mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-12 01:27:53 +08:00
2023-07-13 00:00:35 +08:00

103 lines
3.9 KiB

if exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax ==# 'SpaceVimRunner'
let b:current_syntax = 'SpaceVimRunner'
syntax case ignore
syn match KeyBindings /\[Running\]/
syn match KeyBindings /\[Compile\]/
syn match RunnerCmd /\(\[Running\]\ \)\@<=.*/
syn match RunnerCmd /\(\[Compile\]\ \)\@<=.*/
syn match DoneSucceeded /\[Done]\(\ exited\ with\ code=0, single=0\)\@=/
syn match DoneSucceeded /\[Done]\(\ exited\ with\ code=0 in\)\@=/
syn match DoneFailed /\[Done]\(\ exited\ with\ code=[^0]\)\@=/
syn match DoneFailed /\[Done]\(\ exited\ with\ code=0, single=[^0]\)\@=/
syn match ExitCode /\(\[Done\]\ exited\ with \)\@<=code=0/
syn match ExitCodeFailed /\(\[Done\]\ exited\ with \)\@<=code=[1-9]\d*/
syn match SingleCode /single=0/
syn match SingleCodeFailed /single=[^0]/
hi def link RunnerCmd Comment
hi def link KeyBindings String
hi def link DoneSucceeded String
hi def link DoneFailed WarningMsg
hi def link ExitCode MoreMsg
hi def link SingleCode MoreMsg
hi def link ExitCodeFailed WarningMsg
hi def link SingleCodeFailed WarningMsg
let s:shellcmd_colors =
\ [
\ '#6c6c6c', '#ff6666', '#66ff66', '#ffd30a',
\ '#1e95fd', '#ff13ff', '#1bc8c8', '#c0c0c0',
\ '#383838', '#ff4444', '#44ff44', '#ffb30a',
\ '#6699ff', '#f820ff', '#4ae2e2', '#ffffff',
function! s:highlight_shell_cmd() abort
let highlight_table = {
\ '0' : ' cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE',
\ '1' : ' cterm=BOLD gui=BOLD',
\ '3' : ' cterm=ITALIC gui=ITALIC',
\ '4' : ' cterm=UNDERLINE gui=UNDERLINE',
\ '7' : ' cterm=REVERSE gui=REVERSE',
\ '8' : ' ctermfg=0 ctermbg=0 guifg=#000000 guibg=#000000',
\ '9' : ' gui=UNDERCURL',
\ '21' : ' cterm=UNDERLINE gui=UNDERLINE',
\ '22' : ' gui=NONE',
\ '23' : ' gui=NONE',
\ '24' : ' gui=NONE',
\ '25' : ' gui=NONE',
\ '27' : ' gui=NONE',
\ '28' : ' ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE',
\ '29' : ' gui=NONE',
\ '39' : ' ctermfg=NONE guifg=NONE',
\ '49' : ' ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE',
\ '90' : ' ctermfg=245 guifg=#928374',
\ '95' : ' ctermfg=175 guifg=#d3869b',
for color in range(30, 37)
" Foreground color pattern.
let highlight_table[color] = printf(' ctermfg=%d guifg=%s',
\ color - 30, s:shellcmd_colors[color - 30])
for color2 in [1, 3, 4, 7]
" Type;Foreground color pattern
let highlight_table[color2 . ';' . color] =
\ highlight_table[color2] . highlight_table[color]
for color in range(40, 47)
" Background color pattern.
let highlight_table[color] = printf(' ctermbg=%d guibg=%s',
\ color - 40, s:shellcmd_colors[color - 40])
for color2 in range(30, 37)
" Foreground;Background color pattern.
let highlight_table[color2 . ';' . color] =
\ highlight_table[color2] . highlight_table[color]
syntax match SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd_Conceal
\ contained conceal '\e\[[0-9;]*m'
\ containedin=SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd
syntax match SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd_Conceal
\ contained conceal '\e\[?1h'
\ containedin=SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd
syntax match uniteSource__Output_Shellcmd_Ignore
\ contained conceal '\e\[?\d[hl]\|\e=\r\|\r\|\e>'
\ containedin=SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd
for [key, highlight] in items(highlight_table)
let syntax_name = 'SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd_Color'
\ . substitute(key, ';', '_', 'g')
let syntax_command = printf('start=+\e\[0\?%sm+ end=+\ze\e[\[0*m]\|$+ ' .
\ 'contains=SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd_Conceal ' .
\ 'containedin=SpaceVimRunner__Output_Shellcmd oneline', key)
execute 'syntax region' syntax_name syntax_command
execute 'highlight' syntax_name highlight
call s:highlight_shell_cmd()