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synced 2025-03-27 04:50:30 +08:00
65 lines
2.1 KiB
65 lines
2.1 KiB
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
function! unite#sources#vim_bookmarks#define_highlights() abort " {{{
highlight default link BookmarkUnitePath Comment
highlight default link BookmarkUniteContent Normal
endfunction " }}}
let s:source = {
\ 'name': 'vim_bookmarks',
\ 'description': 'manipulate bookmarks of vim-bookmarks',
\ 'hooks': {},
function! s:source.gather_candidates(args, context) abort " {{{
let files = sort(bm#all_files())
let candidates = []
for file in files
let line_nrs = sort(bm#all_lines(file), "bm#compare_lines")
for line_nr in line_nrs
let bookmark = bm#get_bookmark_by_line(file, line_nr)
call add(candidates, {
\ 'word': printf("%s:%d | %s", file, line_nr,
\ bookmark.annotation !=# ''
\ ? "Annotation: " . bookmark.annotation
\ : (bookmark.content !=# "" ? bookmark.content
\ : "empty line")
\ ),
\ 'kind': 'vim_bookmarks',
\ 'action__path': file,
\ 'action__line': line_nr,
\ 'action__bookmark': bookmark,
return copy(candidates)
endfunction " }}}
function! s:source.hooks.on_syntax(args, context) abort " {{{
call unite#sources#vim_bookmarks#define_highlights()
highlight default link uniteSource__VimBookmarks_path BookmarkUnitePath
highlight default link uniteSource__VimBookmarks_content BookmarkUniteContent
execute 'syntax match uniteSource__VimBookmarks_path'
\ '/[^|]\+/'
\ 'contained containedin=uniteSource__VimBookmarks'
execute 'syntax match uniteSource__VimBookmarks_content'
\ '/|.*$/'
\ 'contained containedin=uniteSource__VimBookmarks'
endfunction " }}}
function! unite#sources#vim_bookmarks#define()
return s:source
call unite#define_source(s:source) " Required for reloading
" define default converter
call unite#custom_source(
\ 'vim_bookmarks',
\ 'converters',
\ 'converter_vim_bookmarks_short')
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
"vim: sts=2 sw=2 smarttab et ai textwidth=0 fdm=marker