2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
" ========================================
" Vim plugin configuration
" ========================================
2013-05-03 16:45:19 +08:00
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
" This file contains the list of plugin installed using vundle plugin manager.
" Once you've updated the list of plugin, you can run vundle update by issuing
2013-05-03 16:45:19 +08:00
" the command :BundleInstall from within vim or directly invoking it from the
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
" command line with the following syntax:
" vim --noplugin -u vim/vundles.vim -N "+set hidden" "+syntax on" +BundleClean! +BundleInstall +qall
" Filetype off is required by vundle
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
" let Vundle manage Vundle (required)
Bundle "gmarik/vundle"
" All your bundles here
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
" Ruby, Rails, Rake...
Bundle "ecomba/vim-ruby-refactoring"
2013-12-16 05:02:54 +08:00
Bundle "skwp/vim-spec-finder"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "tpope/vim-rails.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-rake.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-rvm.git"
Bundle "vim-ruby/vim-ruby.git"
2013-12-16 05:17:04 +08:00
Bundle "Keithbsmiley/rspec.vim"
2013-06-19 23:26:24 +08:00
Bundle "ck3g/vim-change-hash-syntax"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
" Other languages
Bundle "briancollins/vim-jst"
Bundle "pangloss/vim-javascript"
2013-11-04 11:15:39 +08:00
Bundle "rodjek/vim-puppet"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
" Html, Xml, Css, Markdown...
Bundle "claco/jasmine.vim"
Bundle "digitaltoad/vim-jade.git"
Bundle "groenewege/vim-less.git"
Bundle "itspriddle/vim-jquery.git"
Bundle "jtratner/vim-flavored-markdown.git"
Bundle "kchmck/vim-coffee-script"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "nelstrom/vim-markdown-preview"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "skwp/vim-html-escape"
Bundle "slim-template/vim-slim.git"
Bundle "timcharper/textile.vim.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-haml"
Bundle "wavded/vim-stylus"
" Git related...
Bundle "gregsexton/gitv"
Bundle "mattn/gist-vim"
Bundle "skwp/vim-git-grep-rails-partial"
Bundle "tjennings/git-grep-vim"
Bundle "tpope/vim-fugitive"
Bundle "tpope/vim-git"
" General text editing improvements...
Bundle "AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim"
Bundle "Raimondi/delimitMate"
Bundle "Shougo/neocomplcache.git"
Bundle "briandoll/change-inside-surroundings.vim.git"
Bundle "godlygeek/tabular"
Bundle "nelstrom/vim-visual-star-search"
Bundle "skwp/vim-easymotion"
Bundle "tomtom/tcomment_vim.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-bundler"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "vim-scripts/IndexedSearch"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "vim-scripts/camelcasemotion.git"
Bundle "vim-scripts/matchit.zip.git"
2013-05-20 18:52:36 +08:00
Bundle "terryma/vim-multiple-cursors"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
2013-12-16 04:11:22 +08:00
" Tabbable snippets
Bundle "garbas/vim-snipmate.git"
Bundle "honza/vim-snippets"
2013-05-03 16:45:19 +08:00
" General vim improvements
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils.git"
Bundle "bogado/file-line.git"
Bundle "jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs.git"
Bundle "kien/ctrlp.vim"
Bundle "majutsushi/tagbar.git"
Bundle "mattn/webapi-vim.git"
Bundle "rking/ag.vim"
Bundle "scrooloose/nerdtree.git"
2013-03-22 00:38:41 +08:00
Bundle "scrooloose/syntastic.git"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "sjl/gundo.vim"
Bundle "skwp/YankRing.vim"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "skwp/greplace.vim"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "skwp/vim-conque"
Bundle "tomtom/tlib_vim.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-abolish"
Bundle "tpope/vim-endwise.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-ragtag"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "tpope/vim-repeat.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-surround.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-unimpaired"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "vim-scripts/AnsiEsc.vim.git"
Bundle "vim-scripts/AutoTag.git"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "vim-scripts/lastpos.vim"
Bundle "vim-scripts/sudo.vim"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "xsunsmile/showmarks.git"
2013-08-05 05:34:43 +08:00
Bundle "terryma/vim-multiple-cursors"
2013-08-05 06:58:12 +08:00
"vim-misc is required for vim-session
Bundle "xolox/vim-misc"
Bundle "xolox/vim-session"
2013-05-02 21:37:36 +08:00
" Text objects
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "austintaylor/vim-indentobject"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "bootleq/vim-textobj-rubysymbol"
2013-05-02 21:37:36 +08:00
Bundle "coderifous/textobj-word-column.vim"
Bundle "kana/vim-textobj-datetime"
Bundle "kana/vim-textobj-entire"
Bundle "kana/vim-textobj-function"
Bundle "kana/vim-textobj-user"
Bundle "lucapette/vim-textobj-underscore"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides"
2013-05-02 21:37:36 +08:00
Bundle "nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock"
Bundle "thinca/vim-textobj-function-javascript"
Bundle "vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
" Cosmetics, color scheme, Powerline...
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "chrisbra/color_highlight.git"
2013-05-02 22:54:16 +08:00
Bundle "skwp/vim-colors-solarized"
2013-08-02 00:07:22 +08:00
Bundle "bling/vim-airline.git"
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
Bundle "vim-scripts/TagHighlight.git"
2013-05-03 16:45:19 +08:00
Bundle "bogado/file-line.git"
2013-11-14 06:58:27 +08:00
Bundle "jby/tmux.vim.git"
2013-04-09 23:50:01 +08:00
" Customization
" The plugins listed in ~/.vim/.vundles.local will be added here to
" allow the user to add vim plugins to yadr without the need for a fork.
if filereadable(expand("~/.yadr/vim/.vundles.local"))
source ~/.yadr/vim/.vundles.local
2013-03-15 18:38:51 +08:00
"Filetype plugin indent on is required by vundle
2013-03-30 00:06:52 +08:00
filetype plugin indent on