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2013-12-16 04:11:22 +08:00
* tComment - gcc to comment a line, gcp to comment blocks, nuff said
* rails.vim - syntax highlighting, gf (goto file) enhancements, and lots more. should be required for any rails dev
* rake.vim - like rails.vim but for non-rails projects. makes `:Rtags` and other commands just work
* ruby.vim - lots of general enhancements for ruby dev
* necomplcache - intelligent and fast complete as you type, and added Command-Space to select a completion (same as Ctrl-N)
* snipMate - offers textmate-like snippet expansion + scrooloose-snippets . try hitting TAB after typing a snippet
* jasmine.vim - support for jasmine javascript unit testing, including snippets for it, before, etc..
* vim-javascript-syntax, vim-jquery - better highlighting
* TagHighlight - highlights class names and method names
* vim-coffeescript - support for coffeescript, highlighting
* vim-stylus - support for stylus css language
* vim-bundler - work with bundled gems
* fugitive - "a git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal...". Try `:Gstatus` and hit `-` to toggle files in and out of the index. Git `d` to see a diff. Use `git mergetool` or `gmt` to launch vim as a mergetool. The left buffer is your branch, the right is the incoming change, and in the middle is the working copy. Move to the left or right and use `dp` to put the change into the middle. Learn more:
* gitv - use `:gitv` for a better git log browser