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*dein.txt* Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
Version: 3.0
Author: Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
License: MIT license
CONTENTS *dein-contents*
Introduction |dein-introduction|
Usage |dein-usage|
Install |dein-install|
Interface |dein-interface|
Functions |dein-functions|
Variables |dein-variables|
Options |dein-options|
Toml |dein-toml|
Unite Sources |dein-unite-sources|
Denite Sources |dein-denite-sources|
Configuration Examples |dein-examples|
Plugins merged feature |dein-merge|
FAQ |dein-faq|
Compatibility |dein-compatibility|
INTRODUCTION *dein-introduction*
*dein* is the dark powered Vim package manager. It is created from full
Concepts are:
* Faster than NeoBundle
* Simple
* No commands, Functions only to simplify the implementation
* Easy to test and maintain
* No Vundle/NeoBundle compatibility
* neovim/Vim8 asynchronous API installation support
* Local plugin support
* Non github plugins support
* Go like clone directory name ex:"github.com/{user}/{repository}"
* Merge the plugins directories automatically to avoid long 'runtimepath'
USAGE *dein-usage*
Refer to the example:
Run this command to update your plugins:
:call dein#update()
Note: The plugins are not updated automatically.
INSTALL *dein-install*
* Vim 8.2+ or NeoVim 0.5+.
* "git" command in $PATH (if you want to install github or vim.org plugins)
Note: If you use below Vim 8.2 or neovim 0.5, please use dein.vim ver.2.2
First of all, git clone the repository.
Note: You must define the installation directory before to use dein. It
depends on your usage.
For example, "~/.vim/bundles" or "~/.cache/dein" or "~/.local/share/dein".
dein.vim does not define the default installation directory.
You must not set the installation directory under "~/.vim/plugin" or
Note: You need to have git installed.
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim
$ git clone https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim \
And set up a path to the repository directory.
set runtimepath+={path to dein directory}
set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim
Now configure your bundles. (Refer to |dein-examples|)
Call |dein#update()| function to install your plugins.
If you need vim-plug like install UI, you can use ddu-source-dein_update.
INTERFACE *dein-interface*
FUNCTIONS *dein-functions*
dein#add({repo}[, {options}])
Initialize a plugin.
{repo} is the repository URI or local repository directory
path. If {repo} starts with github user name (ex:
"Shougo/dein.vim"), dein will install github plugins.
See |dein-options| for what to set in {options}.
Note: If plugin is already defined, duplicated calls will be
ignored. If you want to overwrite plugin config, you need to
use |dein-options-overwrite| or |dein#config()| instead.
Note: You must call it in |dein#begin()| block.
Note: If you install plugins, you need to call
|dein#install()| manually.
dein#begin({base-path}, [{vimrcs}])
Initialize dein.vim and start plugins configuration
{base-path} is where your downloaded plugins will be placed.
For example, "Shougo/dein.vim" will be downloaded in
"{base-path}/repos/github.com/Shougo/dein.vim" directory.
{vimrcs} is a list of compared .vimrc and/or other
configuration(TOML) files. The default is |$MYVIMRC|.
The typical {base-path} is "~/.cache/dein" or
Note: You must not call the function inside a
"has('vim_starting')" block.
Note: It executes ":filetype off" automatically.
Build for {plugins}.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
Calls the hook {hook-name}.
Note: If {hook-name} is "source", dein will call "source"
hooks in sourced plugins.
Check {plugins} installation.
If {plugins} are not installed, it will return non-zero.
If {plugins} are invalid, it will return -1.
{plugins} are the plugins name list or the plugin name to
If you omit it, dein will check all plugins installation.
Note: You can disable the message by |:silent|.
Check the no meaning lazy plugins. These plugins don't have
"plugin/" directory.
dein#check_update([{force}[, {plugins}]])
Check updated {plugins} by github GraphQL API.
If {force} is |v:true|, it call |dein#update()| after updated
{plugins} are the plugins name list or the plugin name to
Note: You can use it for github plugins.
Note: It does not return value instead of
Note: You need to set |g:dein#install_github_api_token| to use
the feature.
Note: The update check is quick but it is not perfect
solution. If "git" command change ".git" directory status(for
example: "git reset"), it cannot detect the update properly.
And github API cannot detect upstream changes immediately.
If you set |g:dein#install_check_remote_threshold|, the check
is more strict but slower.
Returns the non-used plugins directories. You can write the
wrap command to remove them.
Clear the state file manually.
dein#config({plugin-name}, {options})
Change plugin options for {plugin-name}.
It you omit {plugin-name}, it uses |g:dein#name| variable.
If {plugin-name} is list, you can change the options in the
multiple plugins.
If {plugin-name} is already loaded or invalid, it will be
Note: You must call it within |dein#begin()| / |dein#end()|
call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim')
call dein#config('deoplete.nvim', {
\ 'lazy' : 1, 'on_event' : 'InsertEnter',
\ })
Update {plugins} deno cache.
If you omit {plugins}, all plugins cache is updated.
It is executed automatically when plugins are updated.
Note: "deno" must be executable in your "$PATH".
dein#direct_install({repo}[, {options}])
Direct install a plugin without editing the configuration.
The arguments are same with |dein#add()|.
It installs and sources the plugin.
Note: The direct installed plugins configuration is saved in
|dein#get_direct_plugins_path()|. You can load or edit it. >
" Try deoplete without the configuration.
call dein#direct_install('Shougo/deoplete.nvim')
Disables plugins specified by {plugins}.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
Note: This command must be executed before dein loads
the plugins.
Note: The plugins must be disabled |dein-options-merged|.
Because merged plugins are moved to plugins directory and
loaded automatically.
Note: Disabled plugins are removed from dein's plugin list.
You cannot get disabled plugins from dein.
dein#each({command}[, {plugins}])
Execute {command} for {plugins}.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
You can execute "git gc" command for the plugins.
End dein configuration block.
You must not use the plugins in |dein#begin()| block.
If you enable |g:dein#auto_recache|, it executes
|dein#recache_runtimepath()| automatically.
Note: 'runtimepath' is changed after |dein#end()|.
Get the plugin options dictionary for {plugin-name}.
If you omit {plugin-name}, dein will return the plugins
dictionary. The key is the plugin name. The value is the
plugin dictionary.
Get the direct installed plugins script path.
Get the previous installation failed plugins.
dein#get_updated_plugins([, {plugins}])
Get updated {plugins} by github GraphQL API.
{plugins} are the plugins name list or the plugin name to
Note: You can use it for github plugins.
Note: You need to set |g:dein#install_github_api_token| to use
the feature.
Get all previous install logs.
Get current update progress message.
Print previous update logs.
Install the plugins asynchronously.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
If you omit it, dein will install all plugins.
Return non-zero if {plugin-name} exists and is enabled.
Return non-zero if {plugin-name} exists and is sourced.
See |dein#source()| and |dein#tap()| as well.
dein#load_dict({dict}, [{options}])
Load the plugin configuration from {dict}. {dict} is the
|Dictionary|. The key is the repository URI and the value is
the |dein-options| dictionary. See |dein-options| for keys to
set in {options}. >
call dein#load_dict({
\ 'Shougo/denite.nvim': {},
\ 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim': {'name': 'deoplete'}
\ })
dein#load_rollback({rollbackfile}[, {plugins}])
Rollback {plugins} from {rollbackfile}.
Note: It is the dangerous command.
Load dein's state from the cache script, {base-path} is where
your downloaded plugins will be placed.
Note: You must call it before |dein#begin()|. It clears dein
all configuration.
Note: It overwrites your 'runtimepath' completely, you must
not call it after change 'runtimepath' dynamically.
Note: The block is skipped if dein's state is loaded.
Note: |dein#min#load_state()| is faster a bit.
It returns 1, if the cache script is old or invalid or not
if dein#min#load_state(path)
call dein#begin(path)
" My plugins here:
" ...
call dein#end()
call dein#save_state()
dein#load_toml({filename}, [{options}])
Load TOML plugin configuration from {filename}. See
|dein-options| for keys to set in {options}.
Note: TOML parser is slow. You should use it with
|dein#load_state()| and |dein#save_state()|.
Note: You need to specify toml files in |dein#begin()|
For toml file formats: |dein-toml|
let s:toml = '~/test_vim/lazy.toml'
if dein#load_state('~/test_vim/.cache/dein')
call dein#begin('~/test_vim/.cache/dein')
call dein#load_toml(s:toml, {'lazy': 1})
call dein#end()
call dein#save_state()
dein#local({directory}, [{options}, [{names}]])
Add the subdirectories in {directory} to 'runtimepath', like
"pathogen" does. See |dein-options| for keys to set in
If {names} is given, {names} directories are only loaded.
{names} is |wildcards| list.
" Load plugin from "~/.vim/bundle".
call dein#local("~/.vim/bundle")
" Load plugin1 and plugin2 from "~/.vim/bundle".
call dein#local("~/.vim/bundle", {},
\ ['plugin1', 'plugin2', 'vim-*', '*.vim'])
Enable dein specific toml syntax.
Note: It is experimental feature.
Install/Update the plugins.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
If you omit it, dein will update all plugins.
Note: If you are using neovim or Vim 8.0+, it runs
Returns the toml configurations for {plugins}
{plugins} is the plugins dictionary from |dein#get()|.
Execute an process needed after the plugins are updated.
It can be used to create third-party dein upgrader.
{plugins} is the plugins name list that was updated.
Reinstall the plugins.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
Load not loaded neovim |remote-plugin| and execute
":UpdateRemotePlugins" command.
It is better than ":UpdateRemotePlugins" for dein.
Note: It is valid only in neovim.
dein#rollback({date}[, {plugins}])
Rollback to the latest matched {date} revisions for {plugins}.
If {date} is "", it rollbacks to the latest revisions.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
Note: It is the dangerous command.
Re-make the dein runtimepath cache and execute |:helptags|.
It is called automatically after the installation.
dein#save_rollback({rollbackfile}[, {plugins}])
Save {plugins} rollback information to {rollbackfile}.
Save dein's state in the cache script.
It must be after |dein#end()|.
Note: It is available when loading .vimrc.
Note: It saves your 'runtimepath' completely, you must not
call it after change 'runtimepath' dynamically.
dein#set_hook({plugins}, {hook-name}, {hook})
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
If it is empty list, it means all plugins.
Set hook {hook} as {hook-name} in {plugins}.
It can be called after |dein#begin()| / |dein#end()| block.
Note: If it is |Funcref|, it does not work in
|dein#load_state()| / |dein#save_state()| block.
call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim', {'lazy': 1})
function! Foo() abort
" Does not work for dein#load_state()/dein#save_state() block
call dein#set_hook('neosnippet.vim', 'hook_source', function('Foo'))
" Does work for dein#load_state()/dein#save_state() block
call dein#set_hook('neosnippet.vim', 'hook_source', 'echomsg "foo"')
|:source| the plugins specified by {plugins}.
{plugins} is the plugins name list.
If you omit it, dein will source all plugins.
It returns sourced plugins list.
Return non-zero if {plugin-name} exists and isn't
It initializes |g:dein#name| and |g:dein#plugin| variables.
VARIABLES *dein-variables*
If you set it to |v:true|, call |dein#recache_runtimepath()|
automatically in |dein#save_state()|.
Note: It is slow especially Windows.
Default: v:false
If you set it to |v:true|, call |dein#remote_plugins()|
automatically in |dein#recache_runtimepath()|.
Default: v:true
The cache directory to use.
Default: Under the base directory you have already specified
by |dein#begin()|.
The default options for plugins.
Default: {}
The default download command.
Default: "curl --silent --location --output" or "wget -q -O"
or use PowerShell.
If you set it to 1 and omit plugin name,
|dein-options-normalized_name| is used as plugin name.
It is useful for absorbing difference of repository name.
Defaults: v:false
If you set it to 1, dein uses the notification feature.
In neovim: Use "nvim-notify" or |nvim_notify()| API
In Vim: Use "vim-notification" or |popup_notification()| API
Defaults: v:false
The vimrcs are sourced in |dein#end()| or
Note: It must be set before |dein#begin()|.
Note: The files must not be included "<<" pattern(here
document). It breaks the parser.
Defaults: []
It checks plugins documentation diff when updated plugins.
Note: Dein outputs the diff to new buffer in the background.
Defaults: v:false
If the repository is updated newer than the threshold, use
strict "git ls-remote" check when |dein#check_update()|.
The unit is second.
Defaults: 0
" Strict check updated plugins yesterday
let g:dein#install_check_remote_threshold = 24 * 60 * 60
It use Vim script copy routine when
Defaults: v:true if neovim and not Windows
github API key to use |dein#check_update()|.
Defaults: ""
The max number of processes used for dein/install source
asynchronous update.
If it is less than equal 1, this feature is disabled.
Defaults: "16"(Windows) or "8"(Others)
The time of timeout seconds when updating/installing plugins.
Defaults: "120"
The output type of the progress bar in the installer.
Note: If you want to display the progress in the 'statusline',
you should use |dein#get_progress()|.
Displayed in the echo area.
Displayed in the 'tabline'.
Displayed in the 'titlestring'.
Note: It is neovim only support
Displayed in the floating/popup window.
Defaults: "echo"
The output type of the messages in the installer.
Displayed in the echo area.
The log filename. Set it to "" to disable logging.
Note: This option slows your installation process.
Default: ""
If you set it to 1, neovim remote plugins are lazy loaded.
It is useful to save startup time.
Note: It disables all remote plugins at startup. You must
define all remote plugins as lazy loaded if it is enabled.
Defaults: v:false
Current plugin name.
You can only use it in |dein#tap()| block.
Note: The variable is deprecated.
The notification icon path or stocked icon to display.
Default: ""
This is the time the notification should be displayed in
milli seconds.
Default: 2000
Current plugin.
You can use it in |dein#tap()| block or |dein-hooks|.
The default history depth for "git clone".
If it is 1, dein will use shallow clone feature.
See |dein-options-type__depth|.
Default: 0
The "git" command path used for git type.
Default: "git"
The default hub site used for git type.
Default: "github.com"
The default protocol used for git (github).
Note: It only accepts "https" or "ssh".
Default: "https"
The git command used to pull updates.
Default: "pull --ff --ff-only"
OPTIONS *dein-options*
The {options} accepts the following keys:
augroup (String)
An augroup name that the plugin uses for |VimEnter| or
|GUIEnter| autocmd events.
build (String)
Specify the build script.
This command is executed by |system()| in the plugin
Note: In previous versions of dein, build could also be of
type dictionary, but that is now deprecated.
Please use |dein-options-hook_post_update| instead.
call dein#add('Shougo/vimproc.vim', {'build': 'make'})
Note: The command is executed in plugin top directory.
If you need cd command, you must use "sh -c". >
call dein#add('wincent/command-t', {
\ 'build':
\ 'sh -c "cd ruby/command-t && ruby extconf.rb && make"'
\ })
depends (List or String)
Specify a list of plugins a plugin depends on.
List items are '{plugin-name}'.
Those specified in the list are NOT installed automatically.
Note: The loading order is not guaranteed in non lazy plugins.
frozen (Bool)
If set to v:true, dein doesn't update it automatically. It is
useful for outdated plugins that can no longer be updated.
ftplugin (Dictionary)
"_" key is executed after all ftplugin.
"{filetype}" key is executed {filetype} ftplugin.
Note: You need to call |dein#recache_runtimepath()| or enable
|g:dein#auto_recache| after vimrc is changed.
if (Bool) or (String)
If set to |v:false|, dein doesn't load the plugin.
If it is |String|, dein will eval it.
If you don't set it, dein will register (enable) the plugin.
Note: You cannot disable plugins register in dein if you use
the option.
lazy (Bool)
If set to v:true, dein doesn't add the path to 'runtimepath'
If you don't set it, dein will set it automatically when the
conditions are met.
Note: You should not specify the plugins which have no
"plugin/" directory as lazy load plugins. It is meaningless
and just increases the overhead. You can get the no meaning
lazy plugins by |dein#check_lazy_plugins()|.
merged (Bool)
If set to v:false, dein doesn't merge the plugin directory.
It is useful for the plugin files conflicts.
Default: See |dein-merge|.
merge_ftdetect (Bool)
If set to v:true, dein merge the plugin "ftdetect" directory.
It is useful to enable file detection when lazy loaded plugin.
Note: It does not work if ftdetect script depends on lazy
plugin functions.
name (String)
Specify the name of the plugin. This is used for dein
management and other functions. If it is omitted, the tail of
the repository name will be used.
Note: Must be unique across the all plugin. If the plugin
name conflicts with another plugin, dein will overwrite the
previous settings with the new one. If the repo tail is bound
to conflict, you can set the "name" option manually to prevent
overwriting an existing plugin setting.
normalized_name (String)
Specify the normalized name of the plugin. If omitted, dein
will normalize the tail of the repository name.
Note: Must be unique across all plugins.
Normalized name example:
name : normalized name
denite.nvim denite
dein.vim dein
vim-quickrun quickrun
dps-dial dial
denops-foo foo
on_cmd (List) or (String)
If it is matched to the executed command, dein will call
on_event (String) or (List)
dein will call |dein#source()| on the events.
on_func (List) or (String)
If it is matched to the called function, dein will call
Note: It does not work when Vim initialised.
on_ft (List) or (String)
If it is matched to 'filetype', dein will call
on_if (String)
If it is evaluated and it is non-zero, dein will call
The default evaluate timings are "BufRead", "BufNewFile",
"VimEnter" and "FileType".
If |dein-options-on_event| exists, it is evaluated when
For example: >
call dein#add('blueyed/vim-diminactive',
\ {'on_event': 'WinEnter', 'on_if': 'winnr("$") > 1'})
on_lua (List) or (String)
If it is matched to the required lua module root, dein will
call |dein#source()|.
Note: It is for neovim only.
Note: It does not work for neovim standard modules and require
in |vim.loop| modules.
Note: You cannot require on_lua plugins in
|dein-options-hook_add|. Because the plugins are not
on_map (Dictionary) or (List) or (String)
If it is the Dictionary, the key is {mode} and the items are
{mapping} or [{mapping1}, {mapping2}, ...].
If it is the List, the items are {mapping} or [{mode},
{mapping1}, [{mapping2}, ...]].
If {mode} is omitted, "nx" is used.
Note: You can use plugin prefix mappings.
For example, you can use "<Plug>(ref-" instead of
"<Plug>(ref-back)" and so on.
For example: >
call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim',
\ { 'on_map': {'n': '<Plug>'} })
Note: You can use "<Plug>" keyword as {mapping}. If
{mapping} is "<Plug>", "<Plug>({normalized_name}" is
For example: >
" It is same as "'on_map': '<Plug>(anzu'"
call dein#add('osyo-manga/vim-anzu', {'on_map': '<Plug>'})
" It is same as "'on_map': '<Plug>(easy-align'"
" But it does not work as expected. Because the plugin
" defines '<Plug>(EasyAlign)' mapping instead.
call dein#add('junegunn/vim-easy-align', {'on_map': '<Plug>'})
" This works as expected
call dein#add('junegunn/vim-easy-align',
\ {'on_map': '<Plug>(EasyAlign)'})
Note: You cannot use lazy <Plug> mappings twice.
For example: >
call dein#add('osyo-manga/vim-anzu',
\ {'on_map': '<Plug>(anzu-'}
" Not working!!
nmap n <Plug>(anzu-jump-n)<Plug>(anzu-echo-search-status)zv
nmap N <Plug>(anzu-jump-N)<Plug>(anzu-echo-search-status)zv
on_path (List) or (String)
If set to ".*", dein will call |dein#source()| on editing all
files. Otherwise, dein will call |dein#source()| if the
buffer name is matched to the string pattern.
Note: It is useful for explorer behavior plugins.
on_source (List) or (String)
Load the plugin before the listed plugins are loaded.
Note: The plugins must be lazy loaded plugins.
overwrite (Bool)
If set to v:true, dein overwrite existing plugin config when
path (String)
Specify the plugin downloaded path.
rev (String)
Specify a revision number or branch/tag name.
If it is "*" in "git" type, dein will use latest released tag.
You can specify the wildcards like "0.*".
Note: If the type is "raw", rev must be hash number.
call dein#add('Shougo/deol.nvim', { 'rev': 'a1b5108fd5' })
rtp (String)
Specify the runtime path.
You can use it when the repository has the Vim plugin in a
For example: https://github.com/rstacruz/sparkup
If it is empty string, dein will not add the path to
call dein#add('rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim'})
script_type (String)
Specify the script type. It is useful for non-official
categorized plugins.
For example: "indent", "plugin", "ftplugin", ...
Note: You must not specify it for categorized plugins.
call dein#add(
\ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Shougo/'
\ . 'shougo-s-github/master/vim/colors/candy.vim',
\ {'script_type' : 'colors'})
call dein#add(
\ 'https://github.com/bronzehedwick/impactjs-colorscheme',
\ {'script_type' : 'colors'})
timeout (Number)
The time of timeout seconds when updating/installing plugins.
If omit it, |g:dein#install_process_timeout| will be used.
trusted (Bool)
If set to v:true, dein will load the plugin in "sudo" mode.
If you don't set it, dein won't load it.
type (String)
Specify the repository type. If it is omitted, a guess is made
based on {repository}.
The available types:
"none" : None repository
"raw" : Raw plugin file ("script_type" attribute is
"git" : Git
type__depth (Number)
The history depth for "git clone".
If omitted, |g:dein#types#git#clone_depth| is used.
If it is than 0, dein clones the repository by shallow
clone. Shallow clone feature saves your repository clone time.
But it has problems in some repository.
See below issues:
Note: This attribute is available in git type only.
HOOKS *dein-hooks*
The string will be split by the lines.
It is useful for the plugins initialization.
Note: You cannot use function hooks in |dein#save_state()|.
Note: You can use |g:dein#plugin| in the hooks.
Note: The loading order is not guaranteed in non lazy plugins.
Note: The string is executed as Ex commands.
hook_add (String) or (Function)
It is executed after the line is parsed.
Note: You cannot call plugin function in "hook_add".
Because the plugin is not sourced when "hook_add".
call dein#add('Shougo/defx.nvim', {
\ 'hook_add': 'nnoremap <silent> <Space>v
\ :<C-u>Defx<CR>'
\ })
call dein#add('kana/vim-niceblock', {
\ 'hook_add': join(['xmap I <Plug>(niceblock-I)',
'xmap A <Plug>(niceblock-A)'], "\n")
\ })
call dein#add('godlygeek/csapprox', {
\ 'hook_add': "
\ let g:CSApprox_konsole = 1\n
\ let g:CSApprox_attr_map =
\ { 'bold' : 'bold', 'italic' : '', 'sp' : '' }\n
\ "})
hook_done_update (String) or (Function)
It is executed after plugins are sourced and updated.
hook_post_source (String) or (Function)
It is executed after plugins are sourced.
Note: In Vim initializing, you must call the
"hook_post_source" hooks manually in |VimEnter| if needed.
autocmd VimEnter * call dein#call_hook('post_source')
hook_post_update (String) or (Function)
It is executed after are updated and before
Note: The plugin may not be sourced.
hook_source (String) or (Function)
It is executed before plugins are sourced.
Note: The "sourced" means after |dein#end()| or when
|VimEnter| or autoloaded.
call dein#add('artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2')
call dein#config('artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2', {
\ 'hook_source': 'autocmd FileType java
\ setlocal omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete'
\ })
function! Func() abort
autocmd FileType qf nnoremap <buffer> r :<C-u>Qfreplace<CR>
call dein#source('thinca/vim-qfreplace',
\ 'hook_source': function('Func'))
Note: non lazy plugins' |dein-options-hook_source| cannot be
called. You must call it by |dein#call_hook()| if needed.
call dein#begin()
call dein#end()
call dein#call_hook('source')
TOML *dein-toml*
TOML file format specification:
Note: Original TOML parser is created by kamichidu.
ftplugin (Dictionary)
"_" key is executed after all ftplugin.
"{filetype}" key is executed {filetype} ftplugin.
You can define multiple filetypes by "{filetype1}_{filetype2}"
key. "b:undo_ftplugin" is defined automatically.
Note: You need to call |dein#recache_runtimepath()| or enable
|g:dein#auto_recache| after vimrc is changed.
hook_add (String)
It is the global |dein-options-hook_add|.
It is executed in |dein#end()|.
plugins (Dictionary)
It is converted to |dein#add()|.
"repo" key is needed.
multiple_plugins (Dictionary)
It is converted to |dein-toml-hook_add|.
"plugins" key is needed.
TOML file sample is here:
# TOML sample
hook_add = 'let g:foo = 0'
# Execute after ftplugin.
_ = '''
setl formatoptions-=ro | setl formatoptions+=mMBl
html = '''
setlocal includeexpr=substitute(v:fname,'^\\/','','')
setlocal path+=./;/
repo = 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
on_event = 'InsertEnter'
on_ft = 'snippet'
repo = 'rhysd/accelerated-jk'
on_map = '<Plug>'
hook_add = '''
nmap <silent>j <Plug>(accelerated_jk_gj)
nmap <silent>k <Plug>(accelerated_jk_gk)
python = '''
let b:undo_ftplugin .= 'setlocal foldmethod<'
setlocal foldmethod=indent
# "hook_add" is only executed when both "foo" and "bar" are
# available.
plugins = ['foo', 'bar']
hook_add = ''
DDU SOURCES *dein-ddu-sources*
Nominates dein plugins as candidates.
UNITE SOURCES *dein-unite-sources*
Here let me explain about a source for unite plugin provided in dein.
Nominates dein plugins as candidates.
If argument is bang(!), print plugins status.
Print previous dein install logs.
And you can jump the diff URI in github.
If argument 1 is "!", the updated logs are displayed.
Source arguments:
1. "!"
DENITE SOURCES *dein-denite-sources*
Here let me explain about a source for denite plugin provided in dein.
Nominates dein plugins as candidates.
Print previous dein install logs.
And you can jump the diff URI in github.
If argument 1 is "!", the updated logs are displayed.
Source arguments:
1. "!"
EXAMPLES *dein-examples*
if &compatible
set nocompatible " Be iMproved
" Required:
set runtimepath+={path to dein.vim directory}
" Required:
call dein#begin({path to plugin base path directory})
" Let dein manage dein
call dein#add({path to dein.vim directory})
if !has('nvim')
call dein#add('roxma/nvim-yarp')
call dein#add('roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc')
" Add or remove your plugins here like this:
"call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet.vim')
"call dein#add('Shougo/neosnippet-snippets')
" Required:
call dein#end()
" Required:
filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable
" If you want to install not installed plugins on startup.
"if dein#check_install()
" call dein#install()
dein.vim copies the files of multiple plugins into a single directory and
loads them as plugins by default. It expects to improve performance.
That path is usually `DEIN_INSTALLED_DIR/.cache/init.vim/.dein`.
For DEIN_INSTALLED_DIR, see |dein-install|.
Other plugin managers add a plugin path into 'runtimepath' to load external
plugins. However, if the 'runtimepath' is very large then it will load
slowly. This is because Vim needs to find and load all 'runtimepath' to load
plugins. In dein.vim, this problem does not exist.
The following plugins will not be merged to prevent merge problems
- |dein-options-merged| is v:false
- local plugin (|dein#local()|)
- lazy loaded plugin (|dein-options-lazy|)
- uses |dein-options-build|
- uses |dein-options-hook_post_update|
- uses |dein-options-if|
FAQ *dein-faq*
Q: How to donate money to you?
A: I have started github sponsorship to spend more time for Vim/neovim
plugins. You can donate money to help me!
Q: Where is ":NeoBundleFetch" in dein features?
A: You can use |dein-options-rtp|.
call dein#add('Shougo/dein.vim', {'rtp': ''})
Note: It does not generate |:helptags| file.
Q: vimproc does not work when manually build it.
A: You should not build it manually. Please use |dein-options-build| feature.
call dein#add('Shougo/vimproc.vim', {'build': 'make'})
Q: Where is ":NeoBundleCheck" in dein features?
A: You can use |dein#check_install()|.
if dein#check_install()
call dein#install()
Q: I want to disable plugins loading dynamically.
A: Please use |dein-options-if|.
Q: Cannot load colorscheme when reloading .vimrc.
A: You must write |:colorscheme| lines after |dein#end()|.
call dein#add('tomasr/molokai', {'merged': 0})
call dein#end()
colorscheme molokai
Or you can use |dein#source()| for it.
call dein#add('tomasr/molokai', {'merged': 0})
call dein#source('molokai')
colorscheme molokai
Q: There is the conflict between "jedi-vim" and "vim-pyenv" "initialize.py"
A: All plugins should avoid file name collisions. dein.vim can load them
by setting |dein-options-merged|. See |dein-merge| for details.
Q: How to remove the disabled plugins?
A: You can remove them like below.
Note: You must call |dein#recache_runtimepath()| after the remove.
call map(dein#check_clean(), { _, val -> delete(val, 'rf') })
call dein#recache_runtimepath()
Q: How to use the script functions for hooks feature?
A: You can use them like this.
Note: You cannot use the script functions for cached plugins.
The SID will be changed in the next run.
function s:SID()
return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '\zs<SNR>\d\+_\zeSID$')
function! s:test()
call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim',
\ {'hook_source': 'call ' . s:SID() . 'test()'})
Or you can execute the autocmd manually.
autocmd User dein#source#deoplete.nvim call s:test()
call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim', {
\ 'hook_source':
\ 'execute "doautocmd <nomodeline> User" "dein#source#".
\ g:dein#plugin.name'
\ })
But you must define the autocmd.
Q: I don't want to call |dein#recache_runtimepath()| manually.
A: Please specify your vimrc path to |dein#begin()| 2nd argument.
It detects the vimrc changes.
call dein#begin(path, [expand('<sfile>')])
Q: I need the wrapper commands for dein.vim.
A: You can use it.
Q: Why the install script does not use "curl | bash" ?
Q: I want to use "git" or "http" protocol instead of "https".
A: No, you cannot.
Q: Why dein.vim only accepts "https" or "ssh"?
A: https://glyph.twistedmatrix.com/2015/11/editor-malware.html
Q: YouCompleteMe installation is failed.
A: Please check |:messages| result.
If you have found "Process timeout" error, you should increase
|g:dein#install_process_timeout| value.
Q: YouCompleteMe does not work. I have built YouCompleteMe manually.
A: dein.vim has |dein-merge| feature. It copies the plugin files into the
merge directory. If you build it manually, it will not be copied
from time to time.
You can disable the |dein-options-merged|. >
call dein#add('Valloric/YouCompleteMe', {'merged': 0})
or >
call dein#add('Valloric/YouCompleteMe', {'build': './install.py'})
Q: I have got "Invalid range error" when plugin updating.
A: It is Vim/neovim |delete()| implementation bug.
It uses |glob()| internally.
If the directory has contains "[]" files, it will be errored.
For example, vimtex has the file.
You can disable the |dein-merge| feature to prevent the error. >
call dein#add('lervag/vimtex', {'merged': 0})
Q: I have got prompted for my github username and I have to kill the editor...
A: You have specified wrong/removed repository name. You should check the
Q: Why dein.vim merges the plugins directories automatically?
A: |dein-merge| merge improves performance by avoiding long 'runtimepath'.
See also the |dein-merge|.
Q: I want to update from shell.
A: >
$ vim -c "try | call dein#update() | finally | qall! | endtry" \
-N -u $VIMRC -U NONE -i NONE -V1 -e -s
Q: I want to change the environment variable when build.
A: >
call dein#add('nixprime/cpsm',
\ {'build': 'sh -c "PY3=ON ./install.sh"'})
Q: dein.vim does not load plugin in sudo session.
It is intended behavior for security reason.
In sudo session, installed plugin can do anything in root permission.
It is very dangerous.
But you can load trusted plugins using |dein-options-trusted|.
Q: I want to uninstall dein.vim.
A: Please remove |dein#begin()|'s argument directory.
For example, if you use below configuration: >
call dein#begin('~/.cache/dein')
Please remove "~/.cache/dein" directory.
Q: I want to update dein.vim from shell command line.
A: Please execute the command line like this. >
vim -N -u ~/.vim/init.vim -c \
"try | call dein#update() | finally | qall! | endtry" -V1 -es
Q: I want to set build conditions.
A: Please use |dein-options-hook_post_update|. >
repo = 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim'
hook_post_update = '''
if has('win32') || has('win64')
call system(
\ 'powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File install.ps1')
call system('bash install.sh')
Q: Why I need to call |dein#recache_runtimepath()| manually after removing
A: You can use |g:dein#auto_recache| option instead.
Dein.vim has |dein-merge| feature. It copies the plugins into the
merge directory. You can disable the feature by setting
|dein-options-merged|. See also the |dein-merge|.
Q: I want to load plugins lazily on requiring lua modules
A: >
call dein#add('neovim/nvim-lsp', {'on_lua': 'nvim_lsp'})
Q: deoplete does not work when I use |dein#load_state()|.
A: Please read |dein#load_state()| documentation. "The block is skipped if
dein's state is loaded." >
if dein#load_state(path)
call dein#begin(path)
call dein#add('Shougo/deoplete.nvim')
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = v:true " It will be skipped!
call dein#end()
call dein#save_state()
" You must set variables or execute functions outside the block
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = v:true
Q: I want to enable default merged config in Windows.
A: >
let g:dein#default_options = { 'merged': v:true }
COMPATIBILITY *dein-compatibility*
* Use Vim/neovim standard API for notification instead of commands.
* Remove "dein-options-on_i".
* Remove "dein-options-on_idle".
* hook_post_update is executed before "build".
* hook_done_update is executed after "build" and sourced.
* Change dein#source() return value
* Vim 8.2 or nvim 0.5 is required