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tyru <tyru.exe@gmail.com>
Version: 0.1.2
License: See LICENSE file in this repository
CONTENTS *openbrowser-contents*
Introduction |openbrowser-introduction|
Interface |openbrowser-interface|
Keymappings |openbrowser-keymappings|
Variables |openbrowser-variables|
Menus |openbrowser-menus|
Commands |openbrowser-commands|
Functions |openbrowser-functions|
Vital Modules |openbrowser-vital-modules|
Available Syntax in Options |openbrowser-option-syntax|
FAQ |openbrowser-faq|
Changelog |openbrowser-changelog|
Thanks |openbrowser-thanks|
INTRODUCTION *openbrowser-introduction* {{{
Recommended Setting:
" My setting.
let g:netrw_nogx = 1 " disable netrw's gx mapping.
nmap gx <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
vmap gx <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
" Open URI under cursor.
nmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-open)
" Open selected URI.
vmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-open)
" Search word under cursor.
nmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-search)
" Search selected word. vmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-search)
" If it looks like URI, open an URI under cursor.
" Otherwise, search a word under cursor.
nmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
" If it looks like URI, open selected URI.
" Otherwise, search selected word.
vmap map-you-like <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
" Open http://google.com/ in a web browser.
:OpenBrowser http://google.com/
" Search the word "vim". (Default search engine is google)
:OpenBrowserSearch vim
" Search the word "openbrowser" in www.vim.org .
:OpenBrowserSearch -vim openbrowser
" If it looks like URL, open the URL in a web browser.
:OpenBrowserSmartSearch http://www.vim.org/
" If it does not look like URL, open the word
" in the default search engine.
:OpenBrowserSmartSearch emacs download
" Also you can specify another search engine.
:OpenBrowserSmartSearch -github tyru
INTERFACE *openbrowser-interface* {{{
KEYMAPPINGS *openbrowser-keymappings* {{{
n <Plug>(openbrowser-open) *<Plug>(openbrowser-open)*
1. If openbrowser finds a URL around cursor,
open the URL with |openbrowser#open()|.
2. If openbrowser finds a filepath around cursor,
open the filepath with |openbrowser#open()|.
See |openbrowser-url-detection| and
|openbrowser-filepath-detection| for
more URL and filepath detection details.
v <Plug>(openbrowser-open)
If openbrowser finds a URL(s) from selected text,
open the all URLs with |openbrowser#open()|.
n <Plug>(openbrowser-open-incognito) *<Plug>(openbrowser-open-incognito)*
v <Plug>(openbrowser-open-incognito)
Same as |<Plug>(openbrowser-open)|, but with "--incognito" command
line option.
NOTE: This is an experimental mapping. It may be deleted in future.
n <Plug>(openbrowser-search) *<Plug>(openbrowser-search)*
Open current <cword> text with |:OpenBrowserSearch|.
v <Plug>(openbrowser-search)
Open selected text with |:OpenBrowserSearch|.
n <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search) *<Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)*
Call |<Plug>(openbrowser-open)| and if it fails,
call |openbrowser#search()| with `expand('<cword>')`.
v <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
Call |<Plug>(openbrowser-open)| and if it fails,
call |openbrowser#search()| with selected text.
VARIABLES *openbrowser-variables* {{{
All variables can be specified by buffer-local (`b:`), window-local (`w:`),
tabpage-local (`t:`), global (`g:`) scopes in that order. See
|openbrowser-faq-3| for example.
g:openbrowser_browser_commands *g:openbrowser_browser_commands*
(default: Platform dependent)
Default value is platform dependant.
\ {"name": "cygstart",
\ "args": ["{browser}", "{uri}"]}
Mac OS X:
\ {"name": "open",
\ "args": ["{browser}", "{uri}"]}
MS Windows:
\ {"name": "rundll32",
\ "args": "rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler {use_vimproc ? uri : uri_noesc}"}
Unix like environment:
\ {"name": "xdg-open",
\ "args": ["{browser}", "{uri}"]},
\ {"name": "x-www-browser",
\ "args": ["{browser}", "{uri}"]},
\ {"name": "firefox",
\ "args": ["{browser}", "{uri}"]},
\ {"name": "w3m",
\ "args": ["{browser}", "{uri}"]},
Within "args" value, available variables (see |openbrowser-option-syntax| for notation)
{browser} (String) Browser executable command
with shell quotes
{browser_noesc} (String) Browser executable command
{uri} (String) URI to open with shell quotes
{uri_noesc} (String) URI to open
{use_vimproc} (Boolean) Use |vimproc| or not.
Some variables with "_noesc" postfix are raw string.
And the variables without "_noesc" postfix are surrounded by shell quotes.
But "args" value is |List|, no shell quotes are surrounded.
Using {use_vimproc}, you can branch like the followings.
This is to keep "args" value from vimproc's special parser treatment.
See |vimproc#system()| for the details.
This is the default value on MS Windows. >
let g:openbrowser_browser_commands = [
\ {'name': 'rundll32',
\ 'args': 'rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler {use_vimproc ? uri : uri_noesc}'}
More example:
1. Use Google Chrome instead of default browser: >
let g:openbrowser_browser_commands = [
\ {'name': 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe',
\ 'args': ['start', '{browser}', '{uri}']}
g:openbrowser_open_commands *g:openbrowser_open_commands*
g:openbrowser_open_rules *g:openbrowser_open_rules*
NOTE: Deprecated.
(if you have existing setting openbrowser.vim converts them
into |g:openbrowser_browser_commands|.
but these variable might be going to be removed for the next release)
Use |g:openbrowser_browser_commands| instead.
g:openbrowser_fix_schemes *g:openbrowser_fix_schemes*
(default: {"ttp": "http"})
If this value is default,
If you execute |<Plug>(openbrowser-open)| on URI like: >
< It is fixed to: >
I think |g:openbrowser_fix_hosts| and
|g:openbrowser_fix_paths| are not so helpful.
But |g:openbrowser_fix_schemes| might be helpful particularly on Japan.
Because "ttp" is used as like "http" on particular net community.
(I know it's desecration of standard
but I'm particular member and this is my plugin :) )
It is not interesting for almost people
and default value of |g:openbrowser_fix_schemes| would not
bother you.
g:openbrowser_fix_hosts *g:openbrowser_fix_hosts*
(default: {})
If this value is: >
{'google.com': 'yahoo.com'}
If you execute |<Plug>(openbrowser-open)| on URI like: >
< It is fixed to: >
g:openbrowser_fix_paths *g:openbrowser_fix_paths*
(default: {})
If this value is: >
{'/google': '/tyru'}
If you execute |<Plug>(openbrowser-open)| on URI like: >
< It is fixed to: >
Note that this works on the URI like: >
< It is fixed to: >
g:openbrowser_default_search *g:openbrowser_default_search*
(default: "google")
Key of Dictionary |g:openbrowser_search_engines|.
See |g:openbrowser_search_engines| , |:OpenBrowserSearch|,
g:openbrowser_search_engines *g:openbrowser_search_engines*
(default: See below)
You can add favorite search engines like: >
let g:openbrowser_search_engines = {
\ 'favorite': 'http://example.com/search?q={query}',
< NOTE: The default values are added if |Dictionary| keys are absent.
So you don't have to concern about missing default values.
Available variables (see |openbrowser-option-syntax| for notation)
{query} (String) Query specified by openbrowser Ex commands.
Here is the default values.
(You can e-mail me to add more search engines :) >
let g:openbrowser_search_engines = {
\ 'alc': 'https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q={query}',
\ 'askubuntu': 'https://askubuntu.com/search?q={query}',
\ 'baidu': 'https://www.baidu.com/s?wd={query}&rsv_bp=0&rsv_spt=3&inputT=2478',
\ 'cpan': 'http://search.cpan.org/search?query={query}',
\ 'devdocs': 'https://devdocs.io/#q={query}',
\ 'duckduckgo': 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q={query}',
\ 'go': 'https://pkg.go.dev/search?q={query}',
\ 'fileformat': 'https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/{query}/',
\ 'github': 'https://github.com/search?q={query}',
\ 'google': 'https://google.com/search?q={query}',
\ 'php': 'https://php.net/{query}',
\ 'python': 'https://docs.python.org/dev/search.html?q={query}&check_keywords=yes&area=default',
\ 'twitter-search': 'https://twitter.com/search/{query}',
\ 'twitter-user': 'https://twitter.com/{query}',
\ 'vim': 'https://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-3005259998294962%3Abvyni59kjr1&ie=ISO-8859-1&q={query}&sa=Search&siteurl=www.vim.org%2F#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q={query}&gsc.page=1',
\ 'wikipedia': 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{query}',
\ 'wikipedia-ja': 'https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/{query}',
\ 'yahoo': 'https://search.yahoo.com/search?p={query}',
(default: 1)
If this value is true,
open looks-like-a-path string in vim.
|g:openbrowser_open_vim_command| is used
for opening the path.
(default: "vsplit")
This value is used for opening looks-like-a-path string.
See |g:openbrowser_open_filepath_in_vim| for the details.
(default: See below)
Default value is:
let g:openbrowser_format_message = {
\ 'msg': "opening '{uri}' ... {done ? 'done! ({command})' : ''}",
\ 'truncate': 1,
\ 'min_uri_len': 15,
In the "msg" key's value, you can use some existing variables:
uri: URI to open
done: zero before opening URI, non-zero afterward
If the value is empty string,
openbrowser does not output any message when opening URL.
If the value is not empty string,
convert by its format and output to command-line.
See |openbrowser-option-syntax| about detailed syntax description
for the format.
If "truncate" key's value is non-zero,
openbrowser outputs a truncated message
when the message is enough long to show |hit-enter-prompt|.
If the value is zero, openbrowser does not truncate
the output message.
Here is the truncating algorithm:
1. Remove "http" or "https" protocol in URI(URL).
2. After 1, if URI is longer than command-line, then
2.1. Truncate URI as possible as
|g:openbrowser_format_message|.min_uri_len is allowed.
2.2. After 2.1, if URI is longer than command-line, then
2.2.1. Truncate whole string.
(default: 2)
value meaning ~
0 no messages / no error messages
1 no messages / show error messages
2 show messages / show error messages
NOTE: Even if this value is 2, no messages are echoed when
|g:openbrowser_format_message|.msg is empty value.
(default: 1)
If this value is non-zero and vimproc is installed,
use vimproc to open a URL.
(default: &guioptions =~# 'M')
If this value is defined and non-zero,
do not define default menus.
Default value is non-zero if 'guioptions' includes "M".
Otherwise the value is zero.
See |openbrowser-menus| for the default menus.
g:openbrowser_menu_lang *g:openbrowser_menu_lang*
(default: 'langmenu' or |v:lang|)
If the value is specified and not empty string, the value is used.
Or, the following values are used by the following order.
The first non empty string is used.
(This is what $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim does)
1. 'langmenu'
2. |v:lang|
Value Meaning
----- -------
"ja" Japanese
"en" English
If the value is not any of above values,
fallback to English menu.
(default: 0)
If this value is non-zero,
make Vim foreground after opening URL or searching word(s).
MENUS *openbrowser-menus* {{{
PopUp.Open URL (modes: n, v)
This is same as |<Plug>(openbrowser-open)|.
PopUp.Open Word(s) (modes: n, v)
This is same as |<Plug>(openbrowser-search)|.
PopUp.Open URL or Word(s) (modes: n, v)
This is same as |<Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)|.
COMMANDS *openbrowser-commands* {{{
:OpenBrowser {uri} *:OpenBrowser*
Opens URI with your favorite browser.
:OpenBrowserSearch [-{search-engine}] {query} *:OpenBrowserSearch*
{query}: Query string
{search-engine}: >
:OpenBrowserSearch -yahoo word
< This opens http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=word as default.
You can change this URI with |g:openbrowser_search_engines|.
:OpenBrowserSmartSearch [-{search-engine}] {uri-or-query} *:OpenBrowserSmartSearch*
This is wrapper for two above Ex commands.
If {uri-or-query} _seems_ like URI, open the URI.
If {uri-or-query} _seems_ like query, search the query.
FUNCTIONS *openbrowser-functions* {{{
openbrowser#load() *openbrowser#load()*
This function do nothing.
(this is dummy function to load autoload/openbrowser.vim)
OpenBrowser({uri}) *OpenBrowser()*
For backward compatibility.
Now it's same as |openbrowser#open()|.
Use |openbrowser#open()| instead.
openbrowser#open({uri}) *openbrowser#open()*
Function version of |:OpenBrowser|.
OpenBrowserSearch({query} [, {search-engine}]) *OpenBrowserSearch()*
For backward compatibility.
Now it's same as |openbrowser#search()|.
Use |openbrowser#search()| instead.
openbrowser#search({query} [, {search-engine}]) *openbrowser#search()*
Function version of |:OpenBrowserSearch|.
If {search-engine} is omitted,
|g:openbrowser_default_search| is used instead.
openbrowser#smart_search({query} [, {search-engine}]) *openbrowser#smart_search()*
Function version of |:OpenBrowserSmartSearch|.
If {search-engine} is omitted,
|g:openbrowser_default_search| is used instead.
VITAL MODULES *openbrowser-vital-modules* {{{
open-browser.vim is now implemented in vital modules.
Each module are freely, and easily usable as library.
vim-jp is embeddable library and mechanism.
It is `node_modules` directory for Node.js, vendor directory for Go.
And set of functional modules, as listed in README.md in above repository.
OpenBrowser *OpenBrowser-module*
Methods for Ex commands, mappings.
new({config}) (return: |OpenBrowser-object|) *OpenBrowser.new-module*
See |OpenBrowser.Config-object| for {config}.
open-browser plugin is initialized like this:
let s:OpenBrowser = s:V.import('OpenBrowser').new(
\ s:V.import('OpenBrowser.Config').new_user_var_source('openbrowser_')
*OpenBrowser-object* is a Dictionary which have:
{uri} is a String of URI ("http://example.com/").
It opens a browser for URI.
OpenBrowser.search({query} [, {search_engine}])
Opens a search page of search engine.
If {search_engine} was not given, default search engine
(|g:openbrowser_search_engines|) is used.
OpenBrowser.smart_search({query} [, {search_engine}])
If {query} is a URI, it opens a browser for URI.
Otherwise, it opens a search page of search engine.
If {search_engine} was not given, default search engine
(|g:openbrowser_search_engines|) is used.
OpenBrowser.UriExtractor *OpenBrowser.UriExtractor-module*
extract_from_text({text} [, {options}]) (return: List of URI)
Extracts URIs from given {text}.
{options} is Dictionary like this (all properties are optional):
"uri_pattern_set" (Default: Web.URI.new_default_pattern_set())
|Vital.Web.URI-PatternSet| object.
"head_pattern" (Default: 'https\?\|file\|' . uri_pattern_set.host())
The start of URI regexp pattern.
OpenBrowser.Opener *OpenBrowser.Opener-module*
new_from_shellcmd({uri}) (return: |OpenBrowser.Opener-object|)
Returns opener which opens {uri} by a command in PATH.
new_from_excmd({excmd}) (return: |OpenBrowser.Opener-object|)
Returns opener which executes Vim Ex command {excmd}.
*OpenBrowser.Opener-object* is a Dictionary which have:
If this opener is opened by |OpenBrowser.Opener.new_from_shellcmd()|,
it is "shellcmd".
If this opener is opened by |OpenBrowser.Opener.new_from_excmd()|,
it is "excmd".
Opener.open() (return: Bool)
See the following constructors for what this method does:
* |OpenBrowser.Opener.new_from_shellcmd()|
* |OpenBrowser.Opener.new_from_excmd()|
If it succeeded, returns non-zero. Otherwise zero.
OpenBrowser.Config *OpenBrowser.Config-module*
new_user_var_source({prefix}) (return: |OpenBrowser.Config-object|)
{prefix} is a String: prefix of variable name.
`config.get(key)` tries to get value from scopes in the following order:
* `b:[prefix . key]`
* `w:[prefix . key]`
* `t:[prefix . key]`
* `g:[prefix . key]`
If the defined variable is found, return it.
If all scopes does not have the variable, |:throw| an exception.
new_default_source() (return: |OpenBrowser.Config-object|)
All values are constants: default values of open-browser global variables.
Other plugins can use this as a library to open a browser because this
config is not unaffected by global variable.
*OpenBrowser.Config-object* is a Dictionary which have:
* |OpenBrowser.Config.new_user_var_source()|
* |OpenBrowser.Config.new_default_source()|
URL DETECTION *openbrowser-url-detection* {{{
1. If the character under cursor is a WORD and is a URL, return it.
1.1. if `expand('<cWORD>')` is an URL, return it.
2. If the character under cursor is not a WORD,
2.1. Go to left WORD, and if `expand('<cWORD>')` is an URL, return it.
2.2. Go to right WORD, and if `expand('<cWORD>')` is an URL, return it.
FILEPATH DETECTION *openbrowser-filepath-detection* {{{
1. If the character under cursor is a WORD and is a filepath, return it.
1.1. if `expand('<cWORD>')` is an filepath, return it.
2. If the character under cursor is not a WORD,
2.1. Go to left WORD, and if `expand('<cWORD>')`
is an filepath, return it.
2.2. Go to right WORD, and if `expand('<cWORD>')`
is an filepath, return it.
AVAILABLE SYNTAX IN OPTIONS *openbrowser-option-syntax* {{{
This syntax was ported by |quickrun|.
But some feature was disabled intentionally for open-browser.vim.
open-browser.vim only recognizes these strings:
- {vim expression}
- escape character (\).
If query is "var_dump".
`http://php.net/{query}` => `http://php.net/var_dump`
If you would like "{" to stop the behavior,
you can prepend escape character to "{".
`http://php.net/\{query}` => `http://php.net/{query}`
See |g:openbrowser_open_rules| and |g:openbrowser_search_engines|
for available variables.
In addition, |quickrun| syntax can recognizes these strings:
- &option_name
- @register
See :help |quickrun-syntax-option| for details.
FAQ *openbrowser-faq* {{{
Q. How to open a current file in browser?
A. Define the following command.
command! OpenBrowserCurrent execute "OpenBrowser" "file:///" . expand('%:p:gs?\\?/?')
Q. How do I add a search engine?
A. See |g:openbrowser_search_engines|.
Q. How do I specify the default search engine only in current buffer?
I want to open http://php.net/<word> only in php source code.
A. You can define buffer-local |openbrowser_search_engines| variable. >
autocmd FileType php let b:openbrowser_default_search = 'php'
All variables can be specified by buffer-local (`b:`), window-local (`w:`),
tabpage-local (`t:`), global (`g:`) scopes in that order.
CHANGELOG *openbrowser-changelog* {{{
- Initial upload
- Support opening file path.
- Fix minor bugs.
- Rename |g:openbrowser_isfname| to |g:openbrowser_iskeyword|.
variable |g:openbrowser_isfname| is still available for
backward compatibility.
- Specialize |g:openbrowser_iskeyword| value to get URI in <cword>.
- More readable messages.
- Implement g:openbrowser_default_search.
- Implement g:openbrowser_search_engines.
- Implement g:openbrowser_open_filepath_in_vim.
- Implement g:openbrowser_open_vim_command.
- Separate plugin/openbrowser.vim to autoload/openbrowser.vim to save the memory.
- Bundle urilib.vim (autoload/urilib.vim)
- Fix bug: openbrowser should open URI which has no scheme
(e.g.: example.com)
- Improve |:OpenBrowserSearch| completion
- Add <Plug>(openbrowser-search)
- Add <Plug>(openbrowser-smart-search)
- Merge Daniel Hahler's branch. thanks!
- Spawn a browser in background
- This fixes freezing when spawning a browser
- Change |g:openbrowser_fix_schemes| default value
- Add pair: "ttps" => "https"
- etc.
(NOTE: Next release will break some backward compatibility, maybe)
- Document fix/improvement
- Add :command-completion to :OpenBrowserSmartSearch.
- :OpenBrowserSmartSearch: allow {search-engine} option
like :OpenBrowserSearch
- Minor bug fixes
- Allow b:option, w:option, t:option not only g:option.
- Fix Mac OS X environment detection.
- Fix the problem that open-browser.vim does not work on cygwin.
- Sorry, I forgot to note that
cygwin problem was fixed by toooooooby's patch.
Thanks toooooooby.
- Sorry, I forgot to note that
Mac OS X environment detection problem was reported by Chomo.
Thanks Chomo.
- Support some search engines (alphabetically)
Most search engines were suggested by stardiviner, thanks!
- Ask Ubuntu
- Baidu
- Blekko
- CPAN (search.cpan.org)
- DuckDuckGo
- GitHub
- Google Code (en)
- PHP (www.php.net)
- Python (docs.python.org)
- Twitter Search
- Twitter (user)
- VeryCD
- Wikipedia (en)
- vim.org
- Fix bug: command-line completion did not return all matched search engines,
it returned only first matched search engine.
- Fix bug: if the key contains "-" in g:openbrowser_search_engines,
it does not work.
- Change s:expand_keyword() syntax. It recognizes only {vim expression}.
(see :help openbrowser-option-syntax for details)
- Change default value of g:openbrowser_open_rules
- Change default value of g:openbrowser_search_engines
- Avoid hit-enter-prompt when opening URL
- Add English/Japanese menus
- Allow to disable the default search engines
- Add g:openbrowser_short_message
- Improve URI/URL handling
- Improve vimproc.vim integration
- Improve open-browser-github.vim integration
- Improve ghq command integration
- Change structure of g:openbrowser_browser_commands
- Remove g:openbrowser_{isfname,iskeyword}
- ...and fixed many many problems...
THANKS *openbrowser-thanks* {{{
The below list is the people who gave patch, advice, etc.
Great thanks for the peoples. (alphabetical order)
* Daniel Hahler (@blueyed)
* Ingo Karkat (@inkarkat)
* Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWA (@yoshikaw)
* Milly (@Milly)
* Yasuhiro MATSUMOTO (@mattn)
* Yukihiro Nakadaira (@ynkdir)
* basyura (@basyura)
* chikatoike (@chikatoike)
* crazymaster (@crazymaster)
* itchyny (@itchyny)
* stardiviner (@stardiviner)
* toooooooby (@toooooooby)
And more people listed in: