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*scala.txt* Syntax highlighting and helper functions for the Scala language.
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
{Vi does not have any of this}
Syntax highlighting and helper functions for the scala language. Extras
- Sorting of import statements, configurable to your conventions.
- Tagbar support to navigate definitions within a file in the plugin's
sidebar window.
- ...and probably more that we've forgotten to update in this doc.
OPTIONS *scala-options*
Use these options to control behavior of the plugin. Default values are
indicated in the examples.
If you are using the Tagbar Vim plugin, vim-scala includes a Tagbar type
definition and ctags definition for Scala, so you can use Tagbar immediately.
If you have your own ctags definition in `~/.ctags` and prefer to use it, set
this option to 0 (we would appreciate contributions if you've improved the
ctags definition!).
Note that Tagbar's ctags definition for Scala is not used to generate a
|tags| file that Vim can use to navigate to definitions in other files, only
for the plugin sidebar. Feel free to copy `vim-scala/ctags/scala.ctags` into
your own `~/.ctags` if you wish to generate |tags| files.
let g:scala_use_builtin_tagbar_defs = 1
Set this option to disable definition of all mappings provided by vim-scala.
See |scala-mappings|.
let g:scala_use_default_keymappings = 1
By default, the plugin indents documentation comments according to the
standard Javadoc format.
* This is a doc comment using Javadoc-style indentation.
Set this option to enable the indentation standard as recommended for Scaladoc
/** This is a Scaladoc comment using
* the recommended indentation.
let g:scala_scaladoc_indent = 1
COMMANDS *scala-commands*
:SortScalaImports There are two modes in which this command can operate.
By default it walks all import groups at the top of
the Scala file and orders their lines alphabetically.
A group is a series of lines starting with the
import keyword separated by one or more blank lines.
The second, more advanced mode, can be activated by
let g:scala_sort_across_groups=1
This makes this command include all imports in the
sorting regardless of blank lines in between them and
puts them in three predefined groups instead.
The three groups in which the imports can fall are:
1. Scala and Java core
2. Third party libraries
3. First party code (ie. your own)
Java and Scala core imports are identified by the
java(x) and scala namespaces.
Everything else that isn't a first party namespace
will be a third party import.
You can define a regex that matches first party
namespaces by setting
For example in a standard Play app this would be
set to
\ '\(controllers\|views\|models\)'
MAPPINGS *scala-mappings*
Currently the only mappings defined are for FuzzyFinder users--these will
only be enabled if FuzzyFinder is detected.
<Leader>fs "Find src". Primes |:FufFile| with `src/main/scala`,
and goes deeper still if only a single directory
exists below that. Helpful for package namespacing
like `src/main/scala/com/myorg`.
<Leader>ft "Find test". Like |scala-leader-fs|, but with
<Leader>fr "Find from root". For the rarer cases when you want to
start FuzzyFinder at project root (parent of `src/`).
Disabling Mappings~
If you wish to disable the default key mappings, write the following line in
your ~/.vimrc: >
let g:scala_use_default_keymappings = 0
CREDITS *scala-credits*
Developed by Derek Wyatt, building on initial work by Stefan Matthias Aust.
Distributed under the Apache 2 license.
Project's home and Git repository: https://github.com/derekwyatt/vim-scala