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2011-11-17 15:45:33 -06:00
*xterm16* An adjustable contrast color scheme for GUI & Terminals.
DESCRIPTION *xterm16.vim*
An adjustable contrast fully customizable color scheme for GUI & 8, 16 or
256 color terminals, designed to minimize eyestrain. The main features
- Four color maps:
'allblue' : A colormap with most foreground colors blueish (to
minimize contrast etc.)
'soft' : A colormap with foreground colors of similar
intensities to reduce eyestrain.
'softlight' : A colormap with a bright background (for web
hosting etc.)
'standard' : A colormap for use on terminals with only 8/16
The first three colormaps will work only on 256 color capable
terminals or the GUI. The last one will work anywhere.
- Adjustable brightness / contrast. Lets you easily adjust the
brightness and contrast settings. Extremely useful (for instance)
when there is a glare on your monitor, or for long late dim light
dim light late at night :)
- Terminal and GUI support. If you use xterm, rxvt or mrxvt (compiled
with 256 colors), then the colors on your terminal will be almost
identical to your GUI colors. On any other terminal emulator, a few
scripts (included) and parts of this help are designed to help you
get the colors you want.
- LCD / CRT Monitor support. The color response of LCD and CRT
monitors is pretty different. This color scheme has an option to
adjust colors on CRT monitors to give a similar appearance.
- Customizable colors. If you find any color unreadable or ugly, you
can change it easily. When adjusting the brightness, your custom
colors will be suitably adjusted too!
- Customizable highlighting groups. If you don't like the highlighting
of any particular group, you can change it to suit your needs. This
is useful for instance if you want the cursor to be brighter than
everything else / etc.
INSTALLATION *xterm16-installation*
For local installation, put the |xterm16.vim| file in your ~/.vim/colors
directory. To install globally put it in $VIMRUNTIME/colors. Finally add
the following lines to your {.vimrc}: >
" Select colormap: 'soft', 'softlight', 'standard' or 'allblue'
let xterm16_colormap = 'allblue'
" Select brightness: 'low', 'med', 'high', 'default' or custom levels.
let xterm16_brightness = 'default'
colo xterm16
< You might also want to put |xterm16.txt| in the help directory (~/.vim/doc
or $VIMRUNTIME/doc).
OPTIONS *xterm16-options*
Colormap, brightness and contrast options: ~
|xterm16_brightness| : Set the brightness / contrast
|xterm16_colormap| : Select the colormap (standard / soft)
|:Brightness| : Adjust the brightness / contrast and or colormap
Customizing colors or highlighting: ~
|xterm16_custom_color| : Customize some (or all) colors.
|xterm16_custom_group| : Customize some (or all) highlighting groups.
|xterm16_CRTColors| : Setup defaults for CRT monitors.
|xterm16_NoHtmlColors| : Disable remapping of html colors.
|xterm16_example| : An example of these options :)
Adjusting colors on terminals: ~
|xterm16_trmcolors| : A short HOWTO to help you get the same colors on
the terminal and GUI.
Options controlling colors on terminals: ~
|xterm16_termtype| : Select the terminal emulator (xterm, rxvt)
|xterm16_ccube| : Specify the color cube of the terminal.
|xterm16_NoRemap| : Disable dark blue remapping on 8 color terminals
|xterm16_TermRegexp| : Regexp of terminals where darkblue is unreadable
PACKAGE CONTENTS *xterm16_filelist*
|changelog.txt| : List of changes
|| : Perl script to help you set colors in rxvt/xterm etc
|xterm16.ct| : Help change colors on Linux console.
|xterm16.schema| : Help change colors on KDE's terminal (Konsole).
|xterm16.txt| : This help file
|xterm16.vim| : Actual color scheme script
The brightness and contrast are controlled by the global variable
|xterm16_brightness|. This color scheme uses three different color
intensities: {low}, {medium} and {high}. These intensities are used
differently in each of the colormaps. See the |xterm16_colormap| section
for an explanation of how these intensities are used.
The brightness / contrast can be controlled by changing these intensities.
You can do this by setting the global variable |xterm16_brightness|, using
any of the following formats: >
let xterm16_brightness = '#llmmhh'
let xterm16_brightness = 'lmh'
let xterm16_brightness = 'low|default|med|high'
< In the first format, 'll' 'mm' and 'hh' are the intensities (2 digit hex)
of the {low}, {medium} and {high} levels respectively. In the second
format 'l', 'm' and 'h' are numbers from 0 - 5 specifying the respective
intensities. This corresponds to the levels in the 6x6x6 color cube used
by a 256 color terminals. The final format selects either a low, medium or
high brightness respectively. These are different depending on the
colormap you are using. In the 'allblue' colormap they are '123'
(#5f87af), '234' (#87afd7) and '345' (#afd7ff) respectively.
You can change the brightness (and optionally the colormap) by using the
command >
:Brightness <brightness> [colormap]
< This is convenient if you want to try out / temporarily change the
brightness or colormap. Once you find a brightness / colormap you like,
set the global variables |xterm16_brightness| and |xterm16_colormap| in
your {.vimrc}.
CHANGING THE COLORMAP *xterm16_colormap*
This color scheme comes with four different color maps: 'standard',
'soft', 'softlight' and 'allblue'. My preference is to use 'allblue' by
default, 'softlight' when there is a glare on my screen, and 'standard'
when I use a terminal with only 8/16 colors (e.g. when I ssh using Putty).
You can select your colormap by setting the global variable
|xterm16_colormap|. The default is to use the 'allblue' colormap if
possible (in GUI or a terminal supporting 256 colors) and the 'standard'
colormap otherwise.
The 'standard' colormap uses 8 standard colors (of {medium} intensity),
and the same colors of {high} intensity. Dark grey is of {low} intensity.
The 'soft' colormap is designed so that all foreground colors appear to be
of similar intensity (to reduce the strain on your eyes). We do this as
follows: The {low} intensity is used for background colors. Some colors
(like green for instance) appear a lot brighter than other colors (like
blue). So we use the {medium} intensity for greenish colors and the {high}
intensity for blueish colors. See |xterm16_brightness| for how to adjust
these intensities to your taste.
The 'softlight' colormap is designed to be readable on a bright
background. It uses {low}, {medium} and {high} intensities in the same way
as the 'soft' colormap. The {low} levels still represent backgrounds, so
you might want to set it to some high number. For example, setting {low}
to 4, {medium} to 1 and {high} to 2 in the 'softlight' colormap produces
reasonable results.
Finally the 'allblue' colormap is designed to that almost all colors are
blueish. I have found this to be least strain on the eyes, while still
being able to tell apart different syntax elements. In this colormap the
{low} is again used for background color levels. The {medium} is the
lowest (non-zero) intensity you want foreground colors, and {high} is the
highest intensity you want foreground colors. For example setting the
{low}, {medium} and {high} levels to 1, 1 and 3 produces reasonable (dark)
NOTE: By default this color scheme is designed for LCD monitors. If you
have a CRT monitor, see |xterm16_CRTColors| for how to adjust the colors
to suit CRT monitors.
NOTE: On terminals WITHOUT 256 colors, you can only use the 'standard'
colormap. The reason for this is because the 'soft', and 'allblue' color
maps have a few unreadable dark colors (used as backgrounds), and possibly
use more than 16 colors in total. If you change your terminal palette to
that of the 'soft' or 'allblue' colormap, then you'll have trouble reading
text in non-Vim applications. If you want to use the 'soft' or 'allblue'
colormaps (as I recommend), either use a terminal supporting 256 colors
(xterm, rxvt, mrxvt), or modify the source :)
CUSTOMIZING COLORS *xterm16_custom_color*
Different monitors show colors differently. All colors of this color
scheme are readable on my monitor. However if you have trouble with some
colors, you can change them by setting the variable |xterm16_colorname|.
The color names used are different on each colormap. The 'standard'
colormap uses the colors: >
none black darkred darkgreen darkyellow darkblue darkmagenta darkcyan
grey darkgrey red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
< The 'soft' and 'softlight' colormaps use the colors: >
black darkred darkyellow darkcyan darkblue darkgrey grey lightgrey red
lightbrown yellow green bluegreen skyblue magenta cyan purple white
< The 'allblue' colormap uses the colors: >
black darkred darkcyan darkblue grey1 grey2 grey3 grey4 grey5 grey
white1 red lightbrown yellow dirtygreen green bluegreen yellowgreen
skyblue lightblue lightcyan darkpurple purple lightpurple
< (I know this looks like a lot of colors for a colormap that calls itself
'allblue'. The point is that the colors that usually show up in regular
text / code are all shades of blue (except "Type" and "Special", which are
shades of green). So most code will look pretty much blueish. But error
messages and other vim niceties will be in other colors.)
The format of this variable is one of >
let xterm16_blue = '#rrggbb'
let xterm16_blue = 'nnn'
let xterm16_blue = 'Ldddddd'
< The first format specifies the red / green / blue intensities in two digit
hex. The second format specifies the red / green / blue intensities as a
level between 0-5 number. (This is like specifying the color in a 6x6x6
RGB cube, as used by a 256 color terminals).
Finally the most useful format is the 'Ldddddd'. Here 'L' is the intensity
level (either 'l', 'm' or 'h' for low medium or high respectively). The
first two digits 'dd' are HALF the percentage intensity of the red
intensity. The second two, green and last two blue. So for instance
'm005035' corresponds to a color with no red component, a green component
equal to the 'medium' intensity level, and a blue component that is 70% of
the 'medium' intensity level.
The advantage is that when you change the brightness / contrast, this
color will change accordingly. See |xterm16_example| for an example.
NOTE: If you set the variable |xterm16_CRTColors| then some of your
default colors will be overridden. If you want to use your custom colors,
and the CRT settings, first set |xterm16_CRTColors| and load this color
scheme. The global variables 'xterm16_colorname' will be set for all
modified colors. Now unset |xterm16_CRTColors|, copy these colors into
your vimrc, and modify any other color you like as desired.
If you don't like a few highlighting groups, you can change them by
setting the variables *xterm16fg_GroupName* *xterm16bg_GroupName* and / or
*xterm16attr_GroupName* . These variables control the foreground color,
background color and GUI/cterm attributes of {GroupName} respectively.
{GroupName} is the name of the group whose highlighting you want to
change. For a list of group names see |highlight-groups| and |group-name|.
The format of these variables is the same as the format for colors. In
addition you can also use a named color from the colormap. See
|xterm16_custom_color| above. As an example: >
let xterm16bg_Cursor = '#00ff00' " Make cursor bright green
CRT MONITORS *xterm16_CRTColors*
By default the colors in this color scheme are designed for LCD monitors.
If you have a CRT monitor, set the vim variable |xterm16_CRTColors| in
your .vimrc. This will adjust the colors to suit CRT monitors. With an
unspecified brightness and 'standard' colormap, this will produce exactly
the same colors as the original version of xterm16. If the colors still
look unreadable and you want to change them, read the section on
NOTE: Setting this variable will override some (maybe all) of your
customized colors. See the note at the end of |xterm16_custom_color|.
NOTE: Setting this variable will have no effect under the 'allblue'
colormap. This colormap does not look too different under CRT monitors.
Also modifications will probably render a few shades of blue used by this
colormap indistinguishable.
Html groups use cterm attributes (which SUCK), so we change them here. The
GUI attributes are OK, and are unchanged. If you do not want your precious
html groups touched, set the variable |xterm16_NoHtmlColors| in your
If html colors don't work correctly, set the variable |html_no_rendering|
As an example, the following will produce exactly the same colors as the
original version of xterm16: >
let g:xterm16_colormap = 'standard'
let g:xterm16_brightness = '#80cdff'
let g:xterm16_darkblue = 'h000050'
let g:xterm16_blue = 'h002550'
let g:xterm16_grey = 'm474747'
< NOTE: This is done by default if you set the variable |xterm16_CRTColors|,
and use a terminal with less than 256 colors (or use the 'standard'
Depending on which terminal emulator you use, you might have to tweak the
settings a little to get good results on your terminal emulator. On 256
color capable terminals, you might have to make vim aware that your
terminal has 256 colors. On terminals that are only capable of using 16
colors, you will have to adjust the palette.
If you use recent versions of xterm, rxvt or mrxvt, or your terminal
emulator claims to support 256 colors, then read the help topic
|xterm16-256cterm|. If not, read the help topic |xterm16-16cterm|.
Terminals which support 256 colors: ~
Some terminal emulators like xterm, rxvt and mrxvt support 256 colors if
compiled in. A simple way to check if 256 colors are supported in your
terminal is to type the following the bash prompt: >
$ echo -e "\e[38;5;196mred\e[38;5;46mgreen\e[38;5;21mblue\e[0m"
< If you see the words red, green and blue in the correct colors, then
you've got 256 colors. If not, I recommend compiling 256 color support in
(use --enable-256-colors at compile time for xterm / mrxvt). If this is
not possible, try looking under |xterm16-16cterm|.
Once you know your terminal is 256 color capable, check to see if Vim is
aware of this. Start up vim in your terminal emulator and type >
:echo &t_Co
< If vim reports "256", then you need not make any modifications. If vim
reports 8 or 16, then add the following code snippet to your {.vimrc}: >
au VimEnter *
\ if &term == 'xterm' |
\ set t_Co=256 |
\ endif
< Replace 'xterm' above with the value of $TERM.
NOTE: You can also fix this by modifying the terminfo files on your
system. See the man pages of terminfo, infocmp and tic.
NOTE: rxvt users will need to set the variable |xterm16_termtype| and or
|xterm16_ccube| to get colors which are identical to those on the GUI.
NOTE: If in addition you want to adjust the default colors of your
terminal (for consistency with other applications) read the section on
Finally, if you use a terminal that supports pseudo transparency (like
mrxvt), and want your vim to appear transparent use: >
if $DISPLAY != '' && !has('gui_running') && $MRXVT_TABTITLE != ''
let xterm16bg_Normal = 'none'
< This might not work on 16 color terms, but you're welcome to try :). This
definitely works on mrxvt versions 0.4.1 or later.
Terminals with only 8 or 16 color support: ~
If your terminal emulator does not support 256 colors, you will have to
manually modify the terminal palette to obtain the colors in this color
scheme. NOTE: You can only use the 'standard' colormap in such terminals.
See the section on |xterm16_colormap| for details.
First I suggest attempting to at least get 16 colors (and not settle for
only 8 colors). This looks a little nicer than using bold fonts. Read the
section on in the vim help under |xfree-xterm|, and hope that works.
Now to modify your terminal colors, the first thing you need to do is to
figure out the colors this color scheme is using. To do this, load this
color scheme in gvim, and adjust the brightness / contrast to your taste.
Don't forget to use the 'standard' colormap. Now the global variable
|xterm16_palette| contains all the colors that are currently being used.
If you use xterm, or some fork of rxvt (like mrxvt, aterm, wterm etc),
follow the instructions in |xterm16-xdefaults|. For konsole or
gnome-terminal see |xterm16-konsole| and |xterm16-gnome-terminal|
respectively. Finally for the Linux console, see |xterm16-ctheme|.
For xterm or some fork of rxvt, do the following: Once the colors are
adjusted to your taste, edit the file ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources (or
~/.mrxvtrc for mrxvt). Paste in the contents of the vim variable
|xterm16_palette| (use <C-R>=xterm16_palette for instance). Now filter
those lines through the supplied perl script ** by typing >
:'<,'>!perl -w /path/to/ -x --class trmname
< where trmname is the resource class of your terminal. Generally this is
the same as the terminal name. For xterm use "xterm.vt100" as the class,
and for mrxvt use "Mrxvt" as the class. (|| can do a few other
things. Type " -h" for options).
If your terminal gets it's resources via the X window system [using
XGetDefaults()], then you have to merge the above file with your current
resource using >
$ xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
< If your terminal directly reads the resource file, then just restart the
terminal and you should be fine :). See the terminal version / man file to
figure out if you need to merge your resources or not.
For konsole, the file *xterm16.schema* contains the colors of this color
scheme with 'standard' colormap, default brightness and CRTColors. If you
use a different colormap / brightness, get the palette from the variable
|xterm16_palette|, and modify the file appropriately. You'll need to
convert the palette from to decimal. The following few lines might help: >
" Brightness 134 (high), colormap standard
let palette = '#000000 #af0000 #00af00 #afaf00 #0000af #af00af #00afaf #9a9a9a #5f5f5f #d70000 #00d700 #d7d700 #0000d7 #d700d7 #00d7d7 #d7d7d7'
let i = 0
while i < 16
echo 'Color' i '0x'.strpart(palette,i*8+1,2)+0 ' '
\ '0x'.strpart(palette,i*8+3,2)+0 ' '
\ '0x'.strpart(palette,i*8+5,2)+0
let i = i + 1
< To change the default colors on Konsole, add the file |xterm16.schema| to
~/.kde/share/apps/konsole. Select the "Xterm 16 Colors" schema from the
schema menu.
For gnome-terminal you can change the colors by running gconf-editor and
selecting the apps - gnome-terminal - profiles - Default menu, and change
the palette option to the string (all in one line!) >
< If you changed the brightness / colormap, you might want to replace the
above line with your current colormap (obtained from the variable
ctheme can be used to change the colors on your Linux console (neat huh?).
Find more information about it at >
< The file *xterm16.ct* contains the colors of this color scheme with
'standard' colormap, default brightness and CRTColors. If you use a
different colormap / brightness, get the palette from the variable
|xterm16_palette|, and modify the file appropriately.
If necessary, change the first line of |xterm16.ct| to point to the
correct location of ctheme, then run it with your ctheme. Thanks to
Juhapekka Tolvanen <> ( for providing
this theme, and informing me of the existence of ctheme!
COLOR SCHEME PALETTE *xterm16_palette*
The global variable |xterm16_palette| contains the 16 color palette
currently used by the color scheme. This is mainly so that you can easily
obtain the palette, and use it to change the colors on your favourite
terminal emulator.
CHANGING THE TERMINAL COLOR CUBE *xterm16_termtype* *xterm16_ccube*
The terminals that support 256 colors all have a 6x6x6 RGB color cube
between the colors 16 to 231. Unfortunately, not all of them have the same
color cube. Rxvt uses a uniform RGB color cube, but xterm and mrxvt do
This color scheme tries to guess which terminal you're using, and use the
appropriate color cube. The guessing is done as follows:
1. If the environment variable MRXVT_TABTITLE is defined, then we
assume you're using mrxvt.
2. Otherwise, if your TERM variable is set to something beginning with
"rxvt", then we assume you're using rxvt.
3. Otherwise we assume you're using xterm.
If the above will lead to an incorrect guess, set the vim variable
|xterm16_termtype| to the terminal emulator you're using (currently only
'rxvt' and 'xterm' are supported).
If you use a different terminal with 256 colors, then you can get the
colors right by setting the variable |xterm16_ccube|. The value of
|xterm16_ccube| should be a 12 digit hex number (without the leading 0x).
The first two digits are the intensity of the term level 0 (generally this
is 00). The next two are the intensity of the term level 1, etc. The last
two correspond to the level 5. (Remember the terminal colors are a 6x6x6
RGB cube).
You will probably have to read the source of your terminal emulator to
figure out the intensities of the colors in the 6x6x6 color cube. However,
if your terminal supports setting colors 16 - 231 using .Xdefaults or
something, then you can use the supplied perl script || to
generate a color cube of your choice. For example: >
perl -w --class xterm --ccube 002a557faad4 -g >> ~/.Xdefaults
< will make the xterm color cube the same as the rxvt color cube.
UNREADABLE CONSOLE COLORS *xterm16_NoRemap* *xterm16_TermRegexp*
On a Linux console (and some other 8 color terminals), the dark blue
(PreProc) is unreadable so we remap it. To disable this feature, set the
variable |xterm16_NoRemap| in your {.vimrc}
If this color gives you trouble on other terminals, and you want it
changed elsewhere too set the variable |xterm16_TermRegexp| to a regexp
matching all troublesome terminals.
NOTE: This is only true in the 'standard' colormap. The 'soft' colormap
does not use dark blue as a foreground, and hence no remapping is done.
Maintainer : Gautam Iyer <gautamATmathDOTuchicagoDOTedu>
Modified : Thu 18 May 2006 04:28:25 PM CDT
vim: ft=help:tw=78:iskeyword=!-~,^*,^|,^":ai: