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2011-11-17 15:45:33 -06:00
" Display marks in the signs column
" Maintainer: A. Politz <cbyvgmn@su-gevre.qr>
" Last change: 2008-02-06
" v0.1
"Give a visual aid to navigate marks, by displaying them as signs
"(obviously needs the +signs feature).
" show marks for current buffer
" show marks for all buffers
" disable it for current buffer
" disable it for all buffers
" Display marks for [count] Cursorhold
" events. Mostly for mapping it like :
" nnoremap ` :ShowMarksOnce<cr>`
" Display marks of current buffer in pvw.
" Like ':marks', but at the top of the window ;-).
" [count] is the same sa above.
"let g:showmarks_marks = "abcdef...."
" the marks you want to have displayed.
" the highlight color
"I suggest to lower the value of 'updatetime'.
if exists('loaded_showmarks')
let s:cpo=&cpo
set cpo&vim
let loaded_showmarks = 1
if version < 700
com DoShowMarks echohl Error | echo "Sorry, you need vim7 for this plugin (Showmarks)." | echohl None | delc DoShowMarks
if !has('signs')
com DoShowMarks
\echohl Error
\| echo "Sorry, your version does not support signs (Showmarks). You may still use the PreviewMarks command."
\| echohl None | delc DoShowMarks
com -bar -bang DoShowMarks
\if <bang>0 | call showmarks#ShowMarks('global,enable') | else | call showmarks#ShowMarks('enable,local') | endif
com -bar -bang NoShowMarks
\if <bang>0 | call showmarks#ShowMarks('global') | else | call showmarks#ShowMarks('') | endif
com -bar -bang -count=1 ShowMarksOnce call showmarks#ShowMarks('once',<count>,<bang>0)
com! -bar -bang -count=0 PreviewMarks call showmarks#ShowMarks('preview',<count>)
let &cpo=s:cpo
unlet s:cpo