mirror of https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git synced 2025-03-23 17:49:57 +08:00
Wang Shidong d0c7c389ff
Improve flygrep (#1898)
* fix delay for fly grep in neovim

* escape for command

* Improve flygrep

* Improve logger

* Fix cmd

* Fix flygrep statusline

* Fix flygrep statusline number

* Improve rg support

* Fix ag support

* Fix ag support

* Escape shell command

* Fix rg support

* 🍺 improve flygep

* Indent prompt with flygrep windows

* Indent flygep prompt

* Fix win screenpos api

* Do not redraw screen

* Detect compatible api

* Log stderr for debug

* Fix vim8 support

* Add key bindings
2018-07-09 17:16:38 +08:00

201 lines
6.8 KiB

" search.vim --- search tools in SpaceVim
" Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Wang Shidong & Contributors
" Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg at 163.com >
" URL: https://spacevim.org
" License: GPLv3
let s:search_tools = {}
let s:search_tools.namespace = {
\ 'rg' : 'r',
\ 'ag' : 'a',
\ 'pt' : 't',
\ 'ack' : 'k',
\ 'grep' : 'g',
\ }
let s:search_tools.a = {}
let s:search_tools.a.command = 'ag'
let s:search_tools.a.default_opts =
\ [
\ '-i', '--column', '--hidden', '--ignore',
\ '.hg', '--ignore', '.svn', '--ignore', '.git', '--ignore', '.bzr',
\ ]
let s:search_tools.a.recursive_opt = []
let s:search_tools.a.expr_opt = []
let s:search_tools.a.fixed_string_opt = ['-F']
let s:search_tools.a.default_fopts = ['--nonumber']
let s:search_tools.a.smart_case = ['-S']
let s:search_tools.a.ignore_case = ['-i']
let s:search_tools.t = {}
let s:search_tools.t.command = 'pt'
let s:search_tools.t.default_opts = ['--nogroup', '--nocolor']
let s:search_tools.t.recursive_opt = []
let s:search_tools.t.expr_opt = ['-e']
let s:search_tools.t.fixed_string_opt = []
let s:search_tools.t.default_fopts = []
let s:search_tools.t.smart_case = ['-S']
let s:search_tools.t.ignore_case = ['-i']
let s:search_tools.r = {}
let s:search_tools.r.command = 'rg'
let s:search_tools.r.default_opts = [
\ '--hidden', '--no-heading', '--color=never', '--with-filename', '--line-number', '--column',
\ '-g', '!.git'
\ ]
let s:search_tools.r.recursive_opt = []
let s:search_tools.r.expr_opt = ['-e']
let s:search_tools.r.fixed_string_opt = ['-F']
let s:search_tools.r.default_fopts = ['-N']
let s:search_tools.r.smart_case = ['-S']
let s:search_tools.r.ignore_case = ['-i']
let s:search_tools.k = {}
let s:search_tools.k.command = 'ack'
let s:search_tools.k.default_opts = ['-i', '--no-heading', '--no-color', '-k', '-H']
let s:search_tools.k.recursive_opt = []
let s:search_tools.k.expr_opt = []
let s:search_tools.k.fixed_string_opt = []
let s:search_tools.k.default_fopts = []
let s:search_tools.k.smart_case = ['--smart-case']
let s:search_tools.k.ignore_case = ['--ignore-case']
let s:search_tools.g = {}
let s:search_tools.g.command = 'grep'
let s:search_tools.g.default_opts = ['-inHr']
let s:search_tools.g.expr_opt = ['-e']
let s:search_tools.g.fixed_string_opt = ['-F']
let s:search_tools.g.recursive_opt = ['.']
let s:search_tools.g.default_fopts = []
let s:search_tools.g.smart_case = []
let s:search_tools.g.ignore_case = ['-i']
function! SpaceVim#mapping#search#grep(key, scope) abort
let cmd = s:search_tools[a:key]['command']
let opt = s:search_tools[a:key]['default_opts']
let ropt = s:search_tools[a:key]['recursive_opt']
let ignore = s:search_tools[a:key]['ignore_case']
let smart = s:search_tools[a:key]['smart_case']
let expr = s:search_tools[a:key]['expr_opt']
if a:scope ==# 'b'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : input('grep pattern:'),
\ 'files':'@buffers',
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
elseif a:scope ==# 'B'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : expand('<cword>'),
\ 'files':'@buffers',
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
elseif a:scope ==# 'p'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : input('grep pattern:'),
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
elseif a:scope ==# 'P'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : expand('<cword>'),
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
elseif a:scope ==# 'd'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : input('grep pattern:'),
\ 'dir' : fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:h'),
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
elseif a:scope ==# 'D'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : expand('<cword>'),
\ 'dir' : fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:h'),
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
elseif a:scope ==# 'f'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : input('grep pattern:'),
\ 'dir' : input('arbitrary dir:', '', 'dir'),
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
elseif a:scope ==# 'F'
call SpaceVim#plugins#flygrep#open({
\ 'input' : expand('<cword>'),
\ 'dir' : input('arbitrary dir:', '', 'dir'),
\ 'cmd' : cmd,
\ 'opt' : opt,
\ 'ropt' : ropt,
\ 'ignore_case' : ignore,
\ 'smart_case' : smart,
\ 'expr_opt' : expr,
\ })
function! SpaceVim#mapping#search#default_tool() abort
if !has_key(s:search_tools, 'default_exe')
for t in get(g:, 'spacevim_search_tools', ['rg', 'ag', 'pt', 'ack', 'grep'])
if executable(t)
let s:search_tools.default_exe = t
let key = s:search_tools.namespace[t]
let s:search_tools.default_opt = s:search_tools[key]['default_opts']
let s:search_tools.default_ropt = s:search_tools[key]['recursive_opt']
let s:search_tools.expr_opt = s:search_tools[key]['expr_opt']
let s:search_tools.fixed_string_opt = s:search_tools[key]['fixed_string_opt']
let s:search_tools.ignore_case = s:search_tools[key]['ignore_case']
let s:search_tools.smart_case = s:search_tools[key]['smart_case']
return [
\ s:search_tools.default_exe,
\ s:search_tools.default_opt,
\ s:search_tools.default_ropt,
\ s:search_tools.expr_opt,
\ s:search_tools.fixed_string_opt,
\ s:search_tools.ignore_case,
\ s:search_tools.smart_case,
\ ]
function! SpaceVim#mapping#search#getFopt(exe) abort
let key = s:search_tools.namespace[a:exe]
return s:search_tools[key]['default_fopts']