Simplify install: Move font, homebrew installation into rake installer
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
### Install the gem
gem install pry
gem install pry-nav
gem install awesome_print
### Use pry
* as irb: `pry`
* as rails console: `script/console --irb=pry`
* as a debugger: `require 'pry'; binding.pry` in your code (or just type `pry!<space>` to make vim do it)
### Pry Customizations:
* `clear` command to clear screen
* `sql` command to execute something (within a rails console)
* `c` (continue) `n` (next) `s` (step) commands for debugging using pry-nav
* all objects displayed in readable format (colorized, sorted hash keys) - via awesome_print
* a few color modifications to make it more useable
* type `help` to see all the commands
@ -11,10 +11,6 @@
git clone ~/.yadr
git clone ~/.yadr
cd ~/.yadr && rake install
cd ~/.yadr && rake install
# Your dotfiles are safe! YADR will not
# overwrite anything. Please read on for
# install directions!
This is a collection of best of breed tools from across the web,
This is a collection of best of breed tools from across the web,
from scouring other people's dotfile repos, blogs, and projects.
from scouring other people's dotfile repos, blogs, and projects.
@ -28,17 +24,9 @@ from scouring other people's dotfile repos, blogs, and projects.
* Avoid stressful hand motions, e.g. remap Esc to caps lock key, remap underscore to Alt-k in vim, make window management in vim easy.
* Avoid stressful hand motions, e.g. remap Esc to caps lock key, remap underscore to Alt-k in vim, make window management in vim easy.
* Easy to use plugin architecture, no config files to edit.
* Easy to use plugin architecture, no config files to edit.
* Pick one tool and use it everywhere: vim-ize everything
* Pick one tool and use it everywhere: vim-ize everything
* **NEW Beautiful, easy to read and small vimrc**
* Beautiful, easy to read and small vimrc**
* **NEW No key overrides or custom hackery in vimrc, everything in well factored snippets in .vim/plugin/settings**
* No key overrides or custom hackery in vimrc, everything in well factored snippets in .vim/plugin/settings**
* Much larger list of vim plugins than Janus, specifically geared to Ruby/Rails/Git development.
## Why is this not a fork of Janus?
Janus is an amazing _first effort_ to deliver a ready-to-use vim setup and is a huge inspiration to us all.
**However as any first effort, it paves the way to improvements:**
* Much larger list of vim plugins, specifically geared to Ruby/Rails/Git development.
* Optimized support for MacVim only means less things will break because we don't worry about linux or gvim.
* Optimized support for Solarized color scheme only, everything guaranteed to Look Good. Your eyes will thank you.
* Optimized support for Solarized color scheme only, everything guaranteed to Look Good. Your eyes will thank you.
* All plugins tested with Solarized and custom color maps provided where needed to ensure your eyes will not bleed.
* All plugins tested with Solarized and custom color maps provided where needed to ensure your eyes will not bleed.
* No configuration file to maintain. YADR uses tiny ruby scripts to wrap git submodule maintenance.
* No configuration file to maintain. YADR uses tiny ruby scripts to wrap git submodule maintenance.
@ -46,79 +34,10 @@ Janus is an amazing _first effort_ to deliver a ready-to-use vim setup and is a
* All keymaps and customization in small, easy to maintain files under .vim/plugin/settings
* All keymaps and customization in small, easy to maintain files under .vim/plugin/settings
* More than just vim plugins - great shell aliases, osx, and irb/pry tweaks to make you more productive.
* More than just vim plugins - great shell aliases, osx, and irb/pry tweaks to make you more productive.
## Screenshot
## Screenshot


# Installation
## Before you start
For the love of all that is holy, stop abusing your hands!
Remap caps-lock to escape:
## Debugging vim keymappings
This is so useful, it needs to be at the top. If you are having unexpected behavior, wondering why a particular key works the way it does,
use: `:map [keycombo]` (e.g. `:map <C-\>`) to see what the key is mapped to. For bonus points, you can see where the mapping was set by using `:verbose map [keycombo]`.
If you omit the key combo, you'll get a list of all the maps. You can do the same thing with nmap, imap, vmap, etc.
## Dependencies
YADR is opinionated. To get the most out of using it, you should install
all the software it depends on.
### Patched fonts for Vim-Powerline
Please install fonts from fonts/ directory. These are used to give a really nice vim status line.
### [Homebrew](
Homebrew is _the missing package manager for OSX_. To install:
/usr/bin/ruby <(curl -fsSk
With homebrew installed, install some packages:
brew install ack ctags git hub macvim
### Ruby Debugger
This gem is used to give you visual IDE-style debugging within vim, combined
with the vim-ruby-debugger plugin:
gem install ruby-debug-ide
### [ctags](
Vim will complain every time you save a file if you do not have ctags installed correctly. We
assume you have installed ctags via homebrew. If you have homebrew setup correctly running
`which ctags` should output `/usr/local/bin/ctags`. If you get something else do this:
Make sure `/usr/local/bin` is before `/usr/bin` in your PATH.
If that doesn't work, move the OSX supplied ctags [like so](
sudo mv /usr/bin/ctags /usr/bin/ctags_original
### [fasd](
fasd gives you handy shell commands `f`,`a`,`s`,`d`, and `z` to jump to recently used files.
Read more at the project's home page. Or just type `z` followed by a partial reference to
a recent directory to see how it works.
fasd is currently shipped with yadr in the bin directory.
In the future it will be included as a submodule.
## Installation
Installation is automated via `rake` and the `yadr` command. To get
Installation is automated via `rake` and the `yadr` command. To get
started please run:
started please run:
@ -128,13 +47,9 @@ git clone ~/.yadr
cd ~/.yadr && rake install
cd ~/.yadr && rake install
Open the fonts in fonts/ and click Install Font for every font that you want.
You must install Inconsolata to have YADR's powerline theme work correctly out of the box.
Note: YADR will not destroy any of your files unless you tell it to.
Note: YADR will not destroy any of your files unless you tell it to.
### Upgrading
## Upgrading
Upgrading is easy.
Upgrading is easy.
@ -144,8 +59,39 @@ git pull origin master
rake install
rake install
# What's included, and how to customize?
## ZSH
Read on to learn what YADR provides!
## Public service announcement: stop abusing your hands!
[Remap caps-lock to escape](
The escape key is the single most used key in vim.
Old keyboards used to have Ctrl where caps lock is today. But it's even better if you put escape there.
If you're hitting a small target in the corner, you are slowing yourself down considerably, and probably damaging your hands with repetitive strain injuries.
### [Homebrew](
Homebrew is _the missing package manager for OSX_. Installed automatically.
We automatically install a few useful packages including ack, ctags, git, and hub
You can install macvim from brew as well, or download it from their website.
brew install ack ctags git hub macvim
### Ruby Debugger
This gem is optonal and not included. It's used to give you visual IDE-style debugging within vim, combined
with the vim-ruby-debugger plugin. To install:
gem install ruby-debug-ide
### ZSH
After a lifetime of bash, I am now using ZSH as my default shell because of its awesome globbing
After a lifetime of bash, I am now using ZSH as my default shell because of its awesome globbing
and autocomplete features (the spelling fixer autocomplete is worth the money alone).
and autocomplete features (the spelling fixer autocomplete is worth the money alone).
@ -189,48 +135,23 @@ echo "prompt skwp" > ~/.zsh.after/prompt.zsh
Next time you load your shell, this file will be read and your prompt will be the skwp prompt. Use `prompt -l` to see the available prompts.
Next time you load your shell, this file will be read and your prompt will be the skwp prompt. Use `prompt -l` to see the available prompts.
### ZSH Customizations
### Included ZSH Customizations
* Vim mode
* Vim mode
* Bash style ctrl-R for reverse history finder
* Bash style ctrl-R for reverse history finder
* Ctrl-x,Ctrl-l to insert output of last command
* Ctrl-x,Ctrl-l to insert output of last command
* Fuzzy matching - if you mistype a directory name, tab completion will fix it
* Fuzzy matching - if you mistype a directory name, tab completion will fix it
* [fasd]( integration - hit `z` and partial match for recently used directory. Tab completion enabled.
* Syntax highlighting as you type commands
* Lots more!
## Pry
### [Pry](
Pry offers a much better out of the box IRB experience with colors, tab completion, and lots of other tricks. You can also use it
as an actual debugger on MRI 1.9.2+ by installing [pry-debugger](
Pry ( offers a much better out of the box IRB experience
[Learn more about YADR's pry customizations and how to install](
with colors, tab completion, and lots of other tricks. You can also use it
as an actual debugger by installing pry-nav ( to
get colorized debugging that shows you where you are as you step through.
You should:
### Git User Info
### Install the gem
gem install pry
gem install pry-nav
gem install awesome_print
### Use pry
* as irb: `pry`
* as rails console: `script/console --irb=pry`
* as a debugger: `require 'pry'; binding.pry` in your code (or just type `pry!<space>` to make vim do it)
### Pry Customizations:
* `clear` command to clear screen
* `sql` command to execute something (within a rails console)
* `c` (continue) `n` (next) `s` (step) commands for debugging using pry-nav
* all objects displayed in readable format (colorized, sorted hash keys) - via awesome_print
* a few color modifications to make it more useable
* type `help` to see all the commands
## Git
### User Info
Since the gitconfig doesn't contain the user info, I recommend using env variables. Put the following in
Since the gitconfig doesn't contain the user info, I recommend using env variables. Put the following in
your `~/.secrets` file which is automatically referenced by the provided zshrc:
your `~/.secrets` file which is automatically referenced by the provided zshrc:
@ -258,16 +179,16 @@ your `~/.secrets` file which is automatically referenced by the provided zshrc:
* Slightly improved colors for diff
* Slightly improved colors for diff
* `git unstage` (remove from index) and `git uncommit` (revert to the time prior to the last commit - dangerous if already pushed) aliases
* `git unstage` (remove from index) and `git uncommit` (revert to the time prior to the last commit - dangerous if already pushed) aliases
## RubyGems
### RubyGems
A .gemrc is included. Never again type `gem install whatever --no-ri --no-rdoc`. `--no-ri --no-rdoc` is done by default.
A .gemrc is included. Never again type `gem install whatever --no-ri --no-rdoc`. `--no-ri --no-rdoc` is done by default.
## Vimization of everything
### Vimization of everything
The provided inputrc and editrc will turn your various command line tools like mysql and irb into vim prompts. There's
The provided inputrc and editrc will turn your various command line tools like mysql and irb into vim prompts. There's
also an included Ctrl-R reverse history search feature in editrc, very useful in irb.
also an included Ctrl-R reverse history search feature in editrc, very useful in irb.
## Vim Configuration
### Vim Configuration
The .vimrc is well commented and broken up by settings. I encourage you
The .vimrc is well commented and broken up by settings. I encourage you
to take a look and learn some of my handy aliases, or comment them out
to take a look and learn some of my handy aliases, or comment them out
@ -280,6 +201,13 @@ The files in vim/plugin/settings are customizations stored on a per-plugin
basis. The main keymap is available in skwp-keymap.vim, but some of the vim
basis. The main keymap is available in skwp-keymap.vim, but some of the vim
files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-keymap.vim)
files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-keymap.vim)
### Debugging vim keymappings
If you are having unexpected behavior, wondering why a particular key works the way it does,
use: `:map [keycombo]` (e.g. `:map <C-\>`) to see what the key is mapped to. For bonus points, you can see where the mapping was set by using `:verbose map [keycombo]`.
If you omit the key combo, you'll get a list of all the maps. You can do the same thing with nmap, imap, vmap, etc.
#### Navigation
#### Navigation
* `,z` - go to previous buffer (:bp)
* `,z` - go to previous buffer (:bp)
@ -444,7 +372,7 @@ files contain key mappings as well (TODO: probably will move them out to skwp-ke
* AnsiEsc - inteprets ansi color codes inside log files. great for looking at Rails logs
* AnsiEsc - inteprets ansi color codes inside log files. great for looking at Rails logs
* solarized - a color scheme scientifically calibrated for awesomeness (including skwp mods for ShowMarks)
* solarized - a color scheme scientifically calibrated for awesomeness (including skwp mods for ShowMarks)
* csapprox - helps colors to be represented correctly on terminals (even though we expect to use MacVim)
* csapprox - helps colors to be represented correctly on terminals (even though we expect to use MacVim)
* Powerline - beautiful vim status bar. Requires patched fonts (install from fonts/ directory)
* Powerline - beautiful vim status bar. Requires patched fonts (installed from fonts/ directory)
#### Coding
#### Coding
@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ task :install => [:submodules] do
puts "be overwritten without your consent."
puts "be overwritten without your consent."
puts "======================================================"
puts "======================================================"
# this has all the runcoms from this directory.
# this has all the runcoms from this directory.
file_operation(Dir.glob('git/*')) if want_to_install?('git configs (color, aliases)')
file_operation(Dir.glob('git/*')) if want_to_install?('git configs (color, aliases)')
file_operation(Dir.glob('irb/*')) if want_to_install?('irb/pry configs (more colorful)')
file_operation(Dir.glob('irb/*')) if want_to_install?('irb/pry configs (more colorful)')
@ -21,12 +24,18 @@ task :install => [:submodules] do
desc "Init and update submodules."
desc "Init and update submodules."
task :submodules do
task :submodules do
puts "======================================================"
puts "Downloading YADR submodules...please wait"
puts "======================================================"
sh('git submodule update --init --recursive')
sh('git submodule update --init --recursive')
task :default => 'install'
task :default => 'install'
@ -39,6 +48,30 @@ def run(cmd)
`#{cmd}` unless ENV['DEBUG']
`#{cmd}` unless ENV['DEBUG']
def install_homebrew
puts "======================================================"
puts "Installing Homebrew, the OSX package manager...If it's"
puts "already installed, this will do nothing."
puts "======================================================"
run %{ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL"}
puts "======================================================"
puts "Installing Homebrew packages...There may be some warnings."
puts "======================================================"
run %{brew install ack ctags git hub}
def install_fonts
puts "======================================================"
puts "Installing patched fonts for Powerline."
puts "======================================================"
run %{ cp -f $HOME/.yadr/fonts/* $HOME/Library/Fonts }
def install_prezto
def install_prezto
puts "Installing Prezto (ZSH Enhancements)..."
puts "Installing Prezto (ZSH Enhancements)..."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user