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" ========================================
" Vim plugin configuration
" ========================================
" This file contains the list of plugin installed using vundle plugin manager.
" Once you've updated the list of plugin, you can run vundle update by issuing
2015-01-04 14:06:25 -06:00
" the command :PluginInstall from within vim or directly invoking it from the
" command line with the following syntax:
2015-01-04 14:06:25 -06:00
" vim --noplugin -u vim/vundles.vim -N "+set hidden" "+syntax on" +PluginClean! +PluginInstall +qall
" Filetype off is required by vundle
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
set rtp+=~/.vim/vundles/ "Submodules
2015-01-04 14:06:25 -06:00
call vundle#begin()
" let Vundle manage Vundle (required)
2015-01-04 14:06:25 -06:00
Plugin 'gmarik/vundle'
" YADR's vundles are split up by category into smaller files
" This reduces churn and makes it easier to fork. See
" ~/.vim/vundles/ to edit them:
runtime ruby.vundle
runtime languages.vundle
runtime git.vundle
runtime appearance.vundle
runtime textobjects.vundle
runtime search.vundle
runtime project.vundle
runtime vim-improvements.vundle
2013-05-02 16:54:16 +02:00
" The plugins listed in ~/.vim/.vundles.local will be added here to
" allow the user to add vim plugins to yadr without the need for a fork.
if filereadable(expand("~/.yadr/vim/.vundles.local"))
source ~/.yadr/vim/.vundles.local
2015-01-04 14:06:25 -06:00
call vundle#end()
"Filetype plugin indent on is required by vundle
2013-03-29 09:06:52 -07:00
filetype plugin indent on