set shell=/usr/bin/zsh instead of bash to make yadr stop suspending vim editing file
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,12 +22,13 @@ bind -r L resize-pane -R 5
# Smart pane switching with awareness of vim splits.
# Smart pane switching with awareness of vim splits.
# Source:
# Source:
is_vim='echo "#{pane_current_command}" | grep -iqE "(^|\/)g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?$"'
is_vim="ps -o state= -o comm= -t '#{pane_tty}' \
bind -n C-h if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-h" "select-pane -L"
| grep -iqE '^[^TXZ ]+ +(\\S+\\/)?g?(view|n?vim?x?)(diff)?$'"
bind -n C-j if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-j" "select-pane -D"
bind-key -n C-h if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-h" "select-pane -L"
bind -n C-k if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-k" "select-pane -U"
bind-key -n C-j if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-j" "select-pane -D"
bind -n C-l if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-l" "select-pane -R"
bind-key -n C-k if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-k" "select-pane -U"
bind -n C-\ if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-\\" "select-pane -l"
bind-key -n C-l if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-l" "select-pane -R"
bind-key -n C-\ if-shell "$is_vim" "send-keys C-\\" "select-pane -l"
# Use vi keybindings for tmux commandline input.
# Use vi keybindings for tmux commandline input.
# Note that to get command mode you need to hit ESC twice...
# Note that to get command mode you need to hit ESC twice...
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
" Set the shell to bash so we inherit its path, to make sure
" Set the shell to bash so we inherit its path, to make sure
" we inherit its path. This affects :Rtags finding the right
" we inherit its path. This affects :Rtags finding the right
" path to homebrewed ctags rather than the XCode version of ctags
" path to homebrewed ctags rather than the XCode version of ctags
set shell=bash\ -i
set shell=/usr/bin/zsh\ -l
@ -22,7 +22,4 @@ augroup filetype_python
autocmd FileType python highlight Excess ctermbg=DarkGrey guibg=Black
autocmd FileType python highlight Excess ctermbg=DarkGrey guibg=Black
autocmd FileType python match Excess /\%80v.*/
autocmd FileType python match Excess /\%80v.*/
autocmd FileType python set nowrap
autocmd FileType python set nowrap
autocmd FileType python map <buffer> <F3> :call Flake8()<CR>
augroup END
augroup END
" autocmd BufWritePost *.py call Flake8()
"let g:flake8_cmd="/opt/strangebin/flake8000"
@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ let g:syntastic_quiet_messages = {'level': 'warnings'}
" Default to eslint. If you need jshint, you can override this in
" Default to eslint. If you need jshint, you can override this in
" ~/.vimrc.after
" ~/.vimrc.after
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']
let g:syntastic_python_checkers = ['flake8']
let g:syntastic_python_flake8_args='--ignore=F401,F403,F405,W0401'
" I have no idea why this is not working, as it used to
" I have no idea why this is not working, as it used to
" be a part of syntastic code but was apparently removed
" be a part of syntastic code but was apparently removed
@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ Bundle 'derekwyatt/vim-scala'
Bundle 'ktvoelker/sbt-vim'
Bundle 'ktvoelker/sbt-vim'
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Bundle 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Bundle 'klen/python-mode'
Bundle 'klen/python-mode'
Bundle 'nvie/vim-flake8'
Reference in New Issue
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