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# ============================================================================
# FILE: defx.py
# AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
# License: MIT license
# ============================================================================
import typing
from defx.base.source import Base as Source
from defx.source.file.list import Source as SourceList
from defx.source.file import Source as SourceFile
from defx.context import Context
from defx.sort import sort
from defx.util import Nvim
from defx.util import cd, error
from pathlib import Path
Candidate = typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
class Defx(object):
def __init__(self, vim: Nvim, context: Context,
source_name: str, cwd: str, index: int) -> None:
self._vim = vim
self._context = context
self._cwd = self._vim.call('getcwd')
self._source: Source = (SourceList(self._vim)
if source_name == 'file/list'
else SourceFile(self._vim))
self._index = index
self._enabled_ignored_files = not context.show_ignored_files
self._filtered_files = context.filtered_files.split(',')
self._ignored_files = context.ignored_files.split(',')
self._cursor_history: typing.Dict[str, Path] = {}
self._sort_method: str = self._context.sort
self._mtime: int = -1
self._opened_candidates: typing.Set[str] = set()
self._selected_candidates: typing.Set[str] = set()
self._nested_candidates: typing.Set[str] = set()
def _init_source(self) -> None:
custom = self._vim.call('defx#custom#_get')['source']
name = self._source.name
if name in custom:
def debug(self, expr: typing.Any) -> None:
error(self._vim, expr)
def cd(self, path: str) -> None:
self._cwd = str(Path(self._cwd).joinpath(path))
if self._context.auto_cd and Path(path).is_dir():
cd(self._vim, path)
def get_root_candidate(self) -> Candidate:
Returns root candidate
if not self._source:
return {}
root = self._source.get_root_candidate(self._context, Path(self._cwd))
root['is_root'] = True
root['is_opened_tree'] = False
root['is_selected'] = False
root['level'] = 0
root['root_marker'] = self._context.root_marker + (
self._source.name + ':' if self._source.name != 'file' else '')
root['word'] = root['root_marker'] + root['word']
return root
def tree_candidates(
self, path: str, base_level: int, max_level: int
) -> typing.List[Candidate]:
gathered_candidates = self.gather_candidates_recursive(
path, base_level, max_level)
if not self._opened_candidates and not self._nested_candidates:
return gathered_candidates
candidates = []
for candidate in gathered_candidates:
candidate['level'] = base_level
candidate_path = str(candidate['action__path'])
if not candidate['is_directory']:
if (candidate_path not in self._opened_candidates and
candidate_path not in self._nested_candidates):
children = self.tree_candidates(
candidate_path, base_level + 1, max_level)
candidate['is_opened_tree'] = True
candidates += children
return candidates
def gather_candidates_recursive(
self, path: str, base_level: int, max_level: int
) -> typing.List[Candidate]:
candidates = self._gather_candidates(path, base_level)
if base_level >= max_level:
return candidates
ret = []
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate['is_directory']:
candidate['is_opened_tree'] = True
ret += self.gather_candidates_recursive(
str(candidate['action__path']), base_level + 1, max_level)
return ret
def _gather_candidates(
self, path: str, base_level: int = 0) -> typing.List[Candidate]:
Returns file candidates
if not self._source:
return []
candidates = self._source.gather_candidates(
self._context, Path(path))
if self._filtered_files != ['']:
new_candidates = []
for candidate in candidates:
matched = False
for glob in self._filtered_files:
if candidate['action__path'].match(glob):
matched = True
if matched or candidate['is_directory']:
candidates = new_candidates
if self._enabled_ignored_files:
for glob in self._ignored_files:
candidates = [x for x in candidates
if not x['action__path'].match(glob)]
for candidate in candidates:
candidate['is_opened_tree'] = False
candidate['is_root'] = False
candidate['is_selected'] = False
candidate['level'] = base_level
return sort(self._sort_method, candidates)