local scroller = {} local range_calculators = { ascending = function(max_results, num_results) return 0, math.min(max_results, num_results) end, descending = function(max_results, num_results) return math.max(max_results - num_results, 0), max_results end, } local scroll_calculators = { cycle = function(range_fn) return function(max_results, num_results, row) local start, finish = range_fn(max_results, num_results) if row >= finish then return start elseif row < start then return (finish - 1 < 0) and finish or finish - 1 end return row end end, limit = function(range_fn) return function(max_results, num_results, row) local start, finish = range_fn(max_results, num_results) if row >= finish and finish > 0 then return finish - 1 elseif row < start then return start end return row end end, } scroller.create = function(scroll_strategy, sorting_strategy) local range_fn = range_calculators[sorting_strategy] if not range_fn then error(debug.traceback("Unknown sorting strategy: " .. sorting_strategy)) end local scroll_fn = scroll_calculators[scroll_strategy] if not scroll_fn then error(debug.traceback("Unknown scroll strategy: " .. (scroll_strategy or ""))) end local calculator = scroll_fn(range_fn) return function(max_results, num_results, row) local result = calculator(max_results, num_results, row) if result < 0 then error( string.format( "Must never return a negative row: { result = %s, args = { %s %s %s } }", result, max_results, num_results, row ) ) end if result > max_results then error( string.format( "Must never exceed max results: { result = %s, args = { %s %s %s } }", result, max_results, num_results, row ) ) end return result end end scroller.top = function(sorting_strategy, max_results, num_results) if sorting_strategy == "ascending" then return 0 end return (num_results > max_results) and 0 or (max_results - num_results) end scroller.middle = function(sorting_strategy, max_results, num_results) local mid_pos if sorting_strategy == "ascending" then mid_pos = math.floor(num_results / 2) else mid_pos = math.floor(max_results - num_results / 2) end return (num_results < max_results) and mid_pos or math.floor(max_results / 2) end scroller.bottom = function(sorting_strategy, max_results, num_results) if sorting_strategy == "ascending" then return math.min(max_results, num_results) - 1 end return max_results - 1 end scroller.better = function(sorting_strategy) if sorting_strategy == "ascending" then return -1 else return 1 end end scroller.worse = function(sorting_strategy) return -(scroller.better(sorting_strategy)) end return scroller