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All character set and unicode related tests.
from jedi import Project
def test_unicode_script(Script):
s = "import datetime; datetime.timedelta"
completions = Script(s).complete()
assert len(completions)
assert type(completions[0].description) is str
s = "author='öä'; author"
completions = Script(s).complete()
x = completions[0].description
assert type(x) is str
s = "#-*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-\nauthor='öä'; author"
s = s.encode('latin-1')
completions = Script(s).complete()
assert type(completions[0].description) is str
def test_unicode_attribute(Script):
""" github jedi-vim issue #94 """
s1 = ('#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nclass Person():\n'
' name = "e"\n\nPerson().name.')
completions1 = Script(s1).complete()
assert 'strip' in [c.name for c in completions1]
s2 = ('#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nclass Person():\n'
' name = "é"\n\nPerson().name.')
completions2 = Script(s2).complete()
assert 'strip' in [c.name for c in completions2]
def test_multibyte_script(Script):
""" `jedi.Script` must accept multi-byte string source. """
code = "import datetime; datetime.d"
comment = "# multi-byte comment あいうえおä"
s = ('%s\n%s') % (code, comment)
assert len(Script(s).complete(1, len(code)))
def test_goto_definition_at_zero(Script):
"""Infer at zero sometimes raises issues."""
assert Script("a").infer(1, 1) == []
s = Script("str").infer(1, 1)
assert len(s) == 1
assert list(s)[0].description == 'class str'
assert Script("").infer(1, 0) == []
def test_complete_at_zero(Script):
s = Script("str").complete(1, 3)
assert len(s) == 1
assert list(s)[0].name == 'str'
s = Script("").complete(1, 0)
assert len(s) > 0
def test_wrong_encoding(Script, tmpdir):
x = tmpdir.join('x.py')
# Use both latin-1 and utf-8 (a really broken file).
x.write_binary('foobar = 1\nä'.encode('latin-1') + 'ä'.encode('utf-8'))
project = Project(tmpdir.strpath)
c, = Script('import x; x.foo', project=project).complete()
assert c.name == 'foobar'