diff --git a/doc/vim/navigation.md b/doc/vim/navigation.md
index bc61060..7b7fef4 100644
--- a/doc/vim/navigation.md
+++ b/doc/vim/navigation.md
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
* NERDTree-tabs - makes NERDTree play nice with MacVim tabs so that it's on every tab
* ShowMarks - creates a visual gutter to the left of the number column showing you your marks
* EasyMotion - hit , esc (forward) or , Shift Esc (back) and watch the magic happen. Just type the letters and jump directly to your target - in the provided vimrc the keys are optimized for home row mostly. Using @skwp modified EasyMotion which uses vimperator-style two character targets.
-* TagBar - hit , T to see a list of methods in a class (uses ctags)
* CtrlP - , t to find a file
* Visual-star-search - make the * (star) search in visual mode behave like expected: searching for the whole selection instead of just the word under the cursor.
* Ag - super fast search by Silver Searcher. hit K to grep current word
diff --git a/doc/vim/utils.md b/doc/vim/utils.md
index 992e8d8..078a96b 100644
--- a/doc/vim/utils.md
+++ b/doc/vim/utils.md
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
* yankring - effortless sanity for pasting. every time you yank something it goes into a buffer. after hitting p to paste, use ctrl-p or ctrl-n to cycle through the paste options. great for when you accidentally overwrite your yank with a delete.
* surround - super easy quote and tag manipulation - ysiw" - sourround inner word with quotes. ci"' - change inner double quotes to single quotes, etc
* greplace - use :Gsearch to find across many files, replace inside the changes, then :Greplace to do a replace across all matches - made lightning fast with Silver Searcher
-* ConqueTerm - embedded fully colorful shell inside your vim
-* vim-ruby-conque - helpers to run ruby,rspec,rake within ConqueTerm
* vim-markdown-preview - :Mm to view your README.md as html
* html-escape - ,he and ,hu to escape and unescape html
* Gundo - visualize your undos - pretty amazing plugin. Hit ,u with my keymappings to trigger it, very user friendly