Git status implementation for defx.nvim.
Just append git
to your columns when starting defx:
:Defx -columns=git:mark:filename:type
Which indicators (icons) to use for each status. These are the defaults:
call defx#custom#column('git', 'indicators', {
\ 'Modified' : '✹',
\ 'Staged' : '✚',
\ 'Untracked' : '✭',
\ 'Renamed' : '➜',
\ 'Unmerged' : '═',
\ 'Ignored' : '☒',
\ 'Deleted' : '✖',
\ 'Unknown' : '?'
\ })
Column Length
How many space should git column take. Default is 1
(Defx adds a single space between columns):
call defx#custom#column('git', 'column_length', 1)
Missing characters to match this length are populated with spaces, which means
becomes ✹
, etc.
Note: Make sure indicators are not longer than the column_length
Show ignored
This flag determines if ignored files should be marked with indicator. Default is false
call defx#custom#column('git', 'show_ignored', 0)
Raw Mode
Show git status in raw mode (Same as first two chars of git status --porcelain
command). Default is 0
call defx#custom#column('git', 'raw_mode', 0)
Max Indicator Width
The number of characters to pad the git column. If not specified, the default will be the width of the longest indicator character.
call defx#custom#column('git', 'max_indicator_width', 2)
Each indicator type can be overridden with the custom highlight. These are the defaults:
hi Defx_git_Untracked guibg=NONE guifg=NONE ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE
hi Defx_git_Ignored guibg=NONE guifg=NONE ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE
hi Defx_git_Unknown guibg=NONE guifg=NONE ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE
hi Defx_git_Renamed ctermfg=214 guifg=#fabd2f
hi Defx_git_Modified ctermfg=214 guifg=#fabd2f
hi Defx_git_Unmerged ctermfg=167 guifg=#fb4934
hi Defx_git_Deleted ctermfg=167 guifg=#fb4934
hi Defx_git_Staged ctermfg=142 guifg=#b8bb26
To use for example red for untracked files, add this after your colorscheme setup:
colorscheme gruvbox
hi Defx_git_Untracked guifg=#FF0000
There are 5 mappings:
- Goes to the next file that has a git status<Plug>(defx-git-prev)
- Goes to the previous file that has a git status<Plug>(defx-git-stage)
- Stages the file/directory under cursor<Plug>(defx-git-reset)
- Unstages the file/directory under cursor<Plug>(defx-git-discard)
- Discards all changes to file/directory under cursor
If these are not manually mapped by the user, defaults are:
nnoremap <buffer><silent> [c <Plug>(defx-git-prev)
nnoremap <buffer><silent> ]c <Plug>(defx-git-next)
nnoremap <buffer><silent> ]a <Plug>(defx-git-stage)
nnoremap <buffer><silent> ]r <Plug>(defx-git-reset)
nnoremap <buffer><silent> ]d <Plug>(defx-git-discard)