local api = vim.api local fn = vim.fn local luv = vim.loop local utils = require "nvim-treesitter.utils" local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers" local info = require "nvim-treesitter.info" local configs = require "nvim-treesitter.configs" local shell = require "nvim-treesitter.shell_command_selectors" local M = {} ---@class LockfileInfo ---@field revision string ---@type table<string, LockfileInfo> local lockfile = {} M.compilers = { vim.fn.getenv "CC", "cc", "gcc", "clang", "cl", "zig" } M.prefer_git = fn.has "win32" == 1 M.command_extra_args = {} M.ts_generate_args = nil local started_commands = 0 local finished_commands = 0 local failed_commands = 0 local complete_std_output = {} local complete_error_output = {} local function reset_progress_counter() if started_commands ~= finished_commands then return end started_commands = 0 finished_commands = 0 failed_commands = 0 complete_std_output = {} complete_error_output = {} end local function get_job_status() return "[nvim-treesitter] [" .. finished_commands .. "/" .. started_commands .. (failed_commands > 0 and ", failed: " .. failed_commands or "") .. "]" end ---@param lang string ---@return function local function reattach_if_possible_fn(lang, error_on_fail) return function() for _, buf in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do if parsers.get_buf_lang(buf) == lang then vim._ts_remove_language(lang) local ok, err if vim.treesitter.language.add then local ft = vim.bo[buf].filetype ok, err = pcall(vim.treesitter.language.add, lang, { filetype = ft }) else ok, err = pcall(vim.treesitter.language.require_language, lang) end if not ok and error_on_fail then vim.notify("Could not load parser for " .. lang .. ": " .. vim.inspect(err)) end for _, mod in ipairs(require("nvim-treesitter.configs").available_modules()) do if ok then require("nvim-treesitter.configs").reattach_module(mod, buf, lang) else require("nvim-treesitter.configs").detach_module(mod, buf) end end end end end end ---@param lang string ---@param validate boolean|nil ---@return InstallInfo local function get_parser_install_info(lang, validate) local parser_config = parsers.get_parser_configs()[lang] if not parser_config then error('Parser not available for language "' .. lang .. '"') end local install_info = parser_config.install_info if validate then vim.validate { url = { install_info.url, "string" }, files = { install_info.files, "table" }, } end return install_info end local function load_lockfile() local filename = utils.join_path(utils.get_package_path(), "lockfile.json") lockfile = vim.fn.filereadable(filename) == 1 and vim.fn.json_decode(vim.fn.readfile(filename)) or {} end local function is_ignored_parser(lang) return vim.tbl_contains(configs.get_ignored_parser_installs(), lang) end ---@param lang string ---@return string|nil local function get_revision(lang) if #lockfile == 0 then load_lockfile() end local install_info = get_parser_install_info(lang) if install_info.revision then return install_info.revision end if lockfile[lang] then return lockfile[lang].revision end end ---@param lang string ---@return string|nil local function get_installed_revision(lang) local lang_file = utils.join_path(configs.get_parser_info_dir(), lang .. ".revision") if vim.fn.filereadable(lang_file) == 1 then return vim.fn.readfile(lang_file)[1] end end -- Clean path for use in a prefix comparison ---@param input string ---@return string local function clean_path(input) local pth = vim.fn.fnamemodify(input, ":p") if fn.has "win32" == 1 then pth = pth:gsub("/", "\\") end return pth end -- Checks if parser is installed with nvim-treesitter ---@param lang string ---@return boolean local function is_installed(lang) local matched_parsers = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("parser/" .. lang .. ".so", true) or {} local install_dir = configs.get_parser_install_dir() if not install_dir then return false end install_dir = clean_path(install_dir) for _, path in ipairs(matched_parsers) do local abspath = clean_path(path) if vim.startswith(abspath, install_dir) then return true end end return false end ---@param lang string ---@return boolean local function needs_update(lang) local revision = get_revision(lang) return not revision or revision ~= get_installed_revision(lang) end ---@return string[] local function outdated_parsers() return vim.tbl_filter(function(lang) ---@param lang string return is_installed(lang) and needs_update(lang) end, info.installed_parsers()) end ---@param handle userdata ---@param is_stderr boolean local function onread(handle, is_stderr) return function(_, data) if data then if is_stderr then complete_error_output[handle] = (complete_error_output[handle] or "") .. data else complete_std_output[handle] = (complete_std_output[handle] or "") .. data end end end end function M.iter_cmd(cmd_list, i, lang, success_message) if i == 1 then started_commands = started_commands + 1 end if i == #cmd_list + 1 then finished_commands = finished_commands + 1 return print(get_job_status() .. " " .. success_message) end local attr = cmd_list[i] if attr.info then print(get_job_status() .. " " .. attr.info) end if attr.opts and attr.opts.args and M.command_extra_args[attr.cmd] then vim.list_extend(attr.opts.args, M.command_extra_args[attr.cmd]) end if type(attr.cmd) == "function" then local ok, err = pcall(attr.cmd) if ok then M.iter_cmd(cmd_list, i + 1, lang, success_message) else failed_commands = failed_commands + 1 finished_commands = finished_commands + 1 return api.nvim_err_writeln( (attr.err or ("Failed to execute the following command:\n" .. vim.inspect(attr))) .. "\n" .. vim.inspect(err) ) end else local handle local stdout = luv.new_pipe(false) local stderr = luv.new_pipe(false) attr.opts.stdio = { nil, stdout, stderr } ---@type userdata handle = luv.spawn( attr.cmd, attr.opts, vim.schedule_wrap(function(code) if code ~= 0 then stdout:read_stop() stderr:read_stop() end stdout:close() stderr:close() handle:close() if code ~= 0 then failed_commands = failed_commands + 1 finished_commands = finished_commands + 1 if complete_std_output[handle] and complete_std_output[handle] ~= "" then print(complete_std_output[handle]) end local err_msg = complete_error_output[handle] or "" api.nvim_err_writeln( "nvim-treesitter[" .. lang .. "]: " .. (attr.err or ("Failed to execute the following command:\n" .. vim.inspect(attr))) .. "\n" .. err_msg ) return end M.iter_cmd(cmd_list, i + 1, lang, success_message) end) ) luv.read_start(stdout, onread(handle, false)) luv.read_start(stderr, onread(handle, true)) end end ---@param cmd Command ---@return string command local function get_command(cmd) local options = "" if cmd.opts and cmd.opts.args then if M.command_extra_args[cmd.cmd] then vim.list_extend(cmd.opts.args, M.command_extra_args[cmd.cmd]) end for _, opt in ipairs(cmd.opts.args) do options = string.format("%s %s", options, opt) end end local command = string.format("%s %s", cmd.cmd, options) if cmd.opts and cmd.opts.cwd then command = shell.make_directory_change_for_command(cmd.opts.cwd, command) end return command end ---@param cmd_list Command[] ---@return boolean local function iter_cmd_sync(cmd_list) for _, cmd in ipairs(cmd_list) do if cmd.info then print(cmd.info) end if type(cmd.cmd) == "function" then cmd.cmd() else local ret = vim.fn.system(get_command(cmd)) if vim.v.shell_error ~= 0 then print(ret) api.nvim_err_writeln( (cmd.err and cmd.err .. "\n" or "") .. "Failed to execute the following command:\n" .. vim.inspect(cmd) ) return false end end end return true end ---@param cache_folder string ---@param install_folder string ---@param lang string ---@param repo InstallInfo ---@param with_sync boolean ---@param generate_from_grammar boolean local function run_install(cache_folder, install_folder, lang, repo, with_sync, generate_from_grammar) parsers.reset_cache() local path_sep = utils.get_path_sep() local project_name = "tree-sitter-" .. lang local maybe_local_path = vim.fn.expand(repo.url) local from_local_path = vim.fn.isdirectory(maybe_local_path) == 1 if from_local_path then repo.url = maybe_local_path end ---@type string compile_location only needed for typescript installs. local compile_location if from_local_path then compile_location = repo.url if repo.location then compile_location = utils.join_path(compile_location, repo.location) end else local repo_location = project_name if repo.location then repo_location = repo_location .. "/" .. repo.location end repo_location = repo_location:gsub("/", path_sep) compile_location = utils.join_path(cache_folder, repo_location) end local parser_lib_name = utils.join_path(install_folder, lang) .. ".so" generate_from_grammar = repo.requires_generate_from_grammar or generate_from_grammar if generate_from_grammar and vim.fn.executable "tree-sitter" ~= 1 then api.nvim_err_writeln "tree-sitter CLI not found: `tree-sitter` is not executable!" if repo.requires_generate_from_grammar then api.nvim_err_writeln( "tree-sitter CLI is needed because `" .. lang .. "` is marked that it needs " .. "to be generated from the grammar definitions to be compatible with nvim!" ) end return else if not M.ts_generate_args then local ts_cli_version = utils.ts_cli_version() if ts_cli_version and vim.split(ts_cli_version, " ")[1] > "0.20.2" then M.ts_generate_args = { "generate", "--abi", vim.treesitter.language_version } else M.ts_generate_args = { "generate" } end end end if generate_from_grammar and vim.fn.executable "node" ~= 1 then api.nvim_err_writeln "Node JS not found: `node` is not executable!" return end local cc = shell.select_executable(M.compilers) if not cc then api.nvim_err_writeln('No C compiler found! "' .. table.concat( vim.tbl_filter(function(c) ---@param c string return type(c) == "string" end, M.compilers), '", "' ) .. '" are not executable.') return end local revision = repo.revision if not revision then revision = get_revision(lang) end ---@class Command ---@field cmd string ---@field info string ---@field err string ---@field opts CmdOpts ---@class CmdOpts ---@field args string[] ---@field cwd string ---@type Command[] local command_list = {} if not from_local_path then vim.list_extend(command_list, { shell.select_install_rm_cmd(cache_folder, project_name) }) vim.list_extend( command_list, shell.select_download_commands(repo, project_name, cache_folder, revision, M.prefer_git) ) end if generate_from_grammar then if repo.generate_requires_npm then if vim.fn.executable "npm" ~= 1 then api.nvim_err_writeln("`" .. lang .. "` requires NPM to be installed from grammar.js") return end vim.list_extend(command_list, { { cmd = "npm", info = "Installing NPM dependencies of " .. lang .. " parser", err = "Error during `npm install` (required for parser generation of " .. lang .. " with npm dependencies)", opts = { args = { "install" }, cwd = compile_location, }, }, }) end vim.list_extend(command_list, { { cmd = vim.fn.exepath "tree-sitter", info = "Generating source files from grammar.js...", err = 'Error during "tree-sitter generate"', opts = { args = M.ts_generate_args, cwd = compile_location, }, }, }) end vim.list_extend(command_list, { shell.select_compile_command(repo, cc, compile_location), shell.select_mv_cmd("parser.so", parser_lib_name, compile_location), { cmd = function() vim.fn.writefile({ revision or "" }, utils.join_path(configs.get_parser_info_dir() or "", lang .. ".revision")) end, }, { -- auto-attach modules after installation cmd = reattach_if_possible_fn(lang, true), }, }) if not from_local_path then vim.list_extend(command_list, { shell.select_install_rm_cmd(cache_folder, project_name) }) end if with_sync then if iter_cmd_sync(command_list) == true then print("Treesitter parser for " .. lang .. " has been installed") end else M.iter_cmd(command_list, 1, lang, "Treesitter parser for " .. lang .. " has been installed") end end ---@param lang string ---@param ask_reinstall boolean|string ---@param cache_folder string ---@param install_folder string ---@param with_sync boolean ---@param generate_from_grammar boolean local function install_lang(lang, ask_reinstall, cache_folder, install_folder, with_sync, generate_from_grammar) if is_installed(lang) and ask_reinstall ~= "force" then if not ask_reinstall then return end local yesno = fn.input(lang .. " parser already available: would you like to reinstall ? y/n: ") print "\n " if not string.match(yesno, "^y.*") then return end end local ok, install_info = pcall(get_parser_install_info, lang, true) if not ok then vim.notify("Installation not possible: " .. install_info, vim.log.levels.ERROR) if not parsers.get_parser_configs()[lang] then vim.notify( "See https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/#adding-parsers on how to add a new parser!", vim.log.levels.INFO ) end return end run_install(cache_folder, install_folder, lang, install_info, with_sync, generate_from_grammar) end ---@class InstallOptions ---@field with_sync boolean ---@field ask_reinstall boolean|string ---@field generate_from_grammar boolean ---@field exclude_configured_parsers boolean -- Install a parser ---@param options? InstallOptions ---@return function local function install(options) options = options or {} local with_sync = options.with_sync local ask_reinstall = options.ask_reinstall local generate_from_grammar = options.generate_from_grammar local exclude_configured_parsers = options.exclude_configured_parsers return function(...) if fn.executable "git" == 0 then return api.nvim_err_writeln "Git is required on your system to run this command" end local cache_folder, err = utils.get_cache_dir() if err then return api.nvim_err_writeln(err) end assert(cache_folder) local install_folder install_folder, err = configs.get_parser_install_dir() if err then return api.nvim_err_writeln(err) end assert(install_folder) local languages ---@type string[] local ask ---@type boolean|string if ... == "all" then languages = parsers.available_parsers() ask = false else languages = vim.tbl_flatten { ... } ask = ask_reinstall end if exclude_configured_parsers then languages = utils.difference(languages, configs.get_ignored_parser_installs()) end if #languages > 1 then reset_progress_counter() end for _, lang in ipairs(languages) do install_lang(lang, ask, cache_folder, install_folder, with_sync, generate_from_grammar) end end end function M.setup_auto_install() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", { pattern = { "*" }, callback = function() local lang = parsers.get_buf_lang() if parsers.get_parser_configs()[lang] and not is_installed(lang) and not is_ignored_parser(lang) then install() { lang } end end, }) end function M.update(options) options = options or {} return function(...) M.lockfile = {} reset_progress_counter() if ... and ... ~= "all" then ---@type string[] local languages = vim.tbl_flatten { ... } local installed = 0 for _, lang in ipairs(languages) do if (not is_installed(lang)) or (needs_update(lang)) then installed = installed + 1 install { ask_reinstall = "force", with_sync = options.with_sync, }(lang) end end if installed == 0 then utils.notify "Parsers are up-to-date!" end else local parsers_to_update = outdated_parsers() or info.installed_parsers() if #parsers_to_update == 0 then utils.notify "All parsers are up-to-date!" end for _, lang in pairs(parsers_to_update) do install { ask_reinstall = "force", exclude_configured_parsers = true, with_sync = options.with_sync, }(lang) end end end end function M.uninstall(...) if vim.tbl_contains({ "all" }, ...) then reset_progress_counter() local installed = info.installed_parsers() M.uninstall(installed) elseif ... then local ensure_installed_parsers = configs.get_ensure_installed_parsers() if ensure_installed_parsers == "all" then ensure_installed_parsers = parsers.available_parsers() end ensure_installed_parsers = utils.difference(ensure_installed_parsers, configs.get_ignored_parser_installs()) ---@type string[] local languages = vim.tbl_flatten { ... } for _, lang in ipairs(languages) do local install_dir, err = configs.get_parser_install_dir() if err then return api.nvim_err_writeln(err) end if vim.tbl_contains(ensure_installed_parsers, lang) then vim.notify( "Uninstalling " .. lang .. '. But the parser is still configured in "ensure_installed" setting of nvim-treesitter.' .. " Please consider updating your config!", vim.log.levels.ERROR ) end local parser_lib = utils.join_path(install_dir, lang) .. ".so" local all_parsers = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("parser/" .. lang .. ".so", true) if vim.fn.filereadable(parser_lib) == 1 then local command_list = { shell.select_rm_file_cmd(parser_lib, "Uninstalling parser for " .. lang), { cmd = function() local all_parsers_after_deletion = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("parser/" .. lang .. ".so", true) if #all_parsers_after_deletion > 0 then vim.notify( "Tried to uninstall parser for " .. lang .. "! But the parser is still installed (not by nvim-treesitter):" .. table.concat(all_parsers_after_deletion, ", "), vim.log.levels.ERROR ) end end, }, { -- auto-reattach or detach modules after uninstallation cmd = reattach_if_possible_fn(lang, false), }, } M.iter_cmd(command_list, 1, lang, "Treesitter parser for " .. lang .. " has been uninstalled") elseif #all_parsers > 0 then vim.notify( "Parser for " .. lang .. " is installed! But not by nvim-treesitter! Please manually remove the following files: " .. table.concat(all_parsers, ", "), vim.log.levels.ERROR ) end end end end function M.write_lockfile(verbose, skip_langs) local sorted_parsers = {} ---@type Parser[] -- Load previous lockfile load_lockfile() skip_langs = skip_langs or {} for k, v in pairs(parsers.get_parser_configs()) do table.insert(sorted_parsers, { name = k, parser = v }) end ---@param a Parser ---@param b Parser table.sort(sorted_parsers, function(a, b) return a.name < b.name end) for _, v in ipairs(sorted_parsers) do if not vim.tbl_contains(skip_langs, v.name) then -- I'm sure this can be done in aync way with iter_cmd local sha ---@type string if v.parser.install_info.branch then sha = vim.split( vim.fn.systemlist( "git ls-remote " .. v.parser.install_info.url .. " | grep refs/heads/" .. v.parser.install_info.branch )[1], "\t" )[1] else sha = vim.split(vim.fn.systemlist("git ls-remote " .. v.parser.install_info.url)[1], "\t")[1] end lockfile[v.name] = { revision = sha } if verbose then print(v.name .. ": " .. sha) end else print("Skipping " .. v.name) end end if verbose then print(vim.inspect(lockfile)) end vim.fn.writefile( vim.fn.split(vim.fn.json_encode(lockfile), "\n"), utils.join_path(utils.get_package_path(), "lockfile.json") ) end M.ensure_installed = install { exclude_configured_parsers = true } M.ensure_installed_sync = install { with_sync = true, exclude_configured_parsers = true } M.commands = { TSInstall = { run = install { ask_reinstall = true }, ["run!"] = install { ask_reinstall = "force" }, args = { "-nargs=+", "-bang", "-complete=custom,nvim_treesitter#installable_parsers", }, }, TSInstallFromGrammar = { run = install { generate_from_grammar = true, ask_reinstall = true }, ["run!"] = install { generate_from_grammar = true, ask_reinstall = "force" }, args = { "-nargs=+", "-bang", "-complete=custom,nvim_treesitter#installable_parsers", }, }, TSInstallSync = { run = install { with_sync = true, ask_reinstall = true }, ["run!"] = install { with_sync = true, ask_reinstall = "force" }, args = { "-nargs=+", "-bang", "-complete=custom,nvim_treesitter#installable_parsers", }, }, TSUpdate = { run = M.update {}, args = { "-nargs=*", "-complete=custom,nvim_treesitter#installed_parsers", }, }, TSUpdateSync = { run = M.update { with_sync = true }, args = { "-nargs=*", "-complete=custom,nvim_treesitter#installed_parsers", }, }, TSUninstall = { run = M.uninstall, args = { "-nargs=+", "-complete=custom,nvim_treesitter#installed_parsers", }, }, } return M