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local util = {}
function util.deepcompare(t1,t2,ignore_mt,cycles,thresh1,thresh2)
local ty1 = type(t1)
local ty2 = type(t2)
-- non-table types can be directly compared
if ty1 ~= 'table' or ty2 ~= 'table' then return t1 == t2 end
local mt1 = debug.getmetatable(t1)
local mt2 = debug.getmetatable(t2)
-- would equality be determined by metatable __eq?
if mt1 and mt1 == mt2 and mt1.__eq then
-- then use that unless asked not to
if not ignore_mt then return t1 == t2 end
else -- we can skip the deep comparison below if t1 and t2 share identity
if rawequal(t1, t2) then return true end
-- handle recursive tables
cycles = cycles or {{},{}}
thresh1, thresh2 = (thresh1 or 1), (thresh2 or 1)
cycles[1][t1] = (cycles[1][t1] or 0)
cycles[2][t2] = (cycles[2][t2] or 0)
if cycles[1][t1] == 1 or cycles[2][t2] == 1 then
thresh1 = cycles[1][t1] + 1
thresh2 = cycles[2][t2] + 1
if cycles[1][t1] > thresh1 and cycles[2][t2] > thresh2 then
return true
cycles[1][t1] = cycles[1][t1] + 1
cycles[2][t2] = cycles[2][t2] + 1
for k1,v1 in next, t1 do
local v2 = t2[k1]
if v2 == nil then
return false, {k1}
local same, crumbs = util.deepcompare(v1,v2,nil,cycles,thresh1,thresh2)
if not same then
crumbs = crumbs or {}
table.insert(crumbs, k1)
return false, crumbs
for k2,_ in next, t2 do
-- only check whether each element has a t1 counterpart, actual comparison
-- has been done in first loop above
if t1[k2] == nil then return false, {k2} end
cycles[1][t1] = cycles[1][t1] - 1
cycles[2][t2] = cycles[2][t2] - 1
return true
function util.shallowcopy(t)
if type(t) ~= "table" then return t end
local copy = {}
for k,v in next, t do
copy[k] = v
return copy
function util.deepcopy(t, deepmt, cache)
local spy = require 'luassert.spy'
if type(t) ~= "table" then return t end
local copy = {}
-- handle recursive tables
local cache = cache or {}
if cache[t] then return cache[t] end
cache[t] = copy
for k,v in next, t do
copy[k] = (spy.is_spy(v) and v or util.deepcopy(v, deepmt, cache))
if deepmt then
debug.setmetatable(copy, util.deepcopy(debug.getmetatable(t, nil, cache)))
debug.setmetatable(copy, debug.getmetatable(t))
return copy
-- Copies arguments as a list of arguments
-- @param args the arguments of which to copy
-- @return the copy of the arguments
function util.copyargs(args)
local copy = {}
local match = require 'luassert.match'
local spy = require 'luassert.spy'
for k,v in pairs(args) do
copy[k] = ((match.is_matcher(v) or spy.is_spy(v)) and v or util.deepcopy(v))
return { vals = copy, refs = util.shallowcopy(args) }
-- Finds matching arguments in a saved list of arguments
-- @param argslist list of arguments from which to search
-- @param args the arguments of which to find a match
-- @return the matching arguments if a match is found, otherwise nil
function util.matchargs(argslist, args)
local function matches(t1, t2, t1refs)
local match = require 'luassert.match'
for k1,v1 in pairs(t1) do
local v2 = t2[k1]
if match.is_matcher(v1) then
if not v1(v2) then return false end
elseif match.is_matcher(v2) then
if match.is_ref_matcher(v2) then v1 = t1refs[k1] end
if not v2(v1) then return false end
elseif (v2 == nil or not util.deepcompare(v1,v2)) then
return false
for k2,v2 in pairs(t2) do
-- only check wether each element has a t1 counterpart, actual comparison
-- has been done in first loop above
local v1 = t1[k2]
if v1 == nil then
-- no t1 counterpart, so try to compare using matcher
if match.is_matcher(v2) then
if not v2(v1) then return false end
return false
return true
for k,v in ipairs(argslist) do
if matches(v.vals, args, v.refs) then
return v
return nil
-- table.insert() replacement that respects nil values.
-- The function will use table field 'n' as indicator of the
-- table length, if not set, it will be added.
-- @param t table into which to insert
-- @param pos (optional) position in table where to insert. NOTE: not optional if you want to insert a nil-value!
-- @param val value to insert
-- @return No return values
function util.tinsert(...)
-- check optional POS value
local args = {...}
local c = select('#',...)
local t = args[1]
local pos = args[2]
local val = args[3]
if c < 3 then
val = pos
pos = nil
-- set length indicator n if not present (+1)
t.n = (t.n or #t) + 1
if not pos then
pos = t.n
elseif pos > t.n then
-- out of our range
t[pos] = val
t.n = pos
-- shift everything up 1 pos
for i = t.n, pos + 1, -1 do
-- add element to be inserted
t[pos] = val
-- table.remove() replacement that respects nil values.
-- The function will use table field 'n' as indicator of the
-- table length, if not set, it will be added.
-- @param t table from which to remove
-- @param pos (optional) position in table to remove
-- @return No return values
function util.tremove(t, pos)
-- set length indicator n if not present (+1)
t.n = t.n or #t
if not pos then
pos = t.n
elseif pos > t.n then
local removed = t[pos]
-- out of our range
t[pos] = nil
return removed
local removed = t[pos]
-- shift everything up 1 pos
for i = pos, t.n do
-- set size, clean last
t[t.n] = nil
t.n = t.n - 1
return removed
-- Checks an element to be callable.
-- The type must either be a function or have a metatable
-- containing an '__call' function.
-- @param object element to inspect on being callable or not
-- @return boolean, true if the object is callable
function util.callable(object)
return type(object) == "function" or type((debug.getmetatable(object) or {}).__call) == "function"
-- Checks an element has tostring.
-- The type must either be a string or have a metatable
-- containing an '__tostring' function.
-- @param object element to inspect on having tostring or not
-- @return boolean, true if the object has tostring
function util.hastostring(object)
return type(object) == "string" or type((debug.getmetatable(object) or {}).__tostring) == "function"
-- Find the first level, not defined in the same file as the caller's
-- code file to properly report an error.
-- @param level the level to use as the caller's source file
-- @return number, the level of which to report an error
function util.errorlevel(level)
local level = (level or 1) + 1 -- add one to get level of the caller
local info = debug.getinfo(level)
local source = (info or {}).source
local file = source
while file and (file == source or source == "=(tail call)") do
level = level + 1
info = debug.getinfo(level)
source = (info or {}).source
if level > 1 then level = level - 1 end -- deduct call to errorlevel() itself
return level
-- Extract modifier and namespace keys from list of tokens.
-- @param nspace the namespace from which to match tokens
-- @param tokens list of tokens to search for keys
-- @return table, list of keys that were extracted
function util.extract_keys(nspace, tokens)
local namespace = require 'luassert.namespaces'
-- find valid keys by coalescing tokens as needed, starting from the end
local keys = {}
local key = nil
local i = #tokens
while i > 0 do
local token = tokens[i]
key = key and (token .. '_' .. key) or token
-- find longest matching key in the given namespace
local longkey = i > 1 and (tokens[i-1] .. '_' .. key) or nil
while i > 1 and longkey and namespace[nspace][longkey] do
key = longkey
i = i - 1
token = tokens[i]
longkey = (token .. '_' .. key)
if namespace.modifier[key] or namespace[nspace][key] then
table.insert(keys, 1, key)
key = nil
i = i - 1
-- if there's anything left we didn't recognize it
if key then
error("luassert: unknown modifier/" .. nspace .. ": '" .. key .."'", util.errorlevel(2))
return keys
return util