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Wang Shidong cd6ea298f2
fix java neoformat config
* Add incsearch.vim into bundle dir

* Fix java neoformat config

close #3573

* Use echom instead in pull.vim
2020-06-13 21:58:05 +08:00

725 lines
25 KiB

*incsearch.txt* Incrementally highlight all pattern matches
Author : haya14busa <hayabusa1419@gmail.com>
Version : 2.0.1
License : MIT license {{{
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 haya14busa
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
CONTENTS *incsearch-contents*
Introduction |incsearch-introduction|
Install |incsearch-install|
Usage |incsearch-usage|
Basic usage |incsearch-basic-usage|
Additional usage |incsearch-additional-usage|
Command line interface |incsearch-commandline-interface|
Highlight |incsearch-highlight|
AUTOCMD |incsearch-autocmd|
API |incsearch-api|
Known Issues |incsearch-known-issues|
ChangeLog |incsearch-changelog|
INTRODUCTION *incsearch-introduction*
*incsearch.vim* provides incremental highlighting for __ALL__ pattern
matches unlike default 'incsearch'.
You can use incsearch.vim as improved versions of |/| & |?|.
INSTALL *incsearch-install*
Install with your favorite plugin managers like NeoBundle/Plugin/Plug
NeoBundle 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
Plugin 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
USAGE *incsearch-usage*
Basic usage~
Write following lines to your vimrc:
map / <Plug>(incsearch-forward)
map ? <Plug>(incsearch-backward)
map g/ <Plug>(incsearch-stay)
<Plug>(incsearch-forward): Incremental searching forward
<Plug>(incsearch-backward): Incremental searching backward
<Plug>(incsearch-stay): It doesn't move the cursor unless you
explicitly use cursor move commands during
incremental search.
Additional usage~
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl)*
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl0) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl0)*
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-n) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-n)*
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-N) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-N)*
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-*) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-star)*
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-#) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-#)*
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-g*) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-gstar)*
<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-g#) *<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-g#)*
Let's farewell to this kind of mappings! >
nnoremap <Esc><Esc> :<C-u>nohlsearch<CR>
If you set |g:incsearch#auto_nohlsearch| to 1 (default: 0) and use
above mappings, 'hlsearch' will be __automatically__ turned off
after the cursor move. Example:
set hlsearch
let g:incsearch#auto_nohlsearch = 1
map n <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-n)
map N <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-N)
map * <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-*)
map # <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-#)
map g* <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-g*)
map g# <Plug>(incsearch-nohl-g#)
NOTE: |<Plug>(incsearch-nohl-n)| stuff are just aliases to
`<Plug>(incsearch-nohl)n` except |n| doesn't get remapped, so the
basic behaviour is completely same as the default one.
If you want to use this feature with other search related plugins, use
Please make sure to place |<Plug>(incsearch-nohl)| before the cursor
moving mappings. |<Plug>(incsearch-nohl0)| handles search enhancement
mappings without |CursorMoved| event.
Working with |anzu.txt| example:
map n <Plug>(incsearch-nohl)<Plug>(anzu-n-with-echo)
map N <Plug>(incsearch-nohl)<Plug>(anzu-N-with-echo)
Working with |asterisk.txt| example:
map * <Plug>(incsearch-nohl)<Plug>(asterisk-*)
map g* <Plug>(incsearch-nohl)<Plug>(asterisk-g*)
map # <Plug>(incsearch-nohl)<Plug>(asterisk-#)
map g# <Plug>(incsearch-nohl)<Plug>(asterisk-g#)
map z* <Plug>(incsearch-nohl0)<Plug>(asterisk-z*)
map gz* <Plug>(incsearch-nohl0)<Plug>(asterisk-gz*)
map z# <Plug>(incsearch-nohl0)<Plug>(asterisk-z#)
map gz# <Plug>(incsearch-nohl0)<Plug>(asterisk-gz#)
If you set this option to 1, |n| and |N| directions are always forward
and backward respectively even after performing
|<Plug>(incsearch-backward)| which is improved motion of |?|.
let g:incsearch#consistent_n_direction = 1
default: 0
If you set this option to 1, error and warning messages with search
command don't save into |message-history|.
|message-history| doesn't be messed up with some unneeded error and
warning messages like |E486| ,`search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP`
warning, and so on. Welcome clean |message-history|!
let g:incsearch#do_not_save_error_message_history = 1
default: 0
Improved 'magic' option~
This is improved 'magic' option. Also see: |/magic|
By default 'magic' option, all you can set is 'magic' or 'nomagic',
and in addition, default option has porability problem. see: 'magic'
In contrast to default 'magic' option, |g:incsearch#magic| enable
you to set 'very magic' |\v| and 'very nomagic' |\V| in adition to
'magic' |\m| and 'nomagic' |\M|.
This option doesn't cause porability problems, so you need not worry
about this problem. No other pattern related programs are affected by
this option.
Usage: >
let g:incsearch#magic = '\v' " very magic
let g:incsearch#magic = '\V' " very nomagic
let g:incsearch#magic = '\m' " magic
let g:incsearch#magic = '\M' " nomagic
default: ''
Smart backward word~
If this option is set to 1, the backward word detection which is used
when |c_Ctrl-w| and |c_CTRL-R_CTRL-W| become smart. Smart backward
word doesn't include unexpected reglular expression and treats regular
expression flag as one word. For example, when the command line is
`/\vword` and type <C-w>, the vim default command line will become
`/\`, but since |\v| is not the part of word but just a regular
expression flag, it's useful not to include 'v' as a backward word.
This option fix this problem.
default: 1
Command line interface~
:IncSearchNoreMap {lhs} {rhs} *:IncSearchNoreMap*
Map the key sequence {lhs} to {rhs} for the |incsearch.vim| command
line interface. This command doesn't load while loading your vimrc,
so please call by |VimEnter| or |neobundle-hooks-on_post_source| if
you use |NeoBundle|.
Emacs-like incsearch: move the cursor while incremental searching.
If the pattern in the command-line is empty, it works like
<Over>(incsearch-next) : to the next match. default: <Tab>
<Over>(incsearch-prev) : to the prev match. default: <S-Tab>
Scroll-like feature while incremental searching.
<Over>(incsearch-scroll-f) : scroll to the next page match.
default: <C-j>
<Over>(incsearch-scroll-b) : scroll to the previous page match.
default: <C-k>
NOTE: if you want to use |digraphs| feature, please overwrite
<C-k> or map another key to <C-k> like this. >
IncSearchNoreMap <C-k> <C-k>
augroup incsearch-keymap
autocmd VimEnter * call s:incsearch_keymap()
augroup END
function! s:incsearch_keymap()
IncSearchNoreMap <Right> <Over>(incsearch-next)
IncSearchNoreMap <Left> <Over>(incsearch-prev)
IncSearchNoreMap <Down> <Over>(incsearch-scroll-f)
IncSearchNoreMap <Up> <Over>(incsearch-scroll-b)
Apply vim default |:cnoremap| and |:cmap| mappings to custom command line
interface of |incsearch.vim|. |:IncSearchNoreMap| has higher priority
than :cnoremap and :cmap mappings
default: 1
It enables Emacs-like keymappings if you set
|g:incsearch#emacs_like_keymap| to 1. default: 0
Emacs-like keymapping table~
{lhs} | {rhs}
<C-f> | |<Right>|
<C-b> | |<Left>|
<C-n> | |<Down>|
<C-p> | |<Up>|
<C-a> | |<Home>|
<C-e> | |<End>|
<C-d> | |<Del>|
<A-d> | |<C-w>|
g:incsearch_cli_key_mappings *g:incsearch_cli_key_mappings*
Define keymapping by dictionary instead of |:IncSearchNoreMap|.
You can use following expression. >
'{lhs}': '{rhs}'
< or >
'{lhs}': {
'key': '{rhs}',
'noremap': (1 or 0)
< Example: >
let g:incsearch_cli_key_mappings = {
\ "\<Tab>": {
\ 'key': '<Over>(buffer-complete)',
\ 'noremap': 1
\ },
\ "\<C-j>": "\<CR>",
\ }
Buffer completion *incsearch-<Over>(buffer-complete)*
Completion with the buffer text.
start buffer text completion. default: <C-l>
start buffer text completion to backward direction.
select next candidate while completion
select candidate while completion
Example: >
augroup incsearch-keymap
autocmd VimEnter * call s:incsearch_keymap()
augroup END
function! s:incsearch_keymap()
IncSearchNoreMap <Tab> <Over>(buffer-complete)
IncSearchNoreMap <S-Tab> <Over>(buffer-complete-prev)
Highlight ~
Highlight matched pattern separately with forward matches and
backward matches.
let g:incsearch#separate_highlight = 1
default: 0
Highlight Group ~
| highlight group | description |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| *IncSearchMatch* | For all matched pattern. default: `Search` |
| *IncSearchMatchReverse* | For all matched pattern in reverse direction, |
| | if |g:incsearch#separate_highlight| is on. |
| | default: `IncSearch` |
| *IncSearchOnCursor* | For the matched pattern on the cursor. |
| | default: `IncSearch` |
| *IncSearchCursor* | For cursor position. default: `Cursor` |
| *IncSearchUnderline* | It's not used by default. For the customization |
Customize highlight ~
Change cursor color to red
Example: >
highlight IncSearchCursor ctermfg=0 ctermbg=9 guifg=#000000 guibg=#FF0000
or use the |g:incsearch#highlight| option.
Example: >
let g:incsearch#highlight = {
\ 'match' : {
\ 'group' : 'IncSearchUnderline',
\ 'priority' : '10'
\ },
\ 'on_cursor' : {
\ 'priority' : '100'
\ },
\ 'cursor' : {
\ 'group' : 'ErrorMsg',
\ 'priority' : '1000'
\ }
\ }
Use 'hlsearch' incrementally to highlight matched patterns including
patterns in the other windows. The highlight of |IncSearchMatch| have
higher priority than 'hlsearch' in the current window but it doesn't
applied to other windows right now. If you do not want to highlight
with 'hlsearch', turn on this variable. >
let g:incsearch#no_inc_hlsearch = 1
< default: 0
|incsearch.vim| triggers those following |User| |autocmd|.
Name triggered by ~
IncSearchEnter triggered when you enter the command line
IncSearchLeave triggered when you leave the command line
IncSearchExecutePre triggered before a command execution
IncSearchExecute triggered after a command execution
IncSearchCharPre triggered before every character insertion
IncSearchChar triggered after every character insertion
incsearch.vim uses |:map-<expr>| for operator-pending mappings, so the
same restriction apply to your defined autocmd for operator-pending.
API *incsearch-api*
incsearch.vim's API. It may change because it's EXPERIMENTAL but I
try to keep it as much as possible.
Functions ~
incsearch#go([{config}]) *incsearch#go()*
Starts incsearch.vim's search interface. It assumes called by <expr>
mappings. It doesn't work nicely if you call it directly, so if you
want to call from command-line, use |incsearch#call()|. It returns
command to execute search, but you have no need to execute it to move
cursor because it's handled by <expr> mapping.
See |incsearch-config| for available configuration.
Example: >
noremap <expr> z/ incsearch#go()
noremap <expr> z? incsearch#go({'command': '?'})
noremap <expr> <Space>/ incsearch#go({'pattern': histget('/', -1)})
incsearch#call([{config}]) *incsearch#call()*
Starts incsearch.vim's search interface with function call. If you
want to create mapping to start incsearch.vim's search interface,
please use |incsearch#go()|. It returns primitive command to execute
search, but you have no need to execute it explicitly because calling
this function already move the cursor to destination.
See |incsearch-config| for available configuration.
Example: >
:call incsearch#call()
:call incsearch#call({'command': '?'})
:call incsearch#call({'pattern': histget('/', -1)})
incsearch#cli() *incsearch#cli()*
Returns current |Vital.Over.Commandline-object|.
Config ~
Here are available configurations you can specify to call
incsearch.vim's search interface like |incsearch#go()| and
command *incsearch-config-command*
Search command to use. You can use |/| or |?|.
Type: |string|
Default: '/'
Example: >
noremap <expr> z? incsearch#go({'command': '?'})
is_stay *incsearch-config-is_stay*
Boolean option for stay feature |<Plug>(incsearch-stay)|.
If you set this option to 1, the cursor will not move while
incremental searching unless you explicitly move it.
Type: boolean (0 or 1)
Default: false (0)
Example: >
noremap <expr> g/ incsearch#go({'is_stay': 1})
is_expr *incsearch-config-is_expr*
Boolean option for calling main function with <expr> state or
not. This value is turned on by default for
|Operator-pending-mode| to support dot-repeat(|.|) without any
additional library. But <expr> has a constraint like
|textlock| and moving cursor etc... see |:map-<expr>| for
detail. So if you want to avoid these constraint, turn off
this value explicitly. As for the dot-repeat(|.|) handling, if
vim-repeat[1] is installed, use it to handle dot-repeat(|.|).
- https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat
- https://github.com/kana/vim-repeat
Type: boolean (0 or 1)
Default: false (0) or true (1) for |Operator-pending-mode|
Example: >
noremap <expr> z/ incsearch#go({'is_expr': 0})
pattern *incsearch-config-pattern*
Default pattern to start incsearch.vim's search interface.
Type: |string|
Default: ''
Example: >
noremap <expr> <Space>/ incsearch#go({'pattern': histget('/', -1)})
prompt *incsearch-config-prompt*
Prompt string.
Type: |string|
Default: same as |incsearch-config-command| ('/' or '?')
Example: >
noremap <expr> <Space>/ incsearch#go({'prompt': '>>>'})
modules *incsearch-config-modules*
Additional |Vital.Over.Commandline-modules| to connect.
The list of module extentions:
Type: |list| of |Vital.Over.Commandline-modules|
Default: []
Example: >
let s:pcount = {'name': 'PromptCount'}
function! s:pcount.on_char(cmdline) abort
call a:cmdline.set_prompt(len(a:cmdline.getline()) . '/')
function! s:config() abort
return {'modules': [s:pcount]}
noremap <expr> z/ incsearch#go(<SID>config())
keymap *incsearch-config-keymap*
Additional keymappings for commandline interface. See also
Type: |dict|
Default: {}
Example: >
function! s:config() abort
return {
\ 'keymap': {
\ "\<Tab>": {
\ 'key': '<Over>(buffer-complete)',
\ 'noremap': 1
\ },
\ "\<C-j>": "\<CR>"
\ }
\ }
noremap <expr> z/ incsearch#go(<SID>config())
converters *incsearch-config-converters*
The list of pattern converters to add internal additional patterns to
search. Converters is |Funcref| or converter object (|Dictionary| with a
|Dictionary-function| named "convert" right now). The converter
feature is experimental, so converter objects will have to have more
required methods or fields later.
Converter Feature~
incsearch.vim calls the list of convert functions with pattern. The
patterns don't contain |search-offset| nor search command(|/|, |?|).
The convert functions should return valid |regular-expression| and
incsearch.vim use their returned patterns in addition to the default
input pattern as |regular-expression| to search.
The list of converter extensions:
Type: |list| of converter
Default: []
Example: >
function! s:noregexp(pattern) abort
return '\V' . escape(a:pattern, '\')
function! s:config() abort
return {'converters': [function('s:noregexp')]}
noremap <silent><expr> z/ incsearch#go(<SID>config())
KNOWN ISSUES *incsearch-issues*
CHANGELOG *incsearch-changelog*
Version 2.0~
2.0.1 2015-10-31
1. Fix can't turn off |g:incsearch#consistent_n_direction|. ref: #95
2. Fix ? pattern handling for backward search. ref: #92
2.0.0 2015-07-06
1. |incsearch#go()| and |incsearch-config| as a API
2. Pattern converter feature |incsearch-config-converters|
3. Injection of vital-over module |incsearch-config-modules|
4. External extention plugins like fuzzy, easymotion, migemo...
- https://github.com/haya14busa/incsearch.vim/wiki/List-of-plugins-for-incsearch.vim
1.2.1 2015-06-26
1. Add |incsearch-config-keymap| option to |incsearch-config|
2. Some refactoring
1.2.0 2015-06-06
1. Now, fix unexpected key input with |feedkeys()| by auto-nohlsearch
feature (|incsearch-additional-usage|) #82
2. Avoid Unneeded loading for mappings like |<Plug>(incsearch-nohl)|
related with #81
3. Fix |nowrapscan| handling #83
4. Add |incsearch-config-prompt| option
5. auto-nohlsearch on |CursorMoved| after |InsertLeave| related with #80
6. Some refactoring
1.1.0 2015-05-03
1. Add experimental API |incsearch-api|.
- Now you can pass a default pattern |incsearch-config-pattern|
- Use |incsearch#cli()| with |incsearch-autocmd| to extend
incsearch.vim's search interface
- vim-repeat support if needed |incsearch-config-is_expr|
- You can pass additional vital-over module to connect
1.0.3 2015-05-03
1. Fix 'hlsearch' handling #74
1.0.2 2015-04-16
1. Implement experimental API (undocumented) to access vital-over
command line object
2. Add LiteralInsert module to insert special character literally
- e.g. <C-v><Tab> now inserts literal <Tab> and search them.
3. Add workaround pasting issue for MacVim #35
4. Fix to redraw commandline when leaving with <Esc> #67
5. Fix <SID> handling for <expr> mappings #51
6. Fix flicker at entering incsearch's commands #73
1.0.1 2015-01-04
1. Fix keymapping escape
2. Fix |last-pattern| with |g:incsearch#magic|
Version 1.0~
1.0.0 2014-12-14
1. Improve compatibility with default commandline behavior
- Automatically apply mappings defined with |:cnoremap| and |:cmap|
See |g:incsearch#vim_cmdline_keymap|
- Support multi {lhs} and <expr> mappings
2. Support incremental highlighting in other windows.
- See |g:incsearch#no_inc_hlsearch|
3. Add |<Over>(buffer-complete-prev)|
4. Add |IncsearchExecute| event
5. Implement |:digraph| feature
6. Fix minor problems.
0.9.9 2014-11-17
1. Smart backward word feature. See: |g:incsearch#smart_backward_word|
2. Implement |g:incsearch#vim_cmdline_keymap| option which apply
mappings defined with |:cmap| and |:cnoremap| to custome command line
interface of incsearch.vim
3. Do not highlight annoying patterns which matches everything like
`\v`, `vim\|`, etc..
4. Interactive module management (e.g. |g:incsearch#emacs_like_keymap|)
6. Fix |c_<C-r>_<C-w>| behavoir to be compatible with default one
7. Fix cancel behavior
8. Fix & improve {rhs} handling (after exit mappings, <C-r>=, etc...)
9. Fix minor problems
0.9.8 2014-10-25
1. Handle |last-pattern| incrementally. See: |<Over>(incsearch-next)|
2. Now |c_Ctrl-p| and |c_Ctrl-n| works by default and fix history
behavior to be compatible with default one
3. Fix 'smartcase' flag detection to work with like |\%V| and
repetitive escaped uppercase character like `\V\V`
0.9.7 2014-10-21
1. Minor update. Fix <C-c> interruption, use |\m| instead of |\M|, doc
0.9.6 2014-10-18
1. Implement improved 'magic' option feature. See: |g:incsearch#magic|
2. Improve highlight option to see the cursor position clearly
- ref: |incsearch-highlight-group|
3. Fix to use |keeppattern|, handle |jumplist| for stay search, and
catch some errors while searching.
4. vim.org debut, yeah!
0.9.5 2014-10-10
1. Implement automatic |:nohlsearch| feature.
- |:nohlsearch| will be called when cursor move after search
- See: |g:incsearch#auto_nohlsearch|
2. Fix case handling with explicit |\C| flag
3. Fix 'hlsearch' handling
4. Fix 'nowrapscan' handling
5. CI with |vimlint.txt|
0.9.4 2014-10-01
1. Improve cursor position while incremental searching
- Now you can see cursor position working with |{offset}| unlike
default 'incsearch'
2. Fix and improve visual selection while incremental searching
3. Fix to ignore search related errors while searching
4. Handle unfolding after search execution
5. Cover more test cases
6. Start CI on windows with AppVeyor in addition to travis
0.9.3 2014-09-28
1. Do not use |:map-<expr>| for normal and visual mode mappings.
- Still use <expr> for operator-pending mappings to support |.|
(dot) repeat without depending on other repeat extention like
- This change avoid flickering after search and support |:normal|
for |incsearch-autocmd|
2. Implement |g:incsearch#consistent_n_direction|
3. Implement |g:incsearch#do_not_save_error_message_history|
4. Improve stability. More comprehensive testing!
5. Improve scroll feature while searching.
- see: |<Over>(incsearch-scroll-f)| for scroll feature
6. Fix to use given |registers| with |quote| (")
7. Improve and fix some problems
0.9.2 2014-08-25
1. Add test
2. Minor fix: history emulation with |<Plug>(incsearch-stay)|
3. Improve pseud-visual highlight: consider curswant for |visual-block|
4. Minor performance improvement: do not always generate direction
specific patterns
0.9.1 2014-08-15
1. Fix visual highlight
2. Improve cursor moving
- Now, you can move the cursor to the reverse direction
- Scroll-like feature |<Over>(incsearch-scroll-f)| &
- Handle |wrapscan| option
- Enable cursor moving while |<Plug>(incsearch-stay)|
3. Implement |g:incsearch#separate_highlight| option
0.9.0 2014-08-09
- Init.
1. Incremental highlight for all matched pattern
2. Cursor move while incremental searching like emacs