diff --git a/gitconfig b/gitconfig index f4c87ef..a6fc103 100644 --- a/gitconfig +++ b/gitconfig @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -# set these tokens up in your env, such as ~/.secrets +# set your user tokens as enivornment variables, such as ~/.secrets +# See the README for examples. [color] ui = true [color "branch"] @@ -11,65 +12,79 @@ old = red bold new = green bold [alias] - d = diff # show unstaged changes - dc = diff --cached # show staged changes - last = diff HEAD^ # show last committed change - unstage = reset HEAD # remove files from index (tracking) - uncommit = reset --soft HEAD^ # go back before last commit, with files in uncommitted state - chunkyadd = add --patch # stage commits chunk by chunk - filelog = log -u # show changes to a file - amend = commit --amend - ammend = commit --amend - mt = mergetool #fire up the merge tool + # add + a = add # add + chunkyadd = add --patch # stage commits chunk by chunk - addall = !sh -c 'git add . && git add -u' + # branch + b = branch -v # branch (verbose) - # rebasing - rc = rebase --continue - rs = rebase --skip + # commit + c = commit -m # commit with message + ca = commit -am # commit all with message + ci = commit # commit + amend = commit --amend # ammend your last commit + ammend = commit --amend # ammend your last commit - # save some typing for common commands - ci = commit - co = checkout - b = branch -v - r = remote -v - t = tag -n + # checkout + co = checkout # checkout + nb = checkout -b # create and switch to a new branch (mnemonic: "git new branch branchname...") - # create and switch to a new branch (mnemonic: "git new branch branchname...") - nb = checkout -b + # cherry-pick + cp = cherry-pick -x # grab a change from a branch - stat = status - s = status + # diff + d = diff # diff unstaged changes + dc = diff --cached # diff staged changes + last = diff HEAD^ # diff last committed change - # stashing - ss = stash - sl = stash list - sa = stash apply - sd = stash drop - - # grab a change from a branch - cp = cherry-pick -x - - # move patch - - # default logging - l = log --decorate --graph --date=short --pretty=\"format:%C(blue)%ad%Creset %C(yellow)%h%C(green)%d%Creset %C(blue)%s %C(black) [%an]%Creset\" - - # nice logs + # log + log = log --decorate --graph --date=short + l = log changes = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %Cgreen%s%Creset\" --name-status - short = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %Cgreen%s%Creset\" - changelog = log --pretty=format:\" * %s\" - shortnocolor = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %s\" + short = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %Cgreen%s%Creset\" + changelog = log --pretty=format:\" * %s\" + shortnocolor = log --pretty=format:\"%h %cr %cn %s\" + + # pull + pl = pull # pull + + # push + ps = push # push + + # rebase + rc = rebase --continue # continue rebase + rs = rebase --skip # skip rebase + + # remote + r = remote -v # show remotes (verbose) + + # reset + unstage = reset HEAD # remove files from index (tracking) + uncommit = reset --soft HEAD^ # go back before last commit, with files in uncommitted state + filelog = log -u # show changes to a file + mt = mergetool # fire up the merge tool + + # stash + ss = stash # stash changes + sl = stash list # list stashes + sa = stash apply # apply stash (restore changes) + sd = stash drop # drop stashes (destory changes) + + # status + s = status # status + st = status # status + stat = status # status + + # tag + t = tag -n # show tags with lines of each tag message # svn helpers svnr = svn rebase svnd = svn dcommit - svnl = svn log --oneline --show-commit - - drop = !sh -c 'git add . && git stash && git stash drop' - grab = !sh -c 'git-grab.sh' -[gc] -# auto = 1 + svnl = svn log --oneline --show-commit +[format] + pretty = format:%C(blue)%ad%Creset %C(yellow)%h%C(green)%d%Creset %C(blue)%s %C(magenta) [%an]%Creset [merge] summary = true verbosity = 1 @@ -80,19 +95,17 @@ [push] # 'git push' will push the current branch to its tracking branch # the usual default is to push all branches - default = tracking + default = tracking [core] autocrlf = false - editor = /usr/bin/vim + editor = vim excludesfile = ~/.dotfiles/gitignore_global - [advice] statusHints = false [diff] - # Git diff will use (i)ndex, (w)ork tree, (c)ommit and (o)bject + # Git diff will use (i)ndex, (w)ork tree, (c)ommit and (o)bject # instead of a/b/c/d as prefixes for patches mnemonicprefix = true - [rerere] # Remember my merges # http://gitfu.wordpress.com/2008/04/20/git-rerere-rereremember-what-you-did-last-time/ diff --git a/gitignore_global b/gitignore_global index 48a611b..e807a85 100644 --- a/gitignore_global +++ b/gitignore_global @@ -1,4 +1,32 @@ +# OSX taken from: https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/OSX.gitignore +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .DS_Store -tags +# Thumbnails +._* +# Files that might appear on external disk +.Spotlight-V100 +.Trashes + +# Windows taken from: https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/Windows.gitignore +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Windows image file caches +Thumbs.db + +# Folder config file +Desktop.ini + +# Tags taken from: https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/Tags.gitignore +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Ignore tags created by etags and ctags TAGS +tags + +# Vim taken from: https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Global/vim.gitignore +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +.*.sw[a-z] +*.un~ +Session.vim + +# SASS +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .sass-cache