplit`. Applicable to Neovim and Vim with `terminal` feature only. > let g:go_term_mode = "vsplit" < *'g:go_term_reuse'* Reuse the terminal window when |'g:go_term_enabled'| is set. By default it's disabled. > let g:go_term_reuse = 0 < *'g:go_term_height'* *'g:go_term_width'* Controls the height and width of a terminal split, respectively. By default these are not set, meaning that the height and width are set automatically by the editor. The height only applies to a horizontal split and width only applies to a vertical split. Applicable to Neovim and Vim with `terminal` feature only. For example here is how to set each to 30. > let g:go_term_height = 30 let g:go_term_width = 30 < *'g:go_term_enabled'* Causes some types of jobs to run inside a new terminal according to |'g:go_term_mode'|. By default it is disabled. Applicable to Neovim and Vim with `terminal` feature only. > let g:go_term_enabled = 0 < *'g:go_term_close_on_exit'* Closes the terminal after the command run in it exits when the command fails. By default it is enabled. Applicable to Neovim and Vim with `terminal` feature only. > let g:go_term_close_on_exit = 1 < *'g:go_alternate_mode'* Specifies the command that |:GoAlternate| uses to open the alternate file. By default it is set to edit. > let g:go_alternate_mode = "edit" < *'g:go_rename_command'* Use this option to define which tool is used to rename. By default `gopls` is used. Valid options are `gorename` and `gopls`. > let g:go_rename_command = 'gopls' < *'g:go_gorename_prefill'* Expression to prefill the new identifier when using |:GoRename| without any arguments. Use an empty string if you don't want to prefill anything. By default it converts the identifier to camel case but preserves the capitalisation of the first letter to ensure that the exported state stays the same. > let g:go_gorename_prefill = 'expand("<cword>") =~# "^[A-Z]"' . \ '? go#util#pascalcase(expand("<cword>"))' . \ ': go#util#camelcase(expand("<cword>"))' < *'g:go_gopls_enabled'* Specifies whether `gopls` can be used by vim-go. Completion will not work when gopls is disabled and other configuration options may also need to be adjusted. By default gopls is enabled. > let g:go_gopls_enabled = 1 < *'g:go_gopls_options'* The commandline arguments to pass to gopls. By default, it is `['-remote=auto']`. > let g:go_gopls_options = ['-remote=auto'] < *'g:go_gopls_analyses'* The analyses settings for `gopls`. The Expected value is either `v:null` or a dictionary. The dictionary will be provided to `gopls` via json-rpc, so dictionary values need to be of the appropriate type for Vim to convert to JSON (e.g. truthy dictionary values should be `v:true` or `v:false`). By default, it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_analyses = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_complete_unimported'* Specifies whether `gopls` should include suggestions from unimported packages. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_complete_unimported = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_deep_completion'* Specifies whether `gopls` should use deep completion. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_deep_completion = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_matcher'* Specifies how `gopls` should match for completions. Valid values are `v:null`, `fuzzy`, and `caseSensitive`. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_matcher = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_staticcheck'* Specifies whether `gopls` should run staticcheck checks. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_staticcheck = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_use_placeholders'* Specifies whether `gopls` can provide placeholders for function parameters and struct fields. When set, completion items will be treated as anonymous snippets if UltiSnips is installed and configured to be used as |'g:go_snippet_engine'|. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_use_placeholders = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_temp_modfile'* Specifies whether `gopls` should use a temp modfile and suggest edits rather than modifying the ambient go.mod file. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_temp_modfile = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_local'* Specifies the prefix for imports that `gopls` should group separately. The value can either be a string or a dictionary. When it is a string, all workspaces will use the same value. When it is a dictionary, the key should be the absolute path of the workspace and the value is the prefix to use for local imports within that workspace. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_local = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_gofumpt'* Specifies whether `gopls` should use `gofumpt` for formatting. When it is `v:null`, `gopls`' default will be used. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_gofumpt = v:null < *'g:go_gopls_settings'* Specifies `gopls` workspace settings for `gopls` that are not yet officially supported by vim-go. Any value in the dictionary will be overridden by values provided in the specific options supported by vim-go (e.g. g:go_gopls_staticcheck) or settings statically configured by vim-go to ensure expected behavior. By default it is `v:null`. > let g:go_gopls_settings = v:null < *'g:go_diagnostics_enabled'* Deprecated. See `'g:go_diagnostics_level'`. Specifies whether `gopls` diagnostics are enabled. Only the diagnostics for the current buffer will be processed when it is not set; all others will be ignored. By default it is disabled. > let g:go_diagnostics_enabled = 0 < *'g:go_diagnostics_level'* Specifies the `gopls` diagnostics level. Valid values are 0, 1, and 2. 0 ignores `gopls` diagnostics, 1 is for errors only, and 2 is for errors and warnings. By default it is 0. > let g:go_diagnostics_level = 0 < *'g:go_template_autocreate'* When a new Go file is created, vim-go automatically fills the buffer content with a Go code template. By default, the templates under the `templates` folder are used. This can be changed with the |'g:go_template_file'| and |'g:go_template_test_file'| settings to either use a different file in the same `templates` folder, or to use a file stored elsewhere. If the new file is created in an already prepopulated package (with other Go files), in this case a Go code template with only the Go package declaration (which is automatically determined according to the current package) is added. To always use the package name instead of the template, enable the |'g:go_template_use_pkg'| setting. By default it is enabled. > let g:go_template_autocreate = 1 < *'g:go_template_file'* Specifies either the file under the `templates` folder that is used if a new Go file is created. Checkout |'g:go_template_autocreate'| for more info. By default the `hello_world.go` file is used. This variable can be set to an absolute path, so the template files don't have to be stored inside the vim-go directory structure. Useful when you want to use different templates for different projects. > let g:go_template_file = "hello_world.go" < *'g:go_template_test_file'* Like with |'g:go_template_file'|, this specifies the file to use for test templates. The template file should be under the `templates` folder, alternatively absolute paths can be used, too. Checkout |'g:go_template_autocreate'| for more info. By default, the `hello_world_test.go` file is used. > let g:go_template_test_file = "hello_world_test.go" < *'g:go_template_use_pkg'* Specifies that, rather than using a template, the package name is used if a new Go file is created. Checkout |'g:go_template_autocreate'| for more info. By default the template file specified by |'g:go_template_file'| is used. > let g:go_template_use_pkg = 0 < *'g:go_decls_includes'* Only useful if `ctrlp.vim`, `unite.vim`, `denite.nvim` or `fzf` are installed. This sets which declarations to show for |:GoDecls| (`ctrp.vim`), |unite-decls| (`unite.vim`) and |denite-decls| (`denite.nvim`). It is a Comma delimited list. Possible options are: {func,type}. The default is: > let g:go_decls_includes = 'func,type' < *'g:go_decls_mode'* Define the tool to be used for |:GoDecls|. Valid options are `ctrlp.vim`, `fzf`, or an empty string; in which case it will try to autodetect either `ctrlp.vim` or `fzf`. > let g:go_decls_mode = '' < *'g:go_echo_command_info'* Echoes information about various Go commands, such as `:GoBuild`, `:GoTest`, `:GoCoverage`, etc... Useful to disable if you use the statusline integration, i.e: |go#statusline#Show()|. By default it's enabled > let g:go_echo_command_info = 1 < *'g:go_echo_go_info'* Use this option to show the identifier information when code completion is done. By default it's enabled. > let g:go_echo_go_info = 1 < Please note that 'noshowmode' must be set for this feature to work correctly. *'g:go_statusline_duration'* Specifies the duration of statusline information being showed per package. By default it's 60 seconds. Must be in milliseconds. > let g:go_statusline_duration = 60000 < *'g:go_addtags_transform'* Sets the `transform` option for `gomodifytags` when using |:GoAddTags| or if it's being used for snippet expansion of single fields. Possible options are: `snakecase`, `camelcase`, `lispcase`, `pascalcase`, `keep`. For the following case, if `snakecase` is used the field will be transformed to: > type T struct { FooBarQuz string `json:"foo_bar_quz"` } < If "camelcase" is used: > type T struct { FooBarQuz string `json:"fooBarQuz"` } < By default "snakecase" is used. Current values are: ["snakecase", "camelcase", "lispcase", "pascalcase", "keep"]. > let g:go_addtags_transform = 'snakecase' < *'g:go_addtags_skip_unexported'* Sets the `skip-unexported` option for `gomodifytags` when using |:GoAddTags|. If set it will prevent `gomodifytags` from adding tags to unexported fields: > type T struct { FooBar string `json:"foo_bar"` quz string } < By default it is disabled. > let g:go_addtags_skip_unexported = 0 < *'g:go_debug'* A list of options to debug; useful for development and/or reporting bugs. Currently accepted values: shell-commands Echo all shell commands that vim-go runs. debugger-state Expose debugger state in 'g:go_debug_diag'. debugger-commands Echo communication between vim-go and `dlv`; requests and responses are recorded in `g:go_debug_commands`. lsp Echo communication between vim-go and `gopls`. All communication is shown in a dedicated window. When enabled before gopls is started, |:GoLSPDebugBrowser| can be used to open a browser window to help debug gopls. > let g:go_debug = [] < ============================================================================== SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING *ft-go-syntax* *go-syntax* vim-go comes with an enhanced version of Vim's Go syntax highlighting. It comes with a number of features, most of which are disabled by default. The recommended settings are the default values. If you're experiencing slowdowns in Go files and you enabled some of these options then try disabling them; some can be resource intensive. *'g:go_fold_enable'* Control syntax-based folding which takes effect when 'foldmethod' is set to `syntax`. You can enable specific fold regions by setting an array. Possible values are: block `{` .. `}` blocks. import `import` block. varconst `var` and `const` blocks. package_comment The package comment. comment Any comment that is not the package comment. By default all except "comment" are enabled: > let g:go_fold_enable = ['block', 'import', 'varconst', 'package_comment'] < Enable folding of only imports: > let g:go_fold_enable = ['import'] < Disable everything (same as not setting 'foldmethod' to `syntax`): > let g:go_fold_enable = [] < *'g:go_highlight_array_whitespace_error'* Highlight white space after `[]`. > let g:go_highlight_array_whitespace_error = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_chan_whitespace_error'* Highlight white space around the receive operator (`<-`) that doesn't follow the standard style. > let g:go_highlight_chan_whitespace_error = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_extra_types'* Highlight commonly used library types (`io.Reader`, etc.). > let g:go_highlight_extra_types = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_space_tab_error'* Highlight instances of tabs following spaces. > let g:go_highlight_space_tab_error = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_trailing_whitespace_error'* Highlight trailing white space. > let g:go_highlight_trailing_whitespace_error = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_operators'* Highlight operators such as `:=` , `==`, `-=`, etc. > let g:go_highlight_operators = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_functions'* Highlight function and method declarations. > let g:go_highlight_functions = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_function_parameters'* Highlight the variable names in parameters (including named return parameters) in function declarations. Setting this implies the functionality from |'g:go_highlight_functions'|. > let g:go_highlight_function_parameters = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_function_calls'* Highlight function and method calls. > let g:go_highlight_function_calls = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_types'* Highlight struct and interface names. > let g:go_highlight_types = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_fields'* Highlight struct field names. > let g:go_highlight_fields = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_build_constraints'* Highlights build constraints. > let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_generate_tags'* Highlight go:generate directives. > let g:go_highlight_generate_tags = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_string_spellcheck'* Highlight spelling errors in strings when |spell| is enabled. > let g:go_highlight_string_spellcheck = 1 < *'g:go_highlight_format_strings'* Highlight printf-style formatting verbs inside string literals. > let g:go_highlight_format_strings = 1 < *'g:go_highlight_variable_declarations'* Highlight variable names in variable declarations (`x` in ` x :=`). > let g:go_highlight_variable_declarations = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_variable_assignments'* Highlight variable names in variable assignments (`x` in `x =`). > let g:go_highlight_variable_assignments = 0 < *'g:go_highlight_diagnostic_errors'* Highlight diagnostic errors. > let g:go_highlight_diagnostic_errors = 1 < *'g:go_highlight_diagnostic_warnings'* Highlight diagnostic warnings. > let g:go_highlight_diagnostic_warnings = 1 < ============================================================================== *gohtmltmpl* *ft-gohtmltmpl-syntax* *gotexttmpl* *ft-gotexttmpl-syntax* Go template syntax~ The `gotexttmpl` 'filetype' provides syntax highlighting and indentation for Go's `text/template` package. The `gohtmltmpl` filetype is for use with the `html/template` package and is identical to `gotexttmpl` except that it will also load the standard `html` filetype. The `gohtmltmpl` filetype is automatically set for `*.tmpl` files; the `gotexttmpl` is never automatically set and needs to be set manually. ============================================================================== *gomod* *ft-gomod-syntax* go.mod file syntax~ The `gomod` 'filetype' provides syntax highlighting for Go's module file `go.mod` ============================================================================== DEBUGGER *go-debug* Vim-go comes with a special "debugger mode". This starts a `dlv` process in the background and provides various commands to communicate with it. This debugger is similar to Visual Studio or Eclipse and has the following features: * Show stack trace and jumps. * List local variables. * List function arguments. * Expand values of struct or array/slice. * Show balloon on the symbol. * Show output of stdout/stderr. * Toggle breakpoint. * Stack operation continue/next/step out. This feature requires either Vim 8.0.0087 or newer with the |+job| feature or Neovim. This features also requires Delve 1.0.0 or newer, and it is recommended to use Go 1.10 or newer, as its new caching will speed up recompiles. *go-debug-intro* GETTING STARTED WITH THE DEBUGGER~ Use |:GoDebugStart| or |:GoDebugTest| to start the debugger. The first argument is the package name, and any arguments after that will be passed on to the program; for example: > :GoDebugStart . -someflag value < This may take few seconds. After the code is compiled you'll see three new windows: the stack trace on left side, the variable list on the bottom-left, and program output at the bottom. You can add breakpoints with |:GoDebugBreakpoint| (<F9>) and run your program with |:GoDebugContinue| (<F5>). The program will halt on the breakpoint, at which point you can inspect the program state. You can go to the next line with |:GoDebugNext| (<F10>) or step in with |:GoDebugStep| (<F11>). The program can also be halted with `:GoDebugHalt` (<F8>). The variable window in the bottom left (`GODEBUG_VARIABLES`) will display all local variables. Struct values are displayed as `{...}`, array/slices as `[4]`. Use <CR> on the variable name to expand the values. The `GODEBUG_OUTPUT` window displays output from the program and the Delve debugger. The `GODEBUG_STACKTRACE` window can be used to jump to different places in the call stack. When you're done use |:GoDebugStop| to close the debugging windows and halt the `dlv` process, or |:GoDebugRestart| to recompile the code. *go-debug-commands* DEBUGGER COMMANDS~ Only the commands to start the client or toggle breakpoints are available by default. |:GoDebugContinue| becomes available after starting the client. The rest of the commands and mappings become available after executing |:GoDebugContinue|. *:GoDebugStart* :GoDebugStart [pkg] [program-args] Start the debug mode for [pkg]; this does several things: * Setup the debug windows according to |'g:go_debug_windows'|. * Make the `:GoDebug*` commands and `(go-debug-*)` mappings available. The directory of the current buffer is used if [pkg] is empty. Any other arguments will be passed to the program. Use |:GoDebugStop| to stop `dlv` and exit debugging mode. *:GoDebugAttach* :GoDebugAttach pid Start the debug mode for pid; this does several things: * Setup the debug windows according to |'g:go_debug_windows'|. * Make the `:GoDebug*` commands and `(go-debug-*)` mappings available. Use |:GoDebugStop| to stop `dlv` and exit debugging mode. *:GoDebugConnect* :GoDebugConnect [addr] Connect to a running instance of delve. If addr is not supplied, then |'g:go_debug_address'| will be used. The debug windows will be setup according to |'g:go_debug_windows'|, and the `:GoDebug*` commands and `(go-debug-*)` mappings will be available. Use |:GoDebugStop| to exit debugging mode. *:GoDebugTest* :GoDebugTest [pkg] [program-args] Behaves the same as |:GoDebugStart| but runs `dlv test` instead of `dlv debug` so you can debug tests. Use `-test.flag` to pass flags to `go test` when debugging a test; for example `-test.v` or `-test.run TestFoo` *:GoDebugTestFunc* :GoDebugTestFunc [expand] Behaves the same as |:GoDebugTest| and implicitly adds `-test.run` to run the nearest test or example function (i.e the nearest function declaration that matches `func Test` or `func Example`) at or previous to the cursor. Search will not wrap around when at the top of the file. *:GoDebugRestart* :GoDebugRestart Stop the program (if running) and restart `dlv` to recompile the package. The current window layout and breakpoints will be left intact. *:GoDebugHalt* *(go-debug-halt)* :GoDebugHalt Halt the program. Mapped to <F8> by default. *:GoDebugStop* *(go-debug-stop)* :GoDebugStop Stop `dlv` and remove all debug-specific commands, mappings, and windows. *:GoDebugBreakpoint* *(go-debug-breakpoint)* :GoDebugBreakpoint [linenr] Toggle breakpoint for the [linenr]. [linenr] defaults to the current line if it is omitted. A line with a breakpoint will have the {godebugbreakpoint} |:sign| placed on it. The line the program is currently halted on will have the {godebugcurline} sign. *hl-GoDebugCurrent* *hl-GoDebugBreakpoint* A line with a breakpoint will be highlighted with the {GoDebugBreakpoint} group; the line the program is currently halted on will be highlighted with {GoDebugCurrent}. Mapped to <F9> by default. *:GoDebugContinue* *(go-debug-continue)* :GoDebugContinue Continue execution until breakpoint or program termination. It will start the program if it hasn't been started yet. Mapped to <F5> by default. *:GoDebugNext* *(go-debug-next)* :GoDebugNext Advance execution by one line, also called "step over" by some other debuggers. Mapped to <F10> by default. *:GoDebugStep* *(go-debug-step)* :GoDebugStep Advance execution by one step, stopping at the next line of code that will be executed (regardless of location). Mapped to <F11> by default. *:GoDebugStepOut* *(go-debug-stepout)* :GoDebugStepOut Run all the code in the current function and halt when the function returns ("step out of the current function"). *:GoDebugSet* :GoDebugSet {var} {value} Set the variable {var} to {value}. Example: > :GoDebugSet truth 42 < This only works for `float`, `int` and variants, `uint` and variants, `bool`, and pointers (this is a `delve` limitation, not a vim-go limitation). *:GoDebugPrint* *(go-debug-print)* :GoDebugPrint {expr} Print the result of a Go expression. > :GoDebugPrint truth == 42 truth == 42 true < Mapped to <F6> by default, which will evaluate the <cword> under the cursor. *go-debug-settings* DEBUGGER SETTINGS~ *'g:go_debug_windows'* Controls the window layout for debugging mode. This is a |dict| with four possible keys: "vars", "stack", "goroutines", and "out"; each of the new windows will be created in that that order with the commands in the value. The current window is made the only window before creating the debug windows unless `g:go_debug_windows` is empty. See also |'g:go_debug_preserve_layout'|. A window will not be created if a key is missing or empty. Defaults: > let g:go_debug_windows = { \ 'vars': 'leftabove 30vnew', \ 'stack': 'leftabove 20new', \ 'goroutines': 'botright 10new', \ 'out': 'botright 5new', \ } < Show only variables on the right-hand side: > let g:go_debug_windows = { \ 'vars': 'rightbelow 60vnew', \ } < *'g:go_debug_preserve_layout'* Preserve window layout in debugging mode. This setting is considered only when |'g:go_debug_windows'| is not empty. > let g:go_debug_preserve_layout = 0 < *'g:go_debug_substitute_paths'* Substitute paths in the debugger. This is a list of lists where each element is a list wherein the remote path (the from side) is the first element and the local path (the to side) is the second element. These are necessary when the binary being debugged was not built from the same location that its source resides locally. By default it is empty. > let g:go_debug_substitute_paths = [['/compiled/from', '/cloned/to']] < *'g:go_debug_mappings'* Contains custom key mapping information to customize the active mappings when debugging. Only the customizations desired need to be provided; the debugger will use its default key mappings for any mapping not defined here. This value should be a dictionary whose keys are the plugin mapping commands (e.g. `(go-debug-continue)`). The values are dictionaries with two keys. `key` and `attributes`. `key` is expected to be the key to map (i.e. it's the `lhs` in a mapping). `key` can be empty or missing to prevent a key mapping from being applied for one the named mappings. `arguments` is the string of `map-arguments` for the mapping (e.g. `<nowait>`). The first item must be the `lhs` to use for the mapping. The optional second item is for `:map-arguments`. All mappings will always be `:map-local`, so there is never a need to include `"<buffer>"` in the the arguments. > let g:go_debug_mappings = { \ '(go-debug-continue)': {'key': 'c', 'arguments': '<nowait>'}, \ '(go-debug-stop)': {'key': 'q'}, \ '(go-debug-next)': {'key': 'n', 'arguments': '<nowait>'}, \ '(go-debug-step)': {'key': 's'}, \} < Defaults are equivalent to: > let g:go_debug_mappings = { \ '(go-debug-continue)': {'key': '<F5>'}, \ '(go-debug-print)': {'key': '<F6>'}, \ '(go-debug-breakpoint)': {'key': '<F9>'}, \ '(go-debug-next)': {'key': '<F10>'}, \ '(go-debug-step)': {'key': '<F11>'}, \ '(go-debug-halt)': {'key': '<F8>'}, \ } < Your user specified settings will be merged with the defaults. *'g:go_debug_address'* Server address `dlv` will listen on; must be in `hostname:port` format. Defaults to ``: > let g:go_debug_address = '' < *'g:go_debug_log_output'* Specifies log output options for `dlv`. Value should be a single string of comma-separated options suitable for passing to `dlv`. An empty string (`''`) will suppress logging entirely. Default: `'debugger,rpc'`: > let g:go_debug_log_output = 'debugger,rpc' < *'g:go_highlight_debug'* Highlight the current line and breakpoints in the debugger. > let g:go_highlight_debug = 1 < *'go:go_debug_breakpoint_sign_text'* Set the sign text used for breakpoints in the debugger. By default it's '>'. > let g:go_debug_breakpoint_sign_text = '>' < ============================================================================== FAQ TROUBLESHOOTING *go-troubleshooting* How do I troubleshoot problems?~ One of the best ways to understand what vim-go is doing and the output from the tools to which it delegates is to use leverage the features described in |'g:go_debug'|. Completion and other functions that use `gopls` don't work~ Vim-go is heavily reliant on `gopls` for completion and other functionality. Many of the features that use `gopls` (e.g. completion, jumping to definitions, showing identifier information, et al.) can be configured to delegate to other tools. e.g. completion via 'omnifunc', |'g:go_info_mode'| and |'g:go_def_mode'| can be set to use other tools for now (though some of the alternatives to `gopls` are effectively at their end of life and support for them from within vim-go may be removed soon). I want to disable `gopls`~ Vim-go's use of `gopls` can be disabled with 'g:go_gopls_enabled'. Some users want to do this to limit the load on their system when using vim-go concurrently with an LSP client like vim-lsp. Instead of disabling vim-go's use of `gopls`, you may prefer to configure vim-go to share the `gopls` instance with other LSP plugins. 'g:go_gopls_options' can be used to configure how vim-go starts `gopls` so that the instance can be shared with other plugins and vim-go user's can leverage the full power of vim-go. I only want vim-go's syntax highlighting~ Usually when users ask for this, they want to disable vim-go's features that take some action when a buffer is written to disk. The options that control those actions can be found in the vim-go help file. They all contain the string _auto in their names and most are suffixed with _autosave. I get a "Unknown function: go#config#..." error~ This often happens to vim-polyglot users when new config options are added to vim-go. Run vim-polyglot's `build` script or make sure that vim-go is loaded before vim-polyglot. It can also happen when multiple versions of vim-go are installed and the version loaded by Vim doesn't have a function introduced by a later version. To see where vim-go is being loaded from run > :verbose function go#config#FmtAutosave < The output will show the path to the `autoload/go/config.vim` that was loaded by Vim. Make sure the root of the path to output by the command is the path from which vim-go is expected to sourced. If it is not rooted as expected, then there are multiple copies of vim-go installed; remove the unexpected copies. I get "not an editor command" error when I invoke :GoXXX~ This happens if vim-go is not installed properly. Be sure you have added this line into your vimrc: > filetype plugin indent on < I get a "command not found" error when I invoke :GoXXX~ If you try to call |:GoDef|, |:GoInfo| and get a command not found, check that you have the binaries installed by using |:GoInstallBinaries|. Before opening vim, check your current $PATH: > echo $PATH < After opening vim, run `:echo $PATH`, the output must be your current `$PATH` plus `$GOPATH/bin` (the location where |:GoInstallBinaries| installed the binaries). *go-guru-scope* What is the guru scope and how do I set it?~ Many vim-go commands use the `guru` commandline tool to get information. Some `guru` commands require an expensive analysis of the source code. To still get a reasonable amount of performance `guru` limits this analysis to a selected list of packages. This is known as the "guru scope". The default is to use the package the current buffer belongs to, but this may not always be correct. For example for the file `guthub.com/user/pkg/a/a.go` the scope will be set to `github.com/user/pkg/a`, but you probably want `github.com/user/pkg` Guessing what package(s) you do want is not easy so you may need to set this manually, usually from an |autocommand|: > autocmd BufRead /home/martin/go/src/github.com/user/pkg/*.go \ :GoGuruScope github.com/user/pkg < If you have a lot of packages with the same prefix (`github.com/user`) you can use a single autocommand: > autocmd BufRead /home/martin/go/src/*.go \ let s:tmp = matchlist(expand('%:p'), \ '/home/martin/go/src/\(github.com/user/[^/]\+\)') \| if len(s:tmp) > 1 | exe 'silent :GoGuruScope ' . s:tmp[1] | endif \| unlet s:tmp < Also see |:GoGuruScope| and |'g:go_guru_scope'|. Vim becomes slow while editing Go files~ The most common cause for this is using an older version of Vim that doesn't support asynchronous jobs. |'g:go_auto_sameids'| and |'g:go_auto_type_info'| run jobs that can cause noticable delays when used with vim74. The problem is most pronounced on vim74, but can occur on vim8 and nvim. On vim8 and nvim, the problem should be restricted to a short period when the first buffer in a package is first loaded. If you see unexpected characters rendered in the current window, the problem is most likely due to |'g:go_auto_sameids'| or |'g:go_auto_type_info'|. First, try using another mode for |'g:go_info_mode'|. If that doesn't work, try disabling |'g:go_auto_sameids'| and |'g:go_auto_type_info'|. To a lesser extent, this can be caused by `g:go_highlight_*` options. If Vim is just slower than normal, but doesn't render unexpected characters in the currrent window, then the problem is most likely the `g:go_highlight_*` options. Try disabling them if you've enabled some of them. I get errors when using GoInstallBinaries~ If you see errors like this: > Error installing golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports < that means your local Go setup is broken or the remote website is down. For example sometimes code.google.com times out. To test, just execute a simple `go install`: > go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest < You'll see a more detailed error. If this works, vim-go will work too. I want to use a different binary name than "go", can I do this?~ There is no way to directly configure the binary name; but you can use a wrapper script; for example if you would like to run `goapp` instead of `go`: 1. In `~/gobin/go` (remember to make it executable): > #!/bin/sh # Remove gobin from PATH and run goapp. PATH=${PATH#$HOME/gobin} goapp "$@" < 2. Start Vim with `~/gobin` as the first `PATH` entry so it will use the wrapper script: > PATH="$HOME/gobin/:$PATH" vim < Alternatively you you could set `$PATH` in your vimrc with an |:autocmd|. How do I use vim-go with syntastic?~ Sometimes when using both `vim-go` and `syntastic` Vim will start lagging while saving and opening files. The following fixes this: > let g:syntastic_go_checkers = ['golint', 'govet'] let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'active', 'passive_filetypes': ['go'] } < If you want to add errcheck you can use golangci-lint as a wrapper: > let g:syntastic_go_checkers = ['golint', 'govet', 'golangci-lint'] let g:syntastic_go_gometalinter_args = ['--disable-all', '--enable=errcheck'] let g:syntastic_mode_map = { 'mode': 'active', 'passive_filetypes': ['go'] } < Another issue with `vim-go` and `syntastic` is that the location list window that contains the output of commands such as `:GoBuild` and `:GoTest` might not appear. To resolve this: > let g:go_list_type = "quickfix" < How do I run focused ginkgo tests?~ You must set this environment variable in your `.vimrc`: > let $GINKGO_EDITOR_INTEGRATION = "true" < Using with NeoVim~ Note: Neovim currently is not a first class citizen for vim-go. You are free to open bug, however I'm not using Neovim so it's hard for me to test it. vim-go might not work as well in Neovim as it does in Vim. I'm happy to accept pull requests or very detailed bug reports. If you're interested to improve the state of Neovim in vim-go you're always welcome! Run `:GoRun` in a new tab, horizontal split or vertical split terminal > au FileType go nmap <leader>rt <Plug>(go-run-tab) au FileType go nmap <leader>rs <Plug>(go-run-split) au FileType go nmap <leader>rv <Plug>(go-run-vertical) < By default new terminals are opened in a vertical split. To change it > let g:go_term_mode = "split" > How can I customize the highlighting?~ All the highlight groups used by vim-go are prefixed with `go` (e.g. `goType`) and are defined in the files in the `syntax` directory. To change the highlighting for any group, add a `highlight` command for the group to your vimrc. To turn off the highlighting for any group, add `highlight link group-name NONE` (where `group-name` is the name of the group whose highlight you'd like to turn off) to your vimrc. Some people may wish to highlight Go's builtins as keywords. To do so, one should simply add `highlight link goBuiltins Keyword` to the `vimrc` file. ============================================================================== DEVELOPMENT *go-development* vim-go supports test files written in VimScript; the way they're run is roughly similar to Go tests: - A `*.vim` file has a corresponding `*_test.vim`. - All functions starting with `Test_` are run as test. - A test is considered to be "failed" if |v:errors| has any entries. You can use one of the |test-functions| to set this, or append to it directly. A simple example: > function Test_run_fmt() call assert_equal(expected, actual) ... endfunction < To run tests vim-go comes with three small helper scripts: `scripts/install-vim` Install a pristine Vim to `/tmp/vim-go-test/`. `scripts/run-vim` Run a Vim version from `/tmp/vim-go-test/`. `scripts/test` Run all tests with a Vim from `/tmp/vim-go-test/`. All scripts accept a Vim version as the first argument, which can be `vim-8.0` or `nvim`. You will need to install a Vim version with `install-vim` before you can use `run-vim` or `test`. You can install and test all Vim versions by running `make`. ============================================================================== DONATION *go-donation* People have asked for this for a long time, now you can be a fully supporter by being a patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/bhcleek By being a patron, you are enabling vim-go to grow and mature, helping me to invest in bug fixes, new documentation, and improving both current and future features. It's completely optional and is just a direct way to support vim-go's ongoing development. Thanks! Check it out: https://www.patreon.com/bhcleek ============================================================================== CREDITS *go-credits* * Go Authors for official Vim plugins. * Gocode, Godef, Golint, Guru, Goimports, Errcheck projects and authors of those projects. * Other vim-plugins, thanks for inspiration (vim-golang, go.vim, vim-gocode, vim-godef). * vim-go contributors: https://github.com/fatih/vim-go/graphs/contributors. vim: ft=help tw=78 et ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 norl