diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f9955cc..3965342 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ from scouring other people's dotfile repos, blogs, and projects. * Avoid stressful hand motions, e.g. remap Esc to caps lock key, remap underscore to Alt-k in vim, make window management in vim easy. * Easy to use plugin architecture, no config files to edit. * Pick one tool and use it everywhere: vim-ize everything - * **NEW Beautiful, easy to read and small vimrc** - * **NEW No key overrides or custom hackery in vimrc, everything in well factored snippets in .vim/plugin/settings** + *#### NEW Beautiful, easy to read and small vimrc** + *#### NEW No key overrides or custom hackery in vimrc, everything in well factored snippets in .vim/plugin/settings** ## Why is this not a fork of Janus? @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ gem install awesome_print ## Installation This project uses git submodules for its plugins, but this is handled -for you by the **yadr** command. Please run: +for you by the#### yadr** command. Please run: ```bash git clone https://github.com/skwp/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles @@ -255,14 +255,14 @@ The files in vim/plugin/settings are customizations stored on a per-plugin basis. The main keymap is available in skwp-keymap.vim, but some of the vim files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-keymap.vim) - **Navigation** +#### Navigation * ,z - jump back and forth between last two buffers * Ctrl-j and Ctrl-k to move up and down roughly by functions * Ctrl-o - Old cursor position - this is a standard mapping but very useful, so included here * Ctrl-i - opposite of Ctrl-O (again, this is standard) - **Marks** +#### Marks * ,mm - set the next available mark (set a mark with mX where X is a letter, navigate to mark using 'X). Uppercase marks to mark files, lowercase marks to use within a file. * ,ma - clear all marks @@ -271,23 +271,23 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * ,Bn ,Bp - next and previous anonymous bookmark * ,Bc - clear anonymous bookmarks - **LustyJuggler** +#### LustyJuggler * ,lj - show buffers (LustyJuggler buffer search), just type to fuzzy match a buffer name - **Rails** +#### Rails * ,ru - Rails Unittest - synonym for :AV from rails.vim, opens up the corresponding test/spec to the file you're looking for, in a vertical split * ,ss to run specs, ,ll to run a given spec on a line - using my vim-ruby-conque plugin (https://github.com/skwp/vim-ruby-conque) * Cmd-Shift-R to use vim-rspec to run a spec file. Cmd-Shift-L to run from a line (individual it block) - **Surround.vim customizations** +#### Surround.vim customizations * in plugin/settings/surround.vim (this folder contains all my customizations) * the # key now surrounds with #{}, so - ysaw# surround around word #{foo} * = surrounds with <%= erb tag %> and - for <% this %>, so yss= or yss- to wrap code - **Search/Code Navigation** +#### Search/Code Navigation * ,f - instantly Find definition of class (must have exuberant ctags installed) * ,F - same as ,f but in a vertical split @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * ,qg/ - quickfix GitGrep last search * ,T - Tag list (list of methods in a class) - **File Navigation** +#### File Navigation * ,t - CtrlP fuzzy file selector * ,b - CtrlP buffer selector @@ -322,24 +322,24 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * ,jV vendor * ,jF factories - **RSI-reduction** +#### RSI-reduction * Cmd-k and Cmd-d to type underscores and dashes (use Shift), since they are so common in code but so far away from home row * ; instead of : - avoid Shift for common tasks, just hit semicolon to get to ex mode * ,. to go to last edit location instead of '. because the apostrophe is hard on the pinky * Cmd-' and Cmd-" to change content inside quotes - **Tab Navigation** +#### Tab Navigation * Ctrl-H and Ctrl-L - left an right on tabs * Use Cmd-1..Cmd-0 to switch to a specific tab number (like iTerm) - and tabs have been set up to show numbers - **Window Navigation** +#### Window Navigation * H L I M - to move left, right, up, down between windows * Q - Intelligent Window Killer. Close window (wincmd c) if there are multiple windows to same buffer, or kill the buffer (bwipeout) if this is the last window into it. - **Splits** +#### Splits * vv - vertical split (Ctrl-w,v) * ss - horizontal split (Ctrl-w,s) @@ -347,12 +347,12 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * ,qc - close quickfix * ,gz - zoom a window to max size and again to unzoom it (ZoomWin plugin, usually C-w,o) - **NERDTree Project Tree** +#### NERDTree Project Tree * Cmd-N - NERDTree toggle * Ctrl-\ - Show current file tree - **Utility** +#### Utility * ,ig - toggle visual indentation guides * ,cf - Copy Filename of current file into system (not vi) paste buffer @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * sk - unsplit a link (k = up) * Cmd-Shift-A - align things (type a character/expression to align by, works in visual mode or by itself) - **Comments** +#### Comments * Cmd-/ - toggle comments (usually gcc from tComment) * gcp (comment a paragraph) @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke ### Included vim plugins - **Navigation** +#### Navigation * NERDTree - everyone's favorite tree browser * NERDTree-tabs - makes NERDTree play nice with MacVim tabs so that it's on every tab @@ -384,19 +384,19 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * VimBookmarks - toggle an anonymous bookmark ,bb and go thru them ,bn ,bp and clear them ,bc * TabMan - hit ,mt to see all tabs and buffers in a tree. Easy to navigate and close. - **Git** +#### Git * fugitive - "a git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal..". Try Gstatus and hit '-' to toggle files. Git 'd' to see a diff. Learn more: http://vimcasts.org/blog/2011/05/the-fugitive-series/ * extradite - use :Extradite to get a really great git log browser. Only works when you have a file open. * GitGrep - much better than the grep provided with fugitive; use :GitGrep or hit K to grep current word - **Colors** +#### Colors * AnsiEsc - inteprets ansi color codes inside log files. great for looking at Rails logs * solarized - a color scheme scientifically calibrated for awesomeness (including skwp mods for ShowMarks) * csapprox - helps colors to be represented correctly on terminals (even though we expect to use MacVim) - **Coding** +#### Coding * tComment - gcc to comment a line, gcp to comment blocks, nuff said * sparkup - div.foo#bar - hit ctrl-e, expands into
, and that's just the beginning @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * vim-coffeescript - support for coffeescript, highlighting * vim-stylus - support for stylus css language - **TextObjects** +#### TextObjects The things in this section provide new "objects" to work with your standard verbs such as yank/delete/change/=(codeformat), etc @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * vim-textobj-function - gives you 'f' textobj. so vaf to select a function * next-textobject - from Steve Losh, ability to use 'n' such as vinb (visual inside (n)ext set of parens) - **Utils** +#### Utils * SplitJoin - easily split up things like ruby hashes into multiple lines or join them back together. Try :SplitjoinJoin and :SplitjoinSplit or use the bindings sj(split) and sk(unsplit) - mnemonically j and k are directions down and up * tabularize - align code effortlessly by using :Tabularize /[character] to align by a character, or try the keymaps @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke * slime - use ctrl-c,ctrl-c to send text to a running irb/pry/console. To start the console, you must use screen with a named session: "screen -S [name] [cmd]", ex: "screen -S pry pry" * vim-indent-guides - visual indent guides, off by default - **General enhancements that don't add new commands** +#### General enhancements that don't add new commands * IndexedSearch - when you do searches will show you "Match 2 of 4" in the status line * delimitMate - automatically closes quotes