mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 01:09:56 +08:00
405 lines
15 KiB
405 lines
15 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: SystemVerilog (superset extension of Verilog)
" Extends Verilog syntax
" Requires $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/verilog.vim to exist
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Override 'iskeyword'
if version >= 600
setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255
" Store cpoptions
let oldcpo=&cpoptions
set cpo-=C
syn sync lines=1000
" SystemVerilog Syntax
syn keyword verilogStatement always and assign automatic buf
syn keyword verilogStatement bufif0 bufif1 cell cmos
syn keyword verilogStatement config deassign defparam design
syn keyword verilogStatement disable edge endconfig
syn keyword verilogStatement endgenerate
syn keyword verilogStatement endprimitive endtable
syn keyword verilogStatement event force fork join
syn keyword verilogStatement join_any join_none forkjoin
syn keyword verilogStatement generate genvar highz0 highz1 ifnone
syn keyword verilogStatement incdir include initial inout input
syn keyword verilogStatement instance integer large liblist
syn keyword verilogStatement library localparam macromodule medium
syn keyword verilogStatement nand negedge nmos nor
syn keyword verilogStatement noshowcancelled not notif0 notif1 or
syn keyword verilogStatement output parameter pmos posedge primitive
syn keyword verilogStatement pull0 pull1 pulldown pullup
syn keyword verilogStatement pulsestyle_onevent pulsestyle_ondetect
syn keyword verilogStatement rcmos real realtime reg release
syn keyword verilogStatement rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1
syn keyword verilogStatement scalared showcancelled signed small
syn keyword verilogStatement specparam strong0 strong1
syn keyword verilogStatement supply0 supply1 table time tran
syn keyword verilogStatement tranif0 tranif1 tri tri0 tri1 triand
syn keyword verilogStatement trior trireg unsigned use vectored wait
syn keyword verilogStatement wand weak0 weak1 wire wor xnor xor
syn keyword verilogStatement semaphore mailbox
syn keyword verilogStatement always_comb always_ff always_latch
syn keyword verilogStatement checker endchecker
syn keyword verilogStatement virtual local const protected
syn keyword verilogStatement package endpackage
syn keyword verilogStatement rand randc constraint randomize
syn keyword verilogStatement with inside dist
syn keyword verilogStatement randcase
syn keyword verilogStatement randsequence
syn keyword verilogStatement get_randstate set_randstate
syn keyword verilogStatement srandom
syn keyword verilogStatement logic bit byte time
syn keyword verilogStatement int longint shortint
syn keyword verilogStatement struct packed
syn keyword verilogStatement final
syn keyword verilogStatement import
syn keyword verilogStatement context pure
syn keyword verilogStatement void shortreal chandle string
syn keyword verilogStatement modport
syn keyword verilogStatement cover coverpoint
syn keyword verilogStatement program endprogram
syn keyword verilogStatement bins binsof illegal_bins ignore_bins
syn keyword verilogStatement alias matches solve static assert
syn keyword verilogStatement assume before expect bind
syn keyword verilogStatement extends tagged extern
syn keyword verilogStatement first_match throughout timeprecision
syn keyword verilogStatement timeunit priority type union
syn keyword verilogStatement uwire var cross ref wait_order intersect
syn keyword verilogStatement wildcard within
syn keyword verilogStatement triggered
syn keyword verilogStatement std
syn keyword verilogStatement accept_on eventually global implements implies
syn keyword verilogStatement interconnect let nettype nexttime reject_on restrict soft
syn keyword verilogStatement s_always s_eventually s_nexttime s_until s_until_with
syn keyword verilogStatement strong sync_accept_on sync_reject_on unique unique0
syn keyword verilogStatement until until_with untyped weak
syn keyword verilogTypeDef enum
syn keyword verilogConditional iff
syn keyword verilogConditional if else case casex casez default endcase
syn keyword verilogRepeat forever repeat while for
syn keyword verilogRepeat return break continue
syn keyword verilogRepeat do while foreach
syn match verilogGlobal "`[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_$]\+"
syn match verilogGlobal "$[a-zA-Z0-9_$]\+"
if !exists('g:verilog_disable_constant_highlight')
syn match verilogConstant "\<[A-Z][A-Z0-9_$]*\>"
syn match verilogNumber "\(\d\+\)\?'[sS]\?[bB]\s*[0-1_xXzZ?]\+"
syn match verilogNumber "\(\d\+\)\?'[sS]\?[oO]\s*[0-7_xXzZ?]\+"
syn match verilogNumber "\(\d\+\)\?'[sS]\?[dD]\s*[0-9_xXzZ?]\+"
syn match verilogNumber "\(\d\+\)\?'[sS]\?[hH]\s*[0-9a-fA-F_xXzZ?]\+"
syn match verilogNumber "\<[+-]\?[0-9_]\+\(\.[0-9_]*\)\?\(e[0-9_]*\)\?\>"
syn match verilogNumber "\<\d[0-9_]*\(\.[0-9_]\+\)\=\([fpnum]\)\=s\>"
syn keyword verilogNumber 1step
syn keyword verilogTodo contained TODO FIXME
syn match verilogOperator "[&|~><!)(*#%@+/=?:;}{,.\^\-\[\]]"
syn region verilogString start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contains=verilogEscape,@Spell
syn match verilogEscape +\\[nt"\\]+ contained
syn match verilogEscape "\\\o\o\=\o\=" contained
syn keyword verilogMethod new
if v:version >= 704
syn match verilogMethod "\(\(\s\|[(/]\|^\)\.\)\@2<!\<\w\+\ze#\?("
syn match verilogMethod "\(\(\s\|[(/]\|^\)\.\)\@<!\<\w\+\ze#\?("
syn match verilogLabel "\<\k\+\>\ze\s*:\s*\<\(assert\|assume\|cover\(point\)\?\|cross\)\>"
if v:version >= 704
syn match verilogLabel "\(\<\(begin\|end\)\>\s*:\s*\)\@20<=\<\k\+\>"
syn match verilogLabel "\(\<\(begin\|end\)\>\s*:\s*\)\@<=\<\k\+\>"
syn keyword verilogObject super null this
syn match verilogObject "\<\w\+\ze\(::\|\.\)" contains=verilogNumber
" Create syntax definition from g:verilog_syntax dictionary
function! s:SyntaxCreate(name, verilog_syntax)
if exists('a:verilog_syntax[a:name]')
let verilog_syn_region_name = 'verilog'.substitute(a:name, '.*', '\u&', '')
for entry in a:verilog_syntax[a:name]
if exists('entry["match"]')
" syn-match definitions
let match = entry["match"]
let verilog_syn_match_cmd = 'syn match '.verilog_syn_region_name.' "'.match.'"'
if exists('entry["syn_argument"]')
let verilog_syn_match_cmd .= ' '.entry["syn_argument"]
execute verilog_syn_match_cmd
elseif exists('entry["match_start"]') && exists('entry["match_end"]')
" syn-region definitions
let region_start = entry["match_start"]
let region_end = entry["match_end"]
if verilog#VariableExists('verilog_quick_syntax')
execute 'syn keyword verilogStatement '.region_start.' '.region_end
let verilog_syn_region_cmd = 'syn region '.verilog_syn_region_name
if exists('entry["highlight"]')
let verilog_syn_region_cmd .= ' matchgroup='.entry["highlight"]
let verilog_syn_region_cmd .=
\ ' start="'.region_start.'"'
\ .' end="'.region_end.'"'
" Always skip inline comments
if a:name != "comment" && exists('a:verilog_syntax["comment"]')
let verilog_syn_region_cmd .= ' skip="'
for comment_entry in a:verilog_syntax["comment"]
if exists('comment_entry["match"]')
let verilog_syn_region_cmd .= comment_entry["match"]
let verilog_syn_region_cmd .= '"'
if exists('entry["syn_argument"]')
let verilog_syn_region_cmd .= ' '.entry["syn_argument"]
if !exists('entry["no_fold"]')
if (index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, a:name) >= 0 || index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "all") >= 0)
let verilog_syn_region_cmd .= ' fold'
execute verilog_syn_region_cmd
elseif exists('entry["cluster"]')
" syn-cluster definitions
execute 'syn cluster '.verilog_syn_region_name.' contains='.entry["cluster"]
elseif exists('entry["keyword"]')
" syn-cluster definitions
execute 'syn keyword '.verilog_syn_region_name.' '.entry["keyword"]
echoerr 'Incorrect syntax defintion for '.a:name
" Only enable folding if verilog_syntax_fold_lst is defined
let s:verilog_syntax_fold=verilog#VariableGetValue("verilog_syntax_fold_lst")
" Syntax priority list
let s:verilog_syntax_order = [
\ 'baseCluster',
\ 'statement',
\ 'assign',
\ 'attribute',
\ 'instance',
\ 'prototype',
\ 'class',
\ 'clocking',
\ 'covergroup',
\ 'define',
\ 'export',
\ 'expression',
\ 'function',
\ 'interface',
\ 'module',
\ 'property',
\ 'sequence',
\ 'specify',
\ 'task',
\ 'typedef',
\ ]
" Generate syntax definitions for supported types
for name in s:verilog_syntax_order
call s:SyntaxCreate(name, g:verilog_syntax)
if index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "block_nested") >= 0 || index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "block_named") >= 0
if index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "block_nested") >= 0
syn region verilogBlock
\ matchgroup=verilogStatement
\ start="\<begin\>"
\ end="\<end\>.*\<begin\>"ms=s-1,me=s-1
\ fold
\ transparent
\ contained
\ nextgroup=verilogBlockEnd
\ contains=TOP
syn region verilogBlockEnd
\ matchgroup=verilogStatement
\ start="\<end\>.*\<begin\>"
\ end="\<end\>\ze.*\(\<begin\>\)\@!"
\ fold
\ transparent
\ contained
\ contains=TOP
syn match verilogStatement "\<end\>"
else "block_named
syn region verilogBlock
\ matchgroup=verilogStatement
\ start="\<begin\>"
\ end="\<end\>"
\ transparent
\ contained
\ contains=TOP
syn region verilogBlockNamed
\ matchgroup=verilogStatement
\ start="\<begin\>\ze\s*:\s*\z(\w\+\)"
\ end="\<end\>"
\ transparent
\ fold
\ contained
\ contains=TOP
"TODO break up if...else statements
syn region verilogBlockContainer
\ start="\<begin\>"
\ end="\<end\>"
\ skip="/[*/].*"
\ transparent
\ keepend extend
\ contains=verilogBlock,verilogBlockNamed,verilogBlockEnd
elseif index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "block") >= 0 || index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "all") >= 0
syn region verilogBlock
\ matchgroup=verilogStatement
\ start="\<begin\>"
\ end="\<end\>"
\ transparent
\ fold
syn keyword verilogStatement begin end
if index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "define") >= 0 || index(s:verilog_syntax_fold, "all") >= 0
syn region verilogIfdef
\ start="`ifn\?def\>"
\ end="^\s*`els\(e\|if\)\>"ms=s-1,me=s-1
\ fold transparent
\ keepend
\ contained
\ nextgroup=verilogIfdefElse,verilogIfdefEndif
\ contains=TOP
syn region verilogIfdefElse
\ start="`els\(e\|if\)\>"
\ end="^\s*`els\(e\|if\)\>"ms=s-1,me=s-1
\ fold transparent
\ keepend
\ contained
\ nextgroup=verilogIfdefElse,verilogIfdefEndif
\ contains=TOP
syn region verilogIfdefEndif
\ start="`else\>"
\ end="`endif\>"
\ fold transparent
\ keepend
\ contained
\ contains=TOP
syn region verilogIfdefContainer
\ start="`ifn\?def\>"
\ end="`endif\>"
\ skip="/[*/].*"
\ transparent
\ keepend extend
\ contains=verilogIfdef,verilogIfdefElse,verilogIfdefEndif
" Generate syntax definitions for comments after other standard syntax
" definitions to guarantee highest priority
for name in ['comment']
call s:SyntaxCreate(name, g:verilog_syntax)
" Generate syntax definitions for custom types last to allow overriding
" standard syntax
if exists('g:verilog_syntax_custom')
for name in keys(g:verilog_syntax_custom)
call s:SyntaxCreate(name, g:verilog_syntax_custom)
" Special comments: Synopsys directives
syn match verilogDirective "//\s*synopsys\>.*$"
syn region verilogDirective start="/\*\s*synopsys\>" end="\*/"
syn region verilogDirective start="//\s*synopsys \z(\w*\)begin\>" end="//\s*synopsys \z1end\>"
syn match verilogDirective "//\s*\$s\>.*$"
syn region verilogDirective start="/\*\s*\$s\>" end="\*/"
syn region verilogDirective start="//\s*\$s dc_script_begin\>" end="//\s*\$s dc_script_end\>"
"Modify the following as needed. The trade-off is performance versus
syn sync minlines=50
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_verilog_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_verilog_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
" The default highlighting.
HiLink verilogCharacter Character
HiLink verilogConditional Conditional
HiLink verilogRepeat Repeat
HiLink verilogString String
HiLink verilogTodo Todo
HiLink verilogComment Comment
HiLink verilogConstant Constant
HiLink verilogLabel Tag
HiLink verilogNumber Number
HiLink verilogOperator Special
HiLink verilogPrototype Statement
HiLink verilogStatement Statement
HiLink verilogGlobal Define
HiLink verilogDirective SpecialComment
HiLink verilogEscape Special
HiLink verilogMethod Function
HiLink verilogTypeDef TypeDef
HiLink verilogObject Type
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "verilog"
" Restore cpoptions
let &cpoptions=oldcpo
" vim: sts=4 sw=4