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Testing if parso finds syntax errors and indentation errors.
import sys
import warnings
import pytest
import parso
from textwrap import dedent
from parso._compatibility import is_pypy
from .failing_examples import FAILING_EXAMPLES, indent, build_nested
if is_pypy:
# The errors in PyPy might be different. Just skip the module for now.
pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip()
def _get_error_list(code, version=None):
grammar = parso.load_grammar(version=version)
tree = grammar.parse(code)
return list(grammar.iter_errors(tree))
def assert_comparison(code, error_code, positions):
errors = [(error.start_pos, error.code) for error in _get_error_list(code)]
assert [(pos, error_code) for pos in positions] == errors
@pytest.mark.parametrize('code', FAILING_EXAMPLES)
def test_python_exception_matches(code):
wanted, line_nr = _get_actual_exception(code)
errors = _get_error_list(code)
actual = None
if errors:
error, = errors
actual = error.message
assert actual in wanted
# Somehow in Python2.7 the SyntaxError().lineno is sometimes None
assert line_nr is None or line_nr == error.start_pos[0]
def test_non_async_in_async():
This example doesn't work with FAILING_EXAMPLES, because the line numbers
are not always the same / incorrect in Python 3.8.
# Raises multiple errors in previous versions.
code = 'async def foo():\n def nofoo():[x async for x in []]'
wanted, line_nr = _get_actual_exception(code)
errors = _get_error_list(code)
if errors:
error, = errors
actual = error.message
assert actual in wanted
if sys.version_info[:2] not in ((3, 8), (3, 9)):
assert line_nr == error.start_pos[0]
assert line_nr == 0 # For whatever reason this is zero in Python 3.8/3.9
('code', 'positions'), [
('1 +', [(1, 3)]),
('1 +\n', [(1, 3)]),
('1 +\n2 +', [(1, 3), (2, 3)]),
('x + 2', []),
('[\n', [(2, 0)]),
('[\ndef x(): pass', [(2, 0)]),
('[\nif 1: pass', [(2, 0)]),
('1+?', [(1, 2)]),
('?', [(1, 0)]),
('??', [(1, 0)]),
('? ?', [(1, 0)]),
('?\n?', [(1, 0), (2, 0)]),
('? * ?', [(1, 0)]),
('1 + * * 2', [(1, 4)]),
('?\n1\n?', [(1, 0), (3, 0)]),
def test_syntax_errors(code, positions):
assert_comparison(code, 901, positions)
('code', 'positions'), [
(' 1', [(1, 0)]),
('def x():\n 1\n 2', [(3, 0)]),
('def x():\n 1\n 2', [(3, 0)]),
('def x():\n1', [(2, 0)]),
def test_indentation_errors(code, positions):
assert_comparison(code, 903, positions)
def _get_actual_exception(code):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# We don't care about warnings where locals/globals misbehave here.
# It's as simple as either an error or not.
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=SyntaxWarning)
compile(code, '<unknown>', 'exec')
except (SyntaxError, IndentationError) as e:
wanted = e.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + e.msg
line_nr = e.lineno
except ValueError as e:
# The ValueError comes from byte literals in Python 2 like '\x'
# that are oddly enough not SyntaxErrors.
wanted = 'SyntaxError: (value error) ' + str(e)
line_nr = None
assert False, "The piece of code should raise an exception."
# SyntaxError
if wanted == 'SyntaxError: assignment to keyword':
return [wanted, "SyntaxError: can't assign to keyword",
'SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__'], line_nr
elif wanted == 'SyntaxError: f-string: unterminated string':
wanted = 'SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal'
elif wanted == 'SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash':
return [
"SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal",
"SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character",
], line_nr
elif wanted == "SyntaxError: f-string: expecting '}'":
wanted = 'SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal'
elif wanted == 'SyntaxError: f-string: empty expression not allowed':
wanted = 'SyntaxError: invalid syntax'
elif wanted == "SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include '#'":
wanted = 'SyntaxError: invalid syntax'
elif wanted == "SyntaxError: f-string: single '}' is not allowed":
wanted = 'SyntaxError: invalid syntax'
return [wanted], line_nr
def test_default_except_error_postition():
# For this error the position seemed to be one line off in Python < 3.10,
# but that doesn't really matter.
code = 'try: pass\nexcept: pass\nexcept X: pass'
wanted, line_nr = _get_actual_exception(code)
error, = _get_error_list(code)
assert error.message in wanted
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10):
assert line_nr == error.start_pos[0]
assert line_nr != error.start_pos[0]
# I think this is the better position.
assert error.start_pos[0] == 2
def test_statically_nested_blocks():
def build(code, depth):
if depth == 0:
return code
new_code = 'if 1:\n' + indent(code)
return build(new_code, depth - 1)
def get_error(depth, add_func=False):
code = build('foo', depth)
if add_func:
code = 'def bar():\n' + indent(code)
errors = _get_error_list(code)
if errors:
assert errors[0].message == 'SyntaxError: too many statically nested blocks'
return errors[0]
return None
assert get_error(19) is None
assert get_error(19, add_func=True) is None
assert get_error(20)
assert get_error(20, add_func=True)
def test_future_import_first():
def is_issue(code, *args, **kwargs):
code = code % args
return bool(_get_error_list(code, **kwargs))
i1 = 'from __future__ import division'
i2 = 'from __future__ import absolute_import'
i3 = 'from __future__ import annotations'
assert not is_issue(i1)
assert not is_issue(i1 + ';' + i2)
assert not is_issue(i1 + '\n' + i2)
assert not is_issue('"";' + i1)
assert not is_issue('"";' + i1)
assert not is_issue('""\n' + i1)
assert not is_issue('""\n%s\n%s', i1, i2)
assert not is_issue('""\n%s;%s', i1, i2)
assert not is_issue('"";%s;%s ', i1, i2)
assert not is_issue('"";%s\n%s ', i1, i2)
assert not is_issue(i3, version="3.7")
assert is_issue(i3, version="3.6")
assert is_issue('1;' + i1)
assert is_issue('1\n' + i1)
assert is_issue('"";1\n' + i1)
assert is_issue('""\n%s\nfrom x import a\n%s', i1, i2)
assert is_issue('%s\n""\n%s', i1, i2)
def test_named_argument_issues(works_not_in_py):
message = works_not_in_py.get_error_message('def foo(*, **dict): pass')
message = works_not_in_py.get_error_message('def foo(*): pass')
if works_not_in_py.version.startswith('2'):
assert message == 'SyntaxError: invalid syntax'
assert message == 'SyntaxError: named arguments must follow bare *'
works_not_in_py.assert_no_error_in_passing('def foo(*, name): pass')
works_not_in_py.assert_no_error_in_passing('def foo(bar, *, name=1): pass')
works_not_in_py.assert_no_error_in_passing('def foo(bar, *, name=1, **dct): pass')
def test_escape_decode_literals(each_version):
We are using internal functions to assure that unicode/bytes escaping is
without syntax errors. Here we make a bit of quality assurance that this
works through versions, because the internal function might change over
def get_msg(end, to=1):
base = "SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' " \
"codec can't decode bytes in position 0-%s: " % to
return base + end
def get_msgs(escape):
return (get_msg('end of string in escape sequence'),
get_msg(r"truncated %s escape" % escape))
error, = _get_error_list(r'u"\x"', version=each_version)
assert error.message in get_msgs(r'\xXX')
error, = _get_error_list(r'u"\u"', version=each_version)
assert error.message in get_msgs(r'\uXXXX')
error, = _get_error_list(r'u"\U"', version=each_version)
assert error.message in get_msgs(r'\UXXXXXXXX')
error, = _get_error_list(r'u"\N{}"', version=each_version)
assert error.message == get_msg(r'malformed \N character escape', to=2)
error, = _get_error_list(r'u"\N{foo}"', version=each_version)
assert error.message == get_msg(r'unknown Unicode character name', to=6)
# Finally bytes.
error, = _get_error_list(r'b"\x"', version=each_version)
wanted = r'SyntaxError: (value error) invalid \x escape at position 0'
assert error.message == wanted
def test_too_many_levels_of_indentation():
assert not _get_error_list(build_nested('pass', 99))
assert _get_error_list(build_nested('pass', 100))
base = 'def x():\n if x:\n'
assert not _get_error_list(build_nested('pass', 49, base=base))
assert _get_error_list(build_nested('pass', 50, base=base))
def test_paren_kwarg():
assert _get_error_list("print((sep)=seperator)", version="3.8")
assert not _get_error_list("print((sep)=seperator)", version="3.7")
'code', [
r"print(f'Some {x:.2f} and some {y}')",
# Unparenthesized yield expression
'def foo(): return f"{yield 1}"',
def test_valid_fstrings(code):
assert not _get_error_list(code, version='3.6')
'code', [
'a = (b := 1)',
'[x4 := x ** 5 for x in range(7)]',
'[total := total + v for v in range(10)]',
'while chunk := file.read(2):\n pass',
'numbers = [y := math.factorial(x), y**2, y**3]',
'{(a:="a"): (b:=1)}',
'{(y:=1): 2 for x in range(5)}',
'a[(b:=0, c:=0)]',
def test_valid_namedexpr(code):
assert not _get_error_list(code, version='3.8')
'code', [
'{x := 1, 2, 3}',
'{x4 := x ** 5 for x in range(7)}',
def test_valid_namedexpr_set(code):
assert not _get_error_list(code, version='3.9')
'code', [
'a[b:=0, c:=0]',
def test_valid_namedexpr_index(code):
assert not _get_error_list(code, version='3.10')
('code', 'message'), [
("f'{1+}'", ('invalid syntax')),
(r'f"\"', ('invalid syntax')),
(r'fr"\"', ('invalid syntax')),
def test_invalid_fstrings(code, message):
Some fstring errors are handled differntly in 3.6 and other versions.
Therefore check specifically for these errors here.
error, = _get_error_list(code, version='3.6')
assert message in error.message
'code', [
"from foo import (\nbar,\n rab,\n)",
"from foo import (bar, rab, )",
def test_trailing_comma(code):
errors = _get_error_list(code)
assert not errors
def test_continue_in_finally():
code = dedent('''\
for a in [1]:
assert not _get_error_list(code, version="3.8")
assert _get_error_list(code, version="3.7")
'template', [
"a, b, {target}, c = d",
"a, b, *{target}, c = d",
"(a, *{target}), c = d",
"for x, {target} in y: pass",
"for x, q, {target} in y: pass",
"for x, q, *{target} in y: pass",
"for (x, *{target}), q in y: pass",
'target', [
def test_forbidden_name(template, target):
assert _get_error_list(template.format(target=target), version="3")
def test_repeated_kwarg():
# python 3.9+ shows which argument is repeated
assert (
_get_error_list("f(q=1, q=2)", version="3.8")[0].message
== "SyntaxError: keyword argument repeated"
assert (
_get_error_list("f(q=1, q=2)", version="3.9")[0].message
== "SyntaxError: keyword argument repeated: q"
('source', 'no_errors'), [
('a(a for a in b,)', False),
('a(a for a in b, a)', False),
('a(a, a for a in b)', False),
('a(a, b, a for a in b, c, d)', False),
('a(a for a in b)', True),
('a((a for a in b), c)', True),
('a(c, (a for a in b))', True),
('a(a, b, (a for a in b), c, d)', True),
def test_unparenthesized_genexp(source, no_errors):
assert bool(_get_error_list(source)) ^ no_errors
('source', 'no_errors'), [
('*x = 2', False),
('(*y) = 1', False),
('((*z)) = 1', False),
('*a,', True),
('*a, = 1', True),
('(*a,)', True),
('(*a,) = 1', True),
('[*a]', True),
('[*a] = 1', True),
('a, *b', True),
('a, *b = 1', True),
('a, *b, c', True),
('a, *b, c = 1', True),
('a, (*b, c), d', True),
('a, (*b, c), d = 1', True),
('*a.b,', True),
('*a.b, = 1', True),
('*a[b],', True),
('*a[b], = 1', True),
('*a[b::], c', True),
('*a[b::], c = 1', True),
('(a, *[b, c])', True),
('(a, *[b, c]) = 1', True),
('[a, *(b, [*c])]', True),
('[a, *(b, [*c])] = 1', True),
('[*(1,2,3)]', True),
('{*(1,2,3)}', True),
('[*(1,2,3),]', True),
('[*(1,2,3), *(4,5,6)]', True),
('[0, *(1,2,3)]', True),
('{*(1,2,3),}', True),
('{*(1,2,3), *(4,5,6)}', True),
('{0, *(4,5,6)}', True)
def test_starred_expr(source, no_errors):
assert bool(_get_error_list(source, version="3")) ^ no_errors
'code', [
'a, (*b), c',
'a, (*b), c = 1',
'a, ((*b)), c',
'a, ((*b)), c = 1',
def test_parenthesized_single_starred_expr(code):
assert not _get_error_list(code, version='3.8')
assert _get_error_list(code, version='3.9')
'code', [
'() = ()',
'() = []',
'[] = ()',
'[] = []',
def test_valid_empty_assignment(code):
assert not _get_error_list(code)
'code', [
'del ()',
'del []',
'del x',
'del x,',
'del x, y',
'del (x, y)',
'del [x, y]',
'del (x, [y, z])',
'del x.y, x[y]',
'del f(x)[y::]',
'del x[[*y]]',
'del x[[*y]::]',
def test_valid_del(code):
assert not _get_error_list(code)
('source', 'version', 'no_errors'), [
('[x for x in range(10) if lambda: 1]', '3.8', True),
('[x for x in range(10) if lambda: 1]', '3.9', False),
('[x for x in range(10) if (lambda: 1)]', '3.9', True),
def test_lambda_in_comp_if(source, version, no_errors):
assert bool(_get_error_list(source, version=version)) ^ no_errors