local eq = function(a, b) assert.are.same(a, b) end local resolve = require "telescope.config.resolve" describe("telescope.config.resolve", function() describe("win_option", function() it("should resolve for percentages", function() local height_config = 0.8 local opt = resolve.win_option(height_config) eq(height_config, opt.preview) eq(height_config, opt.prompt) eq(height_config, opt.results) end) it("should resolve for percentages with default", function() local height_config = 0.8 local opt = resolve.win_option(nil, height_config) eq(height_config, opt.preview) eq(height_config, opt.prompt) eq(height_config, opt.results) end) it("should resolve table values", function() local table_val = { "a" } local opt = resolve.win_option(nil, table_val) eq(table_val, opt.preview) eq(table_val, opt.prompt) eq(table_val, opt.results) end) it("should allow overrides for different wins", function() local prompt_override = { "a", prompt = "b" } local opt = resolve.win_option(prompt_override) eq("a", opt.preview) eq("a", opt.results) eq("b", opt.prompt) end) it("should allow overrides for all wins", function() local all_specified = { preview = "a", prompt = "b", results = "c" } local opt = resolve.win_option(all_specified) eq("a", opt.preview) eq("b", opt.prompt) eq("c", opt.results) end) it("should allow some specified with a simple default", function() local some_specified = { prompt = "b", results = "c" } local opt = resolve.win_option(some_specified, "a") eq("a", opt.preview) eq("b", opt.prompt) eq("c", opt.results) end) end) describe("resolve_height/width", function() local test_sizes = { { 24, 100 }, { 35, 125 }, { 60, 59 }, { 100, 40 }, } it("should handle percentages", function() local percentages = { 0.1, 0.33333, 0.5, 0.99 } for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do for _, p in ipairs(percentages) do eq(math.floor(s[1] * p), resolve.resolve_width(p)(nil, unpack(s))) eq(math.floor(s[2] * p), resolve.resolve_height(p)(nil, unpack(s))) end end end) it("should handle percentages with min/max boundary", function() eq(20, resolve.resolve_width { 0.1, min = 20 }(nil, 40, 120)) eq(30, resolve.resolve_height { 0.1, min = 20 }(nil, 40, 300)) eq(24, resolve.resolve_width { 0.4, max = 80 }(nil, 60, 60)) eq(80, resolve.resolve_height { 0.4, max = 80 }(nil, 60, 300)) end) it("should handle fixed size", function() local fixed = { 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 } for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do for _, f in ipairs(fixed) do eq(math.min(f, s[1]), resolve.resolve_width(f)(nil, unpack(s))) eq(math.min(f, s[2]), resolve.resolve_height(f)(nil, unpack(s))) end end end) it("should handle functions", function() local func = function(_, max_columns, max_lines) if max_columns < 45 then return math.min(max_columns, max_lines) elseif max_columns < max_lines then return max_columns * 0.8 else return math.min(max_columns, max_lines) * 0.5 end end for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do eq(func(nil, unpack(s)), resolve.resolve_height(func)(nil, unpack(s))) end end) it("should handle padding", function() local func = function(_, max_columns, max_lines) return math.floor(math.min(max_columns * 0.6, max_lines * 0.8)) end local pads = { 0.1, 5, func } for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do for _, p in ipairs(pads) do eq(s[1] - 2 * resolve.resolve_width(p)(nil, unpack(s)), resolve.resolve_width { padding = p }(nil, unpack(s))) eq( s[2] - 2 * resolve.resolve_height(p)(nil, unpack(s)), resolve.resolve_height { padding = p }(nil, unpack(s)) ) end end end) end) describe("resolve_anchor_pos", function() local test_sizes = { { 6, 7, 8, 9 }, { 10, 20, 30, 40 }, { 15, 15, 16, 16 }, { 17, 19, 23, 31 }, { 21, 18, 26, 24 }, { 50, 100, 150, 200 }, } it([[should not adjust when "CENTER" or "" is the anchor]], function() for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do eq({ 0, 0 }, resolve.resolve_anchor_pos("", unpack(s))) eq({ 0, 0 }, resolve.resolve_anchor_pos("center", unpack(s))) eq({ 0, 0 }, resolve.resolve_anchor_pos("CENTER", unpack(s))) end end) it([[should end up at top when "N" in the anchor]], function() local top_test = function(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) local pos = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) eq(1, pos[2] + math.floor((max_lines - p_height) / 2)) end for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do top_test("NW", unpack(s)) top_test("N", unpack(s)) top_test("NE", unpack(s)) end end) it([[should end up at left when "W" in the anchor]], function() local left_test = function(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) local pos = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) eq(1, pos[1] + math.floor((max_columns - p_width) / 2)) end for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do left_test("NW", unpack(s)) left_test("W", unpack(s)) left_test("SW", unpack(s)) end end) it([[should end up at bottom when "S" in the anchor]], function() local bot_test = function(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) local pos = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) eq(max_lines - 1, pos[2] + p_height + math.floor((max_lines - p_height) / 2)) end for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do bot_test("SW", unpack(s)) bot_test("S", unpack(s)) bot_test("SE", unpack(s)) end end) it([[should end up at right when "E" in the anchor]], function() local right_test = function(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) local pos = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(anchor, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) eq(max_columns - 1, pos[1] + p_width + math.floor((max_columns - p_width) / 2)) end for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do right_test("NE", unpack(s)) right_test("E", unpack(s)) right_test("SE", unpack(s)) end end) it([[should ignore casing of the anchor]], function() local case_test = function(a1, a2, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) local pos1 = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(a1, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) local pos2 = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(a2, p_width, p_height, max_columns, max_lines) eq(pos1, pos2) end for _, s in ipairs(test_sizes) do case_test("ne", "NE", unpack(s)) case_test("w", "W", unpack(s)) case_test("sW", "sw", unpack(s)) case_test("cEnTeR", "CeNtEr", unpack(s)) end end) end) end)