Custom surround.vim ability to wrap #{ruby} variables using s# motion
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
YADR: Yet Another Dotfile Repo
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**Pre-Alpha Preview Release - Please Report Bugs**
# Yet Another Dotfile Repo v0.7alpha
# Alpha Release Please Report Bugs
Warning: These dotfiles are opinionated!
git clone ~/.dotfiles
~/.dotfiles/bin/yadr/yadr init-plugins
# Your dotfiles are safe! YADR will not
# overwrite anything. Please read on for
# install directions!
This is a collection of best of breed tools from across the web,
This is a collection of best of breed tools from across the web,
from scouring other people's dotfile repos, blogs, and projects.
from scouring other people's dotfile repos, blogs, and projects.
@ -42,13 +52,10 @@ Before you start
Coming Soon: gem-based installation
This project uses git submodules for its plugins, but this is handled
This project uses git submodules for its plugins, but this is handled
for you by the **yadr** command. Please run:
for you by the **yadr** command. Please run:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
git clone ~/.dotfiles
~/.dotfiles/bin/yadr/yadr init-plugins
~/.dotfiles/bin/yadr/yadr init-plugins
NOTE: by default, YADR will not touch any of your files. You have to manually
NOTE: by default, YADR will not touch any of your files. You have to manually
@ -155,6 +162,12 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* ,ru - Rails Unittest - synonym for :AV from rails.vim, opens up the corresponding test/spec to the file you're looking for, in a vertical split
* ,ru - Rails Unittest - synonym for :AV from rails.vim, opens up the corresponding test/spec to the file you're looking for, in a vertical split
* \ss to run specs, \ll to run a given spec on a line - using my vim-ruby-conque plugin (
* \ss to run specs, \ll to run a given spec on a line - using my vim-ruby-conque plugin (
Surround.vim customizations
* in plugin/settings/surround.vim (this folder contains all my customizations)
* the # key now surrounds with #{}, so - ysaw# surround around word #{foo}
* = surrounds with <%= erb tag %> and - for <% this %>, so yss= or yss- to wrap code
Search/Code Navigation
Search/Code Navigation
* ,f - instantly Find definition of class (must have exuberant ctags installed)
* ,f - instantly Find definition of class (must have exuberant ctags installed)
@ -170,19 +183,26 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* Cmd-k and Cmd-d to type underscores and dashes (use ), since they are so common in code but so far away from home row
* Cmd-k and Cmd-d to type underscores and dashes (use ), since they are so common in code but so far away from home row
* ; instead of : - avoid Shift for common tasks, just hit semicolon to get to ex mode
* ; instead of : - avoid Shift for common tasks, just hit semicolon to get to ex mode
* ,. to go to last edit location instead of '. because the apostrophe is hard on the pinky
Buffer/Window/Tab Manipulation
Tab Navigation
* ,m - NERDTree toggle
* Cmd-H and Cmd-L - left an right on tabs
* Q - Quit a window, keep buffer alive (Ctrl-w,c)
* Use Cmd-1..Cmd-0 to switch to a specific tab number (like iTerm) - and tabs have been set up to show numbers
Window Navigation
* H L I M - to move left, right, up, down between windows
* Q - Quit a window, keep buffer alive (Ctrl-w,c)
* \Q - Quit window, kill buffer (:bw)
* \Q - Quit window, kill buffer (:bw)
* vv - vertical split (Ctrl-w,v)
* vv - vertical split (Ctrl-w,v)
* ss - horizontal split (Ctrl-w,s)
* ss - horizontal split (Ctrl-w,s)
* H,L,I,M - to move left, right, up, down between windows
* Cmd-H and Cmd-L - left an right on tabs
* ,, to zoom a window to max size and again to unzoom it (ZoomWin standard Ctrl-w,o)
* ,, to zoom a window to max size and again to unzoom it (ZoomWin standard Ctrl-w,o)
* Use Cmd-1..Cmd-0 to switch to a specific tab number (like iTerm) - and tabs have been set up to show numbers
* ,q to close the quickfix and ,oq to open the quickfix (great for lookin at Ack or GitGrep results)
* ,q to close the quickfix and ,oq to open the quickfix (great for lookin at Ack or GitGrep results)
* ,m - NERDTree toggle
@ -238,6 +258,7 @@ Included vim plugins
* yankring - effortless sanity for pasting. every time you yank something it goes into a buffer. after hitting p to paste, use ctrl-p or ctrl-n to cycle through the paste options. great for when you accidentally overwrite your yank with a delete
* surround - super easy quote and tag manipulation - ysiw" - sourround inner word with quotes. ci"' - change inner double quotes to single quotes, etc
* surround - super easy quote and tag manipulation - ysiw" - sourround inner word with quotes. ci"' - change inner double quotes to single quotes, etc
* greplace - use :Gsearch to find across many files, replace inside the changes, then :Greplace to do a replace across all matches
* greplace - use :Gsearch to find across many files, replace inside the changes, then :Greplace to do a replace across all matches
* ConqueTerm - embedded fully colorful shell inside your vim
* ConqueTerm - embedded fully colorful shell inside your vim
@ -252,7 +273,7 @@ Included vim plugins
General enhancements that don't add new commands
General enhancements that don't add new commands
* IndexedSearch - when you do searches will show you "Match 2 of 4" in the status line, nothing new to learn
* IndexedSearch - when you do searches will show you "Match 2 of 4" in the status line
* delimitMate - automatically closes quotes
* delimitMate - automatically closes quotes
* syntastic - automatic syntax checking when you save the file
* syntastic - automatic syntax checking when you save the file
* repeat - adds '.' (repeat command) support for complex commands like surround.vim. i.e. if you perform a surround and hit '.', it will Just Work (vim by default will only repeat the last piece of the complex command)
* repeat - adds '.' (repeat command) support for complex commands like surround.vim. i.e. if you perform a surround and hit '.', it will Just Work (vim by default will only repeat the last piece of the complex command)
@ -270,7 +291,7 @@ YADR comes with a dead simple plugin manager that just uses git submodules, with
You can update all the plugins easily:
You can update all the plugins easily:
Delete a plugin (Coming Soon)
Delete a plugin (Coming Soon)
@ -345,12 +366,9 @@ Please explore these people's work.
* Full migration to tpope's pathogen format (~/.vim/bundle) for all plugins
* Better isolation of customizations in smaller chunks, maybe as plugins
* Better isolation of customizations in smaller chunks, maybe as plugins
* Automatic setup script to symlink all dotfiles, or just some selectively
* Automatic setup script to symlink all dotfiles, or just some selectively
For more tips and tricks
For more tips and tricks
Follow my blog:
Follow my blog:
@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ imap <silent> <D-D> -
" Don't have to use Shift to get into command mode, just hit semicolon
" Don't have to use Shift to get into command mode, just hit semicolon
nnoremap ; :
nnoremap ; :
"Go to last edit location with ,.
nnoremap ,. '.
" ================== rails.vim
" ================== rails.vim
" Open corresponding unittest (or spec), alias for :AV in rails.vim
" Open corresponding unittest (or spec), alias for :AV in rails.vim
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
" via:
" Ruby
" Use v or # to get a variable interpolation (inside of a string)}
" ysiw# Wrap the token under the cursor in #{}
" v...s# Wrap the selection in #{}
let g:surround_113 = "#{\r}" " v
let g:surround_35 = "#{\r}" " #
" Select text in an ERb file with visual mode and then press s- or s=
" Or yss- to do entire line.
let g:surround_45 = "<% \r %>" " -
let g:surround_61 = "<%= \r %>" " =
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