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INTRODUCTION *telescope.nvim*
Telescope.nvim is a plugin for fuzzy finding and neovim. It helps you search,
filter, find and pick things in Lua.
Getting started with telescope:
1. Run `:checkhealth telescope` to make sure everything is installed.
2. Evaluate it is working with `:Telescope find_files` or `:lua
3. Put a `require("telescope").setup()` call somewhere in your neovim config.
4. Read |telescope.setup| to check what config keys are available and what
you can put inside the setup call
5. Read |telescope.builtin| to check which builtin pickers are offered and
what options these implement
6. Profit
The below flow chart illustrates a simplified telescope architecture:
│ ┌────────┐ │
│ │ Multi │ ┌───────+ │
│ │ Select │ ┌───────┐ │ Entry │ │
│ └─────┬──* │ Entry │ ┌────────+ │ Maker │ │
│ │ ┌───│Manager│────│ Sorter │┐ └───┬───* │
│ ▼ ▼ └───────* └────────┘│ │ │
│ 1────────┐ 2───┴──┐ │ │
│ ┌─────│ Picker │ │Finder│◀────┘ │
│ ▼ └───┬────┘ └──────* │
│ ┌────────┐ │ 3────────+ ▲ │
│ │Selected│ └───────│ Prompt │─────────┘ │
│ │ Entry │ └───┬────┘ │
│ └────────* ┌───┴────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌────────┐ │
│ │ ▲ 4─────────┐│ Prompt │ │(Attach)│ │Actions │ │
│ ▼ └──▶ │ Results ││ Buffer │◀─┤Mappings│◀─┤User Fn │ │
│5─────────┐ └─────────┘└────────┘ └────────┘ └────────┘ │
││Previewer│ │
│└─────────┘ telescope.nvim architecture │
+ The `Entry Maker` at least defines
- value: "raw" result of the finder
- ordinal: string to be sorted derived from value
- display: line representation of entry in results buffer
* The finder, entry manager, selected entry, and multi selections
comprises `entries` constructed by the `Entry Maker` from
raw results of the finder (`value`s)
Primary components:
1 Picker: central UI dedicated to varying use cases
(finding files, grepping, diagnostics, etc.)
see :h telescope.builtin
2 Finder: pipe or interactively generates results to pick over
3 Prompt: user input that triggers the finder which sorts results
in order into the entry manager
4 Results: listed entries scored by sorter from finder results
5 Previewer: preview of context of selected entry
see :h telescope.previewers
A practical introduction into telescope customization is our `developers.md`
(top-level of repo) and `:h telescope.actions` that showcase how to access
information about the state of the picker (current selection, etc.).
To find out more:
:h telescope.setup
:h telescope.command
:h telescope.builtin
:h telescope.themes
:h telescope.layout
:h telescope.resolve
:h telescope.actions
:h telescope.actions.state
:h telescope.actions.set
:h telescope.actions.utils
:h telescope.actions.generate
:h telescope.actions.history
:h telescope.previewers
telescope.setup({opts}) *telescope.setup()*
Setup function to be run by user. Configures the defaults, pickers and
extensions of telescope.
defaults = {
-- Default configuration for telescope goes here:
-- config_key = value,
-- ..
pickers = {
-- Default configuration for builtin pickers goes here:
-- picker_name = {
-- picker_config_key = value,
-- ...
-- }
-- Now the picker_config_key will be applied every time you call this
-- builtin picker
extensions = {
-- Your extension configuration goes here:
-- extension_name = {
-- extension_config_key = value,
-- }
-- please take a look at the readme of the extension you want to configure
Valid keys for {opts.defaults}
sorting_strategy: ~
Determines the direction "better" results are sorted towards.
Available options are:
- "descending" (default)
- "ascending"
selection_strategy: ~
Determines how the cursor acts after each sort iteration.
Available options are:
- "reset" (default)
- "follow"
- "row"
- "closest"
- "none"
scroll_strategy: ~
Determines what happens if you try to scroll past the view of the
Available options are:
- "cycle" (default)
- "limit"
layout_strategy: ~
Determines the default layout of Telescope pickers.
See |telescope.layout| for details of the available strategies.
Default: 'horizontal'
layout_config: ~
Determines the default configuration values for layout strategies.
See |telescope.layout| for details of the configurations options for
each strategy.
Allows setting defaults for all strategies as top level options and
for overriding for specific options.
For example, the default values below set the default width to 80% of
the screen width for all strategies except 'center', which has width
of 50% of the screen width.
Default: {
bottom_pane = {
height = 25,
preview_cutoff = 120,
prompt_position = "top"
center = {
height = 0.4,
preview_cutoff = 40,
prompt_position = "top",
width = 0.5
cursor = {
height = 0.9,
preview_cutoff = 40,
width = 0.8
horizontal = {
height = 0.9,
preview_cutoff = 120,
prompt_position = "bottom",
width = 0.8
vertical = {
height = 0.9,
preview_cutoff = 40,
prompt_position = "bottom",
width = 0.8
cycle_layout_list: ~
Determines the layouts to cycle through when using `actions.layout.cycle_layout_next`
and `actions.layout.cycle_layout_prev`.
Should be a list of "layout setups".
Each "layout setup" can take one of two forms:
1. string
This is interpreted as the name of a `layout_strategy`
2. table
A table with possible keys `layout_strategy`, `layout_config` and `previewer`
Default: { "horizontal", "vertical" }
winblend: ~
Configure winblend for telescope floating windows. See |winblend| for
more information.
Default: 0
wrap_results: ~
Word wrap the search results
Default: false
prompt_prefix: ~
The character(s) that will be shown in front of Telescope's prompt.
Default: '> '
selection_caret: ~
The character(s) that will be shown in front of the current selection.
Default: '> '
entry_prefix: ~
Prefix in front of each result entry. Current selection not included.
Default: ' '
multi_icon: ~
Symbol to add in front of a multi-selected result entry.
Replaces final character of |telescope.defaults.selection_caret| and
|telescope.defaults.entry_prefix| as appropriate.
To have no icon, set to the empty string.
Default: '+'
initial_mode: ~
Determines in which mode telescope starts. Valid Keys:
`insert` and `normal`.
Default: "insert"
border: ~
Boolean defining if borders are added to Telescope windows.
Default: true
path_display: ~
Determines how file paths are displayed.
path_display can be set to an array with a combination of:
- "hidden" hide file names
- "tail" only display the file name, and not the path
- "absolute" display absolute paths
- "smart" remove as much from the path as possible to only show
the difference between the displayed paths.
Warning: The nature of the algorithm might have a negative
performance impact!
- "shorten" only display the first character of each directory in
the path
- "truncate" truncates the start of the path when the whole path will
not fit. To increase the gap between the path and the edge,
set truncate to number `truncate = 3`
You can also specify the number of characters of each directory name
to keep by setting `path_display.shorten = num`.
e.g. for a path like
setting `path_display.shorten = 1` will give a path like:
Similarly, `path_display.shorten = 2` will give a path like:
You can also further customise the shortening behaviour by
setting `path_display.shorten = { len = num, exclude = list }`,
where `len` acts as above, and `exclude` is a list of positions
that are not shortened. Negative numbers in the list are considered
relative to the end of the path.
e.g. for a path like
setting `path_display.shorten = { len = 1, exclude = {1, -1} }`
will give a path like:
setting `path_display.shorten = { len = 2, exclude = {2, -2} }`
will give a path like:
path_display can also be set to 'hidden' string to hide file names
path_display can also be set to a function for custom formatting of
the path display. Example:
-- Format path as "file.txt (path\to\file\)"
path_display = function(opts, path)
local tail = require("telescope.utils").path_tail(path)
return string.format("%s (%s)", tail, path)
Default: {}
borderchars: ~
Set the borderchars of telescope floating windows. It has to be a
table of 8 string values.
Default: { "─", "│", "─", "│", "╭", "╮", "╯", "╰" }
get_status_text: ~
A function that determines what the virtual text looks like.
Signature: function(picker) -> str
Default: function that shows current count / all
hl_result_eol: ~
Changes if the highlight for the selected item in the results
window is always the full width of the window
Default: true
dynamic_preview_title: ~
Will change the title of the preview window dynamically, where it
is supported. For example, the preview window's title could show up as
the full filename.
Default: false
results_title: ~
Defines the default title of the results window. A false value
can be used to hide the title altogether.
Default: "Results"
prompt_title: ~
Defines the default title of the prompt window. A false value
can be used to hide the title altogether. Most of the times builtins
define a prompt_title which will be preferred over this default.
Default: "Prompt"
mappings: ~
Your mappings to override telescope's default mappings.
See: ~
default_mappings: ~
Not recommended to use except for advanced users.
Will allow you to completely remove all of telescope's default maps
and use your own.
Default: nil
history: ~
This field handles the configuration for prompt history.
By default it is a table, with default values (more below).
To disable history, set it to false.
Currently mappings still need to be added, Example:
mappings = {
i = {
["<C-Down>"] = require('telescope.actions').cycle_history_next,
["<C-Up>"] = require('telescope.actions').cycle_history_prev,
- path: The path to the telescope history as string.
Default: stdpath("data")/telescope_history
- limit: The amount of entries that will be written in the
Warning: If limit is set to nil it will grow unbound.
Default: 100
- handler: A lua function that implements the history.
This is meant as a developer setting for extensions to
override the history handling, e.g.,
which allows context sensitive (cwd + picker) history.
cache_picker: ~
This field handles the configuration for picker caching.
By default it is a table, with default values (more below).
To disable caching, set it to false.
Caching preserves all previous multi selections and results and
therefore may result in slowdown or increased RAM occupation
if too many pickers (`cache_picker.num_pickers`) or entries
('cache_picker.limit_entries`) are cached.
- num_pickers: The number of pickers to be cached.
Set to -1 to preserve all pickers of your session.
If passed to a picker, the cached pickers with
indices larger than `cache_picker.num_pickers` will
be cleared.
Default: 1
- limit_entries: The amount of entries that will be saved for each
Default: 1000
preview: ~
This field handles the global configuration for previewers.
By default it is a table, with default values (more below).
To disable previewing, set it to false. If you have disabled previewers
globally, but want to opt in to previewing for single pickers, you will have to
pass `preview = true` or `preview = {...}` (your config) to the `opts` of
your picker.
- check_mime_type: Use `file` if available to try to infer whether the
file to preview is a binary if plenary's
filetype detection fails.
Windows users get `file` from:
Set to false to attempt to preview any mime type.
Default: true for all OS excl. Windows
- filesize_limit: The maximum file size in MB attempted to be previewed.
Set to false to attempt to preview any file size.
Default: 25
- timeout: Timeout the previewer if the preview did not
complete within `timeout` milliseconds.
Set to false to not timeout preview.
Default: 250
- hook(s): Function(s) that takes `(filepath, bufnr, opts)`, where opts
exposes winid and ft (filetype).
Available hooks (in order of priority):
{filetype, mime, filesize, timeout}_hook
Important: the filetype_hook must return true or false
to indicate whether to continue (true) previewing or not (false),
Two examples:
local putils = require("telescope.previewers.utils")
... -- preview is called in telescope.setup { ... }
preview = {
-- 1) Do not show previewer for certain files
filetype_hook = function(filepath, bufnr, opts)
-- you could analogously check opts.ft for filetypes
local excluded = vim.tbl_filter(function(ending)
return filepath:match(ending)
end, {
if not vim.tbl_isempty(excluded) then
string.format("I don't like %s files!",
excluded[1]:sub(5, -1))
return false
return true
-- 2) Truncate lines to preview window for too large files
filesize_hook = function(filepath, bufnr, opts)
local path = require("plenary.path"):new(filepath)
-- opts exposes winid
local height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(opts.winid)
local lines = vim.split(path:head(height), "[\r]?\n")
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines)
The configuration recipes for relevant examples.
Note: if plenary does not recognize your filetype yet --
1) Please consider contributing to:
2) Register your filetype locally as per link
Default: nil
- treesitter: Determines whether the previewer performs treesitter
highlighting, which falls back to regex-based highlighting.
`true`: treesitter highlighting for all available filetypes
`false`: regex-based highlighting for all filetypes
`table`: following nvim-treesitters highlighting options:
It contains two keys:
- enable boolean|table: if boolean, enable all ts
highlighing with that flag,
disable still considered.
Containing a list of filetypes,
that are enabled, disabled
ignored because it doesnt make
any sense in this case.
- disable table: containing a list of filetypes
that are disabled
Default: true
- msg_bg_fillchar: Character to fill background of unpreviewable buffers with
Default: ""
- hide_on_startup: Hide previewer when picker starts. Previewer can be toggled
with actions.layout.toggle_preview.
Default: false
vimgrep_arguments: ~
Defines the command that will be used for `live_grep` and `grep_string`
Hint: Make sure that color is currently set to `never` because we do
not yet interpret color codes
Hint 2: Make sure that these options are in your changes arguments:
"--no-heading", "--with-filename", "--line-number", "--column"
because we need them so the ripgrep output is in the correct format.
Default: {
use_less: ~
Boolean if less should be enabled in term_previewer (deprecated and
currently no longer used in the builtin pickers).
Default: true
set_env: ~
Set an environment for term_previewer. A table of key values:
Example: { COLORTERM = "truecolor", ... }
Hint: Empty table is not allowed.
Default: nil
color_devicons: ~
Boolean if devicons should be enabled or not. If set to false, the
text highlight group is used.
Hint: Coloring only works if |termguicolors| is enabled.
Default: true
file_sorter: ~
A function pointer that specifies the file_sorter. This sorter will
be used for find_files, git_files and similar.
Hint: If you load a native sorter, you don't need to change this value,
the native sorter will override it anyway.
Default: require("telescope.sorters").get_fzy_sorter
generic_sorter: ~
A function pointer to the generic sorter. The sorter that should be
used for everything that is not a file.
Hint: If you load a native sorter, you don't need to change this value,
the native sorter will override it anyway.
Default: require("telescope.sorters").get_fzy_sorter
prefilter_sorter: ~
This points to a wrapper sorter around the generic_sorter that is able
to do prefiltering.
It's usually used for lsp_*_symbols and lsp_*_diagnostics
Default: require("telescope.sorters").prefilter
tiebreak: ~
A function that determines how to break a tie when two entries have
the same score.
Having a function that always returns false would keep the entries in
the order they are found, so existing_entry before current_entry.
Vice versa always returning true would place the current_entry
before the existing_entry.
Signature: function(current_entry, existing_entry, prompt) -> boolean
Default: function that breaks the tie based on the length of the
entry's ordinal
file_ignore_patterns: ~
A table of lua regex that define the files that should be ignored.
Example: { "^scratch/" } -- ignore all files in scratch directory
Example: { "%.npz" } -- ignore all npz files
See: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#5.4.1 for more
information about lua regex
Note: `file_ignore_patterns` will be used in all pickers that have a
file associated. This might lead to the problem that lsp_ pickers
aren't displaying results because they might be ignored by
`file_ignore_patterns`. For example, setting up node_modules as ignored
will never show node_modules in any results, even if you are
interested in lsp_ results.
If you only want `file_ignore_patterns` for `find_files` and
`grep_string`/`live_grep` it is suggested that you setup `gitignore`
and have fd and or ripgrep installed because both tools will not show
`gitignore`d files on default.
Default: nil
get_selection_window: ~
Function that takes function(picker, entry) and returns a window id.
The window ID will be used to decide what window the chosen file will
be opened in and the cursor placed in upon leaving the picker.
Default: `function() return 0 end`
file_previewer: ~
Function pointer to the default file_previewer. It is mostly used
for find_files, git_files and similar.
You can change this function pointer to either use your own
previewer or use the command-line program bat as the previewer:
Default: require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_cat.new
grep_previewer: ~
Function pointer to the default vim_grep previewer. It is mostly
used for live_grep, grep_string and similar.
You can change this function pointer to either use your own
previewer or use the command-line program bat as the previewer:
Default: require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_vimgrep.new
qflist_previewer: ~
Function pointer to the default qflist previewer. It is mostly
used for qflist, loclist and lsp.
You can change this function pointer to either use your own
previewer or use the command-line program bat as the previewer:
Default: require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_qflist.new
buffer_previewer_maker: ~
Developer option that defines the underlining functionality
of the buffer previewer.
For interesting configuration examples take a look at
Default: require("telescope.previewers").buffer_previewer_maker
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) Configuration opts. Keys: defaults, pickers,
telescope.load_extension({name}) *telescope.load_extension()*
Load an extension.
- Notes:
- Loading triggers ext setup via the config passed in |telescope.setup|
Parameters: ~
{name} (string) Name of the extension
telescope.register_extension({mod}) *telescope.register_extension()*
Register an extension. To be used by plugin authors.
Parameters: ~
{mod} (table) Module
telescope.extensions() *telescope.extensions()*
Use telescope.extensions to reference any extensions within your
While the docs currently generate this as a function, it's actually a
table. Sorry.
COMMAND *telescope.command*
Telescope commands can be called through two apis, the lua api and the viml
The lua api is the more direct way to interact with Telescope, as you directly
call the lua functions that Telescope defines. It can be called in a lua file
using commands like:
`require("telescope.builtin").find_files({hidden=true, layout_config={prompt_position="top"}})`
If you want to use this api from a vim file you should prepend `lua` to the
command, as below:
`lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({hidden=true, layout_config={prompt_position="top"}})`
If you want to use this api from a neovim command line you should prepend
`:lua` to the command, as below:
`:lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({hidden=true, layout_config={prompt_position="top"}})`
The viml api is more indirect, as first the command must be parsed to the
relevant lua equivalent, which brings some limitations. The viml api can be
called using commands like:
`:Telescope find_files hidden=true layout_config={"prompt_position":"top"}`
This involves setting options using an `=` and using viml syntax for lists and
dictionaries when the corresponding lua function requires a table.
One limitation of the viml api is that there can be no spaces in any of the
options. For example, if you want to use the `cwd` option for `find_files` to
specify that you only want to search within the folder `/foo bar/subfolder/`
you could not do that using the viml api, as the path name contains a space.
Similarly, you could NOT set the `prompt_position` to `"top"` using the
following command:
`:Telescope find_files layout_config={ "prompt_position" : "top" }`
as there are spaces in the option.
BUILTIN *telescope.builtin*
Telescope Builtins is a collection of community maintained pickers to support
common workflows. It can be used as reference when writing PRs, Telescope
extensions, your own custom pickers, or just as a discovery tool for all of the
amazing pickers already shipped with Telescope!
Any of these functions can just be called directly by doing:
:lua require('telescope.builtin').$NAME_OF_PICKER()
To use any of Telescope's default options or any picker-specific options, call
your desired picker by passing a lua table to the picker with all of the
options you want to use. Here's an example with the live_grep picker:
:lua require('telescope.builtin').live_grep({
prompt_title = 'find string in open buffers...',
grep_open_files = true
-- or with dropdown theme
:lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{
previewer = false
builtin.live_grep({opts}) *telescope.builtin.live_grep()*
Search for a string and get results live as you type, respects .gitignore
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) root dir to search from
(default: cwd, use
utils.buffer_dir() to search
relative to open buffer)
{grep_open_files} (boolean) if true, restrict search to
open files only, mutually
exclusive with `search_dirs`
{search_dirs} (table) directory/directories/files to
search, mutually exclusive
with `grep_open_files`
{glob_pattern} (string|table) argument to be used with
`--glob`, e.g. "*.toml", can
use the opposite "!*.toml"
{type_filter} (string) argument to be used with
`--type`, e.g. "rust", see `rg
{additional_args} (function|table) additional arguments to be
passed on. Can be fn(opts) ->
{max_results} (number) define a upper result value
{disable_coordinates} (boolean) don't show the line & row
numbers (default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the entry &
builtin.grep_string({opts}) *telescope.builtin.grep_string()*
Searches for the string under your cursor in your current working directory
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) root dir to search from
(default: cwd, use
utils.buffer_dir() to search
relative to open buffer)
{search} (string) the query to search
{grep_open_files} (boolean) if true, restrict search to
open files only, mutually
exclusive with `search_dirs`
{search_dirs} (table) directory/directories/files to
search, mutually exclusive
with `grep_open_files`
{use_regex} (boolean) if true, special characters
won't be escaped, allows for
using regex (default: false)
{word_match} (string) can be set to `-w` to enable
exact word matches
{additional_args} (function|table) additional arguments to be
passed on. Can be fn(opts) ->
{disable_coordinates} (boolean) don't show the line and row
numbers (default: false)
{only_sort_text} (boolean) only sort the text, not the
file, line or row (default:
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the entry &
builtin.find_files({opts}) *telescope.builtin.find_files()*
Search for files (respecting .gitignore)
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) root dir to search from (default:
cwd, use utils.buffer_dir() to
search relative to open buffer)
{find_command} (function|table) cmd to use for the search. Can be
a fn(opts) -> tbl (default:
{follow} (boolean) if true, follows symlinks (i.e.
uses `-L` flag for the `find`
{hidden} (boolean) determines whether to show hidden
files or not (default: false)
{no_ignore} (boolean) show files ignored by .gitignore,
.ignore, etc. (default: false)
{no_ignore_parent} (boolean) show files ignored by .gitignore,
.ignore, etc. in parent dirs.
(default: false)
{search_dirs} (table) directory/directories/files to
{search_file} (string) specify a filename to search for
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.fd() *telescope.builtin.fd()*
This is an alias for the `find_files` picker
builtin.treesitter() *telescope.builtin.treesitter()*
Lists function names, variables, and other symbols from treesitter queries
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by kind of ts
node you want to see (i.e. `:var:`)
Options: ~
{show_line} (boolean) if true, shows the row:column that the
result is found at (default: true)
{bufnr} (number) specify the buffer number where
treesitter should run. (default:
current buffer)
{symbol_highlights} (table) string -> string. Matches symbol with
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.current_buffer_fuzzy_find({opts}) *telescope.builtin.current_buffer_fuzzy_find()*
Live fuzzy search inside of the currently open buffer
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{skip_empty_lines} (boolean) if true we don't display empty lines
(default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.tags({opts}) *telescope.builtin.tags()*
Lists tags in current directory with tag location file preview (users are
required to run ctags -R to generate tags or update when introducing new
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) root dir to search from (default: cwd, use
utils.buffer_dir() to search relative to
open buffer)
{ctags_file} (string) specify a particular ctags file to use
{show_line} (boolean) if true, shows the content of the line the
tag is found on in the picker (default:
{only_sort_tags} (boolean) if true we will only sort tags (default:
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
builtin.current_buffer_tags({opts}) *telescope.builtin.current_buffer_tags()*
Lists all of the tags for the currently open buffer, with a preview
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) root dir to search from (default: cwd, use
utils.buffer_dir() to search relative to
open buffer)
{ctags_file} (string) specify a particular ctags file to use
{show_line} (boolean) if true, shows the content of the line the
tag is found on in the picker (default:
{only_sort_tags} (boolean) if true we will only sort tags (default:
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
builtin.git_files({opts}) *telescope.builtin.git_files()*
Fuzzy search for files tracked by Git. This command lists the output of the
`git ls-files` command, respects .gitignore
- Default keymaps:
- `<cr>`: opens the currently selected file
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) specify the path of the repo
{use_git_root} (boolean) if we should use git root as cwd or
the cwd (important for submodule)
(default: true)
{show_untracked} (boolean) if true, adds `--others` flag to
command and shows untracked files
(default: false)
{recurse_submodules} (boolean) if true, adds the
`--recurse-submodules` flag to command
(default: false)
{git_command} (table) command that will be executed.
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.git_commits({opts}) *telescope.builtin.git_commits()*
Lists commits for current directory with diff preview
- Default keymaps:
- `<cr>`: checks out the currently selected commit
- `<C-r>m`: resets current branch to selected commit using mixed mode
- `<C-r>s`: resets current branch to selected commit using soft mode
- `<C-r>h`: resets current branch to selected commit using hard mode
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) specify the path of the repo
{use_git_root} (boolean) if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd
(important for submodule) (default: true)
{git_command} (table) command that will be executed.
builtin.git_bcommits({opts}) *telescope.builtin.git_bcommits()*
Lists commits for current buffer with diff preview
- Default keymaps or your overridden `select_` keys:
- `<cr>`: checks out the currently selected commit
- `<c-v>`: opens a diff in a vertical split
- `<c-x>`: opens a diff in a horizontal split
- `<c-t>`: opens a diff in a new tab
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) specify the path of the repo
{use_git_root} (boolean) if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd
(important for submodule) (default: true)
{current_file} (string) specify the current file that should be used
for bcommits (default: current buffer)
{git_command} (table) command that will be executed.
builtin.git_branches({opts}) *telescope.builtin.git_branches()*
List branches for current directory, with output from `git log --oneline`
shown in the preview window
- Default keymaps:
- `<cr>`: checks out the currently selected branch
- `<C-t>`: tracks currently selected branch
- `<C-r>`: rebases currently selected branch
- `<C-a>`: creates a new branch, with confirmation prompt before creation
- `<C-d>`: deletes the currently selected branch, with confirmation
prompt before deletion
- `<C-y>`: merges the currently selected branch, with confirmation prompt
before deletion
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) specify the path of the repo
{use_git_root} (boolean) if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd
(important for submodule) (default: true)
{pattern} (string) specify the pattern to match all refs
builtin.git_status({opts}) *telescope.builtin.git_status()*
Lists git status for current directory
- Default keymaps:
- `<Tab>`: stages or unstages the currently selected file
- `<cr>`: opens the currently selected file
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) specify the path of the repo
{use_git_root} (boolean) if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd
(important for submodule) (default: true)
{git_icons} (table) string -> string. Matches name with icon
(see source code, make_entry.lua
builtin.git_stash({opts}) *telescope.builtin.git_stash()*
Lists stash items in current repository
- Default keymaps:
- `<cr>`: runs `git apply` for currently selected stash
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cwd} (string) specify the path of the repo
{use_git_root} (boolean) if we should use git root as cwd or the cwd
(important for submodule) (default: true)
{show_branch} (boolean) if we should display the branch name for git
stash entries (default: true)
builtin.builtin({opts}) *telescope.builtin.builtin()*
Lists all of the community maintained pickers built into Telescope
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{include_extensions} (boolean) if true will show the pickers of the
installed extensions (default: false)
{use_default_opts} (boolean) if the selected picker should use its
default options (default: false)
builtin.resume({opts}) *telescope.builtin.resume()*
Opens the previous picker in the identical state (incl. multi selections)
- Notes:
- Requires `cache_picker` in setup or when having invoked pickers, see
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{cache_index} (number) what picker to resume, where 1 denotes most
recent (default: 1)
builtin.pickers({opts}) *telescope.builtin.pickers()*
Opens a picker over previously cached pickers in their preserved states
(incl. multi selections)
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-x>`: delete the selected cached picker
- Notes:
- Requires `cache_picker` in setup or when having invoked pickers, see
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.planets({opts}) *telescope.builtin.planets()*
Use the telescope...
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{show_pluto} (boolean) we love Pluto (default: false, because its a
hidden feature)
{show_moon} (boolean) we love the Moon (default: false, because its
a hidden feature)
builtin.symbols({opts}) *telescope.builtin.symbols()*
Lists symbols inside of `data/telescope-sources/*.json` found in your
runtime path or found in `stdpath("data")/telescope/symbols/*.json`. The
second path can be customized. We provide a couple of default symbols which
can be found in https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-symbols.nvim.
This repos README also provides more information about the format in which
the symbols have to be.
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{symbol_path} (string) specify the second path. Default:
{sources} (table) specify a table of sources you want to load
this time
builtin.commands({opts}) *telescope.builtin.commands()*
Lists available plugin/user commands and runs them on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{show_buf_command} (boolean) show buf local command (Default: true)
builtin.quickfix({opts}) *telescope.builtin.quickfix()*
Lists items in the quickfix list, jumps to location on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
{nr} (number) specify the quickfix list number
builtin.quickfixhistory({opts}) *telescope.builtin.quickfixhistory()*
Lists all quickfix lists in your history and open them with
`builtin.quickfix`. It seems that neovim only keeps the full history for 10
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.loclist({opts}) *telescope.builtin.loclist()*
Lists items from the current window's location list, jumps to location on
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
builtin.oldfiles({opts}) *telescope.builtin.oldfiles()*
Lists previously open files, opens on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{only_cwd} (boolean) show only files in the cwd (default: false)
{cwd_only} (boolean) alias for only_cwd
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.command_history({opts}) *telescope.builtin.command_history()*
Lists commands that were executed recently, and reruns them on `<cr>`
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-e>`: open the command line with the text of the currently selected
result populated in it
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.search_history({opts}) *telescope.builtin.search_history()*
Lists searches that were executed recently, and reruns them on `<cr>`
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-e>`: open a search window with the text of the currently selected
search result populated in it
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.vim_options({opts}) *telescope.builtin.vim_options()*
Lists vim options, allows you to edit the current value on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.help_tags({opts}) *telescope.builtin.help_tags()*
Lists available help tags and opens a new window with the relevant help
info on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{lang} (string) specify language (default: vim.o.helplang)
{fallback} (boolean) fallback to en if language isn't installed
(default: true)
builtin.man_pages({opts}) *telescope.builtin.man_pages()*
Lists manpage entries, opens them in a help window on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{sections} (table) a list of sections to search, use `{ "ALL" }`
to search in all sections (default: { "1" })
{man_cmd} (function) that returns the man command. (Default:
`apropos ""` on linux, `apropos " "` on macos)
builtin.reloader({opts}) *telescope.builtin.reloader()*
Lists lua modules and reloads them on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{column_len} (number) define the max column len for the module name
(default: dynamic, longest module name)
builtin.buffers({opts}) *telescope.builtin.buffers()*
Lists open buffers in current neovim instance, opens selected buffer on
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{show_all_buffers} (boolean) if true, show all buffers,
including unloaded buffers
(default: true)
{ignore_current_buffer} (boolean) if true, don't show the current
buffer in the list (default: false)
{only_cwd} (boolean) if true, only show buffers in the
current working directory (default:
{cwd_only} (boolean) alias for only_cwd
{sort_lastused} (boolean) Sorts current and last buffer to
the top and selects the lastused
(default: false)
{sort_mru} (boolean) Sorts all buffers after most recent
used. Not just the current and last
one (default: false)
{bufnr_width} (number) Defines the width of the buffer
numbers in front of the filenames
(default: dynamic)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.colorscheme({opts}) *telescope.builtin.colorscheme()*
Lists available colorschemes and applies them on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{enable_preview} (boolean) if true, will preview the selected color
builtin.marks({opts}) *telescope.builtin.marks()*
Lists vim marks and their value, jumps to the mark on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.registers({opts}) *telescope.builtin.registers()*
Lists vim registers, pastes the contents of the register on `<cr>`
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-e>`: edit the contents of the currently selected register
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.keymaps({opts}) *telescope.builtin.keymaps()*
Lists normal mode keymappings, runs the selected keymap on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{modes} (table) a list of short-named keymap modes to search
(default: { "n", "i", "c", "x" })
{show_plug} (boolean) if true, the keymaps for which the lhs contains
"<Plug>" are also shown (default: true)
builtin.filetypes({opts}) *telescope.builtin.filetypes()*
Lists all available filetypes, sets currently open buffer's filetype to
selected filetype in Telescope on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.highlights({opts}) *telescope.builtin.highlights()*
Lists all available highlights
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.autocommands({opts}) *telescope.builtin.autocommands()*
Lists vim autocommands and goes to their declaration on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.spell_suggest({opts}) *telescope.builtin.spell_suggest()*
Lists spelling suggestions for the current word under the cursor, replaces
word with selected suggestion on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
builtin.tagstack({opts}) *telescope.builtin.tagstack()*
Lists the tag stack for the current window, jumps to tag on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
builtin.jumplist({opts}) *telescope.builtin.jumplist()*
Lists items from Vim's jumplist, jumps to location on `<cr>`
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
builtin.lsp_references({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_references()*
Lists LSP references for word under the cursor, jumps to reference on
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{include_declaration} (boolean) include symbol declaration in the
lsp references (default: true)
{include_current_line} (boolean) include current line (default:
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename
section (default: 30)
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_incoming_calls({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_incoming_calls()*
Lists LSP incoming calls for word under the cursor, jumps to reference on
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_outgoing_calls({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_outgoing_calls()*
Lists LSP outgoing calls for word under the cursor, jumps to reference on
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_definitions({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_definitions()*
Goto the definition of the word under the cursor, if there's only one,
otherwise show all options in Telescope
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{jump_type} (string) how to goto definition if there is only one
and the definition file is different from
the current file, values: "tab", "split",
"vsplit", "never"
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_type_definitions({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_type_definitions()*
Goto the definition of the type of the word under the cursor, if there's
only one, otherwise show all options in Telescope
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{jump_type} (string) how to goto definition if there is only one
and the definition file is different from
the current file, values: "tab", "split",
"vsplit", "never"
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_implementations({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_implementations()*
Goto the implementation of the word under the cursor if there's only one,
otherwise show all options in Telescope
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{jump_type} (string) how to goto implementation if there is only
one and the definition file is different
from the current file, values: "tab",
"split", "vsplit", "never"
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename section
(default: 30)
{show_line} (boolean) show results text (default: true)
{trim_text} (boolean) trim results text (default: false)
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_document_symbols({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_document_symbols()*
Lists LSP document symbols in the current buffer
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by type of
symbol you want to see (i.e. `:variable:`)
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename
section (default: 30)
{symbol_width} (number) defines the width of the symbol
section (default: 25)
{symbol_type_width} (number) defines the width of the symbol
type section (default: 8)
{show_line} (boolean) if true, shows the content of the
line the tag is found on (default:
{symbols} (string|table) filter results by symbol kind(s)
{ignore_symbols} (string|table) list of symbols to ignore
{symbol_highlights} (table) string -> string. Matches symbol
with hl_group
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_workspace_symbols({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_workspace_symbols()*
Lists LSP document symbols in the current workspace
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by type of
symbol you want to see (i.e. `:variable:`)
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{query} (string) for what to query the workspace
(default: "")
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename
section (default: 30)
{symbol_width} (number) defines the width of the symbol
section (default: 25)
{symbol_type_width} (number) defines the width of the symbol
type section (default: 8)
{show_line} (boolean) if true, shows the content of the
line the tag is found on (default:
{symbols} (string|table) filter results by symbol kind(s)
{ignore_symbols} (string|table) list of symbols to ignore
{symbol_highlights} (table) string -> string. Matches symbol
with hl_group
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols({opts}) *telescope.builtin.lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols()*
Dynamically lists LSP for all workspace symbols
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query by type of
symbol you want to see (i.e. `:variable:`), only works after refining
to fuzzy search using <C-space>
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{fname_width} (number) defines the width of the filename
section (default: 30)
{show_line} (boolean) if true, shows the content of the
line the symbol is found on
(default: false)
{symbols} (string|table) filter results by symbol kind(s)
{ignore_symbols} (string|table) list of symbols to ignore
{symbol_highlights} (table) string -> string. Matches symbol
with hl_group
{file_encoding} (string) file encoding for the previewer
builtin.diagnostics({opts}) *telescope.builtin.diagnostics()*
Lists diagnostics
- Fields:
- `All severity flags can be passed as `string` or `number` as per
- Default keymaps:
- `<C-l>`: show autocompletion menu to prefilter your query with the
diagnostic you want to see (i.e. `:warning:`)
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to the picker
Options: ~
{bufnr} (number|nil) Buffer number to get diagnostics
from. Use 0 for current buffer or
nil for all buffers
{severity} (string|number) filter diagnostics by severity name
(string) or id (number)
{severity_limit} (string|number) keep diagnostics equal or more
severe wrt severity name (string)
or id (number)
{severity_bound} (string|number) keep diagnostics equal or less
severe wrt severity name (string)
or id (number)
{root_dir} (string|boolean) if set to string, get diagnostics
only for buffers under this dir
otherwise cwd
{no_unlisted} (boolean) if true, get diagnostics only for
listed buffers
{no_sign} (boolean) hide DiagnosticSigns from Results
(default: false)
{line_width} (number) set length of diagnostic entry text
in Results
{namespace} (number) limit your diagnostics to a
specific namespace
THEMES *telescope.themes*
Themes are ways to combine several elements of styling together.
They are helpful for managing the several different UI aspects for telescope
and provide a simple interface for users to get a particular "style" of picker.
themes.get_dropdown() *telescope.themes.get_dropdown()*
Dropdown style theme.
local opts = {...} -- picker options
local builtin = require('telescope.builtin')
local themes = require('telescope.themes')
themes.get_cursor() *telescope.themes.get_cursor()*
Cursor style theme.
local opts = {...} -- picker options
local builtin = require('telescope.builtin')
local themes = require('telescope.themes')
themes.get_ivy() *telescope.themes.get_ivy()*
Ivy style theme.
local opts = {...} -- picker options
local builtin = require('telescope.builtin')
local themes = require('telescope.themes')
MAPPINGS *telescope.mappings*
|telescope.mappings| is used to configure the keybindings within a telescope
picker. These key binds are only local to the picker window and will be cleared
once you exit the picker.
We provide multiple configuration options to make it easy for you to adjust
telescope's default key bindings and create your own custom key binds.
To see many of the builtin actions that you can use as values for this table,
see |telescope.actions|
Format is:
mode = { ..keys }
where {mode} is the one character letter for a mode ('i' for insert, 'n' for
For example:
mappings = {
i = {
["<esc>"] = require('telescope.actions').close,
To disable a keymap, put `[map] = false`
For example:
["<C-n>"] = false,
To override behavior of a key, simply set the value to be a function (either by
requiring an action or by writing your own function)
["<C-i>"] = require('telescope.actions').select_default,
If the function you want is part of `telescope.actions`, then you can simply
supply the function name as a string. For example, the previous option is
equivalent to:
["<C-i>"] = "select_default",
You can also add other mappings using tables with `type = "command"`. For
["jj"] = { "<esc>", type = "command" },
["kk"] = { "<cmd>echo \"Hello, World!\"<cr>", type = "command" },)
You can also add additional options for mappings of any type ("action" and
"command"). For example:
["<C-j>"] = {
actions.move_selection_next, type = "action",
opts = { nowait = true, silent = true }
There are three main places you can configure |telescope.mappings|. These are
ordered from the lowest priority to the highest priority.
1. |telescope.defaults.mappings|
2. In the |telescope.setup()| table, inside a picker with a given name, use the
`mappings` key
require("telescope").setup {
pickers = {
find_files = {
mappings = {
n = {
["kj"] = "close",
3. `attach_mappings` function for a particular picker.
require("telescope.builtin").find_files {
attach_mappings = function(_, map)
map("i", "asdf", function(_prompt_bufnr)
print "You typed asdf"
map({"i", "n"}, "<C-r>", function(_prompt_bufnr)
print "You typed <C-r>"
-- needs to return true if you want to map default_mappings and
-- false if not
return true
LAYOUT *telescope.layout*
The layout of telescope pickers can be adjusted using the
|telescope.defaults.layout_strategy| and |telescope.defaults.layout_config|
options. For example, the following configuration changes the default layout
strategy and the default size of the picker:
defaults = {
layout_strategy = 'vertical',
layout_config = { height = 0.95 },
Layout strategies are different functions to position telescope.
All layout strategies are functions with the following signature:
function(picker, columns, lines, layout_config)
-- Do some calculations here...
return {
preview = preview_configuration
results = results_configuration,
prompt = prompt_configuration,
Parameters: ~
- picker : A Picker object. (docs coming soon)
- columns : (number) Columns in the vim window
- lines : (number) Lines in the vim window
- layout_config : (table) The configuration values specific to the picker.
This means you can create your own layout strategy if you want! Just be aware
for now that we may change some APIs or interfaces, so they may break if you
create your own.
A good method for creating your own would be to copy one of the strategies that
most resembles what you want from
"./lua/telescope/pickers/layout_strategies.lua" in the telescope repo.
layout_strategies.horizontal() *telescope.layout.horizontal()*
Horizontal layout has two columns, one for the preview and one for the
prompt and results.
│ │
│ ┌───────────────────┐┌───────────────────┐ │
│ │ ││ │ │
│ │ ││ │ │
│ │ ││ │ │
│ │ Results ││ │ │
│ │ ││ Preview │ │
│ │ ││ │ │
│ │ ││ │ │
│ └───────────────────┘│ │ │
│ ┌───────────────────┐│ │ │
│ │ Prompt ││ │ │
│ └───────────────────┘└───────────────────┘ │
│ │
`picker.layout_config` shared options:
- anchor:
- Which edge/corner to pin the picker to
- See |resolver.resolve_anchor_pos()|
- height:
- How tall to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_height()|
- mirror: Flip the location of the results/prompt and preview windows
- prompt_position:
- Where to place prompt window.
- Available Values: 'bottom', 'top'
- scroll_speed: The number of lines to scroll through the previewer
- width:
- How wide to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_width()|
`picker.layout_config` unique options:
- preview_cutoff: When columns are less than this value, the preview will be disabled
- preview_width:
- Change the width of Telescope's preview window
- See |resolver.resolve_width()|
layout_strategies.center() *telescope.layout.center()*
Centered layout with a combined block of the prompt and results aligned to
the middle of the screen. The preview window is then placed in the
remaining space above or below, according to `anchor` or `mirror`.
Particularly useful for creating dropdown menus (see |telescope.themes| and
Note that vertical anchoring, i.e. `anchor` containing `"N"` or `"S"`, will
override `mirror` config. For `"N"` anchoring preview will be placed below
prompt/result block. For `"S"` anchoring preview will be placed above
prompt/result block. For horizontal only anchoring preview will be placed
according to `mirror` config, default is above the prompt/result block.
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Preview │ │
│ │ Preview │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Prompt │ │
│ ├────────────────────────────────────────┤ │
│ │ Result │ │
│ │ Result │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
`picker.layout_config` shared options:
- anchor:
- Which edge/corner to pin the picker to
- See |resolver.resolve_anchor_pos()|
- height:
- How tall to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_height()|
- mirror: Flip the location of the results/prompt and preview windows
- prompt_position:
- Where to place prompt window.
- Available Values: 'bottom', 'top'
- scroll_speed: The number of lines to scroll through the previewer
- width:
- How wide to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_width()|
`picker.layout_config` unique options:
- preview_cutoff: When lines are less than this value, the preview will be disabled
layout_strategies.cursor() *telescope.layout.cursor()*
Cursor layout dynamically positioned below the cursor if possible. If there
is no place below the cursor it will be placed above.
│ │
│ █ │
│ ┌──────────────┐┌─────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Prompt ││ Preview │ │
│ ├──────────────┤│ Preview │ │
│ │ Result ││ Preview │ │
│ │ Result ││ Preview │ │
│ └──────────────┘└─────────────────────┘ │
│ █ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
`picker.layout_config` shared options:
- height:
- How tall to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_height()|
- scroll_speed: The number of lines to scroll through the previewer
- width:
- How wide to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_width()|
`picker.layout_config` unique options:
- preview_cutoff: When columns are less than this value, the preview will be disabled
- preview_width:
- Change the width of Telescope's preview window
- See |resolver.resolve_width()|
layout_strategies.vertical() *telescope.layout.vertical()*
Vertical layout stacks the items on top of each other. Particularly useful
with thinner windows.
│ │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Preview │ │
│ │ Preview │ │
│ │ Preview │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Result │ │
│ │ Result │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ Prompt │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
`picker.layout_config` shared options:
- anchor:
- Which edge/corner to pin the picker to
- See |resolver.resolve_anchor_pos()|
- height:
- How tall to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_height()|
- mirror: Flip the location of the results/prompt and preview windows
- prompt_position:
- Where to place prompt window.
- Available Values: 'bottom', 'top'
- scroll_speed: The number of lines to scroll through the previewer
- width:
- How wide to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_width()|
`picker.layout_config` unique options:
- preview_cutoff: When lines are less than this value, the preview will be disabled
- preview_height:
- Change the height of Telescope's preview window
- See |resolver.resolve_height()|
layout_strategies.flex() *telescope.layout.flex()*
Flex layout swaps between `horizontal` and `vertical` strategies based on
the window width
- Supports |layout_strategies.vertical| or |layout_strategies.horizontal|
`picker.layout_config` shared options:
- anchor:
- Which edge/corner to pin the picker to
- See |resolver.resolve_anchor_pos()|
- height:
- How tall to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_height()|
- mirror: Flip the location of the results/prompt and preview windows
- prompt_position:
- Where to place prompt window.
- Available Values: 'bottom', 'top'
- scroll_speed: The number of lines to scroll through the previewer
- width:
- How wide to make Telescope's entire layout
- See |resolver.resolve_width()|
`picker.layout_config` unique options:
- flip_columns: The number of columns required to move to horizontal mode
- flip_lines: The number of lines required to move to horizontal mode
- horizontal: Options to pass when switching to horizontal layout
- vertical: Options to pass when switching to vertical layout
layout_strategies.bottom_pane() *telescope.layout.bottom_pane()*
Bottom pane can be used to create layouts similar to "ivy".
For an easy ivy configuration, see |themes.get_ivy()|
RESOLVE *telescope.resolve*
Provides "resolver functions" to allow more customisable inputs for options.
resolver.resolve_height() *telescope.resolve.resolve_height()*
Converts input to a function that returns the height. The input must take
one of five forms:
1. 0 <= number < 1
This means total height as a percentage.
2. 1 <= number
This means total height as a fixed number.
3. function
Must have signature: function(self, max_columns, max_lines): number
4. table of the form: { val, max = ..., min = ... }
val has to be in the first form 0 <= val < 1 and only one is given,
`min` or `max` as fixed number
5. table of the form: {padding = `foo`}
where `foo` has one of the previous three forms.
The height is then set to be the remaining space after padding. For
example, if the window has height 50, and the input is {padding = 5},
the height returned will be `40 = 50 - 2*5`
The returned function will have signature: function(self, max_columns,
max_lines): number
resolver.resolve_width() *telescope.resolve.resolve_width()*
Converts input to a function that returns the width. The input must take
one of five forms:
1. 0 <= number < 1
This means total width as a percentage.
2. 1 <= number
This means total width as a fixed number.
3. function
Must have signature: function(self, max_columns, max_lines): number
4. table of the form: { val, max = ..., min = ... }
val has to be in the first form 0 <= val < 1 and only one is given,
`min` or `max` as fixed number
5. table of the form: {padding = `foo`}
where `foo` has one of the previous three forms.
The width is then set to be the remaining space after padding. For
example, if the window has width 100, and the input is {padding = 5},
the width returned will be `90 = 100 - 2*5`
The returned function will have signature: function(self, max_columns,
max_lines): number
resolver.resolve_anchor_pos() *telescope.resolve.resolve_anchor_pos()*
Calculates the adjustment required to move the picker from the middle of
the screen to an edge or corner.
The `anchor` can be any of the following strings:
- "", "CENTER", "NW", "N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W" The anchors
have the following meanings:
- "" or "CENTER":
the picker will remain in the middle of the screen.
- Compass directions:
the picker will move to the corresponding edge/corner e.g. "NW" -> "top
left corner", "E" -> "right edge", "S" -> "bottom edge"
MAKE_ENTRY *telescope.make_entry*
Each picker has a finder made up of two parts, the results which are the data
to be displayed, and the entry_maker. These entry_makers are functions returned
from make_entry functions. These will be referred to as entry_makers in the
following documentation.
Every entry maker returns a function that accepts the data to be used for an
entry. This function will return an entry table (or nil, meaning skip this
entry) which contains the following important keys:
- value any: value key can be anything but still required
- valid bool (optional): is an optional key because it defaults to true but if
the key is set to false it will not be displayed by the picker
- ordinal string: is the text that is used for filtering
- display string|function: is either a string of the text that is being
displayed or a function receiving the entry at a later stage, when the entry
is actually being displayed. A function can be useful here if a complex
calculation has to be done. `make_entry` can also return a second value - a
highlight array which will then apply to the line. Highlight entry in this
array has the following signature `{ { start_col, end_col }, hl_group }`
- filename string (optional): will be interpreted by the default `<cr>` action
as open this file
- bufnr number (optional): will be interpreted by the default `<cr>` action as
open this buffer
- lnum number (optional): lnum value which will be interpreted by the default
`<cr>` action as a jump to this line
- col number (optional): col value which will be interpreted by the default
`<cr>` action as a jump to this column
For more information on easier displaying, see
TODO: Document something we call `entry_index`
ENTRY_DISPLAY *telescope.pickers.entry_display*
Entry Display is used to format each entry shown in the result panel.
Entry Display create() will give us a function based on the configuration of
column widths we pass into it. We then can use this function n times to return
a string based on structured input.
Note that if you call `create()` inside `make_display` it will be called for
every single entry. So it is suggested to do this outside of `make_display` for
the best performance.
The create function will use the column widths passed to it in
configuration.items. Each item in that table is the number of characters in the
column. It's also possible for the final column to not have a fixed width, this
will be shown in the configuration as 'remaining = true'.
An example of this configuration is shown for the buffers picker:
local displayer = entry_display.create {
separator = " ",
items = {
{ width = opts.bufnr_width },
{ width = 4 },
{ width = icon_width },
{ remaining = true },
This shows 4 columns, the first is defined in the opts as the width we'll use
when display_string is the number of the buffer. The second has a fixed width
of 4 and the third column's width will be decided by the width of the icons we
use. The fourth column will use the remaining space. Finally, we have also
defined the separator between each column will be the space " ".
An example of how the display reference will be used is shown, again for the
buffers picker:
return displayer {
{ entry.bufnr, "TelescopeResultsNumber" },
{ entry.indicator, "TelescopeResultsComment" },
{ icon, hl_group },
display_bufname .. ":" .. entry.lnum,
There are two types of values each column can have. Either a simple String or a
table containing the String as well as the hl_group.
The displayer can return values, string and an optional highlights. The string
is all the text to be displayed for this entry as a single string. If parts of
the string are to be highlighted they will be described in the highlights
For a better understanding of how create() and displayer are used it's best to
look at the code in make_entry.lua.
UTILS *telescope.utils*
Utilities for writing telescope pickers
utils.transform_path({opts}, {path}) *telescope.utils.transform_path()*
Transform path is a util function that formats a path based on path_display
found in `opts` or the default value from config. It is meant to be used in
make_entry to have a uniform interface for builtins as well as extensions
utilizing the same user configuration Note: It is only supported inside
`make_entry`/`make_display` the use of this function outside of telescope
might yield to undefined behavior and will not be addressed by us
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) The opts the users passed into the picker. Might
contains a path_display key
{path} (string) The path that should be formatted
Return: ~
string: The transformed path ready to be displayed
utils.notify({funname}, {opts}) *telescope.utils.notify()*
Telescope Wrapper around vim.notify
Parameters: ~
{funname} (string) name of the function that will be
{opts} (table) opts.level string, opts.msg string, opts.once bool
ACTIONS *telescope.actions*
These functions are useful for people creating their own mappings.
Actions can be either normal functions that expect the `prompt_bufnr` as first
argument (1) or they can be a custom telescope type called "action" (2).
(1) The `prompt_bufnr` of a normal function denotes the identifier of your
picker which can be used to access the picker state. In practice, users most
commonly access from both picker and global state via the following:
-- for utility functions
local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state"
local actions = {}
actions.do_stuff = function(prompt_bufnr)
local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) -- picker state
local entry = action_state.get_selected_entry()
See |telescope.actions.state| for more information.
(2) To transform a module of functions into a module of "action"s, you need to
do the following:
local transform_mod = require("telescope.actions.mt").transform_mod
local mod = {}
mod.a1 = function(prompt_bufnr)
-- your code goes here
-- You can access the picker/global state as described above in (1).
mod.a2 = function(prompt_bufnr)
-- your code goes here
mod = transform_mod(mod)
-- Now the following is possible. This means that actions a2 will be executed
-- after action a1. You can chain as many actions as you want.
local action = mod.a1 + mod.a2
Another interesting thing to do is that these actions now have functions you
can call. These functions include `:replace(f)`, `:replace_if(f, c)`,
`replace_map(tbl)` and `enhance(tbl)`. More information on these functions can
be found in the `developers.md` and `lua/tests/automated/action_spec.lua` file.
actions.move_selection_next({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.move_selection_next()*
Move the selection to the next entry
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.move_selection_previous({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.move_selection_previous()*
Move the selection to the previous entry
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.move_selection_worse({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.move_selection_worse()*
Move the selection to the entry that has a worse score
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.move_selection_better({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.move_selection_better()*
Move the selection to the entry that has a better score
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.move_to_top({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.move_to_top()*
Move to the top of the picker
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.move_to_middle({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.move_to_middle()*
Move to the middle of the picker
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.move_to_bottom({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.move_to_bottom()*
Move to the bottom of the picker
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.add_selection({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.add_selection()*
Add current entry to multi select
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.remove_selection({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.remove_selection()*
Remove current entry from multi select
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.toggle_selection({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.toggle_selection()*
Toggle current entry status for multi select
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.select_all({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.select_all()*
Multi select all entries.
- Note: selected entries may include results not visible in the results pop
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.drop_all({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.drop_all()*
Drop all entries from the current multi selection.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.toggle_all({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.toggle_all()*
Toggle multi selection for all entries.
- Note: toggled entries may include results not visible in the results pop
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.preview_scrolling_up({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.preview_scrolling_up()*
Scroll the preview window up
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.preview_scrolling_down({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.preview_scrolling_down()*
Scroll the preview window down
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.results_scrolling_up({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.results_scrolling_up()*
Scroll the results window up
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.results_scrolling_down({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.results_scrolling_down()*
Scroll the results window down
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.center({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.center()*
Center the cursor in the window, can be used after selecting a file to edit
You can just map `actions.select_default + actions.center`
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.select_default({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.select_default()*
Perform default action on selection, usually something like
`:edit <selection>`
i.e. open the selection in the current buffer
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.select_horizontal({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.select_horizontal()*
Perform 'horizontal' action on selection, usually something like
`:new <selection>`
i.e. open the selection in a new horizontal split
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.select_vertical({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.select_vertical()*
Perform 'vertical' action on selection, usually something like
`:vnew <selection>`
i.e. open the selection in a new vertical split
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.select_tab({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.select_tab()*
Perform 'tab' action on selection, usually something like
`:tabedit <selection>`
i.e. open the selection in a new tab
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.file_edit({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.file_edit()*
Perform file edit on selection, usually something like
`:edit <selection>`
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.file_split({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.file_split()*
Perform file split on selection, usually something like
`:new <selection>`
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.file_vsplit({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.file_vsplit()*
Perform file vsplit on selection, usually something like
`:vnew <selection>`
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.file_tab({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.file_tab()*
Perform file tab on selection, usually something like
`:tabedit <selection>`
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.close({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.close()*
Close the Telescope window, usually used within an action
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions._close({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions._close()*
Close the Telescope window, usually used within an action
Deprecated and no longer needed, does the same as
|telescope.actions.close|. Might be removed in the future
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.edit_command_line({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.edit_command_line()*
Set a value in the command line and don't run it, making it editable.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.set_command_line({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.set_command_line()*
Set a value in the command line and run it
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.edit_search_line({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.edit_search_line()*
Set a value in the search line and don't search for it, making it editable.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.set_search_line({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.set_search_line()*
Set a value in the search line and search for it
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.edit_register({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.edit_register()*
Edit a register
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.paste_register({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.paste_register()*
Paste the selected register into the buffer
Note: only meant to be used inside builtin.registers
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.insert_symbol({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.insert_symbol()*
Insert a symbol into the current buffer (while switching to normal mode)
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.insert_symbol_i({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.insert_symbol_i()*
Insert a symbol into the current buffer and keeping the insert mode.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_create_branch({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_create_branch()*
Create and checkout a new git branch if it doesn't already exist
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_apply_stash({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_apply_stash()*
Applies an existing git stash
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_checkout({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_checkout()*
Checkout an existing git branch
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_switch_branch({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_switch_branch()*
Switch to git branch.
If the branch already exists in local, switch to that. If the branch is
only in remote, create new branch tracking remote and switch to new one.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_track_branch({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_track_branch()*
Tell git to track the currently selected remote branch in Telescope
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_delete_branch({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_delete_branch()*
Delete the currently selected branch
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_merge_branch({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_merge_branch()*
Merge the currently selected branch
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_rebase_branch({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_rebase_branch()*
Rebase to selected git branch
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_reset_mixed({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_reset_mixed()*
Reset to selected git commit using mixed mode
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_reset_soft({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_reset_soft()*
Reset to selected git commit using soft mode
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_reset_hard({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_reset_hard()*
Reset to selected git commit using hard mode
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_checkout_current_buffer({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_checkout_current_buffer()*
Checkout a specific file for a given sha
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.git_staging_toggle({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.git_staging_toggle()*
Stage/unstage selected file
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.send_selected_to_qflist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.send_selected_to_qflist()*
Sends the selected entries to the quickfix list, replacing the previous
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.add_selected_to_qflist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.add_selected_to_qflist()*
Adds the selected entries to the quickfix list, keeping the previous
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.send_to_qflist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.send_to_qflist()*
Sends all entries to the quickfix list, replacing the previous entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.add_to_qflist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.add_to_qflist()*
Adds all entries to the quickfix list, keeping the previous entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.send_selected_to_loclist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.send_selected_to_loclist()*
Sends the selected entries to the location list, replacing the previous
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.add_selected_to_loclist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.add_selected_to_loclist()*
Adds the selected entries to the location list, keeping the previous
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.send_to_loclist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.send_to_loclist()*
Sends all entries to the location list, replacing the previous entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.add_to_loclist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.add_to_loclist()*
Adds all entries to the location list, keeping the previous entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.smart_send_to_qflist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.smart_send_to_qflist()*
Sends the selected entries to the quickfix list, replacing the previous
entries. If no entry was selected, sends all entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.smart_add_to_qflist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.smart_add_to_qflist()*
Adds the selected entries to the quickfix list, keeping the previous
entries. If no entry was selected, adds all entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.smart_send_to_loclist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.smart_send_to_loclist()*
Sends the selected entries to the location list, replacing the previous
entries. If no entry was selected, sends all entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.smart_add_to_loclist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.smart_add_to_loclist()*
Adds the selected entries to the location list, keeping the previous
entries. If no entry was selected, adds all entries.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.complete_tag({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.complete_tag()*
Open completion menu containing the tags which can be used to filter the
results in a faster way
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.cycle_history_next({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.cycle_history_next()*
Cycle to the next search prompt in the history
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.cycle_history_prev({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.cycle_history_prev()*
Cycle to the previous search prompt in the history
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.open_qflist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.open_qflist()*
Open the quickfix list. It makes sense to use this in combination with one
of the send_to_qflist actions `actions.smart_send_to_qflist +
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.open_loclist({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.open_loclist()*
Open the location list. It makes sense to use this in combination with one
of the send_to_loclist actions `actions.smart_send_to_qflist +
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.delete_buffer({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.delete_buffer()*
Delete the selected buffer or all the buffers selected using multi
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.cycle_previewers_next({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.cycle_previewers_next()*
Cycle to the next previewer if there is one available.
This action is not mapped on default.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.cycle_previewers_prev({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.cycle_previewers_prev()*
Cycle to the previous previewer if there is one available.
This action is not mapped on default.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.remove_selected_picker({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.remove_selected_picker()*
Removes the selected picker in |builtin.pickers|.
This action is not mapped by default and only intended for
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.which_key({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.which_key()*
Display the keymaps of registered actions similar to which-key.nvim.
- Notes:
- The defaults can be overridden via |action_generate.which_key|.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
actions.to_fuzzy_refine({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.to_fuzzy_refine()*
Move from a none fuzzy search to a fuzzy one
This action is meant to be used in live_grep and
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
ACTIONS_STATE *telescope.actions.state*
Functions to be used to determine the current state of telescope.
Generally used from within other |telescope.actions|
action_state.get_selected_entry() *telescope.actions.state.get_selected_entry()*
Get the current entry
action_state.get_current_line() *telescope.actions.state.get_current_line()*
Gets the current line
action_state.get_current_picker({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.state.get_current_picker()*
Gets the current picker
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
ACTIONS_SET *telescope.actions.set*
Telescope action sets are used to provide an interface for managing actions
that all primarily do the same thing, but with slight tweaks.
For example, when editing files you may want it in the current split, a
vertical split, etc. Instead of making users have to overwrite EACH of those
every time they want to change this behavior, they can instead replace the
`set` itself and then it will work great and they're done.
action_set.shift_selection({prompt_bufnr}, {change}) *telescope.actions.set.shift_selection()*
Move the current selection of a picker {change} rows. Handles not
overflowing / underflowing the list.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
{change} (number) The amount to shift the selection by
action_set.select({prompt_bufnr}, {type}) *telescope.actions.set.select()*
Select the current entry. This is the action set to overwrite common
actions by the user.
By default maps to editing a file.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
{type} (string) The type of selection to make
action_set.edit({prompt_bufnr}, {command}) *telescope.actions.set.edit()*
Edit a file based on the current selection.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
{command} (string) The command to use to open the file.
action_set.scroll_previewer({prompt_bufnr}, {direction}) *telescope.actions.set.scroll_previewer()*
Scrolls the previewer up or down. Defaults to a half page scroll, but can
be overridden using the `scroll_speed` option in `layout_config`. See
|telescope.layout| for more details.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
{direction} (number) The direction of the scrolling
action_set.scroll_results({prompt_bufnr}, {direction}) *telescope.actions.set.scroll_results()*
Scrolls the results up or down. Defaults to a half page scroll, but can be
overridden using the `scroll_speed` option in `layout_config`. See
|telescope.layout| for more details.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
{direction} (number) The direction of the scrolling
ACTIONS_LAYOUT *telescope.actions.layout*
The layout actions are actions to be used to change the layout of a picker.
action_layout.toggle_preview({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.layout.toggle_preview()*
Toggle preview window.
- Note: preview window can be toggled even if preview is set to false.
This action is not mapped by default.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
action_layout.toggle_prompt_position({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.layout.toggle_prompt_position()*
Toggles the `prompt_position` option between "top" and "bottom". Checks if
`prompt_position` is an option for the current layout.
This action is not mapped by default.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
action_layout.toggle_mirror({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.layout.toggle_mirror()*
Toggles the `mirror` option between `true` and `false`. Checks if `mirror`
is an option for the current layout.
This action is not mapped by default.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
action_layout.cycle_layout_next({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.layout.cycle_layout_next()*
Cycles to the next layout in `cycle_layout_list`.
This action is not mapped by default.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
action_layout.cycle_layout_prev({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.layout.cycle_layout_prev()*
Cycles to the previous layout in `cycle_layout_list`.
This action is not mapped by default.
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
ACTIONS_UTILS *telescope.actions.utils*
Utilities to wrap functions around picker selections and entries.
Generally used from within other |telescope.actions|
utils.map_entries({prompt_bufnr}, {f}) *telescope.actions.utils.map_entries()*
Apply `f` to the entries of the current picker.
- Notes:
- Mapped entries include all currently filtered results, not just the
visible ones.
- Indices are 1-indexed, whereas rows are 0-indexed.
- Warning: `map_entries` has no return value.
- The below example showcases how to collect results
local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state"
local action_utils = require "telescope.actions.utils"
function entry_value_by_row()
local prompt_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr)
local results = {}
action_utils.map_entries(prompt_bufnr, function(entry, index, row)
results[row] = entry.value
return results
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
{f} (function) Function to map onto entries of picker that
takes (entry, index, row) as viable
utils.map_selections({prompt_bufnr}, {f}) *telescope.actions.utils.map_selections()*
Apply `f` to the multi selections of the current picker and return a table
of mapped selections.
- Notes:
- Mapped selections may include results not visible in the results pop
- Selected entries are returned in order of their selection.
- Warning: `map_selections` has no return value.
- The below example showcases how to collect results
local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state"
local action_utils = require "telescope.actions.utils"
function selection_by_index()
local prompt_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr)
local results = {}
action_utils.map_selections(prompt_bufnr, function(entry, index)
results[index] = entry.value
return results
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
{f} (function) Function to map onto selection of picker
that takes (selection) as a viable argument
utils.get_registered_mappings({prompt_bufnr}) *telescope.actions.utils.get_registered_mappings()*
Utility to collect mappings of prompt buffer in array of `{mode, keybind,
Parameters: ~
{prompt_bufnr} (number) The prompt bufnr
ACTIONS_GENERATE *telescope.actions.generate*
Module for convenience to override defaults of corresponding
|telescope.actions| at |telescope.setup()|.
General usage:
require("telescope").setup {
defaults = {
mappings = {
n = {
["?"] = action_generate.which_key {
name_width = 20, -- typically leads to smaller floats
max_height = 0.5, -- increase potential maximum height
separator = " > ", -- change sep between mode, keybind, and name
close_with_action = false, -- do not close float on action
action_generate.which_key({opts}) *telescope.actions.generate.which_key()*
Display the keymaps of registered actions similar to which-key.nvim.
- Floating window:
- Appears on the opposite side of the prompt.
- Resolves to minimum required number of lines to show hints with `opts`
or truncates entries at `max_height`.
- Closes automatically on action call and can be disabled with by setting
`close_with_action` to false.
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) options to pass to toggling registered actions
Fields: ~
{max_height} (number) % of max. height or no. of rows
for hints (default: 0.4), see
{only_show_current_mode} (boolean) only show keymaps for the current
mode (default: true)
{mode_width} (number) fixed width of mode to be shown
(default: 1)
{keybind_width} (number) fixed width of keybind to be shown
(default: 7)
{name_width} (number) fixed width of action name to be
shown (default: 30)
{column_padding} (string) string to split; can be used for
vertical separator (default: " ")
{mode_hl} (string) hl group of mode (default:
{keybind_hl} (string) hl group of keybind (default:
{name_hl} (string) hl group of action name (default:
{column_indent} (number) number of left-most spaces before
keybinds are shown (default: 4)
{line_padding} (number) row padding in top and bottom of
float (default: 1)
{separator} (string) separator string between mode, key
bindings, and action (default: "
-> ")
{close_with_action} (boolean) registered action will close
keymap float (default: true)
{normal_hl} (string) winhl of "Normal" for keymap hints
floating window (default:
{border_hl} (string) winhl of "Normal" for keymap
borders (default:
{winblend} (number) pseudo-transparency of keymap
hints floating window
PREVIEWERS *telescope.previewers*
Provides a Previewer table that has to be implemented by each previewer. To
achieve this, this module also provides two wrappers that abstract most of the
work and make it really easy to create new previewers.
- `previewers.new_termopen_previewer`
- `previewers.new_buffer_previewer`
Furthermore, there are a collection of previewers already defined which can be
used for every picker, as long as the entries of the picker provide the
necessary fields. The more important ones are
- `previewers.cat`
- `previewers.vimgrep`
- `previewers.qflist`
- `previewers.vim_buffer_cat`
- `previewers.vim_buffer_vimgrep`
- `previewers.vim_buffer_qflist`
Previewers can be disabled for any builtin or custom picker by doing :Telescope
find_files previewer=false
previewers.Previewer() *telescope.previewers.Previewer()*
This is the base table all previewers have to implement. It's possible to
write a wrapper for this because most previewers need to have the same keys
set. Examples of wrappers are:
- `new_buffer_previewer`
- `new_termopen_previewer`
To create a new table do following:
- `local new_previewer = Previewer:new(opts)`
What `:new` expects is listed below
The interface provides the following set of functions. All of them, besides
`new`, will be handled by telescope pickers.
- `:new(opts)`
- `:preview(entry, status)`
- `:teardown()`
- `:send_input(input)`
- `:scroll_fn(direction)`
`Previewer:new()` expects a table as input with following keys:
- `setup` function(self): Will be called the first time preview will be
- `teardown` function(self): Will be called on clean up.
- `preview_fn` function(self, entry, status): Will be called each time a
new entry was selected.
- `title` function(self): Will return the static title of the previewer.
- `dynamic_title` function(self, entry): Will return the dynamic title of
the previewer. Will only be called when config value
dynamic_preview_title is true.
- `send_input` function(self, input): This is meant for
`termopen_previewer` and it can be used to send input to the terminal
application, like less.
- `scroll_fn` function(self, direction): Used to make scrolling work.
previewers.new() *telescope.previewers.new()*
A shorthand for creating a new Previewer. The provided table will be
forwarded to `Previewer:new(...)`
previewers.new_termopen_previewer() *telescope.previewers.new_termopen_previewer()*
Is a wrapper around Previewer and helps with creating a new
It requires you to specify one table entry `get_command(entry, status)`.
This `get_command` function has to return the terminal command that will be
executed for each entry. Example:
get_command = function(entry, status)
return { 'bat', entry.path }
Additionally you can define:
- `title` a static title for example "File Preview"
- `dyn_title(self, entry)` a dynamic title function which gets called when
config value `dynamic_preview_title = true`
It's an easy way to get your first previewer going and it integrates well
with `bat` and `less`. Providing out of the box scrolling if the command
uses less.
Furthermore, it will forward all `config.set_env` environment variables to
that terminal process.
previewers.cat() *telescope.previewers.cat()*
Provides a `termopen_previewer` which has the ability to display files. It
will always show the top of the file and has support for `bat`(prioritized)
and `cat`. Each entry has to provide either the field `path` or `filename`
in order to make this previewer work.
The preferred way of using this previewer is like this
`require('telescope.config').values.cat_previewer` This will respect user
configuration and will use `buffer_previewers` in case it's configured that
previewers.vimgrep() *telescope.previewers.vimgrep()*
Provides a `termopen_previewer` which has the ability to display files at
the provided line. It has support for `bat`(prioritized) and `cat`. Each
entry has to provide either the field `path` or `filename` and a `lnum`
field in order to make this previewer work.
The preferred way of using this previewer is like this
`require('telescope.config').values.grep_previewer` This will respect user
configuration and will use `buffer_previewers` in case it's configured that
previewers.qflist() *telescope.previewers.qflist()*
Provides a `termopen_previewer` which has the ability to display files at
the provided line or range. It has support for `bat`(prioritized) and
`cat`. Each entry has to provide either the field `path` or `filename`,
`lnum` and a `start` and `finish` range in order to make this previewer
The preferred way of using this previewer is like this
`require('telescope.config').values.qflist_previewer` This will respect
user configuration and will use buffer previewers in case it's configured
that way.
previewers.new_buffer_previewer() *telescope.previewers.new_buffer_previewer()*
An interface to instantiate a new `buffer_previewer`. That means that the
content actually lives inside a vim buffer which enables us more control
over the actual content. For example, we can use `vim.fn.search` to jump to
a specific line or reuse buffers/already opened files more easily. This
interface is more complex than `termopen_previewer` but offers more
flexibility over your content. It was designed to display files but was
extended to also display the output of terminal commands.
In the following options, state table and general tips are mentioned to
make your experience with this previewer more seamless.
- `define_preview = function(self, entry, status)` (required) Is called
for each selected entry, after each selection_move (up or down) and is
meant to handle things like reading file, jump to line or attach a
- `setup = function(self)` (optional) Is called once at the beginning,
before the preview for the first entry is displayed. You can return a
table of vars that will be available in `self.state` in each
`define_preview` call.
- `teardown = function(self)` (optional) Will be called at the end, when
the picker is being closed and is meant to clean up everything that was
allocated by the previewer. The `buffer_previewer` will automatically
clean up all created buffers. So you only need to handle things that
were introduced by you.
- `keep_last_buf = true` (optional) Will not delete the last selected
buffer. This would allow you to reuse that buffer in the select action.
For example, that buffer can be opened in a new split, rather than
recreating that buffer in an action. To access the last buffer number:
- `get_buffer_by_name = function(self, entry)` Allows you to set a unique
name for each buffer. This is used for caching purposes.
`self.state.bufname` will be nil if the entry was never loaded or the
unique name when it was loaded once. For example, useful if you have
one file but multiple entries. This happens for grep and lsp builtins.
So to make the cache work only load content if `self.state.bufname ~=
- `title` a static title for example "File Preview"
- `dyn_title(self, entry)` a dynamic title function which gets called
when config value `dynamic_preview_title = true`
`self.state` table:
- `self.state.bufnr` Is the current buffer number, in which you have to
write the loaded content. Don't create a buffer yourself, otherwise
it's not managed by the buffer_previewer interface and you will
probably be better off writing your own interface.
- self.state.winid Current window id. Useful if you want to set the
cursor to a provided line number.
- self.state.bufname Will return the current buffer name, if
`get_buffer_by_name` is defined. nil will be returned if the entry was
never loaded or when `get_buffer_by_name` is not set.
- If you want to display content of a terminal job, use:
`require('telescope.previewers.utils').job_maker(cmd, bufnr, opts)`
- `cmd` table: for example { 'git', 'diff', entry.value }
- `bufnr` number: in which the content will be written
- `opts` table: with following keys
- `bufname` string: used for cache
- `value` string: used for cache
- `mode` string: either "insert" or "append". "insert" is default
- `env` table: define environment variables. Example:
- `{ ['PAGER'] = '', ['MANWIDTH'] = 50 }`
- `cwd` string: define current working directory for job
- `callback` function(bufnr, content): will be called when job is
done. Content will be nil if job is already loaded. So you can do
highlighting only the first time the previewer is created for
that entry. Use the returned `bufnr` and not `self.state.bufnr`
in callback, because state can already be changed at this point
in time.
- If you want to attach a highlighter use:
- `require('telescope.previewers.utils').highlighter(bufnr, ft)`
- This will prioritize tree sitter highlighting if available for
environment and language.
- `require('telescope.previewers.utils').regex_highlighter(bufnr, ft)`
- `require('telescope.previewers.utils').ts_highlighter(bufnr, ft)`
- If you want to use `vim.fn.search` or similar you need to run it in
that specific buffer context. Do
vim.api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function()
-- for example `search` and `matchadd`
to achieve that.
- If you want to read a file into the buffer it's best to use
`buffer_previewer_maker`. But access this function with
`require('telescope.config').values.buffer_previewer_maker` because it
can be redefined by users.
previewers.buffer_previewer_maker({filepath}, {bufnr}, {opts}) *telescope.previewers.buffer_previewer_maker()*
A universal way of reading a file into a buffer previewer. It handles async
reading, cache, highlighting, displaying directories and provides a
callback which can be used, to jump to a line in the buffer.
Parameters: ~
{filepath} (string) String to the filepath, will be expanded
{bufnr} (number) Where the content will be written
{opts} (table) keys: `use_ft_detect`, `bufname` and `callback`
previewers.vim_buffer_cat() *telescope.previewers.vim_buffer_cat()*
A previewer that is used to display a file. It uses the `buffer_previewer`
interface and won't jump to the line. To integrate this one into your own
picker make sure that the field `path` or `filename` is set for each entry.
The preferred way of using this previewer is like this
`require('telescope.config').values.file_previewer` This will respect user
configuration and will use `termopen_previewer` in case it's configured
that way.
previewers.vim_buffer_vimgrep() *telescope.previewers.vim_buffer_vimgrep()*
A previewer that is used to display a file and jump to the provided line.
It uses the `buffer_previewer` interface. To integrate this one into your
own picker make sure that the field `path` or `filename` and `lnum` is set
in each entry. If the latter is not present, it will default to the first
line. The preferred way of using this previewer is like this
`require('telescope.config').values.grep_previewer` This will respect user
configuration and will use `termopen_previewer` in case it's configured
that way.
previewers.vim_buffer_qflist() *telescope.previewers.vim_buffer_qflist()*
Is the same as `vim_buffer_vimgrep` and only exists for consistency with
The preferred way of using this previewer is like this
`require('telescope.config').values.qflist_previewer` This will respect
user configuration and will use `termopen_previewer` in case it's
configured that way.
previewers.git_branch_log() *telescope.previewers.git_branch_log()*
A previewer that shows a log of a branch as graph
previewers.git_stash_diff() *telescope.previewers.git_stash_diff()*
A previewer that shows a diff of a stash
previewers.git_commit_diff_to_parent() *telescope.previewers.git_commit_diff_to_parent()*
A previewer that shows a diff of a commit to a parent commit.
The run command is `git --no-pager diff SHA^! -- $CURRENT_FILE`
The current file part is optional. So is only uses it with bcommits.
previewers.git_commit_diff_to_head() *telescope.previewers.git_commit_diff_to_head()*
A previewer that shows a diff of a commit to head.
The run command is `git --no-pager diff --cached $SHA -- $CURRENT_FILE`
The current file part is optional. So is only uses it with bcommits.
previewers.git_commit_diff_as_was() *telescope.previewers.git_commit_diff_as_was()*
A previewer that shows a diff of a commit as it was.
The run command is `git --no-pager show $SHA:$CURRENT_FILE` or `git
--no-pager show $SHA`
previewers.git_commit_message() *telescope.previewers.git_commit_message()*
A previewer that shows the commit message of a diff.
The run command is `git --no-pager log -n 1 $SHA`
previewers.git_file_diff() *telescope.previewers.git_file_diff()*
A previewer that shows the current diff of a file. Used in git_status.
The run command is `git --no-pager diff $FILE`
previewers.display_content() *telescope.previewers.display_content()*
A deprecated way of displaying content more easily. Was written at a time,
where the buffer_previewer interface wasn't present. Nowadays it's easier
to just use this. We will keep it around for backwards compatibility
because some extensions use it. It doesn't use cache or some other clever
HISTORY *telescope.actions.history*
A base implementation of a prompt history that provides a simple history and
can be replaced with a custom implementation.
For example: We provide an extension for a smart history that uses sql.nvim to
map histories to metadata, like the calling picker or cwd.
So you have a history for:
- find_files project_1
- grep_string project_1
- live_grep project_1
- find_files project_2
- grep_string project_2
- live_grep project_2
- etc
See https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-smart-history.nvim
histories.History() *telescope.actions.history.History()*
Manages prompt history
Fields: ~
{enabled} (boolean) Will indicate if History is enabled or disabled
{path} (string) Will point to the location of the history file
{limit} (string) Will have the limit of the history. Can be nil,
if limit is disabled.
{content} (table) History table. Needs to be filled by your own
History implementation
{index} (number) Used to keep track of the next or previous index.
Default is #content + 1
histories.History:new({opts}) *telescope.actions.history.History:new()*
Create a new History
Parameters: ~
{opts} (table) Defines the behavior of History
Fields: ~
{init} (function) Will be called after handling configuration
{append} (function) How to append a new prompt item (required)
{reset} (function) What happens on reset. Will be called when
telescope closes (required)
{pre_get} (function) Will be called before a next or previous item
will be returned (optional)
histories.new() *telescope.actions.history.new()*
Shorthand to create a new history
histories.History:reset() *telescope.actions.history.History:reset()*
Will reset the history index to the default initial state. Will happen
after the picker closed
histories.History:append({line}, {picker}, {no_reset}) *telescope.actions.history.History:append()*
Append a new line to the history
Parameters: ~
{line} (string) current line that will be appended
{picker} (table) the current picker object
{no_reset} (boolean) On default it will reset the state at the end.
If you don't want to do this set to true
histories.History:get_next({line}, {picker}) *telescope.actions.history.History:get_next()*
Will return the next history item. Can be nil if there are no next items
Parameters: ~
{line} (string) the current line
{picker} (table) the current picker object
Return: ~
string: the next history item
histories.History:get_prev({line}, {picker}) *telescope.actions.history.History:get_prev()*
Will return the previous history item. Can be nil if there are no previous
Parameters: ~
{line} (string) the current line
{picker} (table) the current picker object
Return: ~
string: the previous history item
histories.get_simple_history() *telescope.actions.history.get_simple_history()*
A simple implementation of history.
It will keep one unified history across all pickers.