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*gina-develop.txt* A document of gina.vim for developer
Author: Alisue <lambdalisue@hashnote.net>
License: MIT license
CONTENTS *gina-dev-contents*
FUNCTIONS |gina-dev-functions|
EVENTS |gina-dev-events|
This document is mainly for memo and not complete.
You should check source code for the correct information.
FUNCTIONS *gina-dev-functions*
It returns a {git} instance of a current buffer or a specified
buffer by "expr" attribute on {options}.
It returns an empty dictionary if the buffer does not belongs to any
git repository.
The {git} instance is cached in "b:gina" until
1. The bufname has not changed
2. The 'buftype' has not changed
3. Current working directory of the buffer has not changed
When this function is called with 'verbose' option, extra information
about cache are shown as debug information.
Developers can control this cache behavior with "cache" attribute on
{options} dictionary as
"never" It always search ".git"
"truth" Use cache when the buffer belongs to a git repository
"always" Use cache even when the buffer does not belogs to a
git repository
The default value of "cache" attribute is "always".
Similar to |gina#core#get()| but it throws an exception when no git
repository is found.
The exception is thrown by |gina#core#revelator#warning()| so the
exception is automatically catched and shown as |hl-WarningMsg| when
this function is called by |gina#core#revelator#call()|.
While this function is used when a {git} instance is critical for an
operation, a default value of "cache" attribute of {options} is
"truth" instead of "always".
Parse a pseudo buffer name and return a parameter dictionary.
It returns an empty dictionary if the {expr} does not starts from
The parameter dictionary contains
"repo" A git repository name
"scheme" A command scheme (e.g. "show")
"params" A parameter list separated by ":"
"treeish" A treeish string
"rev" A rev string of the "treeish"
"path" A relative path of the "treeish"
echo gina#core#buffer#parse('gina://foobar:log')
" {
" 'repo': 'foo',
" 'scheme': 'log',
" 'params': [],
" 'treeish': '',
" 'rev': '',
" 'path': '',
" }
echo gina#core#buffer#parse('gina://foobar:commit:amend')
" {
" 'repo': 'foo',
" 'scheme': 'commit',
" 'params': ['amend'],
" 'treeish': '',
" 'rev': '',
" 'path': '',
" }
echo gina#core#buffer#params('gina://foobar:show/HEAD:README.md')
" {
" 'repo': 'foo',
" 'scheme': 'show',
" 'params': [],
" 'treeish': 'HEAD:README.md',
" 'rev': 'HEAD',
" 'path': 'README.md',
" }
gina#core#buffer#open({bufname} [, {options}])
Open or focus a {bufname} with specified {options}.
The following attributes are allowed in {options}.
"mods" A modifier string (e.g. "vertical", "botright")
"group" A group name. If there is a buffer which belongs to a
same group, a new buffer is opened in that window
instead of a new window.
"opener" A opener string like "edit" or "botright split"
"cmdarg" A |cmdarg| used for "++enc" or "++ff"
"line" A line number where the cursor should locate
"col" A column number where the cursor should locate
"callback" A callback dictionary which has
"fn" A funcref which is called prior to |BufReadCmd|.
"args" An argument list passed to "fn"
The "callback" attribute is used to pass a variable into the buffer
1. Vim's autocmd cannot take attribute so it is difficult to know what
kind of attribute has passed to the command in |BufReadCmd|
2. An opened buffer may not be focused while the buffer may be opened
in a |previewwindow|.
So gina.vim use this callback to save a specified argument into a meta
dictionary like (see autoload/gina/command/status.vim)
function! gina#command#status#call(range, args, mods) abort
" ...
call gina#core#buffer#open(bufname, {
\ 'mods': a:mods,
\ 'group': args.params.group,
\ 'opener': args.params.opener,
\ 'cmdarg': args.params.cmdarg,
\ 'callback': {
\ 'fn': function('s:init'),
\ 'args': [args],
\ }
function! s:init(args) abort
call gina#core#meta#set('args', a:args)
" ...
Focus a buffer specified by {expr} and return a guard instance to
restore the focus.
It returns |v:null| when no corresponding buffer of {expr} is
let guard = gina#core#buffer#focus('foo')
" A buffer "foo" is focused
call guard.restore()
" Focus is backed to the previous one
gina#core#emitter#emit({name} [, {arg}...])
Emit a {name} event with specified arguments.
Use |gina#core#emitter#subscribe()| to subscrite the event.
gina#core#emitter#subscribe({name}, {listener} [, {instance}])
Subscribe a {name} event with {listener}.
If an {instance} is specified, the {listener} funcref is called with
that {instance}.
gina#core#emitter#unsubscribe({name}, {listener} [, {instance}])
Unsubscribe a {name} event with {listener}.
Return an exception message which will be handled by a default
exception handler.
The message is shown as an information message and |v:throwpoint|
will be shown when |verbose| has specified.
The message is assigned to |v:statusmsg| as well.
Return an exception message which will be handled by a default
exception handler.
The message is shown as a warning message and |v:throwpoint|
will be shown when |verbose| has specified.
The message is assigned to |v:warningmsg| as well.
Return an exception message which will be handled by a default
exception handler.
The message is shown as an error message and |v:throwpoint|
will be shown when |verbose| has specified.
The message is assigned to |v:errmsg| as well.
Return an exception message which will be handled by a default
exception handler.
The message and |v:throwpoint| are shown as error messages.
The message is assigned to |v:errmsg| as well.
gina#core#revelator#call({funcref}, {args} [, {instance}])
Similar to |call()| but exception occured in {funcref} will be handled
by registered exception handlers.
Use the following to create a special exception message to throw.
Usage example:
function! s:foo() abort
throw gina#core#revelator#info('An information')
call gina#core#revelator#call(function('s:foo'), [])
" -> "An information"
gina#core#meta#get({name} [, {default}])
Return a value of a {name} entry in a meta dictionary of the current
buffer. It returns {default} if no {name} is found.
Similar to |gina#core#meta#get()| but it throws an exception when
there is no {name} found in a meta dictionary of the current buffer.
gina#core#meta#set({name}, {value})
Set a value of a {name} entry in a meta dictionary of the current
buffer to {value}.
Return 1 if {name} is found in a meta dictionary of the current
Remove a {name} entry in a meta dictionary of the current buffer.
Clear a meta dictionary of the current buffer.
gina#process#open({git}, {args} [, {options}])
A low-level API to execute a process.
Start a new job process with {git} and {args} (Vital.Argument) and
return a Vital.System.Job instance.
Developers can confirm an exact argument by executing this function
with |verbose|.
The prefix of the actual argument is |g:gina#process#command|.
See documents about Vital.System.Job (lambdalisue/vital-System-Job)
and Vital.Argument (self-vital of gina.vim currently).
gina#process#call({git}, {args} [, {options}])
Similar to |gina#process#open()| but it wait until the process
has terminate and return a result instance which has
"args" An actual argument used to start the process
"status" An exit status
"stdout" A stdout content list
"stderr" A stderr content list
"content" A mixture of stdout/stderr list
gina#process#call_or_fail({git}, {args} [, {options}])
Similar to |gina#process#call()| but it throws an exception when the
process fail.
Echo the {result.content}.
It also shows {result.args} when the {result.status} is not 0.
It return an exception message of {result} built by
Expand {expr} based on a buffer name. It is used to get a
corresponding existing filename of a pseudo buffer.
echo gina#core#repo#expand('gina://foo:show/HEAD:README.md')
" -> README.md
edit gina://foo:show/HEAD:README.md
echo gina#core#repo#expand('%')
" -> README.md
EVENTS *gina-dev-events*
Gina will emit an event when something has happend.
The following events are used internally.
Emitted when a status of a git repository seems to be modified.
This event is used to update the buffer content and caches internally.
Users should NOT emit this event directly, use "modified:delay"
Used to squash sequential modified event into a single "modified"
It emits "modified" event few milliseconds after the event emitted and
ignore all previous "modified:delay" events emitted within that time.
Users should NOT subscribe this event directly, use "modifihed"
command:called {scheme}
Emitted when a gina's command (|:Gina|) has called and the initial
process has terminated.
A listener will be called with {scheme} which indicate what command
has called.
Note that a command which requires an additional step (e.g. commit,
patch) will emit this event when the command get ready and will emit
"command:called:complete" after the actual command has terminated
(e.g. A commit message was comitted. A patch was saved into an index)
command:called:raw {scheme}
Emitted when a raw git command (|:Gina!|) has called and the process
has terminated.
A listener will be called with {scheme} which indicate what command
has called.
Note that it is NOT called for an internal process. It is called only
for a command invoked by |:Gina!| or |:Gina| with missing command.
Emitted when an actual commit has performed.
Emitted when an actual patch has performed.
For example, if users want to do something when a commit message has comitted,
use a combination of "command:called:raw" and "command:called:commit" like
function! s:on_commit(...) abort
if get(a:000, 0, 'commit') !=# 'commit'
" Do more useful thing
echomsg "Committed!"
" Subscribe 'command:called:raw' event for :Gina commit -m{message}
" which invoke a git raw command internally
call gina#core#emitter#subscribe(
\ 'command:called:raw',
\ function('s:on_commit')
" Subscribe 'command:called:commit' event for an actual commit
" event which may invoked by closing gina-commit window
call gina#core#emitter#subscribe(
\ 'command:called:commit',
\ function('s:on_commit')
Another for example is already used in ftplugin/gina-grep.vim. If user want to
update a quickfix candidates with gina-grep candidates automatically, use
"command:called" event like:
" NOTE: Already written in ftplugin/gina-grep.vim
function! s:on_grep(scheme) abort
if a:scheme !=# 'grep'
" Find a corresponding buffer and focus
let focus = gina#core#buffer#focus(bufnr('gina://*:grep*'))
if empty(focus)
" Export entire candidates into a quickfic and restore the focus
call gina#action#call(
\ 'export:quickfix',
\ 1, line('$')
call focus.restore()