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*grepper.txt* Helps you win at grep!
by Marco Hinz~
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_mhinz_
Github: http://github.com/mhinz
If you use any of my plugins, please star them on github. It's a great way
of getting feedback and gives me the kick to put more time into their
If you encounter any bugs or have feature requests, just open an issue
report on Github.
Get your Vim on!
CONTENTS *grepper-contents*
INTRO .................. |grepper-intro|
OPTIONS ................ |grepper-options|
COMMANDS ............... |grepper-:Grepper|
MAPPINGS ............... |grepper-mappings|
OPERATOR ............... |grepper-operator|
TOOLS .................. |grepper-tools|
AUTOCMD ................ |grepper-autocmd|
STATUSLINE ............. |grepper-statusline|
COLORS ................. |grepper-colors|
SIDE ................... |grepper-side|
FAQ .................... |grepper-faq|
EXAMPLE ................ |grepper-example|
INTRO *grepper-intro*
This plugin is a convenience wrapper around |'grepprg'| and |'grepformat'|,
supports most common grep tools, and is easily extendable.
You choose a tool, enter a query, and get your matches into a |quickfix| list.
If the query is empty, |<cword>| will be used as query.
Searches (Neovim and Vim 7.4.1967+) will be executed asynchronously. Thus you
will be able to continue editing while the grep program is still running.
These tools are supported by default:
OPTIONS *g:grepper* *b:grepper* *grepper-options*
This plugin uses a single |Dictionary| for the global configuration: `g:grepper`.
For buffer-local configurations use `b:grepper` instead.
If you want to set global grepper options in your vimrc, use either of the
following two lines first:
let g:grepper = {} " initialize g:grepper with empty dictionary
runtime plugin/grepper.vim " initialize g:grepper with default values
Make sure to have a look at |grepper-example|.
All options:~
*g:grepper.buffer* *g:grepper.buffers* >
let g:grepper.buffer = 0
Grep the current buffer.
let g:grepper.buffers = 0
Grep all loaded buffers.
NOTE: Make sure to write any pending changes before grepping, since grep tools
work on actual files, not Vim buffers.
*g:grepper.highlight* >
let g:grepper.highlight = 0
Highlight found matches. This implies |g:grepper.searchreg|.
*g:grepper.quickfix* >
let g:grepper.quickfix = 1
Use the quickfix list for the matches or the location list otherwise.
*g:grepper.open* >
let g:grepper.open = 1
Open the quickfix/location window after the grep tool finished running (and
there was at least one match).
*g:grepper.switch* >
let g:grepper.switch = 1
When the quickfix/location window opens, switch to it.
*g:grepper.jump* >
let g:grepper.jump = 0
Automatically jump to the first match.
*g:grepper.prompt* >
let g:grepper.prompt = 1
To prompt or not to prompt!
NOTE: When you disable the prompt, `:Grepper` will act as `:Grepper -noprompt` .
Without any other option this uses an empty query by default. Since some tools
don't even handle empty queries, the empty query will be replaced by the word
under the cursor. Use |:Grepper-query| to use your own query.
*g:grepper.prompt_text* >
let g:grepper.prompt_text = '$c> '
The text the prompt displays. It knows two specifiers:
$c The full grep command.
$t The grep tool name.
*g:grepper.prompt_quote* >
let g:grepper.prompt_quote = 0
Think of the prompt as a pre-populated command-line in your shell. When the
query contains whitespace or other special characters, you need to quote it.
But the input to the prompt is not limited to only the actual query. You're
free to give other options to the specified tool like you would in the shell.
E.g. the git prompt defaults to `git grep -nI`, so `-i 'foo bar' *.vim` is a
perfectly valid query.
To keep that flexibility, Grepper does not quote the query by default.
The following values are available:
1 Quote the query automatically.
2 Populate the prompt with single quotes and put cursor in between.
3 Populate the prompt with double quotes and put cursor in between.
*g:grepper.dir* >
let g:grepper.dir = 'cwd'
Change working directory before grepping and switch back afterwards.
Use the current working directory as reported by |:pwd|.
Change to the directory of the current buffer.
Change to the directory of the current buffer, but only, if that directory
isn't below the current working directory already.
Start searching for any directory or file from |g:grepper.repo| from the
current directory upwards. If there is a match, switch to its directory.
Exception: If git is used, we first try `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`,
since submodules don't have an own .git directory.
You can specify multiple values:
let g:grepper.dir = 'repo,file'
In this case, `file` is only used if `repo` failed.
*g:grepper.repo* >
let g:grepper.repo = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn']
The directories or files to search for when using |g:grepper.dir| with `repo`.
*g:grepper.simple_prompt* >
let g:grepper.simple_prompt = 0
Only show the tool name in the prompt, without any of its arguments.
DEPRECATED: Use |g:grepper.prompt_text| instead.
*g:grepper.side* >
let g:grepper.side = 0
Open a new window and show matches with surrounding context. See |grepper-side|
for details.
*g:grepper.side_cmd* >
let g:grepper.side_cmd = 'vnew'
The command used for opening the side window. See |grepper-side| for details.
*g:grepper.tools* >
let g:grepper.tools =
\ ['git', 'ag', 'ack', 'ack-grep', 'grep', 'findstr', 'rg', 'pt', 'sift']
These are the tools that you can choose from. The first tool in this list is
the default tool and always gets used if no other tool was explicitly
Git is a special case since it doesn't work in every directory. If it is in
front of the list, but `:Grepper` (without |:Grepper-tool|) is used outside of
a git repo, it will be removed from the list and `:Grepper` falls back to the
next tool in line.
NOTE: Because of a name clash, some systems use "ack-grep" instead of "ack".
If both are included in this option and found to be executable, "ack" will be
removed, so "ack-grep" gets preferred.
*g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool* >
let g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool = '<tab>'
The prompt uses this mapping to toggle the |:Grepper-tool| flag.
This can also be the same mapping as for opening the prompt:
nnoremap <leader>g :Grepper<cr>
let g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool = '<leader>g'
NOTE: The obsolete alias for this option is `g:grepper.next_tool`.
*g:grepper.prompt_mapping_dir* >
let g:grepper.prompt_mapping_dir = '<c-d>'
The prompt uses this mapping to toggle the |:Grepper-dir| flag.
*g:grepper.prompt_mapping_side* >
let g:grepper.prompt_mapping_side = '<c-s>'
The prompt uses this mapping to toggle the |:Grepper-side| flag.
*g:grepper.stop* >
let g:grepper.stop = 5000
This limits the number of matches for asynchronous searches. Thus, the grep
tool is terminated early when the given number is reached. All present matches
that were found so far can be accessed.
Chances are, if you have more than 5000 matches, you executed Grepper in a
place with too many subdirectories or your search query was too general or
both. This limits the impact of otherwise long-running processes.
*g:grepper.append* >
let g:grepper.append = 0
Append matches to the current quickfix or location list.
*g:grepper.searchreg* >
let g:grepper.searchreg = 0
The query, after changed to a Vim regexp, is added to the last search register
(|quote/|) and search |history|.
This can be used to quickly jump between matches in the current buffer via the
usual |n|/|N|.
COMMANDS *grepper-:Grepper*
:Grepper [flags]
Without any flags, this opens the prompt with the default tool. The default
tool is the first tool in |g:grepper.tools|.
All flags:~
*:Grepper-buffer* *:Grepper-buffers* >
Only grep either the current buffer or all loaded buffers, instead of working
on the current working directory.
*:Grepper-highlight* >
Overrules |g:grepper.highlight|.
*:Grepper-jump* >
Overrules |g:grepper.jump|.
*:Grepper-open* >
Overrules |g:grepper.open|.
*:Grepper-switch* >
Overrules |g:grepper.switch|.
*:Grepper-quickfix* >
Overrules |g:grepper.quickfix|.
*:Grepper-prompt* >
Overrules |g:grepper.prompt|.
*:Grepper-dir* >
-dir <value>
Overrules |g:grepper.dir|.
*:Grepper-side* >
Overrules |g:grepper.side|.
*:Grepper-tool* >
-tool <tool>
Use the given tool from |g:grepper-tools| instead of the default one.
*:Grepper-cword* >
Populate the prompt with the word under cursor.
nnoremap <leader>* :Grepper -tool git -open -switch -cword -noprompt<cr>
*:Grepper-cd* >
-cd <dir>
Run tool in given directory. When the tool is done, change back to original
This must be the last flag!~
*:Grepper-query* >
-query <query>
Search using this query.
This is NOT meant for adding options to the tool. See |grepper-faq-05|.
This must be the last flag!~
*:Grepper-grepprg* >
-grepprg <cmd>
Overrule the default |'grepprg'| for the current tool. See |grepper-tools| for
what a tool is made of.
NOTE: It's recommended to use this together with |:Grepper-tool|, so that the
output gets escaped properly.
:Grepper -tool ag -grepprg ag --vimgrep -G '^.+\.txt'
This must be the last flag!~
*:Grepper-stop* >
-stop [number]
Overrules |g:grepper.stop|.
This flag can be used in two ways:
`:Grepper -stop 100` start search and stop at ~100 matches
`:Grepper -stop` stop the currently running search
NOTE: Starting a new search will stop the currently running job anyway.
*:Grepper-append* >
Overrules |g:grepper.append|.
MAPPINGS *grepper-mappings*
Search prompt:~
<cr> Start search with current query.
<tab> Toggle -tool flag. (|g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool|)
<c-d> Toggle -dir flag. (|g:grepper.prompt_mapping_dir|)
<c-s> Toggle -side flag. (|g:grepper.prompt_mapping_side|)
<esc> Close prompt without searching.
<c-c> Close prompt without searching.
<c-f> Open |cmdline-window|. Use <c-c><c-c> to quit without searching.
If you crave any mappings for the quickfix window, I suggest having a look at
dedicated plugins:
- https://github.com/yssl/QFEnter
- https://github.com/romainl/vim-qf
OPERATOR *grepper-operator*
There is no default mapping for the operator, but you can set it like this:
nmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
xmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
This defines an |operator| "gs" that takes any |{motion}| and starts searching
for the selected query right away. The query is quoted automatically.
Useful examples are gsW, gsiw, or gsi". See |text-objects| for all of them.
In visual mode, it uses the current selection.
Whereas |g:grepper| is used to configure the global behaviour of this plugin,
`g:grepper.operator` can be used to configure the behaviour of the operator.
`g:grepper.operator` takes exactly the same |grepper-options|.
There is only one difference between both "namespaces" by default, the
operator won't prompt. To change this, put this in your vimrc:
runtime plugin/grepper.vim " initialize g:grepper with default values
let g:grepper.operator.prompt = 1
If you have vim-repeat installed, you can repeat the operator action. For
example, you can "gsiw" on "nice_word" to populate the search prompt with
"nice_word". Next time you hit ".", "gsiw" will be repeated and the search
prompt populated with the current |word| under the cursor.
TOOLS *grepper-tools*
A tool is, like any other option, just a key in |g:grepper|. If you add a new
tool, you have to add it to |g:grepper.tools| as well.
" initialize g:grepper with defaults
runtime plugin/grepper.vim
let g:grepper.tools += ['git']
let g:grepper.git = {
\ 'grepprg': 'git grep -nI',
\ 'grepformat': '%f:%l:%m',
\ 'escape': '\^$.*[]',
\ }
If you merely want to add an option for a default tool:
runtime plugin/grepper.vim
let g:grepper.rg.grepprg .= ' --smart-case'
Use these placeholders with 'grepprg' or 'grepprgbuf':
$* Will be replaced by the query.
$. Will be replaced by the name of the current buffer.
$+ Will be replaced by the names of all loaded buffers.
Buffers that are not backed by a file will be ignored.
grepprg The actual command to run. The tool has be executable, but it
doesn't have to be in $PATH. This works just as well:
'grepprg': '~/bin/greppy -a -b --c'
grepprgbuf This will be used for |:Grepper-buffer| and |:Grepper-buffers|.
If this key doesn't exist, it will default to the value of
'grepprg' appended by:
-buffer: " $* $."
-buffers: " $* $+"
grepformat This is optional. If the output of 'grepprg' uses a format that
is not already recognized by the default |'grepformat'|, define
it yourself here.
escape This is optional. A query entered in the prompt is used as-is,
as if you would use the same query in the shell. Thus you have
to escape characters with a special meaning yourself. But when
using the |grepper-operator| on a text selection, the characters
from this string get escaped automatically.
AUTOCMD *grepper-autocmd*
When a grep tool finishes running, the plugin emits an event. Handle it like
autocmd User Grepper <any commands here>
NOTE: Autocmds don't nest by default. If you use any command that would
trigger new events, be sure to add "nested": |autocmd-nested|.
STATUSLINE *grepper-statusline*
The function `grepper#statusline()` returns either the command of the
currently running search or an empty string.
let &statusline .= ' %{grepper#statusline()}'
COLORS *grepper-colors*
Default highlight group: GrepperPrompt linked to |hl-Question|.
highlight GrepperPrompt ctermfg=160 guifg=#ff0000 cterm=NONE
Error messages:~
Default highlight group: |hl-ErrorMsg|
highlight ErrorMsg ctermfg=160 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE
Only two things get highlighted: the filename and the separator between
contexts which uses the |conceal| feature. Change it like this:
highlight GrepperSideFile ctermfg=161 cterm=reverse
highlight Conceal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=250
GrepperSideFile links to |hl-Directory| by default.
SIDE *grepper-side*
This feature opens a new window containing all matches plus three lines of
surround context. Matches near to each other get merged into the same context.
Implies -noopen and -highlight.
Use `}`and `{` to jump to contexts. `o` opens the current context in the
last window. `<cr>` opens the current context in the last window, but closes
the current window first.
Set |g:grepper.side_cmd| to open the side window with a command other than
After the buffer of the new window is filled with the matches, the
"GrepperSide" filetype is set.
There's also a buffer-local variable "b:grepper_side" that contains the
regular expression used for the context separators.
Example: indent contexts
autocmd FileType GrepperSide
\ silent execute 'keeppatterns v#'.b:grepper_side.'#>'
\| silent normal! ggn
Explanation: When the autocmd is triggered, |:vglobal| will match all lines
that are NOT context separators. These lines will be shifted using |:>|.
Since :vglobal works from top to bottom, we end up on the last line, so we
use |gg| and |n| to jump back to the first match afterwards.
FAQ *grepper-faq*
|grepper-faq-01| How to grep from the repository root?
|grepper-faq-02| How to change the colors of the quickfix window?
|grepper-faq-03| How to use queries that begin with dashes?
|grepper-faq-04| How to use the default quickfix window height?
|grepper-faq-05| How to change the default options of a tool?
How to grep from the repository root?~
Have a look at |g:grepper.dir| and |:Grepper-dir|.
How to change the colors of the quickfix window?~
The quickfix window uses these highlight groups:
qfFileName (inherits from Directory highlight group)
E.g. the colors used in grepper.gif come from my colorscheme:
This colorscheme uses these settings:
highlight Directory
\ ctermfg=216 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#ffaf87 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
highlight qfLineNr
\ ctermfg=238 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#444444 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
highlight qfSeparator
\ ctermfg=243 ctermbg=NONE cterm=NONE guifg=#767676 guibg=NONE gui=NONE
How to use queries that begin with dashes?~
A query is put on the command-line as-is. If it starts with a dash, the search
fails. The VCS tool thinks you try to provide an option and that the actual
argument is missing.
To avoid that, most Unix programs interpret `--` (double-dash) as separator
between options and arguments. Thus, if you want to grep "-foo", use "-- -foo"
as query instead.
If you never use any options in the search prompt anyway, you can make it the
default like this:
runtime plugin/grepper.vim
let g:grepper.ag.grepprg .= ' --'
How to use the default quickfix window height?~
If you prefer the default quickfix window height of 10 lines, no matter how
many matches grepper found, put this in your vimrc:
let g:grepper = { 'open': 0 }
autocmd User Grepper copen
How to change the default options of a tool?~
If you use `:Grepper -tool git` the prompt shows how the tool is invoked:
git grep -nI
You can change this by setting `g:grepper.<tool>.grepprg`.
E.g. to get case-insensitive git searches, just append to the default:
runtime plugin/grepper.vim
let g:grepper.git.grepprg .= 'i'
(The first line is needed to initialize |g:grepper| with default values.)
Use |:Grepper-grepprg| to overwrite the default grepprg on the fly.
EXAMPLE *grepper-example*
This is a possible configuration..
" for browsing the input history
cnoremap <c-n> <down>
cnoremap <c-p> <up>
nmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
xmap gs <plug>(GrepperOperator)
nnoremap <leader>gg :Grepper -tool git<cr>
nnoremap <leader>ga :Grepper -tool ag<cr>
nnoremap <leader>gs :Grepper -tool ag -side<cr>
nnoremap <leader>* :Grepper -tool ag -cword -noprompt<cr>
let g:grepper = {}
let g:grepper.tools = ['git', 'ag', 'grep']
let g:grepper.open = 0
let g:grepper.jump = 1
let g:grepper.prompt_mapping_tool = '<leader>g'
command! Todo Grepper -noprompt -tool git -query -E '(TODO|FIXME|XXX):'
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