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" This is an example vimrc that should work for testing purposes.
" Integrate the VimOrganizer specific sections into your own
" vimrc if you wish to use VimOrganizer on a regular basis. . .
" The three lines below are necessary for VimOrganizer to work right
" ==================================================================
let g:ft_ignore_pat = '\.org'
filetype plugin indent on
" and then put these lines in vimrc somewhere after the line above
au! BufRead,BufWrite,BufWritePost,BufNewFile *.org
au BufEnter *.org call org#SetOrgFileType()
" let g:org_capture_file = '~/org_files/mycaptures.org'
command! OrgCapture :call org#CaptureBuffer()
command! OrgCaptureFile :call org#OpenCaptureFile()
syntax on
" Everything below here is a customization. None are needed.
" The variables below are used to define the default Todo list and
" default Tag list. Both of these can also be defined
" on a document-specific basis by config lines in a file.
" See :h vimorg-todo-metadata and/or :h vimorg-tag-metadata
" 'TODO | DONE' is the default, so not really necessary to define it at all
let g:org_todo_setup='TODO | DONE'
" OR, e.g.,:
"let g:org_todo_setup='TODO NEXT STARTED | DONE CANCELED'
" include a tags setup string if you want:
let g:org_tags_alist='{@home(h) @work(w) @tennisclub(t)} {easy(e) hard(d)} {computer(c) phone(p)}'
" g:org_agenda_dirs specify directories that, along with
" their subtrees, are searched for list of .org files when
" accessing EditAgendaFiles(). Specify your own here, otherwise
" default will be for g:org_agenda_dirs to hold single
" directory which is directory of the first .org file opened
" in current Vim instance:
" Below is line I use in my Windows install:
" NOTE: case sensitive even on windows.
let g:org_agenda_select_dirs=["~/desktop/org_files"]
let g:org_agenda_files = split(glob("~/desktop/org_files/org-mod*.org"),"\n")
" ----------------------
" Emacs setup
" ----------------------
" To use Emacs you will need to define the client. On
" Linux/OSX this is typically simple, just:
"let g:org_command_for_emacsclient = 'emacsclient'
" On Windows it is more complicated, and probably involves creating
" a 'soft link' to the emacsclient executable (which is 'emacsclientw')
" See :h vimorg-emacs-setup
"let g:org_command_for_emacsclient = 'c:\users\herbert\emacsclientw.exe'
" ----------------------
" Custom Agenda Searches
" ----------------------
" The assignment to g:org_custom_searches below defines searches that a
" a user can then easily access from the Org menu or the Agenda Dashboard.
" (Still need to add help on how to define them, assignment below
" is hopefully illustrative for now. . . . )
let g:org_custom_searches = [
\ { 'name':"Next week's agenda", 'type':'agenda',
\ 'agenda_date':'+1w', 'agenda_duration':'w' }
\, { 'name':"Next week's TODOS", 'type':'agenda',
\ 'agenda_date':'+1w', 'agenda_duration':'w',
\ 'spec':'+UNFINISHED_TODOS' }
\, { 'name':'Home tags', 'type':'heading_list', 'spec':'+HOME' }
\, { 'name':'Home tags', 'type':'sparse_tree', 'spec':'+HOME' }
\ ]
" --------------------------------
" Custom colors
" --------------------------------"
" OrgCustomColors() allows a user to set highlighting for particular items
function! OrgCustomColors()
" Various text item 'highlightings' below
" are the defaults. Uncomment and change a line if you
" want different highlighting for the element.
" Below are defaults for any TODOS you define. TODOS that
" come before the | in a definition will use 'NOTDONETODO'
" and those that come after are DONETODO
"hi! DONETODO guifg=green ctermfg=green
"hi! NOTDONETODO guifg=red ctermfg=lightred
" Heading level highlighting is done in pairs, one for the
" heading when unfolded and one for folded. Default is to make
" them the same except for the folded version being bold:
" assign OL1 pair for level 1, OL2 pair for level 2, etc.
"hi! OL1 guifg=somecolor guibg=somecolor
"hi! OL1Folded guifg=somecolor guibg=somecolor gui=bold
" Tags are lines below headings that have :colon:separated:tags:
"hi! Org_Tag guifg=lightgreen ctermfg=blue
" Lines that begin with '#+' in column 0 are config lines
"hi! Org_Config_Line guifg=darkgray ctermfg=magenta
" Drawers are :PROPERTIES: and :LOGBOOK: lines and their associated
" :END: lines
"hi! Org_Drawer guifg=pink ctermfg=magenta
"hi! Org_Drawer_Folded guifg=pink ctermfg=magenta gui=bold cterm=bold
" This applies to value names in :PROPERTIES: blocks
"hi! Org_Property_Value guifg=pink ctermfg=magenta
" Three lines below apply to different kinds of blocks
"hi! Org_Block guifg=#555555 ctermfg=magenta
"hi! Org_Src_Block guifg=#555555 ctermfg=magenta
"hi! Org_Table guifg=#888888 guibg=#333333 ctermfg=magenta
" Dates are date specs between angle brackets (<>) or square brackets ([])
"hi! Org_Date guifg=magenta ctermfg=magenta gui=underline cterm=underline
" Org_Star is used to "hide" initial asterisks in a heading
"hi! Org_Star guifg=#444444 ctermfg=darkgray
"hi! Props guifg=#ffa0a0 ctermfg=gray
" Bold, italics, underline, and code are highlights applied
" to character formatting
"hi! Org_Code guifg=darkgray gui=bold ctermfg=14
"hi! Org_Itals gui=italic guifg=#aaaaaa ctermfg=lightgray
"hi! Org_Bold gui=bold guifg=#aaaaaa ctermfg=lightgray
"hi! Org_Underline gui=underline guifg=#aaaaaa ctermfg=lightgray
"hi! Org_Lnumber guifg=#999999 ctermfg=gray
" These lines apply to links: [[link]], and [[link][link desc]]
"if has("conceal")
" hi! default linkends guifg=blue ctermfg=blue
"hi! Org_Full_Link guifg=cyan gui=underline ctermfg=lightblue cterm=underline
"hi! Org_Half_Link guifg=cyan gui=underline ctermfg=lightblue cterm=underline
" Applies to the Heading line that can be displayed in column view
"highlight OrgColumnHeadings guibg=#444444 guifg=#aaaaaa gui=underline
" Use g:org_todo_custom_highlights to set up highlighting for individual
" TODO items. Without this all todos that designate an unfinished state
" will be highlighted using NOTDONETODO highlight (see above)
" and all todos that designate a finished state will be highlighted using
" the DONETODO highlight (see above).
let g:org_todo_custom_highlights =
\ { 'NEXT': { 'guifg':'#888888', 'guibg':'#222222',
\ 'ctermfg':'gray', 'ctermbg':'darkgray'},
\ 'WAITING': { 'guifg':'#aa3388',
\ 'ctermfg':'red' } }
" Below are two examples of Org-mode "hook" functions
" These present opportunities for end-user customization
" of how VimOrganizer works. For more info see the
" documentation for hooks in Emacs' Org-mode documentation:
" http://orgmode.org/worg/org-configs/org-hooks.php#sec-1_40
" These two hooks are currently the only ones enabled in
" the VimOrganizer codebase, but they are easy to add so if
" there's a particular hook you want go ahead and request it
" or look for where these hooks are implemented in
" /ftplugin/org.vim and use them as example for placing your
" own hooks in VimOrganizer:
function! Org_property_changed_functions(line,key, val)
"call confirm("prop changed: ".a:line."--key:".a:key." val:".a:val)
function! Org_after_todo_state_change_hook(line,state1, state2)
"call confirm("changed: ".a:line."--key:".a:state1." val:".a:state2)
"call OrgConfirmDrawer("LOGBOOK")
"let str = ": - State: " . org#Pad(a:state2,10) . " from: " . Pad(a:state1,10) .
" \ ' [' . org#Timestamp() . ']'
"call append(line("."), repeat(' ',len(matchstr(getline(line(".")),'^\s*'))) . str)