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2011-11-17 15:45:33 -06:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Thomas Leitner <t_leitner@gmx.at>
# This file is part of kramdown.
# kramdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require 'kramdown/compatibility'
require 'kramdown/version'
require 'kramdown/error'
require 'kramdown/parser'
require 'kramdown/converter'
require 'kramdown/options'
require 'kramdown/utils'
module Kramdown
# Return the data directory for kramdown.
def self.data_dir
unless defined?(@@data_dir)
require 'rbconfig'
@@data_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'data', 'kramdown'))
@@data_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(Config::CONFIG["datadir"], "kramdown")) if !File.exists?(@@data_dir)
raise "kramdown data directory not found! This is a bug, please report it!" unless File.directory?(@@data_dir)
# The main interface to kramdown.
# This class provides a one-stop-shop for using kramdown to convert text into various output
# formats. Use it like this:
# require 'kramdown'
# doc = Kramdown::Document.new('This *is* some kramdown text')
# puts doc.to_html
# The #to_html method is a shortcut for using the Converter::Html class.
# The second argument to the #new method is an options hash for customizing the behaviour of the
# used parser and the converter. See Document#new for more information!
class Document
# The element tree of the document. It is immediately available after the #new method has been
# called.
attr_accessor :tree
# The options hash which holds the options for parsing/converting the Kramdown document. It is
# possible that these values get changed during the parsing phase.
attr_reader :options
# An array of warning messages. It is filled with warnings during the parsing phase (i.e. in
# #new) and the conversion phase.
attr_reader :warnings
# Holds needed parse information which is dependent on the used parser, like ALDs, link
# definitions and so on. This information may be used by converters afterwards.
attr_reader :parse_infos
# Holds conversion information which is dependent on the used converter. A converter clears this
# variable before doing the conversion.
attr_reader :conversion_infos
# Create a new Kramdown document from the string +source+ and use the provided +options+. The
# options that can be used are defined in the Options module.
# The special options key <tt>:input</tt> can be used to select the parser that should parse the
# +source+. It has to be the name of a class in the Kramdown::Parser module. For example, to
# select the kramdown parser, one would set the <tt>:input</tt> key to +Kramdown+. If this key
# is not set, it defaults to +Kramdown+.
# The +source+ is immediately parsed by the selected parser so that the document tree is
# immediately available and the output can be generated.
def initialize(source, options = {})
@options = Options.merge(options)
@warnings = []
@parse_infos = {}
@parse_infos[:encoding] = source.encoding if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
@conversion_infos = {}
parser = (options[:input] || 'kramdown').to_s
parser = parser[0..0].upcase + parser[1..-1]
if Parser.const_defined?(parser)
@tree = Parser.const_get(parser).parse(source, self)
raise Kramdown::Error.new("kramdown has no parser to handle the specified input format: #{options[:input]}")
# Check if a method is invoked that begins with +to_+ and if so, try to instantiate a converter
# class (i.e. a class in the Kramdown::Converter module) and use it for converting the document.
# For example, +to_html+ would instantiate the Kramdown::Converter::Html class.
def method_missing(id, *attr, &block)
if id.to_s =~ /^to_(\w+)$/
Converter.const_get($1[0..0].upcase + $1[1..-1]).convert(self)
def inspect #:nodoc:
"<KD:Document: options=#{@options.inspect} tree=#{@tree.inspect} warnings=#{@warnings.inspect}>"
# Represents all elements in the parse tree.
# kramdown only uses this one class for representing all available elements in a parse tree
# (paragraphs, headers, emphasis, ...). The type of element can be set via the #type accessor.
class Element
# A symbol representing the element type. For example, <tt>:p</tt> or <tt>:blockquote</tt>.
attr_accessor :type
# The value of the element. The interpretation of this field depends on the type of the element.
# Many elements don't use this field.
attr_accessor :value
# The options hash for the element. It is used for storing arbitray options as well as the
# following special contents:
# - *Attributes* of the element under the <tt>:attr</tt> key
# - Category of the element, either <tt>:block</tt> or <tt>:span</tt>, under the
# <tt>:category</tt> key. If this key is absent, it can be assumed that the element is in the
# <tt>:span</tt> category.
attr_accessor :options
# The child elements of this element.
attr_accessor :children
# Create a new Element object of type +type+. The optional parameters +value+ and +options+ can
# also be set in this constructor for convenience.
def initialize(type, value = nil, options = {})
@type, @value, @options = type, value, options
@children = []
def inspect #:nodoc:
"<kd:#{@type}#{@value.nil? ? '' : ' ' + @value.inspect}#{options.empty? ? '' : ' ' + @options.inspect}#{@children.empty? ? '' : ' ' + @children.inspect}>"