diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 0b137f8..dfc1427 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ vim/.netrwhist vim/tmp vim/spell vim/after/.vimrc.after +vim/bundle .netrwhist bin/subl tags diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index 3bc2cb9..5d8ae97 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -2,357 +2,7 @@ path = KeyBindings url = https://github.com/ttscoff/KeyBindings.git ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/raimondi-delimitMate"] - path = vim/bundle/raimondi-delimitMate - url = https://github.com/Raimondi/delimitMate - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/godlygeek-csapprox"] - path = vim/bundle/godlygeek-csapprox - url = https://github.com/godlygeek/csapprox.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-AnsiEsc"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-AnsiEsc - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/AnsiEsc.vim.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-vim-ruby-conque"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-vim-ruby-conque - url = https://github.com/skwp/vim-ruby-conque - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/kogakure-vim-sparkup"] - path = vim/bundle/kogakure-vim-sparkup - url = https://github.com/kogakure/vim-sparkup.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tomtom-tcomment_vim"] - path = vim/bundle/tomtom-tcomment_vim - url = https://github.com/tomtom/tcomment_vim.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/nelstrom-vim-markdown-preview"] - path = vim/bundle/nelstrom-vim-markdown-preview - url = https://github.com/nelstrom/vim-markdown-preview - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/scrooloose-nerdtree"] - path = vim/bundle/scrooloose-nerdtree - url = https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/jistr-vim-nerdtree-tabs"] - path = vim/bundle/jistr-vim-nerdtree-tabs - url = https://github.com/jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-AutoTag"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-AutoTag - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/AutoTag.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-IndexedSearch"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-IndexedSearch - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/IndexedSearch - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/scrooloose-syntastic"] - path = vim/bundle/scrooloose-syntastic - url = https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/sjbach-lusty"] - path = vim/bundle/sjbach-lusty - url = https://github.com/sjbach/lusty.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tjennings-git-grep-vim"] - path = vim/bundle/tjennings-git-grep-vim - url = https://github.com/tjennings/git-grep-vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-greplace"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-greplace - url = https://github.com/skwp/greplace.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-repeat"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-repeat - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-repeat.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-surround"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-surround - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-surround.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-rails"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-rails - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-rails.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-ruby-vim-ruby"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-ruby-vim-ruby - url = https://github.com/vim-ruby/vim-ruby.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/ecomba-vim-ruby-refactoring"] - path = vim/bundle/ecomba-vim-ruby-refactoring - url = https://github.com/ecomba/vim-ruby-refactoring - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-matchit.zip"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-matchit.zip - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/matchit.zip.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-endwise"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-endwise - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-endwise.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-vim-html-escape"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-vim-html-escape - url = https://github.com/skwp/vim-html-escape - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/Shougo-neocomplcache"] - path = vim/bundle/Shougo-neocomplcache - url = https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-vim-colors-solarized"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-vim-colors-solarized - url = https://github.com/skwp/vim-colors-solarized - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-pathogen"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-pathogen - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-fugitive"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-fugitive - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-fugitive - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-vim-git-grep-rails-partial"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-vim-git-grep-rails-partial - url = https://github.com/skwp/vim-git-grep-rails-partial - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-unimpaired"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-unimpaired - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-unimpaired - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-git"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-git - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-lastpos"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-lastpos - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/lastpos.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/sjl-gundo"] - path = vim/bundle/sjl-gundo - url = https://github.com/sjl/gundo.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-sudo"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-sudo - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/sudo.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/mileszs-ack"] - path = vim/bundle/mileszs-ack - url = https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/nelstrom-vim-textobj-rubyblock"] - path = vim/bundle/nelstrom-vim-textobj-rubyblock - url = https://github.com/nelstrom/vim-textobj-rubyblock - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-user"] - path = vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-user - url = https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-user - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/austintaylor-vim-indentobject"] - path = vim/bundle/austintaylor-vim-indentobject - url = https://github.com/austintaylor/vim-indentobject - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-datetime"] - path = vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-datetime - url = https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-datetime - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-entire"] - path = vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-entire - url = https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-entire - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/mattn-gist-vim"] - path = vim/bundle/mattn-gist-vim - url = https://github.com/mattn/gist-vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/godlygeek-tabular"] - path = vim/bundle/godlygeek-tabular - url = https://github.com/godlygeek/tabular - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/AndrewRadev-splitjoin"] - path = vim/bundle/AndrewRadev-splitjoin - url = https://github.com/AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-argtextobj"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-argtextobj - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/argtextobj.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/bootleq-vim-textobj-rubysymbol"] - path = vim/bundle/bootleq-vim-textobj-rubysymbol - url = https://github.com/bootleq/vim-textobj-rubysymbol - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/nathanaelkane-vim-indent-guides"] - path = vim/bundle/nathanaelkane-vim-indent-guides - url = https://github.com/nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-haml"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-haml - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-haml - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/claco-jasmine"] - path = vim/bundle/claco-jasmine - url = https://github.com/claco/jasmine.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-function"] - path = vim/bundle/kana-vim-textobj-function - url = https://github.com/kana/vim-textobj-function - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/kchmck-vim-coffee-script"] - path = vim/bundle/kchmck-vim-coffee-script - url = https://github.com/kchmck/vim-coffee-script - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/wavded-vim-stylus"] - path = vim/bundle/wavded-vim-stylus - url = https://github.com/wavded/vim-stylus - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-Vim-R-plugin"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-Vim-R-plugin - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/Vim-R-plugin - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/kien-ctrlp"] - path = vim/bundle/kien-ctrlp - url = https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/majutsushi-tagbar"] - path = vim/bundle/majutsushi-tagbar - url = https://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/joestelmach-javaScriptLint"] - path = vim/bundle/joestelmach-javaScriptLint - url = https://github.com/joestelmach/javaScriptLint.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/chrisbra-color_highlight"] - path = vim/bundle/chrisbra-color_highlight - url = https://github.com/chrisbra/color_highlight.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-camelcasemotion"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-camelcasemotion - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/camelcasemotion.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/garbas-vim-snipmate"] - path = vim/bundle/garbas-vim-snipmate - url = https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/MarcWeber-vim-addon-mw-utils"] - path = vim/bundle/MarcWeber-vim-addon-mw-utils - url = https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-mw-utils.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tomtom-tlib_vim"] - path = vim/bundle/tomtom-tlib_vim - url = https://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/honza-snipmate-snippets"] - path = vim/bundle/honza-snipmate-snippets - url = https://github.com/honza/snipmate-snippets.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-vim-conque"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-vim-conque - url = https://github.com/skwp/vim-conque - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/gregsexton-gitv"] - path = vim/bundle/gregsexton-gitv - url = https://github.com/gregsexton/gitv - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/briandoll-change-inside-surroundings"] - path = vim/bundle/briandoll-change-inside-surroundings - url = https://github.com/briandoll/change-inside-surroundings.vim.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/timcharper-textile"] - path = vim/bundle/timcharper-textile - url = https://github.com/timcharper/textile.vim.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-Specky"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-Specky - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/Specky.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-bundler"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-bundler - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-bundler - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-rake"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-rake - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-rake.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-vim-easymotion"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-vim-easymotion - url = https://github.com/skwp/vim-easymotion - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/groenewege-vim-less"] - path = vim/bundle/groenewege-vim-less - url = https://github.com/groenewege/vim-less.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/mattn-webapi-vim"] - path = vim/bundle/mattn-webapi-vim - url = https://github.com/mattn/webapi-vim.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/astashov-vim-ruby-debugger"] - path = vim/bundle/astashov-vim-ruby-debugger - url = https://github.com/astashov/vim-ruby-debugger - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/aaronjensen-vim-sass-status"] - path = vim/bundle/aaronjensen-vim-sass-status - url = https://github.com/aaronjensen/vim-sass-status.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-vim-powerline"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-vim-powerline - url = https://github.com/skwp/vim-powerline.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/briancollins-vim-jst"] - path = vim/bundle/briancollins-vim-jst - url = https://github.com/briancollins/vim-jst - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/pangloss-vim-javascript"] - path = vim/bundle/pangloss-vim-javascript - url = https://github.com/pangloss/vim-javascript - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn"] - path = vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn - url = https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn - ignore = dirty [submodule "zsh/prezto"] path = zsh/prezto url = https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-YankRing"] - path = vim/bundle/skwp-YankRing - url = https://github.com/skwp/YankRing.vim - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-abolish"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-abolish - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-abolish - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/jtratner-vim-flavored-markdown"] - path = vim/bundle/jtratner-vim-flavored-markdown - url = https://github.com/jtratner/vim-flavored-markdown.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/xsunsmile-showmarks"] - path = vim/bundle/xsunsmile-showmarks - url = https://github.com/xsunsmile/showmarks.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/digitaltoad-vim-jade"] - path = vim/bundle/digitaltoad-vim-jade - url = https://github.com/digitaltoad/vim-jade.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-ragtag"] - path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-ragtag - url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-ragtag - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-scripts-TagHighlight"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-scripts-TagHighlight - url = https://github.com/vim-scripts/TagHighlight.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/jelera-vim-javascript-syntax"] - path = vim/bundle/jelera-vim-javascript-syntax - url = https://github.com/jelera/vim-javascript-syntax.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/itspriddle-vim-jquery"] - path = vim/bundle/itspriddle-vim-jquery - url = https://github.com/itspriddle/vim-jquery.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/vim-slim"] - path = vim/bundle/vim-slim - url = https://github.com/slim-template/vim-slim.git - ignore = dirty -[submodule "vim/bundle/airblade-vim-gitgutter"] - path = vim/bundle/airblade-vim-gitgutter - url = https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter -[submodule "vim/bundle/bogado-file-line"] - path = vim/bundle/bogado-file-line - url = https://github.com/bogado/file-line.git diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile index cb08239..709cfcd 100644 --- a/Rakefile +++ b/Rakefile @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ require 'rake' +require 'fileutils' +require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'bin', 'yadr', 'vundle') desc "Hook our dotfiles into system-standard positions." task :install => [:submodule_init, :submodules] do @@ -18,7 +20,10 @@ task :install => [:submodule_init, :submodules] do file_operation(Dir.glob('ctags/*')) if want_to_install?('ctags config (better js/ruby support)') file_operation(Dir.glob('tmux/*')) if want_to_install?('tmux config') file_operation(Dir.glob('vimify/*')) if want_to_install?('vimification of command line tools') - file_operation(Dir.glob('{vim,vimrc}')) if want_to_install?('vim configuration (highly recommended)') + if want_to_install?('vim configuration (highly recommended)') + file_operation(Dir.glob('{vim,vimrc}')) + Rake::Task["install_vundle"].execute + end Rake::Task["install_prezto"].execute @@ -35,7 +40,9 @@ task :install_prezto do end end -task :update => [:install] do +task :update do + Rake::Task["vundle_migration"].execute if needs_migration_to_vundle? + Rake::Task["install"].execute #TODO: for now, we do the same as install. But it would be nice #not to clobber zsh files end @@ -62,6 +69,47 @@ task :submodules do end end +desc "Performs migration from pathogen to vundle" +task :vundle_migration do + puts "======================================================" + puts "Migrating from pathogen to vundle vim plugin manager. " + puts "This will move the old .vim/bundle directory to" + puts ".vim/bundle.old and replacing all your vim plugins with" + puts "the standard set of plugins. You will then be able to " + puts "manage your vim's plugin configuration by editing the " + puts "file .vim/vundles.vim" + puts "======================================================" + + Dir.glob(File.join('vim', 'bundle','**')) do |sub_path| + run %{git config -f #{File.join('.git', 'config')} --remove-section submodule.#{sub_path}} + # `git rm --cached #{sub_path}` + FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join('.git', 'modules', sub_path)) + end + FileUtils.mv(File.join('vim','bundle'), File.join('vim', 'bundle.old')) +end + +desc "Runs Vundle installer in a clean vim environment" +task :install_vundle do + puts "======================================================" + puts "Installing vundle." + puts "The installer will now proceed to run BundleInstall." + puts "Due to a bug, the installer may report some errors" + puts "when installing the plugin 'syntastic'. Fortunately" + puts "Syntastic will install and work properly despite the" + puts "errors so please just ignore them and let's hope for" + puts "an update that fixes the problem!" + puts "======================================================" + + puts "" + + run %{ + cd $HOME/.yadr + git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git #{File.join('vim','bundle', 'vundle')} + } + + Vundle::update_vundle +end + task :default => 'install' @@ -198,6 +246,17 @@ def file_operation(files, method = :symlink) end end +def needs_migration_to_vundle? + File.exists? File.join('vim', 'bundle', 'tpope-vim-pathogen') +end + + +def list_vim_submodules + result=`git submodule -q foreach 'echo $name"||"\`git remote -v | awk "END{print \\\\\$2}"\`'`.select{ |line| line =~ /^vim.bundle/ }.map{ |line| line.split('||') } + Hash[*result.flatten] +end + + def success_msg(action) puts "" puts " _ _ _ " diff --git a/bin/yadr/vundle.rb b/bin/yadr/vundle.rb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd485a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/yadr/vundle.rb @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +require 'fileutils' + +module Vundle + @vundles_path = File.expand_path File.join('~', '.vim', 'vundles.vim') + def self.add_plugin_to_vundle(plugin_repo) + return if contains_vundle? plugin_repo + + vundles = vundles_from_file + last_bundle_dir = vundles.rindex{ |line| line =~ /^Bundle / } + vundles.insert last_bundle_dir+1, "Bundle \"#{plugin_repo}\"" + write_vundles_to_file vundles + end + + def self.remove_plugin_from_vundle(plugin_repo) + vundles = vundles_from_file + deleted_value = vundles.reject!{ |line| line =~ /Bundle "#{plugin_repo}"/ } + + write_vundles_to_file vundles + + !deleted_value.nil? + end + + def self.vundle_list + vundles_from_file.select{ |line| line =~ /^Bundle .*/ }.map{ |line| line.gsub(/Bundle "(.*)"/, '\1')} + end + + def self.update_vundle + system "vim --noplugin -u vim/vundles.vim -N \"+set hidden\" \"+syntax on\" +BundleClean +BundleInstall +qall" + end + + + private + def self.contains_vundle?(vundle_name) + File.read(@vundles_path).include?(vundle_name) + end + + def self.vundles_from_file + File.read(@vundles_path).split("\n") + end + + def self.write_vundles_to_file(vundles) + FileUtils.cp(@vundles_path, "#{@vundles_path}.bak") + vundle_file = File.open(@vundles_path, "w") + vundle_file.write(vundles.join("\n")) + vundle_file.close + end +end diff --git a/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-add-plugin b/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-add-plugin index 41a2fbb..01e98c7 100755 --- a/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-add-plugin +++ b/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-add-plugin @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ #!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'default_libs') +require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'vundle') GitStyleBinary.command do version "yadr-add-vim-plugin 1.0" - short_desc "Add a vim plugin from a github repo" - opt :url, "Github url (http:// or git://)", :type => String + short_desc "Add a vim plugin from a repo" + opt :url, "Repository URL (see usage)", :required => true, :type => String + + banner <<-'EOS' + Usage: yadr-add-vim-plugin --url [URL] + Specify a plugin repository URL in one of the following forms: + - Custom repository URL (full URL): git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git + - Github repository (username/repo_name): robgleesson/hammer.vim.git + - Vim script repository (plugin_name): FuzzyFinder + EOS run do |command| - unless ARGV.size==1 - puts "Example: #{$0} https://github.com/robgleeson/hammer.vim.git" - else - begin - repo=command[:url] - bundle_path=repo.gsub("https://github.com/","").gsub(".git","").gsub("/","-").gsub(".vim","") - system("cd #{$yadr} && git submodule add #{repo} vim/bundle/#{bundle_path}") - rescue - puts "Sorry, couldn't parse your path: #{$!}" - end - end + repo=command.opts[:url] + repo=command.opts[:url] + puts "Adding \"#{repo}\" to the plugin list" + bundle_path=repo.gsub("https://github.com/", "") + Vundle::add_plugin_to_vundle repo + Vundle::update_vundle end end diff --git a/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-delete-plugin b/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-delete-plugin new file mode 100755 index 0000000..81237e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-delete-plugin @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'default_libs') +require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'vundle') + +GitStyleBinary.command do + version "yadr-delete-vim-plugin 1.0" + + short_desc "Removes a vim plugin" + opt :url, "Repository URL (see usage)", :required => true, :type => String + + banner <<-'EOS' + Usage: yadr-delete-vim-plugin --url [URL] + Specify a plugin repository URL in one of the following forms: + - Custom repository URL (full URL): git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git + - Github repository (username/repo_name): robgleesson/hammer.vim.git + - Vim script repository (plugin_name): FuzzyFinder + EOS + run do |command| + repo=command.opts[:url] + puts "Removing \"#{repo}\" from the plugin list" + bundle_path=repo.gsub("https://github.com/", "") + removed=Vundle::remove_plugin_from_vundle repo + if removed + Vundle::update_vundle + puts "Successfully removed\"#{repo}\"" + else + puts "Unable to find \"#{repo}\" among the installed plugins" + end + end +end diff --git a/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-list-plugin b/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-list-plugin new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fc3c376 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/yadr/yadr-vim-list-plugin @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env ruby +require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'default_libs') +require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'vundle') + +GitStyleBinary.command do + version "yadr-list-vim-plugin 1.0" + + short_desc "List installed vim plugins" + + banner <<-'EOS' + Usage: yadr-list-vim-plugin + EOS + run do |command| + puts "Currently configured plugins:" + i=1 + Vundle::vundle_list.each do |plugin| + puts "#{i}. #{plugin}" + i=i+1 + end + end +end diff --git a/vim/bundle/AndrewRadev-splitjoin b/vim/bundle/AndrewRadev-splitjoin deleted file mode 160000 index 4cea0da..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/AndrewRadev-splitjoin +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 4cea0daa115ea818648f8a166b22a47b3f56f009 diff --git a/vim/bundle/MarcWeber-vim-addon-mw-utils b/vim/bundle/MarcWeber-vim-addon-mw-utils deleted file mode 160000 index 0c5612f..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/MarcWeber-vim-addon-mw-utils +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 0c5612fa31ee434ba055e21c76f456244b3b5109 diff --git a/vim/bundle/Shougo-neocomplcache b/vim/bundle/Shougo-neocomplcache deleted file mode 160000 index d3f5ab0..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/Shougo-neocomplcache +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit d3f5ab0332d93c2ea508f1ea4fe172cff88b3881 diff --git a/vim/bundle/aaronjensen-vim-sass-status b/vim/bundle/aaronjensen-vim-sass-status deleted file mode 160000 index 5255fdc..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/aaronjensen-vim-sass-status +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 5255fdcb92692b108a23ce042520a631cda3a4dc diff --git a/vim/bundle/airblade-vim-gitgutter b/vim/bundle/airblade-vim-gitgutter deleted file mode 160000 index 3f9cf5a..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/airblade-vim-gitgutter +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 3f9cf5a44d56d8356001c6c47928b2b9b19d2540 diff --git a/vim/bundle/astashov-vim-ruby-debugger b/vim/bundle/astashov-vim-ruby-debugger deleted file mode 160000 index 36acb43..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/astashov-vim-ruby-debugger +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 36acb4390b95050bd6331675dd5cd03379bc32a0 diff --git a/vim/bundle/austintaylor-vim-indentobject b/vim/bundle/austintaylor-vim-indentobject deleted file mode 160000 index 740e067..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/austintaylor-vim-indentobject +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 740e067a34cfd805af2d3a3fbe29d65def03b40f diff --git a/vim/bundle/bootleq-vim-textobj-rubysymbol b/vim/bundle/bootleq-vim-textobj-rubysymbol deleted file mode 160000 index 7fd2a8b..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/bootleq-vim-textobj-rubysymbol +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 7fd2a8bde1be3030dccddaa6e2be16bac4f2c881 diff --git a/vim/bundle/briancollins-vim-jst b/vim/bundle/briancollins-vim-jst deleted file mode 160000 index a0c3283..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/briancollins-vim-jst +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit a0c3283be10c2bb6ac2247f09f16e7b7b034d902 diff --git a/vim/bundle/briandoll-change-inside-surroundings b/vim/bundle/briandoll-change-inside-surroundings deleted file mode 160000 index 8a99470..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/briandoll-change-inside-surroundings +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 8a994707234e7da7fd127633824b2c0b9dfc8c43 diff --git a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/.gitignore b/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 1db8272..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -post.pl -vim_passfile -.*.un~ -.*.sw* -# ignore vimballs -*.vba -*.vmb -# ignore *.orig files -*.orig diff --git a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/Makefile b/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/Makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 14a5e0a..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/Makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ -SCRIPT=$(wildcard plugin/*.vim) -AUTOL =$(wildcard autoload/*.vim) -DOC=$(wildcard doc/*.txt) -PLUGIN=$(shell basename "$$PWD") -VERSION=$(shell sed -n '/Version:/{s/^.*\(\S\.\S\+\)$$/\1/;p}' $(SCRIPT)) - -.PHONY: $(PLUGIN).vmb README - -all: uninstall vimball install - -vimball: $(PLUGIN).vmb - -clean: - find . -type f \( -name "*.vba" -o -name "*.orig" -o -name "*.~*" \ - -o -name ".VimballRecord" -o -name ".*.un~" -o -name "*.sw*" -o \ - -name tags -o -name "*.vmb" \) -delete - -dist-clean: clean - -install: - vim -N -c':so %' -c':q!' $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vmb - -uninstall: - vim -N -c':RmVimball' -c':q!' $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vmb - -undo: - for i in */*.orig; do mv -f "$$i" "$${i%.*}"; done - -README: - cp -f $(DOC) README - -$(PLUGIN).vmb: - rm -f $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vmb - vim -N -c 'ru! vimballPlugin.vim' -c ':call append("0", [ "$(SCRIPT)", "$(AUTOL)", "$(DOC)"])' -c '$$d' -c ":%MkVimball $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION) ." -c':q!' - ln -f $(PLUGIN)-$(VERSION).vmb $(PLUGIN).vmb - -release: version all README - -version: - perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/Version:/) {s/\.(\d*)/sprintf(".%d", 1+$$1)/e}' ${SCRIPT} ${AUTOL} - perl -i -pne 'if (/GetLatestVimScripts:/) {s/(\d+)\s+:AutoInstall:/sprintf("%d :AutoInstall:", 1+$$1)/e}' ${SCRIPT} ${AUTOL} - #perl -i -pne 'if (/Last Change:/) {s/\d+\.\d+\.\d\+$$/sprintf("%s", `date -R`)/e}' ${SCRIPT} - perl -i -pne 'if (/Last Change:/) {s/(:\s+).*\n/sprintf(": %s", `date -R`)/e}' ${SCRIPT} ${AUTOL} - perl -i.orig -pne 'if (/Version:/) {s/\.(\d+).*\n/sprintf(".%d %s", 1+$$1, `date -R`)/e}' ${DOC} - VERSION=$(shell sed -n '/Version:/{s/^.*\(\S\.\S\+\)$$/\1/;p}' $(SCRIPT)) diff --git a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/README b/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/README deleted file mode 100644 index 153521c..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,523 +0,0 @@ -*NrrwRgn.txt* A Narrow Region Plugin (similar to Emacs) - -Author: Christian Brabandt -Version: 0.29 Mon, 20 Aug 2012 19:34:23 +0200 -Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Christian Brabandt - The VIM LICENSE applies to NrrwRgnPlugin.vim and NrrwRgnPlugin.txt - (see |copyright|) except use NrrwRgnPlugin instead of "Vim". - NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USE AT-YOUR-OWN-RISK. - - -============================================================================== -1. Contents *NarrowRegion* *NrrwRgnPlugin* - - 1. Contents.....................................: |NrrwRgnPlugin| - 2. NrrwRgn Manual...............................: |NrrwRgn-manual| - 2.1 NrrwRgn Howto..............................: |NR-HowTo| - 2.2 NrrwRgn Multi..............................: |NR-multi-example| - 2.3 NrrwRgn Configuration......................: |NrrwRgn-config| - 3. NrrwRgn Feedback.............................: |NrrwRgn-feedback| - 4. NrrwRgn History..............................: |NrrwRgn-history| - -============================================================================== -2. NrrwRgn Manual *NrrwRgn-manual* - -Functionality - -This plugin is based on a discussion in comp.editors (see the thread at -http://groups.google.com/group/comp.editors/browse_frm/thread/0f562d97f80dde13) - -Narrowing means focussing on a region and making the rest inaccessible. You -simply select the region, call |:NarrowRegion| and the selected part will open -in a new scratch buffer. The rest of the file will be protected, so you won't -accidentally modify that buffer. In the new buffer, you can do a global -replace, search or anything else to modify that part. When you are finished, -simply write that buffer (e.g. by |:w|) and your modifications will be put in -the original buffer making it accessible again. - -NrrwRgn allows you to either select a line based selection using an Ex-command -or you can simply use any visual selected region and press your preferred key -combination to open that selection in a new buffer. - -This plugin defines the following commands: - - *:NarrowRegion* *:NR* -:[range]NR[!] -:[range]NarrowRegion[!] When [range] is omitted, select only the current - line, else use the lines in the range given and - open it in a new Scratch Window. - If the current line is selected and is on a folded - region, select the whole folded text. - Whenever you are finished modifying that region - simply write the buffer. - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - *:NarrowWindow* *:NW* -:NW[!] -:NarrowWindow[!] Select only the range that is visible the current - window and open it in a new Scratch Window. - Whenever you are finished modifying that region - simply write the buffer. - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - *:WidenRegion* -:WidenRegion[!] This command is only available in the narrowed - scratch window. If the buffer has been modified, - the contents will be put back on the original - buffer. If ! is specified, the window will be - closed, otherwise it will remain open. - - *:NRV* -:NRV[!] Opened the narrowed window for the region that was - last selected in visual mode - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - *:NUD* - -:NUD When viewing unified diffs, this command opens - the current chunk in 2 Narrowed Windows in - |diff-mode| The current chunk is determined as the - one, that the cursor is at. This command does not - make sense if editing a different file format (or - even different diff format) - - *:NRPrepare* -:[range]NRPrepare[!] -:[range]NRP[!] You can use this command, to mark several lines - that will later be put into a Narrowed Window - using |:NRM|. - If the ! is used, all earlier selected lines will - be cleared first. - - *:NRMulti* -:NRMulti -:NRM This command takes all lines, that have been - marked by |:NRP| and puts them together in a new - narrowed buffer. - When you write your changes back, all separate - lines will be put back at their origin. - This command also clears the list of marked lines, - that was created with |NRP|. - See also |NR-multi-example|. - - *:NRSyncOnWrite* *:NRS* -:NRSyncOnWrite -:NRS Enable synching the buffer content back to the - original buffer when writing. - (this is the default). - - *:NRNoSyncOnWrite* *:NRN* -:NRNoSyncOnWrite -:NRN Disable synching the buffer content back to the - original buffer when writing. When set, the - narrowed buffer behaves like an ordinary buffer - that you can write in the filesystem. - (this is the default). - - *:NRL* - -:NRL[!] Reselect the last selected region again and open in - a narrowed window. - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - -2.1 NrrwRgn HowTo *NR-HowTo* ------------------ - -Use the commands provided above to select a certain region to narrow. You can -also start visual mode and have the selected region being narrowed. In this -mode, NarrowRegion allows you to block select |CTRL-V| , character select |v| -or linewise select |V| a region. Then press nr where by -default is set to '\', unless you have set it to something different (see -|| for information how to change this) and the selected range will -open in a new scratch buffer. This key combination only works in |Visual-mode| - -When finished, simply write that Narrowed Region window, from which you want -to take the modifications in your original file. - -It is possible, to recursively open a Narrowed Window on top of an already -narrowed window. This sounds a little bit silly, but this makes it possible, -to have several narrowed windows, which you can use for several different -things, e.g. If you have 2 different buffers opened and you want to diff a -certain region of each of those 2 buffers, simply open a Narrowed Window for -each buffer, and execute |:diffthis| in each narrowed window. - -You can then interactively merge those 2 windows. And when you are finished, -simply write the narrowed window and the changes will be taken back into the -original buffer. - -When viewing unified diffs, you can use the provided |:NUD| command to open 2 -Narrowed Windows side by side viewing the current chunk in |diff-mode|. Those -2 Narrowed windows will be marked 'modified', since there was some post -processing involved when opening the narrowed windows. Be careful, when -quitting the windows, not to write unwanted changes into your patch file! In -the window that contains the unified buffer, you can move to a different -chunk, run |:NUD| and the 2 Narrowed Windows in diff mode will update. - -2.2 NrrwRgn Multi *NR-multi-example* ------------------ - -Using the commands |:NRP| and |:NRM| allows to select a range of lines, that -will be put into a narrowed buffer together. This might sound confusing, but -this allows to apply a filter before making changes. For example before -editing your config file, you decide to strip all comments for making big -changes but when you write your changes back, these comments will stay in your -file. You would do it like this: > - :v/^#/NRP - :NRMulti -< -Now a Narrowed Window will open, that contains only the configuration lines. -Each block of independent region will be separated by a string like - -# Start NarrowRegion1 -..... -# End NarrowRegion1 - -This is needed, so the plugin later knows, which region belongs where in the -original place. Blocks you don't want to change, you can safely delete, they -won't be written back into your original file. But other than that, you -shouldn't change those separating lines. - -When you are finished, simply write your changes back. - -============================================================================== - -2.3 NrrwRgn Configuration *NrrwRgn-config* -------------------------- - -NarrowRegion can be customized by setting some global variables. If you'd -like to open the narrowed window as a vertical split buffer, simply set the -variable g:nrrw_rgn_vert to 1 in your |.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_vert = 1 -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you'd like to specify a certain width/height for you scratch buffer, then -set the variable g:nrrw_rgn_wdth in your |.vimrc| . This variable defines the -width or the nr of columns, if you have also set g:nrrw_rgn_vert. > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_wdth = 30 -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -By default, NarrowRegion highlights the region that has been selected -using the WildMenu highlighting (see |hl-WildMenu|). If you'd like to use a -different highlighting, set the variable g:nrrw_rgn_hl to your preferred -highlighting Group. For example to have the region highlighted like a search -result, you could put that in your |.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_hl = 'Search' -< -If you want to turn off the highlighting (because this can be distracting), you -can set the global variable g:nrrw_rgn_nohl to 1 in your |.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_nohl = 1 -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you'd like to change the key combination that starts the Narrowed Window -for your selected range, you could put this in your |.vimrc| > - - xmap NrrwrgnDo -< -This will let open the Narrow-Window, but only if you have pressed it in -Visual Mode. It doesn't really make sense to map this combination to any other -mode, unless you want it to Narrow your last visually selected range. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you'd like to specify the options that you want to have set for the -narrowed window, you can set the g:nrrw_custom_options setting, in your -|.vimrc| e.g. > - - let g:nrrw_custom_options={} - let g:nrrw_custom_options['filetype'] = 'python' -> -This will only apply those options to the narrowed buffer. You need to take -care that all options you need will apply. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you don't like that your narrowed window opens above the current window, -define the g:nrrw_topbot_leftright variable to your taste, e.g. > - - let g:nrrw_topbot_leftright = 'botright' -< -Now, all narrowed windows will appear below the original window. If not -specified, the narrowed window will appear above/left of the original window. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you want to use several independent narrowed regions of the same buffer -that you want to write at the same time, protecting the original buffer is not -really useful. Therefore, set the g:nrrw_rgn_protect variable, e.g. in your -|.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_protect = 'n' -< -This can be useful if you diff different regions of the same file, and want -to be able to put back the changes at different positions. Please note that -you should take care not to change any part that will later be influenced -when writing the narrowed region back. - -Note: Don't use overlapping regions! Your changes will probably not be put -back correctly and there is no guard against losing data accidentally. NrrwRgn -tries hard to adjust the highlighting and regions as you write your changes -back into the original buffer, but it can't guarantee that this will work and -might fail silently. Therefore, this feature is experimental! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - *NR-hooks* - -NarrowRegion can execute certain commands, when creating the narrowed window -and when closing the narrowed window. For this, you can set 2 buffer-local -variables that specify what commands to execute, which will hook into the -execution of the Narrow Region plugin. - -For example, suppose you have a file, containing columns separated data (CSV -format) which you want to modify and you also have the CSV filetype plugin -(http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2830) installed and you want -to modify the CSV data which should be visually arranged like a table in the -narrowed window. - -Therefore you want the command |:ArrangeColumn| to be executed in the new -narrowed window upon entering it, and when writing the changes back, you want -the command |:UnArrangeColumn| to be executed just before putting the -changes back. So you set those two variables in your original buffer: > - - let b:nrrw_aucmd_create = "set ft=csv|%ArrangeCol" - let b:nrrw_aucmd_close = "%UnArrangeColumn" -< -This will execute the commands in the narrowed window: > - - :set ft=csv - :%ArrangeCol - -and before writing the changes back, it'll execute: > - - :%UnArrangeCol - -============================================================================== -3. NrrwRgn Feedback *NrrwRgn-feedback* - -Feedback is always welcome. If you like the plugin, please rate it at the -vim-page: -http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3075 - -You can also follow the development of the plugin at github: -http://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn - -Please don't hesitate to report any bugs to the maintainer, mentioned in the -third line of this document. - -If you like the plugin, write me an email (look in the third line for my mail -address). And if you are really happy, vote for the plugin and consider -looking at my Amazon whishlist: http://www.amazon.de/wishlist/2BKAHE8J7Z6UW - -============================================================================== -4. NrrwRgn History *NrrwRgn-history* - - -0.29: Aug 20, 2012 {{{1 -- Use ! to have the narrowed buffer not opened in a new window (suggested by - Greg Sexton thanks!, issue #8 - https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/8) -- Fix mappings for visual mode (https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/9, - reported by Sung Pae, thanks!) -- Fix problem with setting the filetype - (https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/10, reported by Hong Xu, - thanks!) -- Fix some minor problems, when using ! mode -0.28: Jun 03, 2012 {{{1 -- Plugin did not store last narrowed region when narrowed window was moved to - another tabpage (reported by Ben Fritz, thanks!) - -0.27: May 17, 2012 {{{1 -- When using |:NR| on a line that is folded, include the whole folded region - in the Narrowed window. -- Better filetype detection for comments -- Error handling, when doing |:NRM| without doing |:NRP| first -- Use |:NRP!| to clear the old selection -- Don't load the autoload script when sourcing the plugin script - (reported by Sergey Khorev, thanks!) -- Vim 7.3.449 introduced E855, prevent this error. -- |:NRL| -- |NRM| did not correctly parse the list of lines provided by |:NRP| -- highlighted pattern for blockwise visual narrowed regions was wrong -- Saving blockwise visual selected regions back, could corrupt the contents - -0.26: Jan 02, 2012 {{{1 - -- Fix issue https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/7 - (reported by Alessio B., thanks!) - - -0.25: Nov 08, 2011 {{{1 - -- updated documentation (patch by Jean, thanks!) -- make it possible, to not sync the narrowed buffer back by disabling - it using |:NRSyncOnWrite| |:NRNoSyncOnWrite| - -0.24: Oct 24, 2011 {{{1 - -- error on vim.org page, reuploaded version 0.22 as 0.24 - -0.23: Oct 24, 2011 {{{1 - -- (wrongly uploaded to vim.org) - -0.22: Oct 24, 2011 {{{1 - -- Allow customization via the use of hooks (|NR-hooks|) - -0.21: July 26, 2011 {{{1 - -- Fix undefined variable adjust_line_numbers - https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/5 (reported by jmcantrell, - thanks!) - -0.20: July 25, 2011 {{{1 -- allow customization via the g:nrrw_topbot_leftright variable (Thanks Herbert - Sitz!) -- allow what options will be applied using the g:nrrw_custom_options dict - (suggested by Herbert Sitz. Thanks!) -- NRV didn't hightlight the region that was selected (reported by Herbert - Sitz, thanks!) -- use the g:nrrw_rgn_protect variable, to prevent that the original buffer - will be protected. This is useful, if you narrow several regions of the same - buffer and want to write those changes indepentently (reported by kolyuchiy - in https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/3, Thanks!) -- fix an error with not correctly deleting the highlighted region, that was - discovered when reporting issue 3 (see above). (Reported by kolyuchiy, - thanks!) -- Catch errors, when setting window local options. (Patch by Sung Pae, - Thanks!) - -0.19: May 22, 2011 {{{1 -- fix issue 2 from github https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/2 - (Widening does not work, if the narrowed windows have been moved to a new - tabspace). Reported by vanschelven, thanks! - -0.18: December 10, 2010 {{{1 -- experimental feature: Allow to Narrow several different regions at once - using :g/pattern/NRP and afterwards calling :NRM - (This only works linewise. Should that be made possible for any reagion?) -- disable folds, before writing changes back, otherwise chances are, you'll - lose more data then wanted -- code cleanup - -0.17: November 23, 2010 {{{1 -- cache the options, that will be set (instead of parsing - $VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt every time) in the Narrowed Window -- getting the options didn't work, when using an autocommand like this: - autocmd BufEnter * cd %:p:h - (reported by Xu Hong, Thanks!) -- :q didn't clean up the Narrowed Buffer correctly. Fix this -- some code cleanup - -0.16: November 16, 2010 {{{1 -- Bugfix: copy all local options to the narrowed window (reported by Xu Hong, - Thanks!) - -0.15: August 26, 2010 {{{1 -- Bugfix: minor documentation update (reported by Hong Xu, Thanks!) - -0.14: August 26, 2010 {{{1 -- Bugfix: :only in the original buffer resulted in errors (reported by Adam - Monsen, Thanks!) - -0.13: August 22, 2010 {{{1 -- Unified Diff Handling (experimental feature) - -0.12: July 29, 2010 {{{1 - -- Version 0.11, wasn't packaged correctly and the vimball file - contained some garbage. (Thanks Dennis Hostetler!) - -0.11: July 28, 2010 {{{1 - -- Don't set 'winfixwidth' and 'winfixheight' (suggested by Charles Campbell) - -0.10: May 20, 2010 {{{1 - -- Restore cursor position using winrestview() and winsaveview() -- fix a bug, that prevented the use of visual narrowing -- Make sure when closing the narrowed buffer, the content will be written to - the right original region -- use topleft for opening the Narrowed window -- check, that the original buffer is still available -- If you Narrow the complete buffer using :NRV and write the changes back, an - additional trailing line is inserted. Remove that line. -- When writing the changes back, update the highlighting. - -0.9: May 20, 2010 {{{1 - -- It is now possible to Narrow a window recursively. This allows to have - several narrowed windows, and allows for example to only diff certain - regions (as was suggested in a recent thread at the vim_use mailinglist: - http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/msg/05d7fd9bd1556f0e) therefore, the - use for the g:nrrw_rgn_sepwin variable isn't necessary anymore. -- Small documentation updates - -0.8: May 18, 2010 {{{1 - -- the g:nrrw_rgn_sepwin variable can be used to force separate Narrowed - Windows, so you could easily diff those windows. -- make the separating of several windows a little bit safer (look at the - bufnr(), so it should work without problems for several buffers) -- switch from script local variables to buffer local variables, so narrowing - for several buffers should work. -- set 'winfixheight' for narrowed window -- Added command :NRV (suggested by Charles Campbell, thanks!) -- added error handling, in case :NRV is called, without a selected region -- take care of beeps, when calling :NRV -- output WarningMsg - -0.7: May 17, 2010 {{{1 - -- really use the black hole register for deleting the old buffer contents in - the narrowed buffer (suggestion by esquifit in - http://groups.google.com/group/comp.editors/msg/3eb3e3a7c68597db) -- make autocommand nesting, so the highlighting will be removed when writing - the buffer contents. -- Use g:nrrw_rgn_nohl variable to disable highlighting (as this can be - disturbing). - -0.6: May 04, 2010 {{{1 - -- the previous version had problems restoring the orig buffer, this version - fixes it (highlighting and setl ma did not work correctly) - -0.5: May 04, 2010 {{{1 - -- The mapping that allows for narrowing a visually selected range, did not - work. (Fixed!) -- Make :WidenRegion work as expected (close the widened window) (unreleased) - -0.4: Apr 28, 2010 {{{1 - -- Highlight narrowed region in the original buffer -- Save and Restore search-register -- Provide shortcut commands |:NR| -- Provide command |:NW| and |:NarrowWindow| -- Make plugin autoloadable -- Enable GLVS (see |:GLVS|) -- Provide Documenation (:h NarrowRegion) -- Distribute Plugin as vimball |pi_vimball.txt| - -0.3: Apr 28, 2010 {{{1 - -- Initial upload -- development versions are available at the github repository -- put plugin on a public repository (http://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn) - - }}} - -============================================================================== -Modeline: -vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:et:fdm=marker:fdl=0:norl diff --git a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/autoload/nrrwrgn.vim b/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/autoload/nrrwrgn.vim deleted file mode 100755 index 1fd5a97..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/autoload/nrrwrgn.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1170 +0,0 @@ -" nrrwrgn.vim - Narrow Region plugin for Vim -" ------------------------------------------------------------- -" Version: 0.29 -" Maintainer: Christian Brabandt -" Last Change: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 19:34:23 +0200 -" -" Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3075 -" Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt -" The VIM LICENSE applies to NrrwRgn.vim -" (see |copyright|) except use "NrrwRgn.vim" -" instead of "Vim". -" No warranty, express or implied. -" *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** *** -" GetLatestVimScripts: 3075 29 :AutoInstall: NrrwRgn.vim -" -" Functions: - -fun! WarningMsg(msg) "{{{1 - let msg = "NarrowRegion: " . a:msg - echohl WarningMsg - if exists(":unsilent") == 2 - unsilent echomsg msg - else - echomsg msg - endif - sleep 1 - echohl Normal - let v:errmsg = msg -endfun - -fun! Init() "{{{1 - if !exists("s:opts") - " init once - let s:opts = [] - endif - if !exists("s:instn") - let s:instn=1 - if !exists("g:nrrw_custom_options") || empty(g:nrrw_custom_options) - let s:opts=Options('local to buffer') - endif - else - " Prevent accidently overwriting windows with instn_id set - " back to an already existing instn_id - let s:instn = (s:instn==0 ? 1 : s:instn) - while (has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, s:instn)) - let s:instn+=1 - endw - endif - let s:nrrw_aucmd = {} - if exists("b:nrrw_aucmd_create") - let s:nrrw_aucmd["create"] = b:nrrw_aucmd_create - endif - if exists("b:nrrw_aucmd_close") - let s:nrrw_aucmd["close"] = b:nrrw_aucmd_close - endif - if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_lines") - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines = {} - endif - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn] = {} - " show some debugging messages - let s:nrrw_winname='Narrow_Region' - - " Customization - let s:nrrw_rgn_vert = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_vert") ? g:nrrw_rgn_vert : 0) - let s:nrrw_rgn_wdth = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_wdth") ? g:nrrw_rgn_wdth : 20) - let s:nrrw_rgn_hl = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_hl") ? g:nrrw_rgn_hl : - \ "WildMenu") - let s:nrrw_rgn_nohl = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_nohl") ? g:nrrw_rgn_nohl : 0) - - let s:debug = (exists("s:debug") ? s:debug : 0) - -endfun - -fun! NrwRgnWin() "{{{1 - let local_options = GetOptions(s:opts) - let nrrw_winname = s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn - let nrrw_win = bufwinnr('^'.nrrw_winname.'$') - if nrrw_win != -1 - exe ":noa " . nrrw_win . 'wincmd w' - " just in case, a global nomodifiable was set - " disable this for the narrowed window - setl ma - silent %d _ - noa wincmd p - else - if !exists('g:nrrw_topbot_leftright') - let g:nrrw_topbot_leftright = 'topleft' - endif - exe g:nrrw_topbot_leftright s:nrrw_rgn_wdth . - \(s:nrrw_rgn_vert?'v':'') . "sp " . nrrw_winname - " just in case, a global nomodifiable was set - " disable this for the narrowed window - setl ma - " Just in case - silent %d _ - " Set up some options like 'bufhidden', 'noswapfile', - " 'buftype', 'bufhidden', when enabling Narrowing. - call NrrwSettings(1) - let nrrw_win = bufwinnr("") - endif - call SetOptions(local_options) - return nrrw_win -endfun - -fun! CleanRegions() "{{{1 - let s:nrrw_rgn_line=[] - unlet! s:nrrw_rgn_last - unlet! s:nrrw_rgn_buf -endfun - -fun! CompareNumbers(a1,a2) "{{{1 - return (a:a1+0) == (a:a2+0) ? 0 - \ : (a:a1+0) > (a:a2+0) ? 1 - \ : -1 -endfun - -fun! ParseList(list) "{{{1 - " for a given list of line numbers, return those line numbers - " in a format start:end for continous items, else [start, next] - let result={} - let start=0 - let temp=0 - let i=1 - for item in sort(a:list, "CompareNumbers") - if start==0 - let start=item - elseif temp!=item-1 - let result[i]=[start,temp] - let start=item - let i+=1 - endif - let temp=item - endfor - if result[i-1][1] != item - let result[i]=[start,item] - endif - return result -endfun - -fun! WriteNrrwRgn(...) "{{{1 - " if argument is given, write narrowed buffer back - " else destroy the narrowed window - let nrrw_instn = exists("b:nrrw_instn") ? b:nrrw_instn : s:instn - if exists("b:orig_buf") && (bufwinnr(b:orig_buf) == -1) && - \ !BufInTab(b:orig_buf) && - \ !bufexists(b:orig_buf) - call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer does no longer exist! Aborting!") - return - endif - if &l:mod && exists("a:1") && a:1 - " Write the buffer back to the original buffer - setl nomod - exe ":WidenRegion" - if bufname('') !~# 'Narrow_Region' - exe ':noa' . bufwinnr(s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn) . 'wincmd w' - endif - else - call StoreLastNrrwRgn(nrrw_instn) - let winnr = bufwinnr(b:orig_buf) - " Best guess - if bufname('') =~# 'Narrow_Region' && winnr > 0 - exe ':noa' . winnr . 'wincmd w' - endif - if !exists("a:1") - " close narrowed buffer - call NrrwRgnAuCmd(nrrw_instn) - endif - endif -endfun - -fun! SaveRestoreRegister(mode) "{{{1 - if a:mode - let s:savereg = getreg('a') - let s:saveregt = getregtype('a') - let s:fold = 0 - if &fen - let s:fold=1 - setl nofoldenable - let s:fdm = &l:fdm - endif - else - call setreg('a', s:savereg, s:saveregt) - if s:fold - setl foldenable - if exists("s:fdm") - let &l:fdm=s:fdm - endif - endif - endif -endfun! - -fun! NrrwRgnAuCmd(instn) "{{{1 - " If a:instn==0, then enable auto commands - " else disable auto commands for a:instn - if !a:instn - exe "aug NrrwRgn" . b:nrrw_instn - au! - au BufWriteCmd nested :call s:WriteNrrwRgn(1) - au BufWinLeave,BufWipeout,BufDelete nested - \ :call s:WriteNrrwRgn() - aug end - else - exe "aug NrrwRgn" . a:instn - au! - aug end - exe "aug! NrrwRgn" . a:instn - - if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, a:instn) - " narrowed buffer was already cleaned up - call s:WarningMsg("Window was already cleaned up. Nothing to do.") - return - endif - - " make the original buffer modifiable, if possible - let buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].orig_buf - if !getbufvar(buf, '&l:ma') && !getbufvar(buf, 'orig_buf_ro') - call setbufvar(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].orig_buf, '&ma', 1) - endif - - if s:debug - echo printf("bufnr: %d a:instn: %d\n", bufnr(''), a:instn) - echo "bwipe " s:nrrw_winname . '_' . a:instn - endif - if (has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'disable') && - \ !s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].disable ) || - \ !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'disable') - call DeleteMatches(a:instn) - " bwipe! throws E855 (catching does not work) - " but because of 'bufhidden' wipeing will happen anyways - "exe "bwipe! " bufnr(s:nrrw_winname . '_' . a:instn) - if has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'single') && - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].single - " If there is only a single window open don't clean up now - " because we can't put the narrowed lines back, so do not - " clean up now. We need to clean up then later. But how? - return - endif - call CleanUpInstn(a:instn) - endif - endif -endfun - -fun! CleanUpInstn(instn) "{{{1 - if s:instn>=1 && has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, 'a:instn') - unlet s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn] - let s:instn-=1 - endif -endfu - -fun! StoreLastNrrwRgn(instn) "{{{1 - " Only store the last region, when the narrowed instance is still valid - if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, a:instn) - call WarningMsg("Error storing the last Narrowed Window,". - \ "it's invalid!") - return - endif - - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'] = [] - if !exists("b:orig_buf") - let orig_buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].orig_buf - else - let orig_buf = b:orig_buf - endif - if has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'multi') - call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'], [ orig_buf, - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn]['multi']]) - elseif has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'vmode') - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'] = [ getpos("'<"), - \ getpos("'>") ] - call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'], s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].vmode) - else - " Linewise narrowed region, pretend it was done like a visual - " narrowed region - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'] = [ [ orig_buf, - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].start[1:]], - \ [ orig_buf, s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].end[1:]]] - call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'], 'V') - endif -endfu - -fun! RetVisRegionPos() "{{{1 - if v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch590")) - return [ getpos("'<"), getpos("'>") ] - else - return [ getpos("'<")[0:1] + [virtcol("'<"), 0], - \ getpos("'>")[0:1] + [virtcol("'>"), 0] ] - endif -endfun - -fun! GeneratePattern(startl, endl, mode, ...) "{{{1 - if exists("a:1") && a:1 - let block = 0 - else - let block = 1 - endif - " This is just a best guess, the highlighted block could still be wrong - " (a " rectangle has been selected, but the complete lines are - " highlighted - if a:mode ==# '' && a:startl[0] > 0 && a:startl[1] > 0 && block - return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%>' . (a:startl[1]-1) . - \ 'v\&\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l' - elseif a:mode ==# '' && a:startl[0] > 0 && a:startl[1] > 0 - return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%>' . (a:startl[1]-1) . - \ 'v\&\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l\&\%<' . (a:endl[1]+1) . 'v' - elseif a:mode ==# 'v' && a:startl[0] > 0 && a:startl[1] > 0 - return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%>' . (a:startl[1]-1) . - \ 'v\_.*\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l\&\%<' . (a:endl[1]+1) . 'v' - elseif a:startl[0] > 0 - return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l' - else - return '' - endif -endfun - -fun! Options(search) "{{{1 - let c=[] - let buf=bufnr('') - try - " empty search pattern - if empty(a:search) - return c - endif - silent noa sview $VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt - " for whatever reasons $VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt - " does not exist, return empty list - if line('$') == 1 - return c - endif - keepj 0 - let reg_a=[] - call add(reg_a, 'a') - call add(reg_a,getreg('a')) - call add(reg_a, getregtype('a')) - let @a='' - exe "silent :g/" . '\v'.escape(a:search, '\\/') . "/-y A" - let b=split(@a, "\n") - call call('setreg', reg_a) - "call setreg('a', reg_a[0], reg_a[1]) - call filter(b, 'v:val =~ "^''"') - " the following options should be set - let filter_opt='\%(modifi\%(ed\|able\)\|readonly\|noswapfile\|' . - \ 'buftype\|bufhidden\|foldcolumn\|buflisted\)' - call filter(b, 'v:val !~ "^''".filter_opt."''"') - for item in b - let item=substitute(item, '''', '', 'g') - call add(c, split(item, '\s\+')[0]) - endfor - finally - if fnamemodify(bufname(''),':p') == - \expand("$VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt") - bwipe - endif - exe "noa " bufwinnr(buf) "wincmd w" - return c - endtry -endfun - -fun! GetOptions(opt) "{{{1 - if exists("g:nrrw_custom_options") && !empty(g:nrrw_custom_options) - let result = g:nrrw_custom_options - else - let result={} - for item in a:opt - try - exe "let result[item]=&l:".item - catch - endtry - endfor - endif - return result -endfun - -fun! SetOptions(opt) "{{{1 - if type(a:opt) == type({}) - for [option, result] in items(a:opt) - exe "let &l:". option " = " string(result) - endfor - endif - setl nomod noro -endfun - -fun! CheckProtected() "{{{1 - " Protect the original window, unless the user explicitly defines not to - " protect it - if exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") && g:nrrw_rgn_protect =~? 'n' - return - endif - let b:orig_buf_ro=0 - if !&l:ma || &l:ro - let b:orig_buf_ro=1 - call s:WarningMsg("Buffer is protected, won't be able to write". - \ "the changes back!") - else - " Protect the original buffer, - " so you won't accidentally modify those lines, - " that might later be overwritten - setl noma - endif -endfun - -fun! DeleteMatches(instn) "{{{1 - " Make sure, we are in the correct buffer - if bufname('') =~# 'Narrow_Region' - exe ':noa' . bufwinnr(b:orig_buf) . 'wincmd w' - endif - if exists("s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid") - " if you call :NarrowRegion several times, without widening - " the previous region, b:matchid might already be defined so - " make sure, the previous highlighting is removed. - for item in s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid - if item > 0 - " If the match has been deleted, discard the error - exe (s:debug ? "" : "silent!") "call matchdelete(item)" - endif - endfor - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid=[] - endif -endfun - -fun! HideNrrwRgnLines() "{{{1 - let cnc = has("Conceal") - let cmd='syn match NrrwRgnStart "^# Start NrrwRgn\d\+$" '. - \ (cnc ? 'conceal' : '') - exe cmd - let cmd='syn match NrrwRgnEnd "^# End NrrwRgn\d\+$" '. - \ (cnc ? 'conceal' : '') - exe cmd - syn region NrrwRgn start="^# Start NrrwRgn\z(\d\+\).*$" - \ end="^# End NrrwRgn\z1$" fold transparent - if cnc - setl conceallevel=3 - endif - setl fdm=syntax -endfun - -fun! ReturnCommentFT() "{{{1 - " Vim - if &l:ft=="vim" - return '"' - " Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python, Sh - elseif &l:ft=~'^\(perl\|php\|ruby\|python\|sh\)$' - return '#' - " C, C++ - elseif &l:ft=~'^\(c\%(pp\)\?\|java\)' - return '/* */' - " HTML, XML - elseif &l:ft=~'^\(ht\|x\)ml\?$' - return '' - " LaTex - elseif &l:ft=~'^\(la\)tex' - return '%' - else - " Fallback - return '#' - endif -endfun - -fun! CheckRectangularRegion(reg) "{{{1 - " Check whether the region that was pasted into - " register a:reg has always the same length - " This is needed, to be able to select the correct region - " when writing back the changes. - let result={} - let list=split(a:reg, "\n") - call map(list, 'substitute(v:val, ".", "x", "g")') - let llen = len(list)/2 - call map(list, 'len(v:val)') - for item in list - if has_key(result, item) - let result[item] += 1 - else - let result[item] = 1 - endif - endfor - for [key, value] in items(result) - if value > llen - return 1 - endif - endfor - return 0 -endfu - -fun! WidenRegionMulti(content, instn, close) "{{{1 - " a:close: if set, the original narrowed buffer will be closed, - " so don't renew the highlighting and clean up (later in - " nrrwrgn#WidenRegion) - if empty(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].multi) - return - endif - - let output= [] - let list = [] - let [c_s, c_e] = ReturnComments() - let lastline = line('$') - " We must put the regions back from top to bottom, - " otherwise, changing lines in between messes up the list of lines that - " still need to put back from the narrowed buffer to the original buffer - for key in sort(keys(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].multi), - \ "CompareNumbers") - let adjust = line('$') - lastline - let range = s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].multi[key] - let last = (len(range)==2) ? range[1] : range[0] - let first = range[0] - let indexs = index(a:content, c_s.' Start NrrwRgn'.key.c_e) + 1 - let indexe = index(a:content, c_s.' End NrrwRgn'.key.c_e) - 1 - if indexs <= 0 || indexe < -1 - call s:WarningMsg("Skipping Region " . key) - continue - endif - " Adjust line numbers. Changing the original buffer, might also - " change the regions we have remembered. So we must adjust these - " numbers. - " This only works, if we put the regions from top to bottom! - let first += adjust - let last += adjust - if last == line('$') && first == 1 - let delete_last_line=1 - else - let delete_last_line=0 - endif - exe ':silent :' . first . ',' . last . 'd _' - call append((first-1), a:content[indexs : indexe]) - " Recalculate the start and end positions of the narrowed window - " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly - let last = first + len(a:content[indexs : indexe]) - 1 - if last > line('$') - let last = line('$') - endif - if !a:close - " original narrowed buffer is going to be closed - " so don't renew the matches - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern([first, 0 ], - \ [last, 0], 'V'), a:instn) - endif - if delete_last_line - silent! $d _ - endif - endfor -endfun - -fun! AddMatches(pattern, instn) "{{{1 - if !s:nrrw_rgn_nohl || empty(a:pattern) - if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid") - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid=[] - endif - call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid, - \matchadd(s:nrrw_rgn_hl, a:pattern)) - endif -endfun - -fun! BufInTab(bufnr) "{{{1 - for tab in range(1,tabpagenr('$')) - if !empty(filter(tabpagebuflist(tab), 'v:val == a:bufnr')) - return tab - endif - endfor - return 0 -endfun - -fun! JumpToBufinTab(tab,buf) "{{{1 - if a:tab - exe "noa tabn" a:tab - endif - exe ':noa ' . bufwinnr(a:buf) . 'wincmd w' -endfun - -fun! RecalculateLineNumbers(instn, adjust) "{{{1 - " This only matters, if the original window isn't protected - if !exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") || g:nrrw_rgn_protect !~# 'n' - return - endif - - for instn in filter(keys(s:nrrw_rgn_lines), 'v:val != a:instn') - " Skip narrowed instances, when they are before - " the region, we are currently putting back - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] <= - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].start[1] - " Skip this instn - continue - else - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] += a:adjust - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] += a:adjust - - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] < 1 - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] = 1 - endif - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] < 1 - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = 1 - endif - call DeleteMatches(instn) - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1:2], - \'V'), instn) - endif - endfor - -endfun - -fun! NrrwSettings(on) "{{{1 - if a:on - setl noswapfile buftype=acwrite bufhidden=wipe foldcolumn=0 - setl nobuflisted - else - setl swapfile buftype= bufhidden= buflisted - endif -endfun - -fun! SetupBufLocalCommands(visual, close) "{{{1 - exe 'com! -buffer -bang WidenRegion :call nrrwrgn#WidenRegion('. a:visual. - \ ', 0, '. a:close. ')' - com! -buffer NRSyncOnWrite :call nrrwrgn#ToggleSyncWrite(1) - com! -buffer NRNoSyncOnWrite :call nrrwrgn#ToggleSyncWrite(0) -endfun - -fun! ReturnComments() "{{{1 - let cmt = ReturnCommentFT() - let c_s = split(cmt)[0] - let c_e = (len(split(cmt)) == 1 ? "" : " " . split(cmt)[1]) - return [c_s, c_e] -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#NrrwRgnDoPrepare(...) "{{{1 - let bang = (a:0 > 0 && !empty(a:1)) - if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_line") - call WarningMsg("You need to first select the lines to". - \ " narrow using :NRP!") - return - endif - if empty(s:nrrw_rgn_line) - call WarningMsg("No lines selected from :NRP, aborting!") - return - endif - if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_buf") - let s:nrrw_rgn_buf = ParseList(s:nrrw_rgn_line) - endif - let o_lz = &lz - let s:o_s = @/ - set lz - let orig_buf=bufnr('') - - " initialize Variables - call Init() - call CheckProtected() - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start = [] - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end = [] - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].multi = s:nrrw_rgn_buf - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].orig_buf = orig_buf - call DeleteMatches(s:instn) - - let nr=0 - let lines=[] - let buffer=[] - - let keys = keys(s:nrrw_rgn_buf) - call sort(keys,"CompareNumbers") - "for [ nr,lines] in items(s:nrrw_rgn_buf) - let [c_s, c_e] = ReturnComments() - for nr in keys - let lines = s:nrrw_rgn_buf[nr] - let start = lines[0] - let end = len(lines)==2 ? lines[1] : lines[0] - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern([start,0], [end,0], 'V'), - \s:instn) - call add(buffer, c_s.' Start NrrwRgn'.nr.c_e) - let buffer = buffer + - \ getline(start,end) + - \ [c_s.' End NrrwRgn'.nr.c_e, ''] - endfor - - let win=NrwRgnWin() - exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' - let b:orig_buf = orig_buf - call setline(1, buffer) - setl nomod - let b:nrrw_instn = s:instn - call SetupBufLocalCommands(0, bang) - call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) - call CleanRegions() - call HideNrrwRgnLines() - - " restore settings - let &lz = o_lz -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#NrrwRgn(...) range "{{{1 - let o_lz = &lz - let s:o_s = @/ - set lz - let orig_buf=bufnr('') - let bang = (a:0 > 0 && !empty(a:1)) - - " initialize Variables - call Init() - call CheckProtected() - let first = a:firstline - let last = a:lastline - " If first line is in a closed fold, - " include complete fold in Narrowed window - if first == last && foldclosed(first) != -1 - let first = foldclosed(first) - let last = foldclosedend(last) - endif - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start = [ 0, first, 0, 0 ] - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end = [ 0, last , 0, 0 ] - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].orig_buf = orig_buf - let a=getline( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1]) - call DeleteMatches(s:instn) - if bang - try - let local_options = GetOptions(s:opts) - " enew fails, when no new unnamed buffer can be edited - enew - exe 'f' s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn - call SetOptions(local_options) - call NrrwSettings(1) - " succeeded to create a single window - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].single = 1 - catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/ " catch error E37 - " Fall back and use a new window - " Set the highlighting - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], - \'V'), s:instn) - let win=NrwRgnWin() - exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' - endtry - else - " Set the highlighting - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], - \'V'), s:instn) - let win=NrwRgnWin() - exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' - endif - let b:orig_buf = orig_buf - call setline(1, a) - setl nomod - let b:nrrw_instn = s:instn - call SetupBufLocalCommands(0, bang) - call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) - if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "create") - exe s:nrrw_aucmd["create"] - endif - if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "close") - let b:nrrw_aucmd_close = s:nrrw_aucmd["close"] - endif - - " restore settings - let &lz = o_lz -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#Prepare() "{{{1 - let ltime = localtime() - if (!exists("s:nrrw_rgn_last") || s:nrrw_rgn_last + 10 < ltime) - let s:nrrw_rgn_last = ltime - let s:nrrw_rgn_line = [] - endif - if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_line") | let s:nrrw_rgn_line=[] | endif - call add(s:nrrw_rgn_line, line('.')) -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#WidenRegion(vmode, force, close) "{{{1 - " a:close: original narrowed window is going to be closed - " so, clean up, don't renew highlighting, etc. - let nrw_buf = bufnr('') - let orig_buf = b:orig_buf - let orig_tab = tabpagenr() - let instn = b:nrrw_instn - " Execute autocommands - if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "close") - exe s:nrrw_aucmd["close"] - endif - let cont = getline(1,'$') - - let tab=BufInTab(orig_buf) - if tab != tabpagenr() && tab > 0 - exe "tabn" tab - endif - let orig_win = bufwinnr(orig_buf) - " Should be in the right tab now! - if (orig_win == -1) - if bufexists(orig_buf) - exe orig_buf "b!" - else - call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer does no longer exist!". - \ " Aborting!") - return - endif - else - exe ':noa' . orig_win . 'wincmd w' - endif - call SaveRestoreRegister(1) - let wsv=winsaveview() - call DeleteMatches(instn) - if exists("b:orig_buf_ro") && b:orig_buf_ro && !a:force - call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer protected. Can't write changes!") - call JumpToBufinTab(orig_tab, nrw_buf) - return - endif - if !&l:ma && !( exists("b:orig_buf_ro") && b:orig_buf_ro) - setl ma - endif - " This is needed to adjust all other narrowed regions - " in case we have several narrowed regions within the same buffer - if exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") && g:nrrw_rgn_protect =~? 'n' - let adjust_line_numbers = len(cont) - 1 - ( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1]) - endif - - " Make sure the narrowed buffer is still valid (happens, when 2 split - " window of the narrowed buffer is opened. - if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, instn) - call WarningMsg("Error writing changes back,". - \ "Narrowed Window invalid!") - return - endif - - " Now copy the content back into the original buffer - - " 1) Check: Multiselection - if has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn], 'multi') - call WidenRegionMulti(cont, instn, a:close) - " 2) Visual Selection - elseif a:vmode - "charwise, linewise or blockwise selection - call setreg('a', join(cont, "\n") . "\n", - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode) - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode == 'v' && - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] + 1 == len(cont) + 1 - " in characterwise selection, remove trailing \n - call setreg('a', substitute(@a, '\n$', '', ''), - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode) - endif - if v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch590")) - " settable '< and '> marks - let _v = [] - " store actual values - let _v = [getpos("'<"), getpos("'>"), [visualmode(1)]] - " set the mode for the gv command - exe "norm! ". s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode."\" - call setpos("'<", s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start) - call setpos("'>", s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end) - exe 'norm! gv"aP' - if !empty(_v[2][0]) && (_v[2][0] != visualmode()) - exe 'norm!' _v[2][0]. "\" - call setpos("'<", _v[0]) - call setpos("'>", _v[1]) - endif - else - exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] - exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[2] . '|' - exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode - exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].blockmode - exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[2] . '|' - else - keepj norm! $ - endif - " overwrite the visually selected region with the contents from - " the narrowed buffer - norm! "aP - endif - " Recalculate the start and end positions of the narrowed window - " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly - let [ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start, - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end ] = RetVisRegionPos() - " make sure the visual selected lines did not add a new linebreak, - " this messes up the characterwise selected regions and removes lines - " on further writings - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] - \ + 1 > len(cont) && s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode == 'v' - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - 1 - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[2] = virtcol('$') - endif - - " also, renew the highlighted region - if !a:close - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1:2], - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1:2], - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode), - \ instn) - endif - " 3) :NR started selection - else - " linewise selection because we started the NarrowRegion with the - " command NarrowRegion(0) - " - " if the endposition of the narrowed buffer is also the last line of - " the buffer, the append will add an extra newline that needs to be - " cleared. - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1]==line('$') && - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] == 1 - let delete_last_line=1 - else - let delete_last_line=0 - endif - exe ':silent :'.s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1].',' - \.s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1].'d _' - call append((s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1]-1),cont) - " Recalculate the start and end positions of the narrowed window - " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly - " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] + len(cont) -1 - if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] > line('$') - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = line('$') - endif - if !a:close - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1:2], - \'V'), - \instn) - endif - if delete_last_line - silent! $d _ - endif - endif - " Recalculate start- and endline numbers for all other Narrowed Windows. - " This matters, if you narrow different regions of the same file and - " write your changes back. - if exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") && g:nrrw_rgn_protect =~? 'n' - call RecalculateLineNumbers(instn, adjust_line_numbers) - endif - if a:close && !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn], 'single') - " For narrowed windows that have been created using !, - " don't clean up yet, or else we loose all data and can't write - " it back later. - " (e.g. :NR! createas a new single window, do :sp - " and you can only write one of the windows back, the other will - " become invalid, if CleanUp is executed) - call CleanUpInstn(instn) - endif - call SaveRestoreRegister(0) - let @/=s:o_s - call winrestview(wsv) - " jump back to narrowed window - call JumpToBufinTab(orig_tab, nrw_buf) - setl nomod - if a:force - " execute auto command - bw - endif -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#VisualNrrwRgn(mode, ...) "{{{1 - " bang: open the narrowed buffer in the current window and don't open a - " new split window - if empty(a:mode) - " in case, visual mode wasn't entered, visualmode() - " returns an empty string and in that case, we finish - " here - call WarningMsg("There was no region visually selected!") - return - endif - " This beeps, when called from command mode - " e.g. by using :NRV, so using :sil! - " else exiting visual mode - exe "sil! norm! \" - let bang = (a:0 > 0 && !empty(a:1)) - " stop visualmode - let o_lz = &lz - let s:o_s = @/ - set lz - call Init() - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].vmode=a:mode - " Protect the original buffer, - " so you won't accidentally modify those lines, - " that will later be overwritten - let orig_buf=bufnr('') - call SaveRestoreRegister(1) - - call CheckProtected() - let [ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start, - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end ] = RetVisRegionPos() - call DeleteMatches(s:instn) - norm! gv"ay - if len(split(@a, "\n", 1)) != - \ (s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1] - - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1] + 1) - " remove trailing "\n" - let @a=substitute(@a, '\n$', '', '') - endif - - if a:mode == '' && CheckRectangularRegion(@a) - " Rectangular selection - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode = 1 - else - " Non-Rectangular selection - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode = 0 - endif - if bang - try - let local_options = GetOptions(s:opts) - " enew fails, when no new unnamed buffer can be edited - enew - exe 'f' s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn - call SetOptions(local_options) - call NrrwSettings(1) - " succeeded to create a single window - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].single = 1 - catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/ " catch error E37 - " Fall back and use a new window - " Set the highlighting - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].vmode, - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode), - \s:instn) - let win=NrwRgnWin() - exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' - endtry - else - call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].vmode, - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode), - \s:instn) - let win=NrwRgnWin() - exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' - endif - let b:orig_buf = orig_buf - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].orig_buf = orig_buf - silent put a - let b:nrrw_instn = s:instn - silent 0d _ - setl nomod - call SetupBufLocalCommands(1,bang) - " Setup autocommands - call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) - " Execute autocommands - if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "create") - exe s:nrrw_aucmd["create"] - endif - call SaveRestoreRegister(0) - - " restore settings - let &lz = o_lz -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#UnifiedDiff() "{{{1 - let save_winposview=winsaveview() - let orig_win = winnr() - " close previous opened Narrowed buffers - silent! windo | if bufname('')=~'^Narrow_Region' && - \ &diff |diffoff|q!|endif - " minimize Window - " this is disabled, because this might be useful, to see everything - "exe "vert resize -999999" - "setl winfixwidth - " move to current start of chunk of unified diff - if search('^@@', 'bcW') > 0 - call search('^@@', 'bc') - else - call search('^@@', 'c') - endif - let curpos=getpos('.') - for i in range(2) - if search('^@@', 'nW') > 0 - .+,/@@/-NR - else - " Last chunk in file - .+,$NR - endif - " Split vertically - wincmd H - if i==0 - silent! g/^-/d _ - else - silent! g/^+/d _ - endif - diffthis - 0 - exe ":noa wincmd p" - call setpos('.', curpos) - endfor - call winrestview(save_winposview) -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#ToggleSyncWrite(enable) "{{{1 - let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[b:nrrw_instn].disable = !a:enable - " Enable syncing of bufers - if a:enable - " Enable Narrow settings and autocommands - call NrrwSettings(1) - call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) - setl modified - else - " Disable Narrow settings and autocommands - call NrrwSettings(0) - " b:nrrw_instn should always be available - call NrrwRgnAuCmd(b:nrrw_instn) - endif -endfun - -fun! nrrwrgn#LastNrrwRgn(bang) "{{{1 - let bang = !empty(a:bang) - if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, 'last') - call WarningMsg("There is no last region to re-select") - return - endif - let orig_buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][0] + 0 - let tab = BufInTab(orig_buf) - if tab != tabpagenr() && tab > 0 - exe "tabn" tab - endif - let orig_win = bufwinnr(orig_buf) - " Should be in the right tab now! - if (orig_win == -1) - call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer does no longer exist! Aborting!") - return - endif - if orig_win != winnr() - exe "noa" orig_win "wincmd w" - endif - if len(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last']) == 1 - " Multi Narrowed - let s:nrrw_rgn_buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][1] - call nrrwrgn#NrrwRgnDoPrepare('') - else - exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][1] - exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][2] . '|' - exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][2] - exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][1][1] - if col(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][1][2]) == col('$') && - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][2] == '' - " Best guess - exe "keepj $" - else - exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][1][2] . '|' - endif - " Call VisualNrrwRgn() - call nrrwrgn#VisualNrrwRgn(visualmode(), bang) - endif -endfu -" Debugging options "{{{1 -fun! nrrwrgn#Debug(enable) "{{{1 - if (a:enable) - let s:debug=1 - fun! NrrwRgnDebug() "{{{2 - "sil! unlet s:instn - com! NI :call WarningMsg("Instance: ".s:instn) - com! NJ :call WarningMsg("Data: ".string(s:nrrw_rgn_lines)) - com! -nargs=1 NOutput :if exists("s:".)|redraw!| - \ :exe 'echo s:'.|else| - \ echo "s:".. " does not exist!"|endif - endfun - call NrrwRgnDebug() - else - let s:debug=0 - delf NrrwRgnDebug - delc NI - delc NJ - delc NOutput - endif -endfun - -" Modeline {{{1 -" vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdl=0 diff --git a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/doc/NarrowRegion.txt b/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/doc/NarrowRegion.txt deleted file mode 100755 index c949677..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/doc/NarrowRegion.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,523 +0,0 @@ -*NrrwRgn.txt* A Narrow Region Plugin (similar to Emacs) - -Author: Christian Brabandt -Version: 0.29 Mon, 20 Aug 2012 19:34:23 +0200 -Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Christian Brabandt - The VIM LICENSE applies to NrrwRgnPlugin.vim and NrrwRgnPlugin.txt - (see |copyright|) except use NrrwRgnPlugin instead of "Vim". - NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. USE AT-YOUR-OWN-RISK. - - -============================================================================== -1. Contents *NarrowRegion* *NrrwRgnPlugin* - - 1. Contents.....................................: |NrrwRgnPlugin| - 2. NrrwRgn Manual...............................: |NrrwRgn-manual| - 2.1 NrrwRgn Howto..............................: |NR-HowTo| - 2.2 NrrwRgn Multi..............................: |NR-multi-example| - 2.3 NrrwRgn Configuration......................: |NrrwRgn-config| - 3. NrrwRgn Feedback.............................: |NrrwRgn-feedback| - 4. NrrwRgn History..............................: |NrrwRgn-history| - -============================================================================== -2. NrrwRgn Manual *NrrwRgn-manual* - -Functionality - -This plugin is based on a discussion in comp.editors (see the thread at -http://groups.google.com/group/comp.editors/browse_frm/thread/0f562d97f80dde13) - -Narrowing means focussing on a region and making the rest inaccessible. You -simply select the region, call |:NarrowRegion| and the selected part will open -in a new scratch buffer. The rest of the file will be protected, so you won't -accidentally modify that buffer. In the new buffer, you can do a global -replace, search or anything else to modify that part. When you are finished, -simply write that buffer (e.g. by |:w|) and your modifications will be put in -the original buffer making it accessible again. - -NrrwRgn allows you to either select a line based selection using an Ex-command -or you can simply use any visual selected region and press your preferred key -combination to open that selection in a new buffer. - -This plugin defines the following commands: - - *:NarrowRegion* *:NR* -:[range]NR[!] -:[range]NarrowRegion[!] When [range] is omitted, select only the current - line, else use the lines in the range given and - open it in a new Scratch Window. - If the current line is selected and is on a folded - region, select the whole folded text. - Whenever you are finished modifying that region - simply write the buffer. - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - *:NarrowWindow* *:NW* -:NW[!] -:NarrowWindow[!] Select only the range that is visible the current - window and open it in a new Scratch Window. - Whenever you are finished modifying that region - simply write the buffer. - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - *:WidenRegion* -:WidenRegion[!] This command is only available in the narrowed - scratch window. If the buffer has been modified, - the contents will be put back on the original - buffer. If ! is specified, the window will be - closed, otherwise it will remain open. - - *:NRV* -:NRV[!] Opened the narrowed window for the region that was - last selected in visual mode - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - *:NUD* - -:NUD When viewing unified diffs, this command opens - the current chunk in 2 Narrowed Windows in - |diff-mode| The current chunk is determined as the - one, that the cursor is at. This command does not - make sense if editing a different file format (or - even different diff format) - - *:NRPrepare* -:[range]NRPrepare[!] -:[range]NRP[!] You can use this command, to mark several lines - that will later be put into a Narrowed Window - using |:NRM|. - If the ! is used, all earlier selected lines will - be cleared first. - - *:NRMulti* -:NRMulti -:NRM This command takes all lines, that have been - marked by |:NRP| and puts them together in a new - narrowed buffer. - When you write your changes back, all separate - lines will be put back at their origin. - This command also clears the list of marked lines, - that was created with |NRP|. - See also |NR-multi-example|. - - *:NRSyncOnWrite* *:NRS* -:NRSyncOnWrite -:NRS Enable synching the buffer content back to the - original buffer when writing. - (this is the default). - - *:NRNoSyncOnWrite* *:NRN* -:NRNoSyncOnWrite -:NRN Disable synching the buffer content back to the - original buffer when writing. When set, the - narrowed buffer behaves like an ordinary buffer - that you can write in the filesystem. - (this is the default). - - *:NRL* - -:NRL[!] Reselect the last selected region again and open - in a narrowed window. - If ! is given, open the narrowed buffer not in a - split buffer but in the current window. - - -2.1 NrrwRgn HowTo *NR-HowTo* ------------------ - -Use the commands provided above to select a certain region to narrow. You can -also start visual mode and have the selected region being narrowed. In this -mode, NarrowRegion allows you to block select |CTRL-V| , character select |v| -or linewise select |V| a region. Then press nr where by -default is set to '\', unless you have set it to something different (see -|| for information how to change this) and the selected range will -open in a new scratch buffer. This key combination only works in |Visual-mode| - -When finished, simply write that Narrowed Region window, from which you want -to take the modifications in your original file. - -It is possible, to recursively open a Narrowed Window on top of an already -narrowed window. This sounds a little bit silly, but this makes it possible, -to have several narrowed windows, which you can use for several different -things, e.g. If you have 2 different buffers opened and you want to diff a -certain region of each of those 2 buffers, simply open a Narrowed Window for -each buffer, and execute |:diffthis| in each narrowed window. - -You can then interactively merge those 2 windows. And when you are finished, -simply write the narrowed window and the changes will be taken back into the -original buffer. - -When viewing unified diffs, you can use the provided |:NUD| command to open 2 -Narrowed Windows side by side viewing the current chunk in |diff-mode|. Those -2 Narrowed windows will be marked 'modified', since there was some post -processing involved when opening the narrowed windows. Be careful, when -quitting the windows, not to write unwanted changes into your patch file! In -the window that contains the unified buffer, you can move to a different -chunk, run |:NUD| and the 2 Narrowed Windows in diff mode will update. - -2.2 NrrwRgn Multi *NR-multi-example* ------------------ - -Using the commands |:NRP| and |:NRM| allows to select a range of lines, that -will be put into a narrowed buffer together. This might sound confusing, but -this allows to apply a filter before making changes. For example before -editing your config file, you decide to strip all comments for making big -changes but when you write your changes back, these comments will stay in your -file. You would do it like this: > - :v/^#/NRP - :NRMulti -< -Now a Narrowed Window will open, that contains only the configuration lines. -Each block of independent region will be separated by a string like - -# Start NarrowRegion1 -..... -# End NarrowRegion1 - -This is needed, so the plugin later knows, which region belongs where in the -original place. Blocks you don't want to change, you can safely delete, they -won't be written back into your original file. But other than that, you -shouldn't change those separating lines. - -When you are finished, simply write your changes back. - -============================================================================== - -2.3 NrrwRgn Configuration *NrrwRgn-config* -------------------------- - -NarrowRegion can be customized by setting some global variables. If you'd -like to open the narrowed window as a vertical split buffer, simply set the -variable g:nrrw_rgn_vert to 1 in your |.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_vert = 1 -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you'd like to specify a certain width/height for you scratch buffer, then -set the variable g:nrrw_rgn_wdth in your |.vimrc| . This variable defines the -width or the nr of columns, if you have also set g:nrrw_rgn_vert. > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_wdth = 30 -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -By default, NarrowRegion highlights the region that has been selected -using the WildMenu highlighting (see |hl-WildMenu|). If you'd like to use a -different highlighting, set the variable g:nrrw_rgn_hl to your preferred -highlighting Group. For example to have the region highlighted like a search -result, you could put that in your |.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_hl = 'Search' -< -If you want to turn off the highlighting (because this can be distracting), you -can set the global variable g:nrrw_rgn_nohl to 1 in your |.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_nohl = 1 -< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you'd like to change the key combination that starts the Narrowed Window -for your selected range, you could put this in your |.vimrc| > - - xmap NrrwrgnDo -< -This will let open the Narrow-Window, but only if you have pressed it in -Visual Mode. It doesn't really make sense to map this combination to any other -mode, unless you want it to Narrow your last visually selected range. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you'd like to specify the options that you want to have set for the -narrowed window, you can set the g:nrrw_custom_options setting, in your -|.vimrc| e.g. > - - let g:nrrw_custom_options={} - let g:nrrw_custom_options['filetype'] = 'python' -> -This will only apply those options to the narrowed buffer. You need to take -care that all options you need will apply. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you don't like that your narrowed window opens above the current window, -define the g:nrrw_topbot_leftright variable to your taste, e.g. > - - let g:nrrw_topbot_leftright = 'botright' -< -Now, all narrowed windows will appear below the original window. If not -specified, the narrowed window will appear above/left of the original window. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -If you want to use several independent narrowed regions of the same buffer -that you want to write at the same time, protecting the original buffer is not -really useful. Therefore, set the g:nrrw_rgn_protect variable, e.g. in your -|.vimrc| > - - let g:nrrw_rgn_protect = 'n' -< -This can be useful if you diff different regions of the same file, and want -to be able to put back the changes at different positions. Please note that -you should take care not to change any part that will later be influenced -when writing the narrowed region back. - -Note: Don't use overlapping regions! Your changes will probably not be put -back correctly and there is no guard against losing data accidentally. NrrwRgn -tries hard to adjust the highlighting and regions as you write your changes -back into the original buffer, but it can't guarantee that this will work and -might fail silently. Therefore, this feature is experimental! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - *NR-hooks* - -NarrowRegion can execute certain commands, when creating the narrowed window -and when closing the narrowed window. For this, you can set 2 buffer-local -variables that specify what commands to execute, which will hook into the -execution of the Narrow Region plugin. - -For example, suppose you have a file, containing columns separated data (CSV -format) which you want to modify and you also have the CSV filetype plugin -(http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2830) installed and you want -to modify the CSV data which should be visually arranged like a table in the -narrowed window. - -Therefore you want the command |:ArrangeColumn| to be executed in the new -narrowed window upon entering it, and when writing the changes back, you want -the command |:UnArrangeColumn| to be executed just before putting the -changes back. So you set those two variables in your original buffer: > - - let b:nrrw_aucmd_create = "set ft=csv|%ArrangeCol" - let b:nrrw_aucmd_close = "%UnArrangeColumn" -< -This will execute the commands in the narrowed window: > - - :set ft=csv - :%ArrangeCol - -and before writing the changes back, it'll execute: > - - :%UnArrangeCol - -============================================================================== -3. NrrwRgn Feedback *NrrwRgn-feedback* - -Feedback is always welcome. If you like the plugin, please rate it at the -vim-page: -http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3075 - -You can also follow the development of the plugin at github: -http://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn - -Please don't hesitate to report any bugs to the maintainer, mentioned in the -third line of this document. - -If you like the plugin, write me an email (look in the third line for my mail -address). And if you are really happy, vote for the plugin and consider -looking at my Amazon whishlist: http://www.amazon.de/wishlist/2BKAHE8J7Z6UW - -============================================================================== -4. NrrwRgn History *NrrwRgn-history* - - -0.29: Aug 20, 2012 {{{1 -- Use ! to have the narrowed buffer not opened in a new window (suggested by - Greg Sexton thanks!, issue #8 - https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/8) -- Fix mappings for visual mode (https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/9, - reported by Sung Pae, thanks!) -- Fix problem with setting the filetype - (https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/10, reported by Hong Xu, - thanks!) -- Fix some minor problems, when using ! mode -0.28: Jun 03, 2012 {{{1 -- Plugin did not store last narrowed region when narrowed window was moved to - another tabpage (reported by Ben Fritz, thanks!) - -0.27: May 17, 2012 {{{1 -- When using |:NR| on a line that is folded, include the whole folded region - in the Narrowed window. -- Better filetype detection for comments -- Error handling, when doing |:NRM| without doing |:NRP| first -- Use |:NRP!| to clear the old selection -- Don't load the autoload script when sourcing the plugin script - (reported by Sergey Khorev, thanks!) -- Vim 7.3.449 introduced E855, prevent this error. -- |:NRL| -- |NRM| did not correctly parse the list of lines provided by |:NRP| -- highlighted pattern for blockwise visual narrowed regions was wrong -- Saving blockwise visual selected regions back, could corrupt the contents - -0.26: Jan 02, 2012 {{{1 - -- Fix issue https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/7 - (reported by Alessio B., thanks!) - - -0.25: Nov 08, 2011 {{{1 - -- updated documentation (patch by Jean, thanks!) -- make it possible, to not sync the narrowed buffer back by disabling - it using |:NRSyncOnWrite| |:NRNoSyncOnWrite| - -0.24: Oct 24, 2011 {{{1 - -- error on vim.org page, reuploaded version 0.22 as 0.24 - -0.23: Oct 24, 2011 {{{1 - -- (wrongly uploaded to vim.org) - -0.22: Oct 24, 2011 {{{1 - -- Allow customization via the use of hooks (|NR-hooks|) - -0.21: July 26, 2011 {{{1 - -- Fix undefined variable adjust_line_numbers - https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/5 (reported by jmcantrell, - thanks!) - -0.20: July 25, 2011 {{{1 -- allow customization via the g:nrrw_topbot_leftright variable (Thanks Herbert - Sitz!) -- allow what options will be applied using the g:nrrw_custom_options dict - (suggested by Herbert Sitz. Thanks!) -- NRV didn't hightlight the region that was selected (reported by Herbert - Sitz, thanks!) -- use the g:nrrw_rgn_protect variable, to prevent that the original buffer - will be protected. This is useful, if you narrow several regions of the same - buffer and want to write those changes indepentently (reported by kolyuchiy - in https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/3, Thanks!) -- fix an error with not correctly deleting the highlighted region, that was - discovered when reporting issue 3 (see above). (Reported by kolyuchiy, - thanks!) -- Catch errors, when setting window local options. (Patch by Sung Pae, - Thanks!) - -0.19: May 22, 2011 {{{1 -- fix issue 2 from github https://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn/issues/2 - (Widening does not work, if the narrowed windows have been moved to a new - tabspace). Reported by vanschelven, thanks! - -0.18: December 10, 2010 {{{1 -- experimental feature: Allow to Narrow several different regions at once - using :g/pattern/NRP and afterwards calling :NRM - (This only works linewise. Should that be made possible for any reagion?) -- disable folds, before writing changes back, otherwise chances are, you'll - lose more data then wanted -- code cleanup - -0.17: November 23, 2010 {{{1 -- cache the options, that will be set (instead of parsing - $VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt every time) in the Narrowed Window -- getting the options didn't work, when using an autocommand like this: - autocmd BufEnter * cd %:p:h - (reported by Xu Hong, Thanks!) -- :q didn't clean up the Narrowed Buffer correctly. Fix this -- some code cleanup - -0.16: November 16, 2010 {{{1 -- Bugfix: copy all local options to the narrowed window (reported by Xu Hong, - Thanks!) - -0.15: August 26, 2010 {{{1 -- Bugfix: minor documentation update (reported by Hong Xu, Thanks!) - -0.14: August 26, 2010 {{{1 -- Bugfix: :only in the original buffer resulted in errors (reported by Adam - Monsen, Thanks!) - -0.13: August 22, 2010 {{{1 -- Unified Diff Handling (experimental feature) - -0.12: July 29, 2010 {{{1 - -- Version 0.11, wasn't packaged correctly and the vimball file - contained some garbage. (Thanks Dennis Hostetler!) - -0.11: July 28, 2010 {{{1 - -- Don't set 'winfixwidth' and 'winfixheight' (suggested by Charles Campbell) - -0.10: May 20, 2010 {{{1 - -- Restore cursor position using winrestview() and winsaveview() -- fix a bug, that prevented the use of visual narrowing -- Make sure when closing the narrowed buffer, the content will be written to - the right original region -- use topleft for opening the Narrowed window -- check, that the original buffer is still available -- If you Narrow the complete buffer using :NRV and write the changes back, an - additional trailing line is inserted. Remove that line. -- When writing the changes back, update the highlighting. - -0.9: May 20, 2010 {{{1 - -- It is now possible to Narrow a window recursively. This allows to have - several narrowed windows, and allows for example to only diff certain - regions (as was suggested in a recent thread at the vim_use mailinglist: - http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/msg/05d7fd9bd1556f0e) therefore, the - use for the g:nrrw_rgn_sepwin variable isn't necessary anymore. -- Small documentation updates - -0.8: May 18, 2010 {{{1 - -- the g:nrrw_rgn_sepwin variable can be used to force separate Narrowed - Windows, so you could easily diff those windows. -- make the separating of several windows a little bit safer (look at the - bufnr(), so it should work without problems for several buffers) -- switch from script local variables to buffer local variables, so narrowing - for several buffers should work. -- set 'winfixheight' for narrowed window -- Added command :NRV (suggested by Charles Campbell, thanks!) -- added error handling, in case :NRV is called, without a selected region -- take care of beeps, when calling :NRV -- output WarningMsg - -0.7: May 17, 2010 {{{1 - -- really use the black hole register for deleting the old buffer contents in - the narrowed buffer (suggestion by esquifit in - http://groups.google.com/group/comp.editors/msg/3eb3e3a7c68597db) -- make autocommand nesting, so the highlighting will be removed when writing - the buffer contents. -- Use g:nrrw_rgn_nohl variable to disable highlighting (as this can be - disturbing). - -0.6: May 04, 2010 {{{1 - -- the previous version had problems restoring the orig buffer, this version - fixes it (highlighting and setl ma did not work correctly) - -0.5: May 04, 2010 {{{1 - -- The mapping that allows for narrowing a visually selected range, did not - work. (Fixed!) -- Make :WidenRegion work as expected (close the widened window) (unreleased) - -0.4: Apr 28, 2010 {{{1 - -- Highlight narrowed region in the original buffer -- Save and Restore search-register -- Provide shortcut commands |:NR| -- Provide command |:NW| and |:NarrowWindow| -- Make plugin autoloadable -- Enable GLVS (see |:GLVS|) -- Provide Documenation (:h NarrowRegion) -- Distribute Plugin as vimball |pi_vimball.txt| - -0.3: Apr 28, 2010 {{{1 - -- Initial upload -- development versions are available at the github repository -- put plugin on a public repository (http://github.com/chrisbra/NrrwRgn) - - }}} - -============================================================================== -Modeline: -vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:et:fdm=marker:fdl=0:norl diff --git a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/plugin/NrrwRgn.vim b/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/plugin/NrrwRgn.vim deleted file mode 100644 index 916fd04..0000000 --- a/vim/bundle/chrisbra-NrrwRgn/plugin/NrrwRgn.vim +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -" NrrwRgn.vim - Narrow Region plugin for Vim -" ------------------------------------------------------------- -" Version: 0.29 -" Maintainer: Christian Brabandt -" Last Change: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 19:34:23 +0200 -" -" Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3075 -" Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt -" The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim -" (see |copyright|) except use "NrrwRgn.vim" -" instead of "Vim". -" No warranty, express or implied. -" *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** *** -" GetLatestVimScripts: 3075 29 :AutoInstall: NrrwRgn.vim -" -" Init: {{{1 -let s:cpo= &cpo -if exists("g:loaded_nrrw_rgn") || &cp - finish -endif -set cpo&vim -let g:loaded_nrrw_rgn = 1 - -" Debug Setting -let s:debug=0 -if s:debug - exe "call nrrwrgn#Debug(1)" -endif - -" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -" Public Interface: {{{1 - -" Define the Command aliases "{{{2 -com! -range -bang NRPrepare :,NRP -com! -range NarrowRegion :,NR -com! -bang NRMulti :NRM -com! -bang NarrowWindow :NW -com! -bang NRLast :NRL - -" Define the actual Commands "{{{2 -com! -range -bang NR :, call nrrwrgn#NrrwRgn() -com! -range NRP :exe ":" . . ',' . . 'call nrrwrgn#Prepare()' -com! NRV :call nrrwrgn#VisualNrrwRgn(visualmode()) -com! NUD :call nrrwrgn#UnifiedDiff() -com! -bang NW :exe ":" . line('w0') . ',' . line('w$') . "call nrrwrgn#NrrwRgn()" -com! -bang NRM :call nrrwrgn#NrrwRgnDoPrepare() -com! -bang NRL :call nrrwrgn#LastNrrwRgn() - -" Define the Mapping: "{{{2 -if !hasmapto('NrrwrgnDo') - xmap nr NrrwrgnDo -endif -if !hasmapto('NrrwrgnBangDo') - xmap Nr NrrwrgnBangDo -endif -if !hasmapto('VisualNrrwRgn') - xnoremap