diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9d2e4a1..8685814 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke **Search/Code Navigation** * ,f - instantly Find definition of class (must have exuberant ctags installed) + * ,F - same as ,f but in a vertical split * K - GitGrep the current word under the cursor and show results in quickfix window * ,K - GitGrep the current word up to next exclamation point (useful for ruby foo! methods) * Cmd-* - highlight all occurrences of current word (similar to regular * except doesn't move) diff --git a/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-keymap.vim b/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-keymap.vim index 6c91dfe..fd5d97f 100644 --- a/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-keymap.vim +++ b/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-keymap.vim @@ -94,6 +94,10 @@ nnoremap ,gcp :GitGrepCurrentPartial " this uses ctags. the standard way to get this is Ctrl-] nnoremap ,f +" use ,F to jump to tag in a vertical split +nnoremap ,F :let word=expand(""):vsp:wincmd w:exec("tag ". word) + + "toggle between last two buffers with Z (normally ctrl-shift-6) nnoremap ,z diff --git a/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-window-killer.vim b/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-window-killer.vim index 71ff415..804b4b4 100644 --- a/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-window-killer.vim +++ b/vim/plugin/settings/yadr-window-killer.vim @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ " (if there are multiple windows into the same buffer) " or kill the buffer entirely if it's the last window looking into that buffer function! CloseWindowOrKillBuffer() - if(bufwinnr('%')) > 1 + let number_of_windows_to_this_buffer = len(filter(range(1, winnr('$')), "winbufnr(v:val) == bufnr('%')")) + + if number_of_windows_to_this_buffer > 1 wincmd c else bdelete