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# ecvimlib.ps1: Editorconfig Vimscript core CLI, PowerShell version,
# library routines.
# Copyright (c) 2018--2019 Chris White. All rights reserved.
# Licensed CC-BY-SA, version 3.0 or any later version, at your option.
# N.B.: debug output uses Warning only because those are displayed by default.
#Requires -Version 3
# Get the directory of this script. From
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/5466355/2877364 by
# https://stackoverflow.com/users/23283/jaredpar
$global:DIR = $PSScriptRoot
### Set up debugging output ============================================
$global:debug=$env:EDITORCONFIG_DEBUG # Debug filename
if($global:debug -and ($global:debug -notmatch '^/')) {
# Relative to this script unless it starts with a slash. This is because
# cwd is usually not $DIR when testing.
### Process args =======================================================
function de64_args($argv) {
$argv | % {
$b64 = $_ -replace '-','=' -replace '_','/' -replace '\.','+'
### Helpers ============================================================
# Append a string to $debug in UTF-8 rather than the default UTF-16
filter global:D($file = $debug) {
if($debug) {
echo $_ | Out-File -FilePath $file -Encoding utf8 -Append
# Escape a string for Vim
function global:vesc($str) {
return "'" + ($str -replace "'","''") + "'"
# Escape a string for a command-line argument.
# See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.diagnostics.processstartinfo.arguments?view=netframework-4.7.2
function global:argesc($arg) {
return '"' + ($arg -replace '"','"""') + '"'
### Find the Vim EXE ===================================================
function global:Find-Vim
if($env:VIM_EXE) {
if($debug) { echo "Using env Vim $($env:VIM_EXE)" | D }
return $env:VIM_EXE
$vims = @(get-childitem 'c:\program files*\vim\**\vim.exe' | `
sort LastWriteTime -Descending) # @() => always array
# write-host ($vims | format-table | out-string) # DEBUG
# write-host ($vims | get-member | out-string)
if($vims.count -gt 0) {
if($debug) { echo "Using found Vim $($vims[0].FullName)" | D }
return $vims[0].FullName
throw "Could not find vim.exe. Please set VIM_EXE to the path to your Vim."
} #Find-Vim
### Runner =============================================================
# Run a process with the given arguments.
function global:run_process
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$run,
[string]$stdout, # Redirect stdout to this file
[string]$stderr, # Redirect stderr to this file
[string[]]$argv # Arguments to $run
$si = new-object Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
if($extrapath) {
# Stringify the arguments (blech)
$argstr = $argv | % { (argesc $_) + ' ' }
$si.Arguments = $argstr;
if($debug) { echo "Running process $run with arguments >>$argstr<<" | D }
# DEBUG $si.RedirectStandardInput=$true
if($stdout) {
if($debug) { echo "Saving stdout to ${stdout}" | D }
if($stderr) {
if($debug) { echo "Saving stderr to ${stderr}" | D }
$p = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($si)
# DEBUG $p.StandardInput.Close() # < /dev/null
$retval = $p.ExitCode
if($stdout) {
echo "Standard output:" | D $stdout
$p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | `
Out-File -FilePath $stdout -Encoding utf8 -Append
if($stderr) {
echo "Standard error:" | D $stderr
$p.StandardError.ReadToEnd() | `
Out-File -FilePath $stderr -Encoding utf8 -Append
return $retval
if($debug) {
echo "======================================================" | D
Get-Date -format F | D
$global:VIM = Find-Vim