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*neoinclude.txt* Include completion framework for neocomplete/deoplete/ncm.
Version: 0.1
Author: Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
License: MIT license
CONTENTS *neoinclude-contents*
Introduction |neoinclude-introduction|
Install |neoinclude-install|
Interface |neoinclude-interface|
Commands |neoinclude-commands|
Variables |neoinclude-variables|
Functions |neoinclude-functions|
Examples |neoinclude-examples|
FAQ |neoinclude-faq|
INTRODUCTION *neoinclude-introduction*
*neoinclude* is the framework for |neocomplete|/|deoplete|/|ncm|.
It has "file/include" source and extends tag sources in neocomplete/deoplete/ncm.
INSTALL *neoinclude-install*
Requirements: neocomplete.vim, deoplete.nvim or ncm
INTERFACE *neoinclude-interface*
COMMANDS *neoinclude-commands*
:NeoIncludeMakeCache [bufname] *:NeoIncludeMakeCache*
Make a cache based on the buffer with the name [bufname].
The command selects the current buffer when you omit
VARIABLES *neoinclude-variables*
g:neoinclude#max_processes *g:neoinclude#max_processes*
This variable appoints the max number of include processes.
When this variable is 0, include process will be disabled.
Default value is 20.
g:neoinclude#ctags_commands *g:neoinclude#ctags_commands*
It is the dictionary of the path to the ctags command. The
dictionary's key is filetype. If the key is "_", it will be
used for default.
Note: If this command is not installed, "include" source is
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_ctags_commands".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_ctags_commands|.
g:neoinclude#ctags_arguments *g:neoinclude#ctags_arguments*
It is the dictionary of the character string to set a value
to give as an argument of the commands when buffer
and include use a ctags command. The dictionary's
key is filetype. If the key is "_", it will be used for
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_ctags_arguments".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_ctags_arguments|.
g:neoinclude#paths *g:neoinclude#paths*
It is the variable to enumerate path of the include file
every file type. When there is not it, 'path' is used.
Refer to 'path' for the description form. It is the
dictionary of the character string that assumed file type a
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_paths".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_paths|.
g:neoinclude#patterns *g:neoinclude#patterns*
This variable appoints the pattern of the include command.
When there is not it, 'include' is used. Refer to 'include'
for the description form. It is the dictionary of the
character string that assumed file type a key.
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_patterns".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_patterns|.
g:neoinclude#exprs *g:neoinclude#exprs*
It is the expression string of the line analysis to perform
to acquire an include file name. When there is not it,
'includeexpr' is used. Refer to 'includeexpr' for the
description form. It is the dictionary of the character
string that assumed file type a key.
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_exprs".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_exprs|.
g:neoinclude#reverse_exprs *g:neoinclude#reverse_exprs*
It is the expression string of the line analysis to perform
to substitute an include file name. When there is not it,
ignored. Refer to 'includeexpr' for the
description form. It is the dictionary of the character
string that assumed file type a key.
Example: Perl
if !exists('g:neoinclude#reverse_exprs')
let g:neoinclude#reverse_exprs = {}
let g:neoinclude#reverse_exprs.perl =
\ 'fnamemodify(substitute(v:fname, "/", "::", "g"), ":r")'
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_reverse_exprs".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_reverse_exprs|.
g:neoinclude#exts *g:neoinclude#exts*
It is the list of include file name extensions. When there
is not it, all file name is used. It is the dictionary of
the list that assumed file type a key. In order to use this
feature you have to initialize 'g:neoinclude#exts' as shown in
the following example.
Example: C++
if !exists('g:neoinclude#exts')
let g:neoinclude#exts = {}
let g:neoinclude#exts.cpp = ['', 'h', 'hpp', 'hxx']
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_exts".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_exts|.
g:neoinclude#delimiters *g:neoinclude#delimiters*
It is the delimiter character of include path. When there is
not it, "." is used. It is the dictionary of the string that
assumed file type a key.
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_delimiters".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_delimiters|.
g:neoinclude#functions *g:neoinclude#functions*
This variable appoints the function name of the include
command. When there is not it, ignored. It is the dictionary
of the function name string that assumed file type a key.
The function args are {lines} and {path}.
{lines} is the list of buffer lines.
{path} is the include path.
The return value is the list of include files.
Default value is in "g:neoinclude#_functions".
Buffer local variable of |g:neoinclude#_functions|.
FUNCTIONS *neoinclude-functions*
EXAMPLES *neoinclude-examples*
FAQ *neoinclude-faq*
Q: The ctags cache takes too much time.
A: You can disable it by |g:neoinclude#ctags_command| to empty string.
But you cannot use "include" source. You can use "file/include" source