mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 13:40:32 +08:00
1130 lines
26 KiB
1130 lines
26 KiB
local api = vim.api
local ts = vim.treesitter
local filetype_to_parsername = {
arduino = "cpp",
javascriptreact = "javascript",
ecma = "javascript",
jsx = "javascript",
PKGBUILD = "bash",
html_tags = "html",
["typescript.tsx"] = "tsx",
terraform = "hcl",
["html.handlebars"] = "glimmer",
systemverilog = "verilog",
cls = "latex",
sty = "latex",
OpenFOAM = "foam",
pandoc = "markdown",
rmd = "markdown",
local list = setmetatable({}, {
__newindex = function(table, parsername, parserconfig)
setmetatable(parserconfig, {
__newindex = function(parserconfigtable, key, value)
if key == "used_by" then
"used_by is deprecated, please use 'filetype_to_parsername'",
filetype_to_parsername[value] = parsername
rawset(parserconfigtable, key, value)
filetype_to_parsername[parserconfig.filetype or parsername] = parsername
list.scheme = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/6cdh/tree-sitter-scheme",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@6cdh" },
list.javascript = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-javascript",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@steelsojka" },
list.rego = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/FallenAngel97/tree-sitter-rego",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@FallenAngel97" },
filetype = "rego",
list.c = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-c",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@vigoux" },
list.clojure = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/sogaiu/tree-sitter-clojure",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@sogaiu" },
list.commonlisp = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/theHamsta/tree-sitter-commonlisp",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
filetype = "lisp",
maintainers = { "@theHamsta" },
list.cpp = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-cpp",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@theHamsta" },
list.cuda = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/theHamsta/tree-sitter-cuda",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@theHamsta" },
list.d = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/CyberShadow/tree-sitter-d",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
requires_generate_from_grammar = true,
maintainers = { "@nawordar" },
-- Generating grammar takes ~60s
experimental = true,
list.glsl = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/theHamsta/tree-sitter-glsl",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@theHamsta" },
list.dockerfile = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/camdencheek/tree-sitter-dockerfile",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@camdencheek" },
list.dot = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/rydesun/tree-sitter-dot",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@rydesun" },
list.rust = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-rust",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@vigoux" },
list.fusion = {
install_info = {
url = "https://gitlab.com/jirgn/tree-sitter-fusion.git",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@jirgn" },
list.ledger = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/cbarrete/tree-sitter-ledger",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@cbarrete" },
list.lua = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/MunifTanjim/tree-sitter-lua",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@muniftanjim" },
list.python = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-python",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@stsewd", "@theHamsta" },
list.go = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-go",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@theHamsta", "@WinWisely268" },
list.gomod = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/camdencheek/tree-sitter-go-mod",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@camdencheek" },
filetype = "gomod",
list.gowork = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/omertuc/tree-sitter-go-work",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@omertuc" },
filetype = "gowork",
list.graphql = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/bkegley/tree-sitter-graphql",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@bkegley" },
list.ruby = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ruby",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@TravonteD" },
list.perl = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/ganezdragon/tree-sitter-perl",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@ganezdragon" },
list.bash = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-bash",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
filetype = "sh",
maintainers = { "@TravonteD" },
list.fish = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/ram02z/tree-sitter-fish",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@ram02z" },
list.php = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-php",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@tk-shirasaka" },
list.java = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-java",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@p00f" },
list.kotlin = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/fwcd/tree-sitter-kotlin",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@SalBakraa" },
list.html = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-html",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@TravonteD" },
list.julia = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-julia",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@mroavi", "@theHamsta" },
list.json = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-json",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@steelsojka" },
list.css = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-css",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@TravonteD" },
list.scss = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/serenadeai/tree-sitter-scss",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@elianiva" },
list.erlang = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/AbstractMachinesLab/tree-sitter-erlang",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@ostera" },
list.elixir = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/elixir-lang/tree-sitter-elixir",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@jonatanklosko", "@connorlay" },
list.gleam = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/J3RN/tree-sitter-gleam",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@connorlay" },
list.surface = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/connorlay/tree-sitter-surface",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
filetype = "sface",
maintainers = { "@connorlay" },
list.eex = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/connorlay/tree-sitter-eex",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
filetype = "eex",
maintainers = { "@connorlay" },
list.heex = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/connorlay/tree-sitter-heex",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
filetype = "heex",
maintainers = { "@connorlay" },
list.ocaml = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ocaml",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
location = "tree-sitter-ocaml/ocaml",
maintainers = { "@undu" },
list.ocaml_interface = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ocaml",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
location = "tree-sitter-ocaml_interface/interface",
maintainers = { "@undu" },
filetype = "ocamlinterface",
list.ocamllex = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/atom-ocaml/tree-sitter-ocamllex",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
requires_generate_from_grammar = true,
maintainers = { "@undu" },
list.swift = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/alex-pinkus/tree-sitter-swift",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
requires_generate_from_grammar = true,
generate_requires_npm = true,
list.c_sharp = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-c-sharp",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
filetype = "cs",
maintainers = { "@Luxed" },
list.todotxt = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/arnarg/tree-sitter-todotxt.git",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
filetype = "todotxt",
maintainers = { "@arnarg" },
experimental = true,
list.typescript = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-typescript",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
location = "tree-sitter-typescript/typescript",
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@steelsojka" },
list.tsx = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-typescript",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
location = "tree-sitter-tsx/tsx",
generate_requires_npm = true,
filetype = "typescriptreact",
maintainers = { "@steelsojka" },
list.scala = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-scala",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@stevanmilic" },
list.supercollider = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/madskjeldgaard/tree-sitter-supercollider",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@madskjeldgaard" },
filetype = "supercollider",
list.slint = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/jrmoulton/tree-sitter-slint",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@jrmoulton" },
experimental = true,
list.haskell = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-haskell",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
list.hcl = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/MichaHoffmann/tree-sitter-hcl",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@MichaHoffmann" },
filetype = "hcl",
list.markdown = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/MDeiml/tree-sitter-markdown",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
branch = "main",
experimental = true,
list.tlaplus = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tlaplus-community/tree-sitter-tlaplus",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@ahelwer", "@susliko" },
filetype = "tla",
list.toml = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/ikatyang/tree-sitter-toml",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@tk-shirasaka" },
list.glimmer = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/alexlafroscia/tree-sitter-glimmer",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
branch = "main",
readme_name = "Glimmer and Ember",
maintainers = { "@alexlafroscia" },
filetype = "handlebars",
list.pug = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/zealot128/tree-sitter-pug",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@zealot128" },
filetype = "pug",
list.vue = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/ikatyang/tree-sitter-vue",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@WhyNotHugo" },
list.jsonc = {
install_info = {
url = "https://gitlab.com/WhyNotHugo/tree-sitter-jsonc.git",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
readme_name = "JSON with comments",
maintainers = { "@WhyNotHugo" },
list.elm = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/elm-tooling/tree-sitter-elm",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
list.yaml = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/ikatyang/tree-sitter-yaml",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@stsewd" },
list.yang = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/Hubro/tree-sitter-yang",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@Hubro" },
filetype = "yang",
list.ninja = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/alemuller/tree-sitter-ninja",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@alemuller" },
list.nix = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/cstrahan/tree-sitter-nix",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@leo60228" },
list.dart = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/UserNobody14/tree-sitter-dart",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@Akin909" },
list.rst = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/stsewd/tree-sitter-rst",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@stsewd" },
list.fennel = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/travonted/tree-sitter-fennel",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@TravonteD" },
list.teal = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/euclidianAce/tree-sitter-teal",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
requires_generate_from_grammar = true,
maintainers = { "@euclidianAce" },
list.ql = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ql",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@pwntester" },
list.verilog = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-verilog",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@zegervdv" },
-- The parser still uses API version 12, because it does not compile with 13
experimental = true,
list.pascal = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/Isopod/tree-sitter-pascal.git",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@isopod" },
-- Parsers for injections
list.phpdoc = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/claytonrcarter/tree-sitter-phpdoc",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
-- parser.c in the repo still based on TS 0.17 due to other dependencies
requires_generate_from_grammar = true,
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@mikehaertl" },
experimental = true,
list.regex = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-regex",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@theHamsta" },
list.comment = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/stsewd/tree-sitter-comment",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@stsewd" },
list.jsdoc = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-jsdoc",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@steelsojka" },
list.query = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/tree-sitter-query",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
readme_name = "Tree-sitter query language",
maintainers = { "@steelsojka" },
list.sparql = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/BonaBeavis/tree-sitter-sparql",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@bonabeavis" },
list.gdscript = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/PrestonKnopp/tree-sitter-gdscript",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
readme_name = "Godot (gdscript)",
maintainers = { "@Shatur95" },
list.godot_resource = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/PrestonKnopp/tree-sitter-godot-resource",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
requires_generate_from_grammar = true,
filetype = "gdresource",
readme_name = "Godot Resources (gdresource)",
maintainers = { "@pierpo" },
list.turtle = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/BonaBeavis/tree-sitter-turtle",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
maintainers = { "@bonabeavis" },
list.devicetree = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/joelspadin/tree-sitter-devicetree",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
requires_generate_from_grammar = true,
filetype = "dts",
maintainers = { "@jedrzejboczar" },
list.svelte = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/Himujjal/tree-sitter-svelte",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
branch = "master",
maintainers = { "@elianiva" },
list.r = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/r-lib/tree-sitter-r",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@jimhester" },
list.beancount = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/polarmutex/tree-sitter-beancount",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "master",
maintainers = { "@polarmutex" },
list.latex = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/latex-lsp/tree-sitter-latex",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
filetype = "tex",
maintainers = { "@theHamsta, @clason" },
list.bibtex = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/latex-lsp/tree-sitter-bibtex",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
filetype = "bib",
maintainers = { "@theHamsta, @clason" },
list.zig = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/maxxnino/tree-sitter-zig",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
branch = "main",
filetype = "zig",
maintainers = { "@maxxnino" },
list.fortran = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/stadelmanma/tree-sitter-fortran",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
list.cmake = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/uyha/tree-sitter-cmake",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@uyha" },
list.vim = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/vigoux/tree-sitter-viml",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
filetype = "vim",
maintainers = { "@vigoux" },
list.help = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/vigoux/tree-sitter-vimdoc",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
filetype = "help",
maintainers = { "@vigoux" },
experimental = true,
list.json5 = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/Joakker/tree-sitter-json5",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
filetype = "json5",
maintainers = { "@Joakker" },
list.pioasm = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/leo60228/tree-sitter-pioasm",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@leo60228" },
list.hjson = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/winston0410/tree-sitter-hjson",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@winston0410" },
list.hocon = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/antosha417/tree-sitter-hocon",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@antosha417" },
list.llvm = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/benwilliamgraham/tree-sitter-llvm",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@benwilliamgraham" },
list.http = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/NTBBloodbath/tree-sitter-http",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
generate_requires_npm = true,
maintainers = { "@NTBBloodbath" },
list.prisma = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/victorhqc/tree-sitter-prisma",
branch = "master",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@elianiva" },
list.make = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/alemuller/tree-sitter-make",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@lewis6991" },
list.rasi = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/Fymyte/tree-sitter-rasi",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@Fymyte" },
list.foam = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/FoamScience/tree-sitter-foam",
branch = "master",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@FoamScience" },
filetype = "foam",
-- Queries might change over time on the grammar's side
-- Otherwise everything runs fine
experimental = true,
list.hack = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/slackhq/tree-sitter-hack",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
list.norg = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/tree-sitter-norg",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
use_makefile = true,
cxx_standard = "c++14",
maintainers = { "@JoeyGrajciar", "@vhyrro", "@mrossinek" },
list.vala = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/matbme/tree-sitter-vala",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@matbme" },
list.lalrpop = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/traxys/tree-sitter-lalrpop",
branch = "master",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
maintainers = { "@traxys" },
list.solidity = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/YongJieYongJie/tree-sitter-solidity",
branch = "with-generated-c-code",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@YongJieYongJie" },
list.cooklang = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/addcninblue/tree-sitter-cooklang",
branch = "master",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@addcninblue" },
list.elvish = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/ckafi/tree-sitter-elvish",
branch = "main",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@ckafi" },
list.astro = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/virchau13/tree-sitter-astro",
branch = "master",
files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.cc" },
maintainers = { "@virchau13" },
list.wgsl = {
install_info = {
url = "https://github.com/szebniok/tree-sitter-wgsl",
files = { "src/parser.c" },
maintainers = { "@szebniok" },
filetype = "wgsl",
local M = {
list = list,
filetype_to_parsername = filetype_to_parsername,
function M.ft_to_lang(ft)
local result = filetype_to_parsername[ft]
if result then
return result
ft = vim.split(ft, ".", true)[1]
return filetype_to_parsername[ft] or ft
function M.available_parsers()
if vim.fn.executable "tree-sitter" == 1 and vim.fn.executable "node" == 1 then
return vim.tbl_keys(M.list)
return vim.tbl_filter(function(p)
return not M.list[p].install_info.requires_generate_from_grammar
end, vim.tbl_keys(M.list))
function M.maintained_parsers()
"ensure_installed='maintained' will be removed April 30, 2022. Specify parsers explicitly or use 'all'.",
local has_tree_sitter_cli = vim.fn.executable "tree-sitter" == 1 and vim.fn.executable "node" == 1
return vim.tbl_filter(function(lang)
return M.list[lang].maintainers
and not M.list[lang].experimental
and (has_tree_sitter_cli or not M.list[lang].install_info.requires_generate_from_grammar)
end, M.available_parsers())
function M.get_parser_configs()
return M.list
local parser_files
function M.reset_cache()
parser_files = setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(tbl, key)
rawset(tbl, key, api.nvim_get_runtime_file("parser/" .. key .. ".*", false))
return rawget(tbl, key)
function M.has_parser(lang)
lang = lang or M.get_buf_lang(api.nvim_get_current_buf())
if not lang or #lang == 0 then
return false
-- HACK: nvim internal API
if vim._ts_has_language(lang) then
return true
return #parser_files[lang] > 0
function M.get_parser(bufnr, lang)
bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf()
lang = lang or M.get_buf_lang(bufnr)
if M.has_parser(lang) then
return ts.get_parser(bufnr, lang)
-- @deprecated This is only kept for legacy purposes.
-- All root nodes should be accounted for.
function M.get_tree_root(bufnr)
bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf()
return M.get_parser(bufnr):parse()[1]:root()
-- get language of given buffer
-- @param optional buffer number or current buffer
-- @returns language string of buffer
function M.get_buf_lang(bufnr)
bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf()
return M.ft_to_lang(api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "ft"))
return M