### Explain the issue Most issues are related to bugs or problems. In these cases, you should include a minimal working example and a minimal vimrc file (see below), as well as: 1. What vim version are you using? 2. Steps to reproduce 3. Expected behavior 4. Observed behavior If your issue is instead a feature request or anything else, please consider if minimal examples and vimrc files might still be relevant. ### Minimal working example Please provide a minimal working example, e.g., ```vim if l:x == 1 call one() elseif l:x == 2 call two() else call three() endif ``` ### Minimal vimrc file Please provide a minimal vimrc file that reproduces the issue. The following should often suffice: ```vim set nocompatible " load match-up let &rtp = '~/.vim/bundle/vim-matchup,' . &rtp let &rtp .= ',~/.vim/bundle/vim-matchup/after' " load other plugins, if necessary " let &rtp = '~/path/to/other/plugin,' . &rtp filetype plugin indent on syntax enable " match-up options go here ```