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144 lines
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from textwrap import dedent
import pytest
def test_error_leaf_keyword_doc(Script):
d, = Script("or").help(1, 1)
assert len(d.docstring()) > 100
assert d.name == 'or'
def test_error_leaf_operator_doc(Script):
d, = Script("==").help()
assert len(d.docstring()) > 100
assert d.name == '=='
def test_keyword_completion(Script):
k = Script("fro").complete()[0]
imp_start = 'The "import'
assert k.docstring(raw=True).startswith(imp_start)
assert k.docstring().startswith(imp_start)
def test_import_keyword(Script):
d, = Script("import x").help(column=0)
assert d.docstring().startswith('The "import" statement')
# unrelated to #44
def test_import_keyword_with_gotos(goto_or_infer):
assert not goto_or_infer("import x", column=0)
def test_operator_doc(Script):
d, = Script("a == b").help(1, 3)
assert len(d.docstring()) > 100
'code, help_part', [
('str', 'Create a new string object'),
('str.strip', 'Return a copy of the string'),
def test_stdlib_doc(Script, code, help_part):
h, = Script(code).help()
assert help_part in h.docstring(raw=True)
def test_lambda(Script):
d, = Script('lambda x: x').help(column=0)
assert d.type == 'keyword'
assert d.docstring().startswith('Lambdas\n*******')
'code, kwargs', [
('?', {}),
('""', {}),
('"', {}),
def test_help_no_returns(Script, code, kwargs):
assert not Script(code).help(**kwargs)
'to_execute, expected_doc', [
('X.x', 'Yeah '),
('X().x', 'Yeah '),
('X.y', 'f g '),
('X.z', ''),
def test_attribute_docstrings(goto_or_help, expected_doc, to_execute):
code = dedent('''\
class X:
x = 3
""" Yeah """
y = 5
"f g "
z = lambda x: 1
d, = goto_or_help(code + to_execute)
assert d.docstring() == expected_doc
def test_version_info(Script):
Version info is a bit special, because it needs to be fast for some ifs, so
it's a special object that we have to check.
s = Script(dedent("""\
import sys
c, = s.complete()
assert c.docstring() == 'sys.version_info\n\nVersion information as a named tuple.'
def test_builtin_docstring(goto_or_help_or_infer):
d, = goto_or_help_or_infer('open')
doc = d.docstring()
assert doc.startswith('open(file: ')
assert 'Open file' in doc
def test_docstring_decorator(goto_or_help_or_infer):
code = dedent('''
import types
def dec(func):
return types.FunctionType()
def func(a, b):
d, = goto_or_help_or_infer(code)
doc = d.docstring()
assert doc == 'FunctionType(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any\n\nhello'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('code', ['', '\n', ' '])
def test_empty(Script, code):
assert not Script(code).help(1, 0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('code', ['f()', '(bar or baz)', 'f[3]'])
def test_no_help_for_operator(Script, code):
assert not Script(code).help()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('code', ['()', '(1,)', '[]', '[1]', 'f[]'])
def test_help_for_operator(Script, code):
assert Script(code).help()