# vim-expand-region ## About [vim-expand-region] is a Vim plugin that allows you to visually select increasingly larger regions of text using the same key combination. It is similar to features from other editors: - Emac's [expand region](https://github.com/magnars/expand-region.el) - IntelliJ's [syntax aware selection](http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/documentation/tips/#tips_code_editing) - Eclipse's [select enclosing element](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4264047/intellij-ctrlw-equivalent-shortcut-in-eclipse) <p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.github.com/terryma/vim-expand-region/master/expand-region.gif" alt="vim-expand-region" /> </p> ## Installation Install using [Pathogen], [Vundle], [Neobundle], or your favorite Vim package manager. ## Quick Start Press ```+``` to expand the visual selection and ```_``` to shrink it. ## Mapping Customize the key mapping if you don't like the default. ``` map K <Plug>(expand_region_expand) map J <Plug>(expand_region_shrink) ``` ## Setting ### Customize selected regions The plugin uses __your own__ text objects to determine the expansion. You can customize the text objects the plugin knows about with ```g:expand_region_text_objects```. ```vim " Default settings. (NOTE: Remove comments in dictionary before sourcing) let g:expand_region_text_objects = { \ 'iw' :0, \ 'iW' :0, \ 'i"' :0, \ 'i''' :0, \ 'i]' :1, " Support nesting of square brackets \ 'ib' :1, " Support nesting of parentheses \ 'iB' :1, " Support nesting of braces \ 'il' :0, " 'inside line'. Available through https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-line \ 'ip' :0, \ 'ie' :0, " 'entire file'. Available through https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-entire \ } ``` You can extend the global default dictionary by calling ```expand_region#custom_text_objects```: ```vim " Extend the global default (NOTE: Remove comments in dictionary before sourcing) call expand_region#custom_text_objects({ \ "\/\\n\\n\<CR>": 1, " Motions are supported as well. Here's a search motion that finds a blank line \ 'a]' :1, " Support nesting of 'around' brackets \ 'ab' :1, " Support nesting of 'around' parentheses \ 'aB' :1, " Support nesting of 'around' braces \ 'ii' :0, " 'inside indent'. Available through https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-indent \ 'ai' :0, " 'around indent'. Available through https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-indent \ }) ``` You can further customize the text objects dictionary on a per filetype basis by defining global variables like ```g:expand_region_text_objects_{ft}```. ```vim " Use the following setting for ruby. (NOTE: Remove comments in dictionary before sourcing) let g:expand_region_text_objects_ruby = { \ 'im' :0, " 'inner method'. Available through https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby \ 'am' :0, " 'around method'. Available through https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby \ } ``` Note that this completely replaces the default dictionary. To extend the default on a per filetype basis, you can call ```expand_region#custom_text_objects``` by passing in the filetype in the first argument: ```vim " Use the global default + the following for ruby call expand_region#custom_text_objects('ruby', { \ 'im' :0, \ 'am' :0, \ }) ``` ### Customize selection mode By default, after an expansion, the plugin leaves you in visual mode. If your ```selectmode```(h:selectmode)) contains ```cmd```, then the plugin will respect that setting and leave you in select mode. If you don't have ```selectmode``` set, but would like to default the expansion in select mode, you can use the global setting below: ```vim let g:expand_region_use_select_mode = 1 ``` [vim-expand-region]:http://github.com/terryma/vim-expand-region [Pathogen]:http://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen [Vundle]:http://github.com/gmarik/vundle [Neobundle]:http://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim [](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")