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from os.path import join, sep as s, dirname, expanduser
import os
from textwrap import dedent
from itertools import count
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from ..helpers import root_dir
from jedi.api.helpers import _start_match, _fuzzy_match
from jedi.inference.imports import _load_python_module
from jedi.file_io import KnownContentFileIO
from jedi.inference.base_value import ValueSet
def test_in_whitespace(Script):
code = dedent('''
def x():
assert len(Script(code).complete(column=2)) > 20
def test_empty_init(Script):
"""This was actually an issue."""
code = dedent('''\
class X(object): pass
assert not Script(code).complete()
def test_in_empty_space(Script):
code = dedent('''\
class X(object):
def __init__(self):
comps = Script(code).complete(3, 7)
self, = [c for c in comps if c.name == 'self']
assert self.name == 'self'
def_, = self.infer()
assert def_.name == 'X'
def test_indent_value(Script):
If an INDENT is the next supposed token, we should still be able to
code = 'if 1:\nisinstanc'
comp, = Script(code).complete()
assert comp.name == 'isinstance'
def test_keyword_value(Script):
def get_names(*args, **kwargs):
return [d.name for d in Script(*args, **kwargs).complete()]
names = get_names('if 1:\n pass\n')
assert 'if' in names
assert 'elif' in names
def test_os_nowait(Script):
""" github issue #45 """
s = Script("import os; os.P_").complete()
assert 'P_NOWAIT' in [i.name for i in s]
def test_points_in_completion(Script):
"""At some point, points were inserted into the completions, this
caused problems, sometimes.
c = Script("if IndentationErr").complete()
assert c[0].name == 'IndentationError'
assert c[0].complete == 'or'
def test_loading_unicode_files_with_bad_global_charset(Script, monkeypatch, tmpdir):
dirname = str(tmpdir.mkdir('jedi-test'))
filename1 = join(dirname, 'test1.py')
filename2 = join(dirname, 'test2.py')
data = "# coding: latin-1\nfoo = 'm\xf6p'\n".encode("latin-1")
with open(filename1, "wb") as f:
s = Script("from test1 import foo\nfoo.", path=filename2)
s.complete(line=2, column=4)
def test_complete_expanduser(Script):
possibilities = os.scandir(expanduser('~'))
non_dots = [p for p in possibilities if not p.name.startswith('.') and len(p.name) > 1]
item = non_dots[0]
line = "'~%s%s'" % (os.sep, item.name)
s = Script(line)
expected_name = item.name
if item.is_dir():
expected_name += os.path.sep
assert expected_name in [c.name for c in s.complete(column=len(line)-1)]
def test_fake_subnodes(Script):
Test the number of subnodes of a fake object.
There was a bug where the number of child nodes would grow on every
call to :func:``jedi.inference.compiled.fake.get_faked``.
See Github PR#649 and isseu #591.
def get_str_completion(values):
for c in values:
if c.name == 'str':
return c
limit = None
for i in range(2):
completions = Script('').complete()
c = get_str_completion(completions)
str_value, = c._name.infer()
n = len(str_value.tree_node.children[-1].children)
if i == 0:
limit = n
assert n == limit
def test_generator(Script):
# Did have some problems with the usage of generator completions this
# way.
s = "def abc():\n" \
" yield 1\n" \
assert Script(s).complete()
def test_in_comment(Script):
assert Script(" # Comment").complete()
# TODO this is a bit ugly, that the behaviors in comments are different.
assert not Script("max_attr_value = int(2) # Cast to int for spe").complete()
def test_in_comment_before_string(Script):
assert not Script(" # Foo\n'asdf'").complete(line=1)
def test_async(Script, environment):
code = dedent('''
foo = 3
async def x():
hey = 3
comps = Script(code).complete(column=4)
names = [c.name for c in comps]
assert 'foo' in names
assert 'hey' in names
def test_with_stmt_error_recovery(Script):
assert Script('with open('') as foo: foo.\na').complete(line=1)
def test_function_param_usage(Script):
c, = Script('def func(foo_value):\n str(foo_valu').complete()
assert c.complete == 'e'
assert c.name == 'foo_value'
c1, c2 = Script('def func(foo_value):\n func(foo_valu').complete()
assert c1.complete == 'e'
assert c1.name == 'foo_value'
assert c2.complete == 'e='
assert c2.name == 'foo_value='
'code, has_keywords', (
('', True),
('x;', True),
('1', False),
('1 ', True),
('1\t', True),
('1\n', True),
('1\\\n', True),
def test_keyword_completion(Script, code, has_keywords):
assert has_keywords == any(x.is_keyword for x in Script(code).complete())
f1 = join(root_dir, 'example.py')
f2 = join(root_dir, 'test', 'example.py')
os_path = 'from os.path import *\n'
# os.path.sep escaped
se = s * 2 if s == '\\' else s
current_dirname = os.path.basename(dirname(dirname(dirname(__file__))))
'file, code, column, expected', [
# General tests / relative paths
(None, '"comp', None, []), # No files like comp
(None, '"test', None, [s]),
(None, '"test', 4, ['t' + s]),
('example.py', '"test%scomp' % s, None, ['letion' + s]),
('example.py', 'r"comp"', None, []),
('example.py', 'r"tes"', None, []),
('example.py', '1 + r"tes"', None, []),
('example.py', 'r"tes"', 5, ['t' + s]),
('example.py', 'r" tes"', 6, []),
('test%sexample.py' % se, 'r"tes"', 5, ['t' + s]),
('test%sexample.py' % se, 'r"test%scomp"' % s, 5, ['t' + s]),
('test%sexample.py' % se, 'r"test%scomp"' % s, 11, ['letion' + s]),
('test%sexample.py' % se, '"%s"' % join('test', 'completion', 'basi'), 21, ['c.py']),
('example.py', 'rb"' + join('..', current_dirname, 'tes'), None, ['t' + s]),
# Absolute paths
(None, f'"{root_dir.joinpath("test", "test_ca")}', None, ['che.py"']),
(None, f'"{root_dir.joinpath("test", "test_ca")}"', len(str(root_dir)) + 14, ['che.py']),
# Longer quotes
('example.py', 'r"""test', None, [s]),
('example.py', 'r"""\ntest', None, []),
('example.py', 'u"""tes\n', (1, 7), ['t' + s]),
('example.py', '"""test%stest_cache.p"""' % s, 20, ['y']),
('example.py', '"""test%stest_cache.p"""' % s, 19, ['py"""']),
# Adding
('example.py', '"test" + "%stest_cac' % se, None, ['he.py"']),
('example.py', '"test" + "%s" + "test_cac' % se, None, ['he.py"']),
('example.py', 'x = 1 + "test', None, []),
('example.py', 'x = f("te" + "st)', 16, [s]),
('example.py', 'x = f("te" + "st', 16, [s]),
('example.py', 'x = f("te" + "st"', 16, [s]),
('example.py', 'x = f("te" + "st")', 16, [s]),
('example.py', 'x = f("t" + "est")', 16, [s]),
('example.py', 'x = f(b"t" + "est")', 17, []),
('example.py', '"test" + "', None, [s]),
# __file__
(f1, os_path + 'dirname(__file__) + "%stest' % s, None, [s]),
(f2, os_path + 'dirname(__file__) + "%stest_ca' % se, None, ['che.py"']),
(f2, os_path + 'dirname(abspath(__file__)) + sep + "test_ca', None, ['che.py"']),
(f2, os_path + 'join(dirname(__file__), "completion") + sep + "basi', None, ['c.py"']),
(f2, os_path + 'join("test", "completion") + sep + "basi', None, ['c.py"']),
# inside join
(f2, os_path + 'join(dirname(__file__), "completion", "basi', None, ['c.py"']),
(f2, os_path + 'join(dirname(__file__), "completion", "basi)', 43, ['c.py"']),
(f2, os_path + 'join(dirname(__file__), "completion", "basi")', 43, ['c.py']),
(f2, os_path + 'join(dirname(__file__), "completion", "basi)', 35, ['']),
(f2, os_path + 'join(dirname(__file__), "completion", "basi)', 33, ['on"']),
(f2, os_path + 'join(dirname(__file__), "completion", "basi")', 33, ['on"']),
# join with one argument. join will not get inferred and the result is
# that directories and in a slash. This is unfortunate, but doesn't
# really matter.
(f2, os_path + 'join("tes', 9, ['t"']),
(f2, os_path + 'join(\'tes)', 9, ["t'"]),
(f2, os_path + 'join(r"tes"', 10, ['t']),
(f2, os_path + 'join("""tes""")', 11, ['t']),
# Almost like join but not really
(f2, os_path + 'join["tes', 9, ['t' + s]),
(f2, os_path + 'join["tes"', 9, ['t' + s]),
(f2, os_path + 'join["tes"]', 9, ['t' + s]),
(f2, os_path + 'join[dirname(__file__), "completi', 33, []),
(f2, os_path + 'join[dirname(__file__), "completi"', 33, []),
(f2, os_path + 'join[dirname(__file__), "completi"]', 33, []),
# With full paths
(f2, 'import os\nos.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "completi', 49, ['on"']),
(f2, 'import os\nos.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "completi"', 49, ['on']),
(f2, 'import os\nos.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "completi")', 49, ['on']),
# With alias
(f2, 'import os.path as p as p\np.join(p.dirname(__file__), "completi', None, ['on"']),
(f2, 'from os.path import dirname, join as j\nj(dirname(__file__), "completi',
None, ['on"']),
# Trying to break it
(f2, os_path + 'join(["tes', 10, ['t' + s]),
(f2, os_path + 'join(["tes"]', 10, ['t' + s]),
(f2, os_path + 'join(["tes"])', 10, ['t' + s]),
(f2, os_path + 'join("test", "test_cac" + x,', 22, ['he.py']),
# GH #1528
(f2, "'a' 'b'", 4, Ellipsis),
def test_file_path_completions(Script, file, code, column, expected):
line = None
if isinstance(column, tuple):
line, column = column
comps = Script(code, path=file).complete(line=line, column=column)
if expected is Ellipsis:
assert len(comps) > 100 # This is basically global completions.
assert [c.complete for c in comps] == expected
def test_file_path_should_have_completions(Script):
assert Script('r"').complete() # See GH #1503
_dict_keys_completion_tests = [
('ints[', 5, ['1', '50', Ellipsis]),
('ints[]', 5, ['1', '50', Ellipsis]),
('ints[1]', 5, ['1', '50', Ellipsis]),
('ints[1]', 6, ['']),
('ints[1', 5, ['1', '50', Ellipsis]),
('ints[1', 6, ['']),
('ints[5]', 5, ['1', '50', Ellipsis]),
('ints[5]', 6, ['0']),
('ints[50', 5, ['1', '50', Ellipsis]),
('ints[5', 6, ['0']),
('ints[ 5', None, ['0']),
('ints [ 5', None, ['0']),
('ints[50', 6, ['0']),
('ints[50', 7, ['']),
('strs[', 5, ["'asdf'", "'fbar'", "'foo'", Ellipsis]),
('strs[]', 5, ["'asdf'", "'fbar'", "'foo'", Ellipsis]),
("strs['", 6, ["asdf'", "fbar'", "foo'"]),
("strs[']", 6, ["asdf'", "fbar'", "foo'"]),
('strs["]', 6, ['asdf"', 'fbar"', 'foo"']),
('strs["""]', 6, ['asdf', 'fbar', 'foo']),
('strs["""]', 8, ['asdf"""', 'fbar"""', 'foo"""']),
('strs[b"]', 8, []),
('strs[r"asd', 10, ['f"']),
('strs[r"asd"', 10, ['f']),
('strs[R"asd', 10, ['f"']),
('strs[ R"asd', None, ['f"']),
('strs[\tR"asd', None, ['f"']),
('strs[\nR"asd', None, ['f"']),
('strs[f"asd', 10, []),
('strs[br"""asd', 13, ['f"""']),
('strs[br"""asd"""', 13, ['f']),
('strs[ \t"""asd"""', 13, ['f']),
('strs["f', 7, ['bar"', 'oo"']),
('strs["f"', 7, ['bar', 'oo']),
('strs["f]', 7, ['bar"', 'oo"']),
('strs["f"]', 7, ['bar', 'oo']),
('mixed[', 6, [r"'a\\sdf'", '1', '1.1', "b'foo'", Ellipsis]),
('mixed[1', 7, ['', '.1']),
('mixed[Non', 9, ['e']),
('casted["f', 9, ['3"', 'bar"', 'oo"']),
('casted["f"', 9, ['3', 'bar', 'oo']),
('casted["f3', 10, ['"']),
('casted["f3"', 10, ['']),
('casted_mod["f', 13, ['3"', 'bar"', 'oo"', 'ull"', 'uuu"']),
('keywords["', None, ['a"']),
('keywords[Non', None, ['e']),
('keywords[Fa', None, ['lse']),
('keywords[Tr', None, ['ue']),
('keywords[str', None, ['', 's']),
'added_code, column, expected', _dict_keys_completion_tests
def test_dict_keys_completions(Script, added_code, column, expected):
code = dedent(r'''
ints = {1: ''}
ints[50] = 3.0
strs = {'asdf': 1, u"""foo""": 2, r'fbar': 3}
mixed = {1: 2, 1.10: 4, None: 6, r'a\sdf': 8, b'foo': 9}
casted = dict(strs, f3=4, r'\\xyz')
casted_mod = dict(casted)
casted_mod["fuuu"] = 8
casted_mod["full"] = 8
keywords = {None: 1, False: 2, "a": 3}
comps = Script(code + added_code).complete(column=column)
if Ellipsis in expected:
# This means that global completions are part of this, so filter all of
# that out.
comps = [c for c in comps if not c._name.is_value_name and not c.is_keyword]
expected = [e for e in expected if e is not Ellipsis]
assert [c.complete for c in comps] == expected
def test_dict_keys_in_weird_case(Script):
assert Script('a[\n# foo\nx]').complete(line=2, column=0)
def test_start_match():
assert _start_match('Condition', 'C')
def test_fuzzy_match():
assert _fuzzy_match('Condition', 'i')
assert not _fuzzy_match('Condition', 'p')
assert _fuzzy_match('Condition', 'ii')
assert not _fuzzy_match('Condition', 'Ciito')
assert _fuzzy_match('Condition', 'Cdiio')
def test_ellipsis_completion(Script):
assert Script('...').complete() == []
def module_injector():
counter = count()
def module_injector(inference_state, names, code):
assert isinstance(names, tuple)
file_io = KnownContentFileIO(
Path('foo/bar/module-injector-%s.py' % next(counter)).absolute(),
v = _load_python_module(inference_state, file_io, names)
inference_state.module_cache.add(names, ValueSet([v]))
return module_injector
def test_completion_cache(Script, module_injector):
For some modules like numpy, tensorflow or pandas we cache docstrings and
type to avoid them slowing us down, because they are huge.
script = Script('import numpy; numpy.foo')
module_injector(script._inference_state, ('numpy',), 'def foo(a): "doc"')
c, = script.complete()
assert c.name == 'foo'
assert c.type == 'function'
assert c.docstring() == 'foo(a)\n\ndoc'
code = dedent('''\
class foo:
def __init__(self):
script = Script('import numpy; numpy.foo')
module_injector(script._inference_state, ('numpy',), code)
# The outpus should still be the same
c, = script.complete()
assert c.name == 'foo'
assert c.type == 'function'
assert c.docstring() == 'foo(a)\n\ndoc'
cls, = c.infer()
assert cls.type == 'class'
assert cls.docstring() == 'foo()\n\ndoc2'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('module', ['typing', 'os'])
def test_module_completions(Script, module):
for c in Script('import {module}; {module}.'.format(module=module)).complete():
# Just make sure that there are no errors
def test_whitespace_at_end_after_dot(Script):
assert 'strip' in [c.name for c in Script('str. ').complete()]