Added ,rs ,rl ,ss ,sl commands for running specs in iTerm

This commit is contained in:
Yan Pritzker 2013-12-15 22:02:47 -06:00
parent 962b61a71d
commit 22e58f0ced
3 changed files with 8 additions and 1 deletions

@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ of plugins above to learn more.
* vim-ruby-refactoring - try `,rem`, `,rel` to extract methods or let statements
* `,vv` and `,cc` to switch between view and controller - these are maps to :Rcontroller and :Rview. Explore the :R<Tab> family of commands for more fun from rails.vim!
* `,rs` and `,rl` to run rspec or a spec line in iTerm (check iTerm window for results)
* `,ss` and `,sl` for the same using `spring rspec` which makes your Rails specs faster by caching the Rails env (must have spring gem installed)
#### Surround.vim customizations

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
nnoremap ,rs :RunItermSpec<cr>
nnoremap ,rl :RunItermSpecLine<cr>
nnoremap ,ss :RunItermSpringSpec<cr>
nnoremap ,sl :RunItermSpringSpecLine<cr>

@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ Bundle "gmarik/vundle"
" Ruby, Rails, Rake...
Bundle "ecomba/vim-ruby-refactoring"
Bundle "skwp/vim-spec-finder"
Bundle "tpope/vim-rails.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-rake.git"
Bundle "tpope/vim-rvm.git"
Bundle "vim-ruby/vim-ruby.git"
Bundle "Keithbsmiley/rspec.vim"
Bundle "skwp/vim-iterm-rspec"
Bundle "skwp/vim-spec-finder"
Bundle "ck3g/vim-change-hash-syntax"