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2020-06-13 14:06:35 +08:00

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# ============================================================================
# FILE: defx.py
# AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
# License: MIT license
# ============================================================================
import typing
from defx.source.file import Source as File
from defx.context import Context
from defx.sort import sort
from defx.util import Nvim
from defx.util import cd, error
from pathlib import Path
Candidate = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
class Defx(object):
def __init__(self, vim: Nvim, context: Context,
cwd: str, index: int) -> None:
self._vim = vim
self._context = context
self._cwd = self._vim.call('getcwd')
self._source: File = File(self._vim)
self._index = index
self._enabled_ignored_files = not context.show_ignored_files
self._ignored_files = context.ignored_files.split(',')
self._cursor_history: typing.Dict[str, Path] = {}
self._sort_method: str = self._context.sort
self._mtime: int = -1
self._opened_candidates: typing.Set[str] = set()
self._selected_candidates: typing.Set[str] = set()
def _init_source(self) -> None:
custom = self._vim.call('defx#custom#_get')['source']
name = self._source.name
if name in custom:
def debug(self, expr: typing.Any) -> None:
error(self._vim, expr)
def cd(self, path: str) -> None:
self._cwd = str(Path(self._cwd).joinpath(path))
if self._context.auto_cd:
cd(self._vim, path)
def get_root_candidate(self) -> Candidate:
Returns root candidate
root = self._source.get_root_candidate(self._context, Path(self._cwd))
root['is_root'] = True
root['is_opened_tree'] = False
root['is_selected'] = False
root['level'] = 0
root['word'] = self._context.root_marker + root['word']
return root
def tree_candidates(
self, path: str, base_level: int, max_level: int
) -> typing.List[Candidate]:
gathered_candidates = self.gather_candidates_recursive(
path, base_level, max_level)
if self._opened_candidates:
candidates = []
for candidate in gathered_candidates:
candidate['level'] = base_level
candidate_path = str(candidate['action__path'])
if (candidate_path in self._opened_candidates and
not candidate['is_opened_tree']):
candidate['is_opened_tree'] = True
candidates += self.tree_candidates(
candidate_path, base_level + 1, max_level)
candidates = gathered_candidates
return candidates
def gather_candidates_recursive(
self, path: str, base_level: int, max_level: int
) -> typing.List[Candidate]:
candidates = self._gather_candidates(path, base_level)
if base_level >= max_level:
return candidates
ret = []
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate['is_directory']:
candidate['is_opened_tree'] = True
ret += self.gather_candidates_recursive(
str(candidate['action__path']), base_level + 1, max_level)
return ret
def _gather_candidates(
self, path: str, base_level: int = 0) -> typing.List[Candidate]:
Returns file candidates
candidates = self._source.gather_candidates(
self._context, Path(path))
if self._enabled_ignored_files:
for glob in self._ignored_files:
candidates = [x for x in candidates
if not x['action__path'].match(glob)]
for candidate in candidates:
candidate['is_opened_tree'] = False
candidate['is_root'] = False
candidate['is_selected'] = False
candidate['level'] = base_level
return sort(self._sort_method, candidates)