Minor keymap changs, README cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,11 +157,18 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* ,z - jump back and forth between last two buffers
* ,z - jump back and forth between last two buffers
* Ctrl-\ - Show current file in nerd tree
* Ctrl-j and Ctrl-k to move up and down roughly by functions
* Ctrl-j and Ctrl-k to move up and down roughly by functions
* Ctrl-O - Old cursor position - this is a standard mapping but very useful, so included here
* Ctrl-o - Old cursor position - this is a standard mapping but very useful, so included here
* Ctrl-I - opposite of Ctrl-O (again, this is standard)
* Ctrl-i - opposite of Ctrl-O (again, this is standard)
* \mm - set the next available mark (set a mark with mX where X is a letter, navigate to mark using 'X). Uppercase marks to mark files, lowercase marks to use within a file.
* \mm - set the next available mark (set a mark with mX where X is a letter, navigate to mark using 'X). Uppercase marks to mark files, lowercase marks to use within a file.
* \ma - clear all marks
* \mh - clear current mark
* ,bb - toggle local anonymous bookmark at current location
* ,bn ,bp - next and previous anonymous bookmark
* ,bc - clear anonymous bookmarks
@ -175,6 +182,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* ,ru - Rails Unittest - synonym for :AV from rails.vim, opens up the corresponding test/spec to the file you're looking for, in a vertical split
* ,ru - Rails Unittest - synonym for :AV from rails.vim, opens up the corresponding test/spec to the file you're looking for, in a vertical split
* \ss to run specs, \ll to run a given spec on a line - using my vim-ruby-conque plugin (https://github.com/skwp/vim-ruby-conque)
* \ss to run specs, \ll to run a given spec on a line - using my vim-ruby-conque plugin (https://github.com/skwp/vim-ruby-conque)
* Cmd-Shift-R to use vim-rspec to run a spec file. Soon to support running individual contexts.
**Surround.vim customizations**
**Surround.vim customizations**
@ -194,8 +202,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* ,T - Tag list (list of methods in a class)
* ,T - Tag list (list of methods in a class)
* Cmd-k and Cmd-d to type underscores and dashes (use Shift), since they are so common in code but so far away from home row
* Cmd-k and Cmd-d to type underscores and dashes (use ), since they are so common in code but so far away from home row
* ; instead of : - avoid Shift for common tasks, just hit semicolon to get to ex mode
* ; instead of : - avoid Shift for common tasks, just hit semicolon to get to ex mode
* ,. to go to last edit location instead of '. because the apostrophe is hard on the pinky
* ,. to go to last edit location instead of '. because the apostrophe is hard on the pinky
@ -214,9 +221,14 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* vv - vertical split (Ctrl-w,v)
* vv - vertical split (Ctrl-w,v)
* ss - horizontal split (Ctrl-w,s)
* ss - horizontal split (Ctrl-w,s)
* ,, to zoom a window to max size and again to unzoom it (ZoomWin standard Ctrl-w,o)
* ,, - zoom a window to max size and again to unzoom it (ZoomWin plugin, usually C-w,o)
* ,q to close the quickfix and ,oq to open the quickfix (great for lookin at Ack or GitGrep results)
* ,oq - open quickfix window (this is where output from GitGrep goes)
* ,q - close quickfix
**NERDTree Project Tree**
* ,m - NERDTree toggle
* ,m - NERDTree toggle
* Ctrl-\ - Show current file tree
@ -224,19 +236,15 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* ,cc - (Current command) copies the command under your cursor and executes it in vim. Great for testing single line changes to vimrc.
* ,cc - (Current command) copies the command under your cursor and executes it in vim. Great for testing single line changes to vimrc.
* ,yw - yank a word from anywhere within the word (so you don't have to go to the beginning of it)
* ,yw - yank a word from anywhere within the word (so you don't have to go to the beginning of it)
* ,ow - overwrite a word with whatever is in your yank buffer - you can be anywhere on the word. saves having to visually select it
* ,ow - overwrite a word with whatever is in your yank buffer - you can be anywhere on the word. saves having to visually select it
* Cmd-/ - toggle comments (usually gcc from tComment)
* ,t - Command-T fuzzy file selector
* gcp (comment a paragraph) added
* ,t - Command-T fuzzy file selector (alternative to PeepOpen / LustyJuggler)
* sj - split a line such as a hash {:foo => {:bar => :baz}} into a multiline hash (j = down)
* sj - split a line such as a hash {:foo => {:bar => :baz}} into a multiline hash (j = down)
* sk - unsplit a link (k = up)
* sk - unsplit a link (k = up)
* Ctrl-a - align things (type a character/expression to align by, works in visual mode or by itself)
* Cmd-Shift-A - align things (type a character/expression to align by, works in visual mode or by itself)
* sj and sk - split and unsplit things (like ruby hashes) into multiple lines
**Local Anonymous Bookmarking**
* ,bb - toggle local anonymous bookmark at current location
* Cmd-/ - toggle comments (usually gcc from tComment)
* ,bn ,bp - next and previous anonymous bookmark
* gcp (comment a paragraph)
* ,bc - clear anonymous bookmarks
Included vim plugins
Included vim plugins
@ -249,7 +257,7 @@ Included vim plugins
* EasyMotion - hit \\w (forward) or \\b (back) and watch the magic happen. just type the letters and jump directly to your target - in the provided vimrc the keys are optimized for home and upper row, no pinkies
* EasyMotion - hit \\w (forward) or \\b (back) and watch the magic happen. just type the letters and jump directly to your target - in the provided vimrc the keys are optimized for home and upper row, no pinkies
* LustyJuggler/Explorer - hit B, type buf name to match a buffer, or type S and use the home row keys to select a buffer
* LustyJuggler/Explorer - hit B, type buf name to match a buffer, or type S and use the home row keys to select a buffer
* TagList - hit ,T to see a list of methods in a class (uses ctags)
* TagList - hit ,T to see a list of methods in a class (uses ctags)
* CommandT - although I personally use PeepOpen, this is available as it's pretty standard
* CommandT - ,t to find a file
* VimBookmarks - toggle an anonymous bookmark ,bb and go thru them ,bn ,bp and clear them ,bc
* VimBookmarks - toggle an anonymous bookmark ,bb and go thru them ,bn ,bp and clear them ,bc
@ -293,6 +301,7 @@ Included vim plugins
* greplace - use :Gsearch to find across many files, replace inside the changes, then :Greplace to do a replace across all matches
* greplace - use :Gsearch to find across many files, replace inside the changes, then :Greplace to do a replace across all matches
* ConqueTerm - embedded fully colorful shell inside your vim
* ConqueTerm - embedded fully colorful shell inside your vim
* vim-ruby-conque - helpers to run ruby,rspec,rake within ConqueTerm - use \rr (ruby), \ss (rspec), \ll (rspec line), \RR (rake)
* vim-ruby-conque - helpers to run ruby,rspec,rake within ConqueTerm - use \rr (ruby), \ss (rspec), \ll (rspec line), \RR (rake)
* vim-rspec - really clean and colorful rspec output (Cmd-Shift-R) with ability to navigate directly to error; will replace vim-ruby-conque when I do a couple enhancements/bug fixes
* ruby_focused_unit_test - helpers to run tests/specs with \t
* ruby_focused_unit_test - helpers to run tests/specs with \t
* vim-markdown-preview - :Mm to view your README.md as html
* vim-markdown-preview - :Mm to view your README.md as html
* html-escape - hit ctrl-h to escape html
* html-escape - hit ctrl-h to escape html
@ -158,14 +158,16 @@ nnoremap <D-*> :let @/='\<<C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>\>'<CR>:set hls<CR>
nnoremap ' `
nnoremap ' `
nnoremap ` '
nnoremap ` '
" Tabularization. Hit Ctrl-a then type a character you want to align by
" ============================
if exists(":Tabularize")
" Tabularize - alignment
nmap <C-a> :Tabularize /
" ============================
vmap <C-a> :Tabularize /
" Hit Cmd-Shift-A then type a character you want to align by
nmap <D-A> :Tabularize /
vmap <D-A> :Tabularize /
" ===
" ============================
" SplitJoin plugin
" SplitJoin plugin
" ============================
nmap sj :SplitjoinSplit<cr>
nmap sj :SplitjoinSplit<cr>
nmap sk :SplitjoinJoin<cr>
nmap sk :SplitjoinJoin<cr>
@ -185,6 +187,12 @@ nmap ,bc :ClearBookmarks<cr>
" snippets that are expanded with space
" snippets that are expanded with space
abbr pry! require 'pry'; binding.pry
abbr pry! require 'pry'; binding.pry
" ============================
" vim-rspec
" ============================
" Cmd-Shift-R for RSpec
nmap <D-R> :RunSpec<CR>
" If you use a fast_spec directory, Rfastspec can help you find
" If you use a fast_spec directory, Rfastspec can help you find
" one of your fast specs
" one of your fast specs
autocmd User BufEnterRails Rnavcommand fastspec fast_spec/ -glob=**/** -suffix=_spec.rb -default=model()
autocmd User BufEnterRails Rnavcommand fastspec fast_spec/ -glob=**/** -suffix=_spec.rb -default=model()
Reference in New Issue
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