mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-12 17:55:41 +08:00
2017-05-25 21:06:14 +08:00

333 lines
10 KiB

scriptencoding utf-8
function! SpaceVim#default#SetOptions() abort
" basic vim settiing
if has('gui_running')
set guioptions-=m " Hide menu bar.
set guioptions-=T " Hide toolbar
set guioptions-=L " Hide left-hand scrollbar
set guioptions-=r " Hide right-hand scrollbar
set guioptions-=b " Hide bottom scrollbar
set showtabline=0 " Hide tabline
" please install the font in 'Dotfiles\font'
set guifont=DejaVu_Sans_Mono_for_Powerline:h11:cANSI:qDRAFT
elseif OSX()
set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline:h11
set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11
" indent use backspace delete indent, eol use backspace delete line at
" begining start delete the char you just typed in if you do not use set
" nocompatible ,you need this
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Shou number and relativenumber
set relativenumber
set number
" set fillchar
hi VertSplit ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE
set fillchars+=vert:│
" hide cmd
set noshowcmd
" indent
set autoindent
set smartindent
set cindent
" show wildmenu
set wildmenu
" do not break words.
set linebreak
" tab options:
set tabstop=4
set expandtab
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
" autoread
set autoread
" backup
set backup
set undofile
set undolevels=1000
let g:data_dir = $HOME . '/.data/'
let g:backup_dir = g:data_dir . 'backup'
let g:swap_dir = g:data_dir . 'swap'
let g:undo_dir = g:data_dir . 'undofile'
if finddir(g:data_dir) ==# ''
silent call mkdir(g:data_dir)
if finddir(g:backup_dir) ==# ''
silent call mkdir(g:backup_dir)
if finddir(g:swap_dir) ==# ''
silent call mkdir(g:swap_dir)
if finddir(g:undo_dir) ==# ''
silent call mkdir(g:undo_dir)
unlet g:backup_dir
unlet g:swap_dir
unlet g:data_dir
unlet g:undo_dir
set undodir=$HOME/.data/undofile
set backupdir=$HOME/.data/backup
set directory=$HOME/.data/swap
" no fold enable
set nofoldenable
set nowritebackup
set matchtime=0
set ruler
set showmatch
set showmode
"menuone: show the pupmenu when only one match
" disable preview scratch window,
set completeopt=menu,menuone,longest
" h: 'complete'
set complete=.,w,b,u,t
" limit completion menu height
set pumheight=15
set scrolloff=3
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set laststatus=2
set wildignorecase
set mouse=nv
set hidden
set ttimeout
set ttimeoutlen=50
set lazyredraw
function! SpaceVim#default#SetPlugins() abort
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'web')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'lang')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'edit')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'ui')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'tools')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'checkers')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'format')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'chat')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'git')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'javascript')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'ruby')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'python')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'scala')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'lang#go')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'lang#markdown')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'scm')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'editing')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'indents')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'navigation')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'misc')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'core')
call SpaceVim#layers#load('core#statusline')
call SpaceVim#layers#load('core#tabline')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'default')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'unite')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'github')
if has('python3')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'denite')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'ctrlp')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'autocomplete')
if ! has('nvim')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'vim')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'nvim')
if OSX()
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'osx')
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'windows')
if LINUX()
call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'linux')
function! SpaceVim#default#SetMappings() abort
imap <silent><expr><TAB> SpaceVim#mapping#tab#i_tab()
imap <expr><S-TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : ""
imap <silent><expr><S-TAB> SpaceVim#mapping#shift_tab()
smap <expr><TAB> neosnippet#expandable_or_jumpable() ? "\<Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)" : "\<TAB>"
imap <silent><expr><CR> SpaceVim#mapping#enter#i_enter()
inoremap <expr> <Down> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Down>"
inoremap <expr> <Up> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<Up>"
inoremap <expr> <PageDown> pumvisible() ? "\<PageDown>\<C-p>\<C-n>" : "\<PageDown>"
inoremap <expr> <PageUp> pumvisible() ? "\<PageUp>\<C-p>\<C-n>" : "\<PageUp>"
smap <expr><S-TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : ""
" Save a file with sudo
" http://forrst.com/posts/Use_w_to_sudo_write_a_file_with_Vim-uAN
cnoremap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null %
" Use Ctrl+* to jump between windows
nnoremap <silent><C-Right> :<C-u>wincmd l<CR>
nnoremap <silent><C-Left> :<C-u>wincmd h<CR>
nnoremap <silent><C-Up> :<C-u>wincmd k<CR>
nnoremap <silent><C-Down> :<C-u>wincmd j<CR>
if has('nvim')
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Right> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd l<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Left> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd h<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Up> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd k<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><C-Down> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>wincmd j<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><M-Left> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>bprev<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><M-Right> <C-\><C-n>:<C-u>bnext<CR>'
exe 'tnoremap <silent><esc> <C-\><C-n>'
"Use jk switch to normal mode
inoremap jk <esc>
"]<End> or ]<Home> move current line to the end or the begin of current buffer
nnoremap <silent>]<End> ddGp``
nnoremap <silent>]<Home> ddggP``
vnoremap <silent>]<End> dGp``
vnoremap <silent>]<Home> dggP``
"Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down to move up and down
nnoremap <silent><C-S-Down> :m .+1<CR>==
nnoremap <silent><C-S-Up> :m .-2<CR>==
inoremap <silent><C-S-Down> <Esc>:m .+1<CR>==gi
inoremap <silent><C-S-Up> <Esc>:m .-2<CR>==gi
vnoremap <silent><C-S-Down> :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap <silent><C-S-Up> :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
" download gvimfullscreen.dll from github, copy gvimfullscreen.dll to
" the directory that has gvim.exe
nnoremap <F11> :call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0)<cr>
" Start new line
inoremap <S-Return> <C-o>o
" Improve scroll, credits: https://github.com/Shougo
nnoremap <expr> zz (winline() == (winheight(0)+1) / 2) ?
\ 'zt' : (winline() == 1) ? 'zb' : 'zz'
noremap <expr> <C-f> max([winheight(0) - 2, 1])
\ ."\<C-d>".(line('w$') >= line('$') ? "L" : "H")
noremap <expr> <C-b> max([winheight(0) - 2, 1])
\ ."\<C-u>".(line('w0') <= 1 ? "H" : "L")
noremap <expr> <C-e> (line("w$") >= line('$') ? "j" : "3\<C-e>")
noremap <expr> <C-y> (line("w0") <= 1 ? "k" : "3\<C-y>")
" Select blocks after indenting
xnoremap < <gv
xnoremap > >gv|
" Use tab for indenting in visual mode
xnoremap <Tab> >gv|
xnoremap <S-Tab> <gv
nnoremap > >>_
nnoremap < <<_
" smart up and down
nnoremap <silent><Down> gj
nnoremap <silent><Up> gk
" Use Q format lines
map Q gq
" Navigate window
nnoremap <silent><C-q> <C-w>
nnoremap <silent><C-x> <C-w>x
" Navigation in command line
cnoremap <C-a> <Home>
cnoremap <C-b> <Left>
cnoremap <C-f> <Right>
" Fast saving
nnoremap <C-s> :<C-u>w<CR>
vnoremap <C-s> :<C-u>w<CR>
cnoremap <C-s> <C-u>w<CR>
" Tabs
nnoremap <silent>g0 :<C-u>tabfirst<CR>
nnoremap <silent>g$ :<C-u>tablast<CR>
nnoremap <silent>gr :<C-u>tabprevious<CR>
" Remove spaces at the end of lines
nnoremap <silent> ,<Space> :<C-u>silent! keeppatterns %substitute/\s\+$//e<CR>
" C-r: Easier search and replace
xnoremap <C-r> :<C-u>call <SID>VSetSearch()<CR>:,$s/<C-R>=@/<CR>//gc<left><left><left>
function! s:VSetSearch() abort
let temp = @s
norm! gv"sy
let @/ = '\V' . substitute(escape(@s, '/\'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')
let @s = temp
"irssi like hot key
nnoremap <silent><M-1> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(1)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-2> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(2)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-3> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(3)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-4> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(4)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-5> :<C-u>call <SID>tobur(5)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-Right> :<C-U>call <SID>tobur("bnext")<CR>
nnoremap <silent><M-Left> :<C-U>call <SID>tobur("bprev")<CR>
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>','<M-x>',':call chat#qq#OpenMsgWin()<cr>',
\ 'Open qq chatting room','call chat#chatting#OpenMsgWin()')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>','<M-w>',':call chat#weixin#OpenMsgWin()<cr>',
\ 'Open weixin chatting room','call chat#chatting#OpenMsgWin()')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>','<M-c>',':call chat#chatting#OpenMsgWin()<cr>',
\ 'Open chatting room','call chat#chatting#OpenMsgWin()')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>','g=',':call zvim#format()<cr>','format current buffer','call zvim#format')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>', '<C-c>', ':<c-u>call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard()<cr>',
\ 'Copy buffer absolute path to X11 clipboard','call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard()')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>', '<Tab>', ':wincmd w<CR>', 'Switch to next window or tab','wincmd w')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>', '<S-Tab>', ':wincmd p<CR>', 'Switch to previous window or tab','wincmd p')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>', 'q', ':<C-u>call zvim#util#SmartClose()<cr>',
\ 'Smart close windows',
\ 'call zvim#util#SmartClose()')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>', 'gf', ':call zvim#gf()<CR>', 'Jump to a file under cursor', '')
call SpaceVim#mapping#def('nnoremap <silent>', 'gd', ':call SpaceVim#mapping#gd()<CR>', 'Goto declaration', '')
fu! s:tobur(num) abort
if index(get(g:,'spacevim_altmoveignoreft',[]), &filetype) == -1
if a:num ==# 'bnext'
elseif a:num ==# 'bprev'
let ls = split(execute(':ls'), "\n")
let buffers = []
for b in ls
let nr = matchstr(b, '\d\+')
call add(buffers, nr)
if len(buffers) >= a:num
exec 'buffer ' . buffers[a:num - 1]
function! SpaceVim#default#UseSimpleMode() abort
" vim:set et sw=2: